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Getting Travis-CI to work with a PHP Project

First off, Travis CI is only usable through github. It’s a great service that allows tests to be run before pull requests are merged, helping to ensure code stability. It’s a very new service, and PHP support is in flux. Almost daily information changes. So I fear this will be outdated tomorrow. Regardless, I wanted to get this written down.

The magic all happens in the .travis.yml file. It’s a config file that tells travis what to run. It only has a few sections, but they can be tricky. Here is the example .travis.yml for PHP:

language: php

# list any PHP version you want to test against
  # using major version aliases

  # aliased to 5.2.17
  - 5.2
  # aliased to a recent 5.3.x version
  - 5.3
  # aliased to a recent 5.4.x version
  - 5.4

# optionally specify a list of environments, for example to test different RDBMS
  - DB=mysql
  - DB=pgsql

# execute any number of scripts before the test run, custom env's are available as variables
  - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS hello_world_test;" -U postgres; fi
  - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "create database hello_world_test;" -U postgres; fi
  - if [[ "$DB" == "mysql" ]]; then mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS hello_world_test;" -uroot; fi

# omitting "script:" will default to phpunit
# use the $DB env variable to determine the phpunit.xml to use
script: phpunit --configuration phpunit_$DB.xml --coverage-text

# configure notifications (email, IRC, campfire etc)
  irc: ""

Not included libs

Currently this will not work. Their phpunit is requiring libraries that aren’t included in the vm that’s created. Regardless of if your project is using these libraries:

  # everything after this point is needed to just use phpunit
  - pear channel-discover
  - pear install phpunit/PHP_Invoker
  - pear install phpunit/DbUnit
  - pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium
  - pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Story

Database usage

I use mysql currently. The problem I hit was you can create users, but you can’t grant them privilages. So you HAVE to use the default root user with no password.

  - DB=mysql

# execute any number of scripts before the test run, custom env's are available as variables
  - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE `quizmo_dev`;'
  # The following is fine, but travis won't allow granting privilages
  # - mysql -e "CREATE USER 'quizmo_dev'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'quizmo_dev';"
  # - mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'quizmo_dev'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;"
  # migrating adds all tables
  - quizmo/protected/yiic migrate --interactive=0

Notifications don’t work

I’m assuming this is something they’ll fix soon. I’m just trying to use email notifications — but it never sends an email.

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