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RIAA v. The People, Now in Blog Form

Via Brad Hill comes this new blog:

“I am a lawyer in New York City. I am a member of Beldock Levine & Hoffman LLP.

“Through the Electronic Frontier Foundation I and my firm have undertaken to represent people in our area who have been sued by the Recording Industry of American (RIAA) for having computers whose internet accounts were used to open up peer-to-peer file sharing accounts.

“I find these cases to be oppressive and unfair, as large law firms financed by the recording industry sue ordinary working people for thousands of dollars.

“I have set up this blog in order to collect evidence and input about these oppressive lawsuits.”
He is apparently representing the White Plains woman who’s refusing to settle her case.

3 Responses to “RIAA v. The People, Now in Blog Form”

  1. puddy
    August 28th, 2005 | 4:18 am

    oppressive and unfair – I agree – also add corporate greed and control.

  2. icecow
    August 28th, 2005 | 4:27 am

    Auto makers calculate that a life is worth about 5 million dollars. People shoulder this figure every time they get in their car to go to work.

    From what I understand the RIAA wants $150,000 per an infringement.

    The RIAA puts the value of a life equal to the infringement of two music CDs.

  3. LilBambi
    August 28th, 2005 | 11:56 pm

    Thanks for being there! Just found your blog through BoingBoing.

    It is hard to believe that this even went to court after reading through everything. I wish Patricia and her lawyers good luck!