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January 22, 2004

Should Substance Abuse Affect Bar Admission?

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 10:40 pm

The topic of substance abuse and bar admission is discussed at length in the current edition of the ABA’s Student Lawyer magazine, in “Under the Influence,” by Cynthia L. Cooper. (December 2003, Vol. 32, No. 4).  The opening lines are an understatement:

martini Drug and alcohol dependence affects law student’s health and their prospects for bar admission. Law schools and legal groups are working to raise awareness of the problem and develop solutions, but the task isn’t easy.

As we discussed in a posting last June, the numbers show that substance abuse is a major problem for both lawyers and law students.  The article notes:

  • There are “15,000 law students nationwide who acknowledge problem drinking. Uncalculated are the number who get into trouble when they inhale, shoot, snort, or pop their substances.”
  • “Studies indicate that lawyers engage in higher-than-average drug and alcohol abuse, affecting from 15 percent to 18 percent of the profession, compared with 10 percent of the general population.
  • Disciplinary bodies discover that chemical dependency problems are at the root of 40 percent to 70 percent of complaints about lawyers, says New York state Chief Judge Judith Kaye, president of the Conference of Chief Justices. . . . ‘I believe the court system owes it to the public to do all we can.'”

Judge Kaye’s numbers may be a bit high, as substance abuse is often an excuse given by lawyers who are trying to minimize their responsibility for unethical conduct, and gain sympathy.  Still, it seems clear that the problem is big enough to warrant significant attention by those responsible for admission and discipline within the profession

coffee cup The article says that “To encourage law school deans to take action on chemical dependency, the ABA outreach committee opened a hotline, printed stickers and advertisements, and is developing an informational kit.”   Also, James Moore, chair of the New York State Lawyer Assistance Trust, advises schools to have a written policy to address alcohol and drug use, serve less alcohol at student functions, create relationships with the Lawyer Assistance Programs that now exist in every state, (in order to help students confidentially), warn students that an unaddressed problem may affect their ability to be admitted to practice, and enlist someone as a designated person for student assistance.

Naturally, the potential effect of recovery efforts on bar admission is crucial for many students.   The article states:

For the bar application process, most states require disclosure of legal infractions related to substance abuse, such as drunk-driving arrests; others inquire into substance abuse or treatment. Some establish a period of probation or other conditions to admission; others do not.

Some law students say their colleagues avoid treatment because they fear that getting help would send the wrong signals to bar examiners and result in denial of bar admission, by putting them on a blacklist. The ABA Law Student Division is helping to research and promote a “best practices” standard on recovery and bar admission.

What role should substance abuse problems and attempts at recovery play in the bar admission process?  I’m not sure and invite your comments.  Given the obvious harm to clients from lawyer misconduct related to substance abuse (from missed deadlines to misappropriated funds), the topic seems highly relevant to the fitness of a candidate.  Honesty on the topic should be demanded, of course, but a record of prior abuse problems should not be an automatic bar to admission.  Serious, successful attempts to “dump old drinking and drugging habits in the pursuit of professionalism” should be commended, not penalized.  Are probationary periods advisable and workable?

. . . .. Although substance abuse may no longer be stigmatized as a moral failing in our society, failing to get help and seriously work at recovery is an indication that an applicant to the bar, or a newly admitted member, is not taking his or her responsibility to clients, the courts or the bar seriously enough to warrant getting or keeping a license to practice law.   A generation of students who believe that binge drinking is a normal part of social life needs to do some growing up and reality testing while in law school.  I hope that the carrot of bar admission can be a sufficient incentive.

  • The June 2003 issue of the DC Bar’s magazine, Washington Lawyer, has a Bar Counsel column titled Factoring Disabilities Into Discipline: A Special Equation. In it, Joyce E. Peters explains the complications that arise when substance abuse, mental illness or other disabilities are brought into the disciplinary process.


  1. The first order of business should be treatment and recovery other than worries of disbarrment or other work related consequences. Left untreated, their addictions will not only cause their performance to go down but also will negatively impact those they are serving.

    Comment by Jay — September 3, 2007 @ 4:20 pm

  2. Not only is this a problem for bar admission, but for law school admissions as well. I am a prospective law student, and am unsure of how I should address my chemical dependency and recovery efforts on my applications. I have criminal record consisting entirely of alcohol or drug related charges, 5 charges to be exact. I fear that if I do not disclose information about my treatment on my application it may be used against me when I apply to the bar. I also fear that by disclosing that I am currently in treatment, law schools will not want to admit me fearing I may be too much of a liability or responsibility to deal with.

    Comment by Joe — February 6, 2009 @ 5:50 am

  3. Joe, Hiding your situation does not seem to me to be a wise strategy. Have you tried contacting the admissions office of particular schools in order to talk with a counselor who might help you understand the school’s stance on substance abuse?

    Are you certain that you want to join a profession that has so many dissatisfied members? What have you done to assess your values and how they fit with the legal profession? Check out our posting “1L of a Decision“.

    Consider contacting former admissions officer and legal career counselor Ronald Fox to ask him for assistance with your substance abuse question.

    And, see his article on Choosing the Right Law School.

    Best wishes.

    Comment by David Giacalone — February 6, 2009 @ 8:13 am

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