Japan Raked by Tsunami – Boston Hit by Earthquake

Lilliputians and Action Figures in a

TOKYO A strong earthquake shook northern Japan early
Tuesday, triggering a
that struck
coastal areas
about 200 miles from the epicenter. There were no immediate reports
of damage.

A 12-inch tsunami wave hit the city of Ofunato, and two 4- to 8-inch
waves generated by the quake struck two other towns in the area, the
agency said.
were no immediate reports of death or damage.

from AP

A micro earthquake occurred at 17:39:36 (UTC) on Thursday,
November 17, 2005. The magnitude 2.5 event has been located in SOUTHERN
NEW ENGLAND, 57 km (35 miles) SE (141

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One Response to Japan Raked by Tsunami – Boston Hit by Earthquake

  1. Certainly got us thinking here are work, expect a few replies later.

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