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November 28, 2004

me and my “pal” professor B

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 2:58 pm

I admit it, I am a weblog free-rider.  I have never left a “tip” at a weblog and don’t expect that

I ever will.    My sentiments about fully-employed lawyers and law professors soliciting handouts

were expressed well earlier this year by MyShingle‘s Carolyn Elefant, in this Comment:

“I don’t like the idea of law bloggers posting ads at their site. — (just like I don’t like

bloggers who pass the hat with “pay pal” requests).  As a business matter, I don’t

know that I’d want to go to an attorney who didn’t have the resources to sustain

a blog site without collecting ad revenues.”

coin plate  Thus, I had to cringe today, when I saw Steve Bainbridge’s post captioned

“A new way to support the blog.”  Prof. B says (like it’s a real treat):

I’ve added a Paypal tip jar to the right side bar as a new way for loyal readers to

support the blog:


My thanks to readers who have supported this blog in the past through my Amazon

Associates programs or by clicking on the ads from my Blogads sponsors. (Please

don’t forget to click on one of my Blogads to encourage my sponsors!)

This new tip jar is at the very top of the righthand margin.  I woulda thought conservatives and

libertarians had more pride than this — not to mention lovers of fancy cars, wines and cigars.  I’d

like to assure Steve that his weblog visitors are smart enough to find him and ask directly how to

leave a tip — they don’t need constant reminders for “impulse charity.”  Also, if law professors really

want to get extra credit for weblogging, they might want to lose the BillBlog [ BlogBoard? ] image.


You may have noticed that I frequently link to posts by Steven Bainbridge.  I want to assure him

and my readers that I have nothing personal against Prof. B.  I do have, however, a limited amount

of time and energy for surfing the weblawg universe, and stopping by his place is quite convenient

 for me, as it gives me

    • Lots of interesting material
    • Lots of things I agree with
    • Lots of things I disagree with
    • Lots of self-righteous religiosity that I believe needs to be countered
    • Quite a bit of inconsistent — “cafeteria” — application of ideologies and principles.

So, before the Thanksgiving weekend is through, I want to say that I am sincerely grateful that Prof.

Bainbridge’s “eclectic” weblog exists and I wish him well.  [E.g., I love the irony that, just yesterday,
Prof. B insinuated that an author of a book on politics took a public position “to sell those books

and keep those speaking engagements coming.”   I couldn’t pay some one to say this kind of stuff!]



donkey  You can find a selection of haiku by Kobayishi Issa featuring beggars here.

Here’s a sampling:

begging actors
play one more song!
spring snow

autumn wind–
a beggar looking
sizes me up



they have kids maybe
bridge beggars
calling fireflies



begging actors–
even the horse’s ass
gets a blessing


begging at my gate
the geese lose


ooh neg

Kobayashi Issa, translated by D.G.Lanoue


  1. I agree with your assessment of blog ads and tip jars: They’re generally unpleasant. Yeah, yeah, I know, I have an add. But it’s for the readers, not the bread, which will more likely resemble crumbs. But who can blame bloggers with adds since, though it annoys you, you’ll still keep reading. IOW, the blogger can turn in the cash without turning away his readers. My general belief is that if something doesn’t make me angry enough to leave, then I won’t say anything unless it might change the person’s mind.

    Why get angry, if the anger won’t energize me? If Bainbridge is going to keep the blog add, then why worry about it?

    Of course, if readers responded to tip jars by no longer reading, then the things would likely go away.

    Comment by Mike — November 28, 2004 @ 8:54 pm

  2. Who’s angry?  A guy can point out (and have fun pointing out) that something seems tacky, and detracts from the ambiance and good taste of a particular forum, without being angry or stomping off never to return again.  [E.g., I haven’t stopped going to my favorite parks because the rest rooms are smelly and have not reached potty “parody”.]   Since Prof. B. has set himself up as a maven of good taste (and has just told Princess Diana fans to get a life), I think he is fair game for a little teasing for passing around the offertory plate.  Plus, Big B can take it.
    Now that you’ve been unmasked, Fedster, I must say that you’re not a member of the gender that most often acts as if every disagreement is a fight and every difference of taste a matter of important principle.  Am I going to have to start using emoticons so that you know whether or not I’m angry?

    Comment by David Giacalone — November 28, 2004 @ 9:23 pm

  3. Am I going to have to start using emoticons so that you know whether or not I’m angry?

    No. I’m going to have to use more precise language on blogs, or more likely, comment less, since I don’t have the time to parse every comment I write. I used “anger” loosely, roughly equating it with getting one’s panties in a bunch.

    I should have written, “If you don’t care enough to do anything effective about it, then why care about it at all?” I’m from the school of thought that one should not spend time on things that are, ultimately, unproductive. I also presuppose that someone who takes the time to write about something has invested some emotions into it. (I’m Humean in that regard). Hence, I leave uncriticized a lot of minor wrongs.

    Of course, if poking fun is good for you, then your post is, of course, productive.

    Comment by Mike — November 28, 2004 @ 11:09 pm

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