Don’t Get Him Started on Che and the Old Gang

HAVANA (Reuters) – President Fidel Castro has given
Cuban women some good news on International Women’s Day: rice cookers
are coming to every household.

In a five-hour 45-minute speech to cheering women on Tuesday night, the Cuban
leader announced 100,000 pressure cookers and rice cookers would be available
each month at subsidized prices.

"Those of you who like rice cookers, raise your hands," Castro said
to applause from hundreds of women. The 78-year-old leader spent two hours talking
about the merits of pressure cookers.

This is not just a Fidel thing. Latins in general can be extrememly
long-winded. It’s part of their charm. Asians, by comparison, seem incredibly
taciturn. A Japanese lawyer in one of my classes, asked to explain
Due Process, thought a moment, then said "same-same", by which he meant
that people in the same situation must be treated in the same manner,
which is exactly correct. On the other hand, a Latin American student
with a functional vocabulary of 50 words, when asked why he is late,
can go on for two hours, easy, and without ever getting to the point.
Still, two hours talking about the merits of pressure cookers, in this
day and age, is amazing.

from Yahoo News

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