Latest Barrage in Browser Wars

news from the front in the Search Wars, and it’s good.Today’s
Boston Globe
claims that Yahoo now does almost as many searches
per day as Google! Here’s
hoping nobody wins this one soon, as both contestants keep rolling out
powerful new technologies and features on a weekly basis. Our personal
favorite among recent additions is Google’s arial mapping which lets
us plan operations in previously unvisisted terrain. Yahoo had a good comeback in the pickup of Flickr. A win-win situation.
Let the searchers decide.

Search query market share has remained
relatively steady
over the past 15 months,
with Google
36.4 percent
Yahoo 30.6
in March, the most recent figures available, according to the ComScore
Networks research firm.

In that same 15-month period, Yahoo has been rolling out a product
or service nearly every month in a bid to move the needle. They include
desktop search,
image search, mobile search, video search, local search, travel search,
an anti-spyware toolbar, and, through the acquisition of Flickr, a photo-sharing
blogging tool.

from the Boston Globe

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