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How Social Networks Shape Human Behavior…and Vice Versa – 10/17


MIT’s Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland will explore how increased productivity and creative output are key to understanding how social networks – face-to-face and digital – shape the behavior of both employees and customers. Through the `big data’ collected by his research group via sensors, they are able to measure the behavior of hundreds of people over long periods of time, and build models that provide accurate predictions of human decision making across a wide range of scales…team, organization, and even city. These models can also be used to more effectively shape social behaviors. Sandy’s team proved this when they won DARPA’s 40th Anniversary Internet Grand Challenge.

via How Social Networks Shape Human Behavior…and Vice Versa – Eventbrite.

Anonymizing Personal Data: Three Case Studies and a Funeral — 9/29



Future of Music Policy Summit 2011 – 10/3-4


The Future of Music Policy Summit 2011 will bring together incredible array of musicians, arts advocates, policymakers, technologists, media representatives and industry figures to discuss issues at the intersection of music, technology, policy and law. Attendees will examine current trends while looking ahead to a sustainable, 21st century music ecosystem that rewards creators and fans.

via Future of Music Policy Summit 2011 | Future of Music Coalition.

Civic Media Session: “Mapping Media Ecosystems” – 11/2


This session looks beyond platforms to explore the concept of media ecosystems. How do we understand, map, visualize, and ultimately shape the flow of texts across an increasingly diverse and complex media ecosystem? What are the relationships between professional and citizen, participatory and broadcast media? How do we understand what people are encountering, both in terms of supply (tools like Media Cloud that examine what’s published) and demand (tracking/logging efforts that look at individual or group consumption?

via Civic Media Session: “Mapping Media Ecosystems” | MIT Center for Civic Media.

Launch of Black Voices for Internet Freedom – 9/23


Join us for a panel discussion that will explore the potential impacts of these developments, mark the launch of Black Voices for Internet Freedom and celebrate the success of Latinos for Internet Freedom.

via Launch of Black Voices for Internet Freedom |

WFMU Radiovision Festival – 10/28-30


WFMU presents a festival celebrating radio’s future as it takes on new forms in the digital age for the medium’s fans, tinkerers and future thinkers. A special opening night performance with Radio Legend Joe Frank, a day of talks, panel discussions and performances, and a hack day for programmers and digital media makers.

via WFMU Radiovision Festival.

Building Digital Commons – 1/0/29-30


* Stress the makers & doers approach – To increase the visibility and address the specificities of collaborative communities around the building of digitals commons (at the local and international level) as part of the overall free culture and digital commons movement.

via Building Digital Commons.

IP/Innovation Connection | Northeastern University School of Law – 9/26-27


This conference will bring together innovators, scholars, entrepreneurs, investors, policy shapers and others — each with a different perspective — to discuss the desired and real effects of intellectual property (IP) on innovation. What is the incentive effect of IP and how does it vary? When does IP encourage innovation? When does IP serve as an impediment or inhibitor? How do the answers vary depending on market, strategy or firm size? How do we ‘get it right’ for the future innovation economy?

via IP/Innovation Connection | Northeastern University School of Law.

Silicon Valley Human Rights Conference 10/25-26


A conference examining and exploring how the high-tech industry can better plan for and manage the human rights implications of their technologies. It is an outcome-oriented event, centered on private roundtables and public sessions, that will bring information and communications technology (ICT) entrepreneurs, executives, and engineers together with policy analysts, human rights specialists and technologists. The conference is sponsored by Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Skype and Mozilla, amongst others, and held with partners from the civil society sector.

via Event Info.

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