Hurt Hand, Hand Hurts

Dowbrigade has somehow wrecked up his hand, which is swolen and painful
to the point of inoperability. The curious thing is that we cannot remember
any traumatic incident which could have produced such an injury; we did
not punch a wall, or a person, or catch it in a car door, or an elevator
shake hands with any power-lifters or macho republicans, pet any sharks
or elephants, catch any 100 mph fastballs or bags of gold trickling down
from above. Yet our right ring finger is swollen like a sausage and painful
as a porcupine butt-massager. Tomorrow a doctor will tell us what exactly
we have done this time.

Luckily, we can still copy and paste. Commenntary may be
limited for a while. Stay tuned….

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2 Responses to Hurt Hand, Hand Hurts

  1. jjdaley says:

    Spider bite?

  2. tereza says:

    1,2,3,4,5…. 1,2,3,4,5…6…6?

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