Comic of the Day


Having been enlightened to the danger of posting these
subversive comics without critical editorial commentary (thanks carpundit),
we will try to give a brief summary of our position vis-a-vis the issues
raised by today’s comic.

Personally, the Dowbrigade would place the three lampooned
figures from the comic in the following order, in terms of their direct
responsibility for the vanquishing of the Soviet Union; Pope John Paul
II first, Gorbachev next, and the better-to-be-lucky-than-good Great
Communicator last.  But
more than any of them, we credit Little Richard, the Who, and the whole
Rock and Roll ethos.  Not so much the music itself, but the Rock
‘n Roll attitude, the MTV flash and hook, the allure of ritualized rebellion,
conspicuous consumption, and kick-out-the-jams headlong hedonistic abandon.  What
soulless, Godless, humorless totalitarian state could hope to stand up
to that rabid howl, baying at the moon, mooning the authorities, running
and baked though the streets and squares? Certainly not the gone but
not forgotten ghost of Carl Marx.

from Ted

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2 Responses to Comic of the Day

  1. Carl Rove says:

    Personally, I credit Carpundit for having ended the Cold War and for most other positive political developments over the past fifty years. Please keep it up.

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