21st Century Girlhood – Week 7

What we did

This week, we brainstormed for our upcoming focus groups. The first one will hopefully include some middle schoolers. Getting their perspective, as they are in the midst of girlhood, will be interesting. The next focus group will be with a group of young women traveling from NYC to visit Harvard and the MIT MediaLab. We have different activities planned for each group and we hope they will be as informative and interesting as our first focus group.

What went well

It feels as if we are finally getting into the swing of things. We have moved past the purely abstract phase. The ball is rolling and we are on our way.

What was challenging

Getting traction on our blog will be our next step once our blog is more fleshed out with more content. Right now, it is looking pretty bare. We will need to figure out a way to get people to make submissions.

What’s up next

We have some blog posts in the works (stay tuned for baby photos) and we want to start getting more content on our website. The two upcoming focus groups will ideally help us generate some new ideas.