Law Firms Feel Strain of Layoffs and Cutbacks

Just a quick article pointer to NYTimes story… wanted to add it to the mix.

Law Firms Feel Strain of Layoffs and Cutbacks

Published: November 12, 2008
Some established firms have collapsed outright, others are laying off by the hundreds, and others still are seeking mergers with larger firms to try and weather the storm.

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Posted in Law Firm Marketing
2 comments on “Law Firms Feel Strain of Layoffs and Cutbacks
  1. Matthew says:

    I still see thousands of high paying legal jobs on –

    Good luck to those looking.

  2. Amy: As employees are handed pink slips, an employer like a law firm, a bank or a brokerage may be prudent to retain their e-mail records. The records are a valuable asset to the employer. –Ben