Ec Thesis 2020 Virtual Poster Session

Enjoy the posts below and chat with thesis writers via Zoom on Monday, May 25, 1-2pm ET!  Links available in each post and also here.

The Impact of Free Primary Education on Women’s Knowledge of Contraception in Kenya

By Paula Chappel


In my thesis, I investigate the impact of women’s education on their contraceptive knowledge and intent to use contraceptives. I exploit a Kenyan education policy change in January 2003 that made education free and compulsory. This is an important topic because better educated women are often healthier, and are more likely to be in the formal labor market and earn higher incomes. They are also likely to marry at a later age and, if they choose to become mothers, have fewer, healthier, and more educated children. These outcomes suggest that women’s school education, especially because due to potential effects on fertility, has the power to lift households and communities out of poverty. (World Bank, 2002)
Thus if indeed this primary school education policy is effective, and it increases the number of women attaining primary education then measuring the effect of this increase on women’s contraceptive knowledge helps to explain if some of the effects mentioned above are possible. Much of this work has been done in developed countries and less in developing countries.


For my main analysis, I use Kenyan Demographic Health Surveys (KDHS) data from 2,931 respondents for the birth cohorts of 1994 and 1996. When the 2003 FPE policy was enacted, the 1996 birth cohort was seven years old and the 1994 birth cohort was nine years old. Since the 1996 birth cohort was exposed to the policy at a younger age, I interpret the 1996 birth cohort to have had more exposure to the policy than the 1994 birth cohort. For additional analysis, I use the Performance and Monitoring Accountability 2020 (PMA2020) data and KDHS data for more birth cohorts.

Methodology & Key Results

I assign treatment based on exogenous variation between birth cohorts. My findings show that the reform increased women’s educational attainment and literacy rates and led to an increase in knowledge of contraceptives. After including fixed effects for various demographics, I find that women born in 1996 are 4.72 percentage points more likely to obtain some education compared with those born in 1994. They are also 1.22 percentage points less likely to report they have no knowledge of contraceptives. When I assign varying intensities of exposure to the policy according to birth cohorts, I find women exposed to the policy are 8.79 percentage points more likely to get some education than those who are not exposed to the policy. For both analyzes, poor women are more likely to have their education and contraceptive knowledge increase as a result of the policy compared with women from other income brackets. The results of this paper are consistent with the notion that better-educated women have a greater understanding of contraceptives.


Please come chat with me at the Econ Senior Thesis Zoom sessionsMonday, May 25, 1-2pm ET—to learn more or ask any questions about my research or the senior thesis process:

Beyond Banking the Unbanked: The Effects of India’s Demonetization on Financial Inclusion and Consumption Smoothing

By Aakanksha Vora

Banking serves as a gateway into the formal financial system, which can decrease inequality of outcomes and opportunity for the 1.7 billion unbanked adults globally. Building a financially included economy, by banking the unbanked, can alleviate poverty and reduce wealth disparities. However, there are several barriers to access, and ownership of a bank account does not always result in long-term, active use.

To study the factors that influence financial inclusion of the unbanked, I estimate the effects of policy exposure to India’s 2016 demonetization on access and usage of bank accounts. In November 2016, the Indian government invalidated 86% of currency overnight to combat endemic corruption, which resulted in asymmetrical cash contractions across districts. Using a differences-in-differences strategy, I exploit spatial variation in the severity of the shock to estimate the effects on household-level bank account and credit card ownership, as well as district-level deposits. For households in treated districts, I find an immediate and persistent 5 p.p. increase in bank account ownership, a 2% increase in savings deposits, and a lagged but persistent increase in credit card adoption.

Despite the benefits of using a bank account, a majority of the banked population has inactive accounts, which is very costly for the banking system. The second half of my thesis studies the factors that influence active bank account ownership to find tractable ways to help individuals accrue the benefits of financial inclusion. Although most studies in the field use randomized controlled trials, I chose to take a different approach by using publicly available data and designing a novel empirical test. To determine the effects of increased financial access on household savings in response to stochastic income shocks, I test the direct effects of income on consumption and the exogenous effects of income, through rainfall shocks, on consumption. I find that households in treated districts are able to offset the changes in consumption due to increased access to savings instruments.

