Government Diversity Study Censored

The Justice Department recently released a commissioned report on
diversity among its attorneys. Half of its 186 pages were blacked out.

blacked-out pages betray a Justice Department that does not want America
to know what happens after people are hired. The full report is available
on a Web site called the Memory
, which electronically lifted the
blacked-out sections. Among the conclusions of the full report were:

"When controlling for component, grade, and salary, we found that the
average minority is currently residing approximately one-third step lower
than the average white and the average woman is currently residing approximately
one-half step lower than the average man. These effects are statistically

The sections on "stereotyping," "racial and gender tension," "harassment
behavior," and "mentoring," were completely blacked out.

Deleted was a paragraph that showed that about 20 percent of lawyers
of color say they have personally experienced racial harassment at the
department. Deleted was the fact that only 53 percent of attorneys of
color felt that the promotion process was fair with respect to color
compared with 87 percent of white attorneys. Deleted was the fact that
60 percent of women felt that the promotion process was fair with regards
to gender, compared with 81 percent of men.

Derrick Z Jackson in
the Boston Globe

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