Legends of Ancash 2

pair of Andean musicians hurry across the square, late for a party

Origins of the Land
An introduction to the Legends of Ancash can be seen HERE)

In the beginning of things, all that
existed was smoke

From the smoke was born the earth

Inside of the Earth lived the Waris.

The Waris were very powerful. They blew so hard that the surface of the
planet was inflated, and the Andes were created.

In the interstices of the mountain ranges, snakes of smoke appeared which
became a race of uncommonly tall red men upon reaching the surface.

These men wore no clothes. They had huge teeth and loved war.

The constant warfare of the Waris incensed Heaven, to such a degree that
war was declared between Heaven and Earth.. It was during this time that
the enormous Huaylas mountain range was split in two, creating the Huaylas

The diluvial rains that followed drowned everything and the waters also
reached the land of the Waris.

The Waris traveled to the East. They settled in the territories of Chavin,
Maranon and
Wakrachuko. But with the passing of time this race of giants degenerated,
converting into men, plants and animals.

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