My findings are evidence that small incentives to deposit cash into an account resulted in significantly higher rates of bank account ownership. Moreover, nudging households to operationalize their accounts by making deposits and withdrawals resulted in persistently higher savings and financial resilience. These results provide new insights for policymakers in India and other developing countries with low financial inclusion. My findings lay out solutions that will allow millions of people to escape poverty by increasing their ability to receive direct government transfers and manage unexpected changes in their income; and by giving them an opportunity to save and invest in their health, education, and businesses.


Please come chat with me at the Econ Senior Thesis Zoom sessionsMonday, May 25, 1-2pm ET—to learn more or ask any questions about my research or the senior thesis process: click here for Zoom link.

The Causal Effect of Chinese Foreign Aid on Child Labor Practices in Developing Countries

By Wesley Cash

The recent proliferation of Chinese foreign aid in Africa has raised many concerns about China’s potentially exploitative economic and political intentions. This paper empirically tests the effectiveness of Chinese foreign aid by measuring its effect on child labor participation in developing countries. Using a difference-in-differences-like identification strategy at the subnational level, I compare child labor participation in regions that receive Chinese aid prior to being surveyed with child labor participation in regions that receive aid within the sample period after being surveyed. Using this method, I find a significant negative causal effect of Chinese aid on child labor participation. A conservative interpretation indicates that the presence of at least one aid project reduces regional child labor participation rates by 26.3%. This paper additionally investigates the potential role of education and wealth as mechanisms and finds mixed results. I then replicate the main analysis for aid from the World Bank and find insignificant results. This paper suggests that Chinese aid is not necessarily exploitative and that non-traditional aid practices may have as positive, if not more positive, humanitarian consequences on the developing world as traditional Western aid practices do.


Please come chat with me at the Econ Senior Thesis Zoom sessionsMonday, May 25, 1-2pm ET—to learn more or ask any questions about my research or the senior thesis process:

Additionally, feel free to direct any questions to

Is Our World More Integrated? The Feldstein Horioka Puzzle Revisited

By Juan Crestanello

My thesis revisits the relationship between a country’s domestic saving and its investment, a link first explored by Feldstein and Horioka (1980). I show that the once strong relationship between domestic saving and investment waned over time and essentially disappeared in the years before the financial crisis, followed by some reemergence more recently. I find that the countries that opened themselves most to trade saw the greatest decline in the saving-investment relationship. I also present evidence from an instrumental variable strategy that suggests that saving-investment relationship is causal. All told, the evidence in this paper suggests a general decline in the saving-investment relationship indicative of the strong forces of globalization at play and the recent uptick relates to a pull-back of cross-border capital investment following the Great Recession, which is even more severe after the COVID-19 crisis.


Please come chat with me at the Econ Senior Thesis Zoom sessionsMonday, May 25, 1-2pm ET—to learn more or ask any questions about my research or the senior thesis process:

Aiding Legitimacy: A Model of Foreign Aid, Legitimacy and Conflict

By Elizabeth Herington

“Fazlullah (local militant leader) was particularly popular in remote areas where people remembered how TNSM (militant-affiliated aid organization) volunteers had helped during the earthquake when the government was nowhere to be seen.”

-Malala Yousafzai, global education activist and survivor of Taliban violence, 2013

Civil violence has become the most prevalent form of political violence since World War II; more than half of all countries have experienced a form of civil conflict since 1960 (Blattman and Miguel 2010). In the post-Cold War era, and especially since 9/11, developed countries have seen security problems in developing countries as threats to their own national security. This has led policymakers in developed countries to intervene in conflict-affected developing countries; in 2016, 65% of all development aid went to countries identified as fragile by the OECD (OECD 2018 p. 11). Much of the Economic literature on foreign aid in conflict zones focuses on the effect of humanitarian aid on conflict in these regions, and many scholars argue that aid can prolong or provoke conflict. However, a significant portion of the aid provided in these areas is not humanitarian aid, but instead falls under a category which I call security assistance. Security assistance is aid provided to governments to help them provide essential services like military and police, effective justice systems, and critical infrastructure to their citizens. For my thesis, I wanted to explore the relative efficacy of these different kinds of interventions. Do they accomplish their stated goals of strengthening states, ending conflicts, and reducing suffering? Which interventions are most effective?

I explore the role of foreign aid in conflict beginnings and endings by developing a theory of the impact of aid on state legitimacy and of state legitimacy on civil conflict. State legitimacy is the citizens’ belief that their government’s laws should be obeyed. I argue that security assistance will increase state legitimacy and that humanitarian aid has an ambiguous effect on state legitimacy. I then argue that aid which increases state legitimacy will both prevent conflicts from beginning and end existing conflicts faster.

