Open Access – Team Update

DPSI – Open Access Team Update:

This week at the Open Access Team, we have been playing catch-up with the rest of the team members and mentors, while organizing the structure of the team.

Our team is commencing on adapting to the three DPSI means of communication for the project, through the DPSI blog, a Google Drive folder, and a Trello instance.  The team has also been communicating and updating each other on the progress through email.

Loren Newman (HKS) is getting up to speed on the current situation and evaluating current submission frameworks while thinking about creative solutions.

Alexandra Nicholson (HBS) is starting to pull together a list of schools at the university, divide them among the team, and then have each member gather information on the current article submission process for their set of schools. It sounds like the processes are pretty unique for each school, but it would be great to understand if there are similarities between them that we could leverage in building our set of solutions.

While, Wendy W Fok (GSD), has is working on communicating with the Graduate School of Design’s communications department to suggest and gain more insight on the possibility of implementing the attack method determined by the team last week.

Updated: 1 October 2014 – Wendy W Fok