CISPA roundup

EFFLast week, while most of us were busy watching the Boston Marathon bombing events unfold, an icky bill called CISPA, or HR264was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, with enormous lobbying help from IBM and other industrial giants. There are lots of angles on why CISPA is a Bad Thing (see the link pile below for a small sample); but I like the way Joe Andrieu puts it best. He says CISPA “explicitly allows companies to ignore their privacy agreements in the name of cybersecurity,” adding,

This is Regulatory capture of the worst kind. Please get the word out. Fight this thing.

If we can’t even depend on the blatantly one-sided Terms of Service and Privacy Policies of our service providers, entire fields of solutions evaporate.  Efforts to improve, fix, clarify, negotiate or automate the privacy and service agreements will be essentially worthless if Congress is willing to give corporations a free pass.

“Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a self-protected entity may, for cybersecurity purposes … share such cyber threat information with any other entity, including the Federal Government.”

Enshrining corporate protections like this in law isn’t just a privacy problem. It undermines the very notion of contract as a mechanism for constructing agreements in a free society. This is unaccepatble.

Fight CISPA. Call your senator. Call the white house. Blog it. Tweet it. Repost this. Tell everyone. 

The EFF is on the case. To take their lead, start here.

Bonus link pile:

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One response to “CISPA roundup”

  1. Thank you for sharing this Doc. When this type of stuff happens in our Government, it makes me disappointed in the country I live in.

    What happened to “thinking” before even considering this type of legislation? Further, why do we keep thinking that “more laws” are necessary? Further than that… why can’t companies, and people, just do the right damn thing?

    Is it that complicated to at least attempt to do the right thing?

    I bring up these frustrations, because something like CISPA shouldn’t have made it past the “idea” stage. It’s wrong on multiple fronts.

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