My Tumblr Blender Blog

Jar of Green Smoothie

Earlier this week I created a tumblr blog — David Blends. There, I’m posting pictures of smoothies, soup, and other things that I make with my Vitamix blender. Every time I make something interesting in the Vitamix, I’ll post a picture and a brief description.

Over the summer, I participated in a smoothie cleanse and a 10 day green smoothie challenge during which time I had to drink at least one green smoothie a day and post a picture on facebook as proof. The 10 day green smoothie challenge was a great motivator. I’m hoping that publicly sharing my creations will also help me consume more green smoothies.

Part of my motivation was also to experiment with tumblr. I’d know of tumblr, of course, but hadn’t previously had a reason to use the service. So far, it seems like an excellent platform for posting images and commentary.

I may still have the occasional post here about blended creations. But unless something is especially interesting, I’m likely to post exclusively to the Tumblr.

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6 thoughts on “My Tumblr Blender Blog

  1. Smoothies are delicious and healthy. I make my smoothie with just water, fruit and vegetables. No further additions. Green smoothiescontribute to a healthy and balanced diet. You get a feeling of energy, are good for your skin. Furthermore, they contribute to the prevention of ailments and diseases. Green vegetables are important for the prevention of some types of cancer. Smoothies are easily incorporated into your diet, I think therefore that we should consume more smoothies. What do you think?

  2. Thanks for sharing this, it’s really interesting, how did you get on with your 10 day challenge? I also did a green smoothies cleanse a while back and lost about 14lbs over two weeks. I now use all sorts of smoothies and fresh blended soup to maintain a healthy diet and to keep my weight in check. I’ll be looking forward to your updates and taking some inspiration from your photos and experiments with different smoothies and soups. Big thumbs up!

  3. nice blog!

    i also tried to make green smoothies they are delicious at least they taste better then they look. im trying to get my friends on em but they get scarred by the green look of the smoothie.
    keep it up men greetz from holland

  4. Hi,
    I love green smoothies. They are filled with vitamins and this way you easily eat more than 200 grams of vegetables a day.

    It is also great for kids who don’t like to eat their vegetables at supper. Mine doens’t like vegetables at supper too but now she drinks 2 glasses of green smoothie every other day (one day yes, next day no) and she loves it.


  5. Indeed it is great going for a 10 day green smoothie challenge especially if you are not the veggie type. If you can add a little juice that is well blended to your daily diet, then I can assure you that you will not only look good in shape but you will feel very healthy.

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