I first test the hypothesis that security assistance will increase state legitimacy using survey data on citizen perceptions of their government from Afrobarometer and subnational data on various sectors of foreign aid from AidData. Using an ordered logistic regression with province fixed effects, I find that increases in security assistance are associated with increased state legitimacy.

Table 1: Effect of Aid on State Legitimacy

VARIABLES Courts Make Binding Decisions People Must Obey the Law People Must Pay Taxes
Security Assistance (Mlns $) 1.00046* 1.00059*** 1.00082
  (0.00027) (0.00021) (0.00061)
Humanitarian Aid (Mlns $) 0.99963 0.99426*** 0.99627
  (0.00209) (0.00184) (0.00402)
Other Aid (Mlns $) 0.99174* 1.00306 1.00997**
  (0.00421) (0.00992) (0.00472)

Subnational unit dummies and standard controls are used in all specifications. Coefficients reported are odds ratios. Odds ratios show whether a one unit increase in the independent variable is associated with an individual being more or less likely to answer in a category of stronger agreement with the statement. Standard errors clustered at the province level are in parentheses.

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Next, I test the theory that aid which increases state capacity will prevent and end conflict using the same subnational AidData dataset and geocoded data on conflict from the Uppsala Conflict Data Program.  Using a hazard model with province fixed effects to estimate the probability of conflict ending, I find that both security assistance and humanitarian aid are associated with decreased length of conflict, and that government capacity building aid, a type of security assistance, is the most effective. Government capacity building aid includes projects like audits to reduce corruption, training court employees to better provide effective justice and democracy promotion efforts. I also find that security assistance policy instruments are more effective at ending conflict when combined for a Whole of Government approach than when employed alone, and that military aid alone may increase the length of conflict.

Table 2: Effect of Aid on Length of Conflict

VARIABLES Conflict End Conflict End


Conflict End


Conflict End


Mil Aid x Whole of Gvt     0.00362*  
Cap Aid x Whole of Gvt       0.02434*
Whole of Gvt     0.01506 -0.03956
      (0.07461) (0.08339)
Military Aid (Mlns $)   0.00043 -0.00194 0.00028
    (0.00155) (0.00174) (0.00169)
Capacity Aid (Mlns $)   0.00772* 0.00721* 0.00488
    (0.00414) (0.00415) (0.00473)
Infrastructure Aid (Mlns $)   0.00119 0.00117 0.00119
    (0.00080) (0.00079) (0.00080)
Security Assistance (Mlns $) 0.00122*      
Humanitarian Aid (Mlns $) 0.00640*** 0.00636*** 0.00626*** 0.00600***
  (0.00196) (0.00198) (0.00197) (0.00192)
Other Aid (Mlns $) 0.00104 0.00080 0.00162 0.00123
  (0.00334) (0.00348) (0.00366) (0.00400)

Subnational unit dummies and standard controls are used in all specifications. Columns 1 and 2 present results from my preferred specification with different kinds of aid. Columns 3 and 4 present results from a regression estimating the effects of a Whole of Government approach. Conflict End is a dummy set =1 if an ongoing conflict ended in a given year, and Whole of Gvt is a dummy set =1 if all three kinds of security assistance were used. Coefficients from logistic regression are reported as marginal effects. Standard errors clustered at the province-level and determined by the delta method, are in parentheses.

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Using the same hazard model with province fixed effects, I further find that government capacity building aid is the only intervention associated with a decrease in the likelihood of civil conflict.

VARIABLES Conflict Start Conflict Start Conflict Start Conflict Start
Cap Aid x Whole of Gvt     0.00597  
Infr Aid x Whole of Gvt       -0.00077
Whole of Government     -0.06367 -0.03760
      (0.04947) (0.04183)
Military Aid (Mlns $)   -0.00294 -0.00148 -0.00160
    (0.00797) (0.00711) (0.00731)
Capacity Aid (Mlns $)   -0.01113* -0.01089 -0.00919
    (0.00644) (0.00744) (0.00560)
Infrastructure Aid (Mlns $)   -0.00025 -0.00022 -0.00018
    (0.00019) (0.00017) (0.00014)
Humanitarian Aid (Mlns $) -0.00093 -0.00068 -0.00056 -0.00056
  (0.00085) (0.00083) (0.00084) (0.00085)
Security Assistance (Mlns $) -0.00028      
Other Aid (Mlns $) -0.01035* -0.00884* -0.00864* -0.00869*
  (0.00559) (0.00504) (0.00503) (0.00508)

