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Rendering templates obsolete?

There’s an interesting discussion on github today (courtesy of javascript weekly) about whether rendering templates and template engines in general are obsolete in today’s javascript-heavy applications. This topic seems to come up periodically, although the idea hasn’t really taken off. I think the first time I came across it was in the seaside framework, which is great by the way. I don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other, so I’ll be interested to see how the discussion develops.

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Using Smarty variables inside Javascript

I looked for appropriate answers for this on the smarty site, and the resounding answer was escaping javascript’s {}s with {literal}’s

Smarty template vars and Javascript functions
How to use Javascript codes in template files?
Access Smarty value with javascript

They basically all say to do something like this:

// $question_ids_json = ["1","2","3","4","5"]
	var question_ids = {/literal}{$question_ids_json}{literal};


So they want to put everything in a literal tag, and then basically escape that literal tag when smarty needs to be used.

I didn’t like this, so I put the value in a hidden input and then just retrieved that input in the javascript, thereby keeping the js clean of smarty shenanigans:

<input type="hidden" id="question_ids" value='{$question_ids_json}'/>

	//var question_ids = {$question_ids_json};
	var question_ids = eval($('#question_ids').val());


But this is just a matter of personal preference.