Grandmaster of the Iron Crotch

50-year-old Californian man pulled a truck with his penis for a British
film crew.

Martial arts grandmaster Tu Jin-Sheng attached himself to the truck and
pulled it several yards across a car park in Fremont.

The Tri-Valley Herald reports that he first tied a strip of blue fabric
around his penis and testicles and tugged to make sure it was on tight.

An assistant then kicked him hard between the legs before he lashed himself
to the vehicle.

About 20 people, most of whom study Qigong, the ancient Chinese art of
movement and breathing to increase energy, gathered for the truck pull.

Jin-Sheng, originally from Taiwan, is the grandmaster of Iron
a branch of Qigong said to have 60,000 followers worldwide.

Its practitioners are known to lift hundreds of pounds with their genitals
to increase energy and sexual performance.

A film crew from London were on hand to shoot the truck-pulling feat
for a three-part series called Penis Envy, due to be broadcast next year
on Channel 4.

Its the kick in the crotch that makes the trick…

from Ananova

article on Iron Crotch from Kung
fu Magazine
(including Master Tu Jin-Sheng’s
Penis Qigong Tips)

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2 Responses to Grandmaster of the Iron Crotch

  1. King Leo says:

    Was he hard or soft?

  2. james pease says:

    what is your web address

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