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January 18, 2006

Roberts: a “Serious Catholic” dissent against euthanasia?

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 12:27 pm

As SCOTUSBlog noted yesterday, Gonzales v. Oregon was the first time

Chief Justice John Roberts has dissented to a Court decision. The Chief

joined the dissenting opinion of Justice Scalia, and did not write separately.

The case upheld an Oregon law that permits doctors to prescribe medica-

tions in certain assisted suicide situations. [See NYT, “Fraught Issue, but

Narrow Ruling in Oregon Suicide Case,” Jan. 18, 2006]


We can’t know what was on Justice Roberts’ mind, other than the issues

discussed by Justice Scalia. Nonetheless, it’s impossible not to wonder

whether the following 2004 statement by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,

who is now Pope Benedict XVI, played an important role:



The Church teaches that abortion or euthanasia is a grave sin.
The Encyclical Letter Evangelium vitae, with reference to judicial
decisions or civil laws that authorise or promote abortion or euthanasia,
states that there is a “grave and clear obligation to oppose them by
conscientious objection. […] In the case of an intrinsically unjust law,
such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never
licit to obey it, or to ‘take part in a propoganda campaign in favour of
such a law or vote for it’”. Christians have a “grave obligation
of conscience not to cooperate formally in practices which, even if
permitted by civil legislation, are contrary to God’s law. Indeed, from
the moral standpoint, it is never licit to cooperate formally in evil. […]
This cooperation can never be justified either by invoking respect for
the freedom of others or by appealing to the fact that civil law permits
it or requires it.”

We have opined at this website that John Roberts appears to be a “serious

Catholic” who would feel a moral obligation to act on the above statement,

which is directed at Catholics in public life. [see our prior post here]



The Chief Justice joined the dissent of Justice Scalia (with concludes that the

term legitimate medical purpose . . . surely excludes the prescription of drugs

to produce death”), rather than Justice Thomas’ dissent (with its focus on the

inconsistency with the Raich v. Gonzales precedent, which struck down

California’s medical marijuana laws). That at least suggests that John Roberts

had moral issues on his mind more than statutory construction and stare

decisis. (Those same priorities might also be on Steve Bainbridge’s mind,

as well as the gang at Mirror of Justice.)

update (Jan. 19, 2006): Robert Tsai offers his take on the Roberts’

DIssentat Concurring Opinions (Jan. 18, 2006), including that

“He, like Scalia, is willing to read Congress’ enumerated

powers broadly (and the core of state’s rights narrowly in

advance of national interests)–even when the strongest

interest appears to be in cultivating moral standards. This

is bad news forproponents of interstitial federalism.” [“Hail

to the (New) Chief: Death With Dignity — Part III”]

Reid Report suggests we “Recall that during his hearings, Roberts

demurred on the ‘right to die’ issue.” Also, TalkLeft gathers editorial

responses from the press (“Pro-Life Groups to Urge ‘John Ashcroft,

MD Law’,” Jan. 18, 2006). And, Prof. Bainbridge frets that “Scalia

Scuttles Federalism” — and it “no longer seems possible, however,

to believe that he is developing a coherent conservative jurisprudence.”

That suggests that (a) Steve may not be particularly in sync with

Scalia’s “public morality” position, and (b) Steve has the untenable

notion that there can be a monolithic “conservative jurisprudence”

and that it will hold all the anwers to every judicial decision.


cold wind lifts one corner

of the pall


cathedral garden

cardinals in the birdbath

scatter drops of light

into the night 
we talk of human cloning

witnessing his will

the frost-hatched


Peggy Lyles from To Hear the Rain (Brooks Books, 2002)

Full moon by her bed

my daughter asks

the meaning of death

The stone church quiet

after the funeral bell —

deepening snowfall

autumn evening–

yellow leaves cover

the plot reserved for m

Rebecca Lilly Shadwell Hills (Birch Brook Press, 2002)

“Autumn evening” — A New Resonance 2; Modern Haiku XXX:2

window neg


  1. I think you mischaracterize the Catholic understanding of the moral obligations of public officials. Judges, as I understand it, are charged with saying what the law is. That does not make them moral agents in the same way a legislator would be. See, for example, the “Summa Theologica”, Part II-II, Q. 64, Art. VI, ad 3, in which St. Thomas says that a judge incurs no personal guilt even if he sentences an innocent man to death if his “guilt” has been proven according to the law (which the judge, by definition, is bound to apply). In his statement of 2004, it appears that then-Cardinal Ratzinger was simply saying that Catholics have an obligation to oppose dubious judicial pronouncements which falsely declare a “right to die” to be a civil or human right. But if that is what the actual law really required, when properly understood, a Catholic judge making such a pronouncement would incur no guilt. Catholics would then be obliged to work for a (legislative) change in such law.

    Comment by hyphen — January 20, 2006 @ 3:07 am

  2. I think you mischaracterize the Catholic understanding of the moral obligations of public officials. Judges, as I understand it, are charged with saying what the law is. That does not make them moral agents in the same way a legislator would be. See, for example, the “Summa Theologica”, Part II-II, Q. 64, Art. VI, ad 3, in which St. Thomas says that a judge incurs no personal guilt even if he sentences an innocent man to death if his “guilt” has been proven according to the law (which the judge, by definition, is bound to apply). In his statement of 2004, it appears that then-Cardinal Ratzinger was simply saying that Catholics have an obligation to oppose dubious judicial pronouncements which falsely declare a “right to die” to be a civil or human right. But if that is what the actual law really required, when properly understood, a Catholic judge making such a pronouncement would incur no guilt. Catholics would then be obliged to work for a (legislative) change in such law.

    Comment by hyphen — January 20, 2006 @ 3:07 am

  3. Thankyou for taking the time to offer your perspective, Hyphen.  My quick response: (1) if what the law is were always clear, there would not be such a fuss over who gets on the bench; (2) the Church pronouncements that I have cited in my prior post make it clear that the mere fact that something “is the law” is not an excuse for going along with it — that explicitly includes judicial opinions. (3) many who see themselves as “Serious Catholics” may feel the personal mission/obligation to go beyond avoiding grave sin in fulfilling their roles as public officials, and may thus be moved by their own consciences to always choose Life.

    Comment by David Giacalone — January 20, 2006 @ 11:37 am

  4. Thankyou for taking the time to offer your perspective, Hyphen.  My quick response: (1) if what the law is were always clear, there would not be such a fuss over who gets on the bench; (2) the Church pronouncements that I have cited in my prior post make it clear that the mere fact that something “is the law” is not an excuse for going along with it — that explicitly includes judicial opinions. (3) many who see themselves as “Serious Catholics” may feel the personal mission/obligation to go beyond avoiding grave sin in fulfilling their roles as public officials, and may thus be moved by their own consciences to always choose Life.

    Comment by David Giacalone — January 20, 2006 @ 11:37 am

  5. Banning “Blawg”? Heck, they’ll be coming for “agita” next…

    Comment by matt — January 20, 2006 @ 2:24 pm

  6. Banning “Blawg”? Heck, they’ll be coming for “agita” next…

    Comment by matt — January 20, 2006 @ 2:24 pm

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