Subnational unit dummies and standard controls are used in all specifications. Columns 1 and 2 present results from my preferred specification with different kinds of aid. Columns 3 and 4 present results from a regression estimating the effects of a Whole of Government approach.  Conflict Start is a dummy set =1 if a conflict began in a given year, and Whole of Gvt is a dummy set =1 if all three kinds of security assistance were used. Coefficients from logistic regression are reported as marginal effects. Standard errors clustered at the province-level and determined by the delta method are in parentheses.

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

I conclude that the kinds of aid which are effective in fragile states are different from, and less varied than, the kinds of aid which are effective in conflict states, and that policymakers should be careful to take initial conditions into account before designing interventions to prevent and end conflict in unstable states.

The OECD identifies state weakness as the single biggest spoiler for the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (OECD 2018 p. 6). In order to increase security and prosperity in the developing world, it is important for policymakers to understand the relative efficacy of different intervention strategies. Policymakers who are planning to intervene in an ongoing conflict should design comprehensive Whole of Government interventions, while policymakers planning to intervene in fragile states should focus their efforts on programs which will increase the local government’s bureaucratic, regulatory, and democratic capabilities and reduce corruption.


Please come chat with me at the Econ Senior Thesis Zoom sessionsMonday, May 25, 1-2pm ET—to learn more or ask any questions about my research or the senior thesis process: click here for Zoom link.


Works Cited:

Blattman, C., & Miguel, E. (2010). Civil War. Journal of Economic Literature, 48(1), 3–57.

OECD. (2018). States of Fragility 2018. OECD.

Data Sets Used: (AIMS datasets) (Georeferenced Event Dataset)

“Take Me to Church”: Religious Membership as a Determinant of Intergenerational Mobility

By Elizabeth Morrissette

Both Suffolk County and Norfolk County, Massachusetts are part of the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area and are adjacent to one another, but the counties have vastly different expected economic outcomes for the children who are raised there. Children who grow up in Norfolk County have average expected incomes that are $12,000 higher than children who grow up in Suffolk County (“The Opportunity Atlas”).  Recent research in economics has taken an interest in explaining differences in intergenerational mobility outcomes for children growing up in different counties. One of the explanations researchers have explored is the relationship between social capital and intergenerational mobility–or an individual’s income relative to their parents–which they find to be positive (Chetty and Hendren 2017). Social capital provides individuals with networks that help them find employment, earn higher salaries than they would otherwise, and gain knowledge about positive economic behaviors.

In my thesis, I study religion as one specific element through which social capital might impact intergenerational mobility. Religion, as practiced through religious services and community gatherings, facilitates network building. My thesis establishes an association between religion and social capital through General Social Survey data, showing that religion could be a way that social capital influences intergenerational mobility.

My thesis proxies for intergenerational mobility using data on mean percentile rank in the national distribution of household income at the county-level. I use religious data from the Association of Religious Data Archives (ARDA) and connect it to data on intergenerational mobility from Opportunity Insights.  Analysis of this data reveals a positive, statistically significant relationship between religion and intergenerational mobility. This relationship remains when the regression controls for demographic factors and holds for various measures of intergenerational mobility.

I provide a causal analysis of the relationship between religious membership and intergenerational mobility using the presence of Catholic clergy scandals as an instrumental variable. These scandals impacted religious membership in areas where they occurred (Bottan and Perez-Truglia 2015). Using Catholic clergy scandals to instrument for religious membership does not exhibit statistical significance. Consequently, I examine the limitations of the instrumental variable analysis that would cause the instrument to be ineffective for this project.

My thesis also examines how income and race interact with religious membership, intergenerational mobility, and the relationship between the two. Using the data from the initial analysis and various Congregational Life Surveys, I find evidence that people of different races practice religion differently and that religious congregations lack income diversity, both of which potentially impact the relationship between religion and intergenerational mobility. My thesis finds that race and income are necessary factors to consider when having a complete discussion of the relationship between religious membership and intergenerational mobility.

My thesis finds that a correlational relationship exists between religious membership and intergenerational mobility, but I could not provide evidence of a causal relationship. This lack of a causal relationship could be explained through limitations with the instrument or the influence of socioeconomic factors like race and income. These potential influences merit further study.


