Freshman Orientation Covers Intellectual Property

Across the country as students show up on college campuses, an
increasingly common component of orientation is a lesson on copyrights,
possible infringements using technology, and the potential
repercussions. It isn’t always successful.

“This isn’t going to stop me from downloading anything,” whispered Samuel Hicks, 19, an incoming American University freshman from Creston, Calif.

from the Washington Post

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One Response to Freshman Orientation Covers Intellectual Property

  1. I’m not totally into video games and I absolutely loved this movie. The style and feel and the wittiness of this movie just made everything for me. It also helped with the eye popping visual eye candy going for it. Though? I’m not into gaming culture, it was still so much fun to watch and I got into it and loved every minute of it. I would absolutely recommend Scott Pilgrim.

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