Leadership in an Obama administration

The Obama campaign has a unique opportunity to show us what leadership in his Internet-savvy administration might look like. Americans are panicking now over the crisis on Wall Street, panicking but completely at a loss as to what we should do. This is Obama’s chance to show us real leadership through running a serious of Web spots and TV ads that:

  • Explain, in simple English, what is happening on Wall Street, and how that affects Main Street;
  • Use graphics and Ross Perot charts to illustrate rather than use words;
  • Outline the options, and the pluses and minuses of each one in as non-partisan way as possible;
  • Do it in the calm, serene, and non-partisan manner in which Obama excels — and which the citizenry really need right now.

This would:

  • Assert high-minded leadership at a time when everyone else is embroiled in politics;
  • Demonstrate Obama’s belief that we are mature and intelligent;
  • Spread like wildfire — because we are all desperate for answers, and no one — including the MSM — is giving us any.

Obama has run a spectacular, Internet-infused grassroots campaign for the Presidency. I’m ready to see how that translates into leadership and governance.

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