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October 9, 2004

fixing the NYS divorce machine

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 12:01 pm

The Matrimonial Commission convened by NYS Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye is in the news just as I’m getting ready to drive to my nephew Blake‘s wedding.  The Commission “is charged with examining every facet of the divorce process in New York and recommending reforms to correct existing problems.”  There is a public hearing coming up in Albany in early November and ethicalEsq might just have to click on the registration form link and participate. 


bridegroom over  Issues of interest to our “former” editor include: how custody disputes can be resolved in a more child-friendly manner, the role of divorce mediation (in the sole state without true no-fault divorce), and assistance for pro se litigants, along with the training and pay for court-appointed counsel. 




waiting room–

the ex-wife

looks past me


no longer married

only their shadows touch

. . . graduation day


(Red Moon Press, 2001) Credits: “waiting room” originally published in Pocket Change.


If I don’t stop blogging and start packing, I’m gonna have to worry about strained family relations of my own.  I hope to stay off the computer for a couple days, but only time will tell.

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