Fight The Powers That Be

Or Why Media Conglomeration Is Bad For Democracy

I’ve viewed all the previews of Outfoxed and am ordering the DVD and am now back on the topic of Media Conglomeration. This looks like an excellent expose on how Fox manipulates information and minds under the guise of “journalism.” But the real interesting thing here is how the “small media” is working to spread the truth that the “big media” wants to distort/control/repress. I’ve said this before, but I do fear regulation that will take away our “underground” media as well (it’s only a small percentage of citizens who are actually plugged into this internet stuff).

More related posts on Wonkette and Mediocracy.

Serendipitously, (is that a word?) here’s the reason why we need a diverse and broad-based press with lots of outlets: (from today’s NYT) 40 Years Later, Civil Rights Makes Page One, about a Lexington, KY newspaper, The Herald-Leader, that printed front-page articles and previously unpublished photos “describing how the newspapers — The Herald in the morning and The Leader in the afternoon — virtually ignored the civil rights movement in Lexington.”

How does distortion of the truth happen? Management (or other powers that be) puts pressure on individuals based on economic and social repercussions (or management… see Fox internal memos). Editors, journalists, (analysts, accountants, federal agents too) don’t want to lose their jobs and their ability to support their families ($$$$)… we all make little concessions everyday (not just media folk, but everywhere). We’re afraid of losing job for dissenting views. (It’s getting scary … even Elton John thinks so).
If you think so too, do something. Contact your congressperson, or join Free Press.

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