Godzilla Croc Found in Argentina, Che

BEIJING, Nov. 11 (Xinhuanet) — In the
Jurassic era when dinosaurs ruled the earth, a 13-foot monster crocodile
nicknamed "Godzilla" might be the king of sea, described scientists

Totally unique among marine crocodiles, "it is one of the most evolved members
of the crocodilian family and also one of the most bizarre," said Diego
Pol, a paleontologist at Ohio State University in Columbus, who served on the
research team.

Alerted by a group of farmers who stumbled across several fragments, a team of
paleontologists led by Zulma Gasparini of Argentina’s La Plata University collected
a skull and parts of a vertebrae of the animal in the Argentine province of Neuquen
in 1996.

from the Xinhua

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