You Didn’t See It Here

For the past several years we have included
an extra unit in our Business Classes when we are dealing with Marketing
– Product
Placement. It seems that brand name products are popping up EVERYWHERE;
not just in movies, but on TV, in magazines, on the streets and in
internet video. These days every major consumer product company has
a director of product placement. actively looking for hip, cutting
edge venues to showcase their products.

As usual, we prefer to do things a little diffently.
Building on our blood oath to never, under any circumstances, mention in
our blog our job, or our employer, or our colleages, or our students,
past present or future, or in fact anything related to our employment,
we have decided to expand on that little pledge, for a price.

Yes, trailblazer that he is, the Dowbrigade will promise
NOT to mention, lampoon, lambast, or otherwise blog about, your company,
your product, or in fact you yourself, for the low, low yearly payment
of $50 (US, payable in three easy instalments of S16.99, no money orders

If this works, we may have invented a whole new industry….

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