Any questions may be directed to

Riding with Charlie: Public Transportation Policy and its Impact on Businesses and Road Safety in Massachusetts

By Pedro Farias

Can public transportation help local businesses and save lives and costs? My thesis seeks to understand this dual question by considering a natural experiment in Boston. From March 2014 to March 2016, the MBTA expanded public transportation service on weekends from 12:30am to 2:30am for certain routes. With data on MBTA service, I can understand which stops benefited from increase public transportation supply and on what days. Pairing this with Massachusetts crash data, Twitter data, and Yelp data during this period provides a way of understanding whether public transportation did reduce crashes and help local businesses. This could help guide urban policy as cities continue to gain in importance in the economy and our lives.


My thesis provides two main contributions. The first is evidence from a differences-in-differences design that businesses may benefit from late night service, as the number of Yelp reviews for businesses near stops with late night service increased between 2.5% and 8% and the number of late night tweets in areas with the service increased 4%, with these estimates statistically significant at the 99% level. Yelp and Twitter data serve as proxies to estimate changes in foot traffic (and thereby revenues) for local businesses, and the analysis indicates that businesses close to late night service stops did see an uptick in customers.


The second contribution is that the service helps reduce the number of car crashes by 4% on average, though this estimate is not statistically significant. Areas with a high proportion of young individuals and minorities experienced a stronger treatment effect of around 12%, with statistical significance varying based on each of the three empirical strategies employed, which include differences-in-differences, propensity score matching, and geographic proximity analysis.


I also calculate that the cost-savings resulting from a reduction in crashes could offset the cost of the late night service if the treatment effect led to 17% fewer car crashes. Indeed, the heterogenous treatment effect does reach this level in certain areas of the city, indicating there could be routes whose costs are offset by the reduction in car crashes, notwithstanding the additional benefits to local businesses.


My thesis shows that there could be relevant benefits to increasing the supply of public transportation, yet economic literature has not yet fully explored these benefits and other impacts of public transportation. Much work can still be done studying public transportation and crime, traffic, and business. I therefore hope this work will serve as a foundation for future exploration on the impact of public transportation in the city economy.

The Promise of a Cure: Measuring the Welfare Gain to Hemophilia A Patients from Gene Therapy

By Julian Ubriaco

US Prescription Drug Spending is on the Rise

US Prescription Drug Spending is on the Rise

Growing prescription drug spending is a core driver of rising healthcare costs in the US. Given that prescription drugs now make up nearly 15% of total healthcare spending, calls for price controls have become increasingly intense from the US Congress. However, as a student of economics, I feared the long-term effects of price controls (decreased R&D spending) would counteract any short-term cost savings. Thus, I decided to dedicate my thesis to uncovering just how great the value of a high-priced pharmaceutical may be.

In my quest for high-value therapies, I came across a glut of gene therapies in clinical development. By correcting the genetic cause of disease, gene therapy can eliminate recurring prescription drug spending through a single, potentially curative, intervention. Next, I searched for a disease with high per-patient expenditures and an advanced gene therapy candidate and settled on Hemophilia A. Hemophilia A, an inherited blood clotting disorder affecting roughly 15,000 Americans, is one of the most expensive diseases for payers and providers to treat; severe patients average roughly $700,000 in annual treatment expenditures with some patients incurring upwards of $1M annually.[1] Further, several gene therapies are being developed to treat hemophilia A, including Biomarin’s Valrox which is projected to enter the market in Q4 of 2020.[2]

I decided on the research question of quantifying the effect of the market entry of gene therapy on patient welfare. Most inquiries into the value of medical innovations are performed through a public health lens and quantify welfare gain as the number of quality-adjusted life years (QALY) saved times some fixed value of a QALY (typically around $100K); I depart from this approach by instead choosing to fit a micro-founded model of demand borrowed from the demand estimation techniques pioneered by the industrial organization subfield of economics and my mentor Ariel Pakes. Basically, by fitting a drug’s market share to its characteristics (price, efficacy, dosing frequency), I was able to estimate how many patients would choose the new gene therapy and how their welfare would increase from the new product.

Equipped with a research question, my next challenge was data. Fortunately, the CDC has amassed a national dataset on hemophiliacs that includes patient-level demographic and treatment information. Unfortunately, this dataset took me just 5 months to access!

