Bloody Sox

A magic night of baseball in the Bronx. This was our kind of baseball
game; 9 well-played innings, a crisp 3 hours and 45 minutes, bizarre,
controversial plays, Sox stained red with blood, enraged Yankees fans pelting the field with refuse,
riot police lining the Yankee Stadium field, and, in the end, a Red
Sox victory. If the Sox can pull this one out even John Kerry has a

Tonight. How’s that sound? Tonight. There’s going to be some baseball
played in Yankee Stadium tonight.

Here’s one thing we know: Tonight won’t be just any night.

Thanks to Schilling, the Red Sox already have made themselves a little
history. With their 4-2 victory over the Yankees last night, they have
done what 25 previous teams placed in an 0-3 series coffin never had
done. They have won three straight. A game whose very concept was a
total abstract last Saturday night is now going to be played.

The Yanks
and Red Sox have won three games apiece in the American League Championship
Series. For the second year in a row, the AL champion will be decided
at Yankee Stadium, and for the winner there will be no morning star,
only a long night of celebration.

for all of you fans outside the Boston area, here is the coverage from the
Boston Globe

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