Gen-Mod Animal of the Day


Worried about Mad Cow disease? The Dowbrigade’s student’s are downright terrified, to the point that they refuse to eat beef while in the US. God knows what horror stories their worried Asian mamas heard that they passed on to their offspring abroad, but we have tried to do our part by describing in excruciating detail and elegant English the effects of Accute Infectious Bovine Encephalitis, as well as currect code on slaughterhouse higene and animal feed manufacture. An informed student body keeps its mind focused on the task at hand.

But never fear, the US is much too bloodthirsty to forego red meat, and so the industry is frantically working on plans to introduce alternatives, should beef become truly inedible or overwhelmingly unappetizing. Buffalo, Ox, Camel, Llama and, yes, Zebra are being bred in secret stockyards, as scientists and marketing specialists compare strengths and weaknesses.

The particular breed of Zebra pictured above has the additional advantage of being easy to track, stock and transport, due to its unique bar-code coloring scheme. The computerized records following each animal from stud to slaughter would avoid embarassing lapses like the current inability to trace the trajectory of the original American Mad Cow.

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