After fitting my model, I found that patient demand is sensitive to a drug’s price, dosing frequency, and efficacy in reducing bleeds. I then simulated market entry of a gene therapy for hemophilia and found that demand was highly price-sensitive in the range of $2M to $3M per dose. When priced at $2.5M per dose, gene therapy reached an equilibrium market share of 34%, becoming the most popular treatment for severe cases of hemophilia A. At this price, the mean consumer surplus gain to the patients who chose gene therapy is $236K/year, leading to a total consumer surplus of $436M/year. As current prescription drug spending for severe hemophilia A patients is approximately $1.7B/year, consumer welfare will increase by 25% of current spending following gene therapy market entry, although total spending also increases. Overall, I concluded that gene therapy priced in the $2 – 2.5M range will provide substantial welfare gains to hemophilia patients, profits to firms, and reductions in long-term spending on hemophilia treatments. Thus, I argued for an expanded role of “transformative therapies” such as gene therapy in providing sustainable healthcare solutions over the longer term.

[1] Stacy E. Croteau et al., “Regional Variation and Cost Implications of Prescribed Extended Half‐life Factor Concentrates among US Haemophilia Treatment Centres for Patients with Moderate and Severe Haemophilia,” Haemophilia 25, no. 4 (2019): 668–75.

[2] “Therapeutic Categories Outlook,” Equity Research (Cowen, September 2019).

Changing Climate, Changing Behavior: Evaluating the Impact of Observability and Framing on Carbon Offset Donations

By Anli Chen

Climate change is an urgent global issue that requires collective effort from organizations and individuals alike to overcome. Carbon offsets, while an imperfect solution, are one of the most high-impact and low-barrier ways every individual can contribute. Yet, they are relatively unknown and extremely underutilized. My behavioral economics thesis tackles that challenge to both concretely engage the public and expand academic understanding of people’s motivations to offset.

My question:

What kind of behavioral interventions makes someone most likely to offset? And is such offsetting behavior linked to one’s belief about climate change and/or offsetting-related social norms?


I run a large-scale field experiment in which students across 33 universities can donate to offset their holiday travel. Taking inspiration from existing research about using nudges and frames to encourage various socially beneficial behaviors, I examine whether carbon offsetting can similarly be encouraged via two mechanisms (both individually and interacted with each other):

  1. Observability: Research indicates that social-focused interventions that appeal to one’s desire to uphold a good reputation and fit in with social norms can be effective in changing behaviors. Thus, I evaluate whether participants were more likely to donate if their donation was made observable to others through complementary laptop stickers I designed that donors could “display to show their community their support for the cause”.
  2. Framing: In addition to the emissions reduction, the carbon offset project that would receive the donations had several “co-benefits”. I tested whether framing the project to highlight a human-focused co-benefit (e.g. reducing rates of respiratory illness) impacted donation rates differently relative to a nature focused co-benefit (e.g. reducing deforestation).

Picture of the two sticker designs (tailored to highlight either the nature or human frame) below!

I then conduct a follow-up Mechanical Turk survey on a different population to add nuance and test the generalizability of my results. Here, I ask:

  1. How does the effect of different levels of observability vary on offsetting?
  2. What relationship does offsetting have with participants’ beliefs about social norms (e.g. how popular they think offsetting is), as well as their attitudes about climate change?


Key Findings & Implications:
In my field experiment, I find that among 701 participants, 152 donors, and over $500 raised, the sticker does indeed significantly increase offsetting by 9%. Conversely, different frames did not significantly affect behavior.

My MTurk survey provided further support that observability matters, that it is tied to a desire to maintain or improve one’s reputation, and that – at least for my study participants – social norms matter more than how much one says they care about the environment: social norm beliefs were a stronger predictor of donations than one’s attitudes about climate change.

Overall, my thesis provides further insight on how to apply behavioral strategies to promote pro-environmental actions in real world contexts, as well as how and why such interventions – and associated beliefs and attitudes – can work to help our planet.

We gather here.

COVID-19 has scattered our students across the globe; but the internet makes us feel a whole lot closer.  Here, we inaugurate the Harvard Economics Undergraduate Senior Thesis Blog (Senior Synthesis, get it??), where you can read short summaries of the impressive research carried about by our students.  Though we can’t hold our usual Ec Senior Thesis Poster Session this year, we look forward to sharing our students’ research even more widely through this blog.  So, go on, enjoy!  Take a break from Netflix and check out what our amazing young economists explored and discovered on their thesis adventures.