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f/k/a archives . . . real opinions & real haiku

December 11, 2007

sleet and snow and althouse’s chair

Filed under: Haiku or Senryu,q.s. quickies — David Giacalone @ 11:30 pm

Lately, everybody who’s anybody in the blawgisphere has apparently been using his weblog to talk to Ann Althouse, the diva blawgger, columnist and Constitutional Law professor. So, I thought maybe this nobody up in Schenectady would try, too [update: and Ann was listening].

sleet against the window
at last mother threads
the needle

the frozen breaths
of the carolers disappearing
among the stars

…………………….. by George Swede from Almost Unseen

Ann has been residing in both Madison, WI, and Brooklyn, NY, lately, and is currently in New York City. Frankly, I’ve been wondering if she is as sick of our “wintry mix” weather here in New York State as I am. [And, don’t even ask her about the unfriendly ice rinks, cement trees and pedestrians of NYC.] Schenectady is a couple-hour drive north (in good weather) from Ann’s current abode. We’ve got more snow/sleet combo coming our way tonight, and Brooklyn has a couple similar days and nights in its forecast this week.

freezing rain
tallying the strike vote
at the union hall

. . . . . . . . …………. . . Ed Markowski, Frogpond XXV:2

I bet Ann is missing real winter back in Wisconsin (going down to 15 degrees F. tonight), where the temperatures relegate “wintry mix” to the category of snack food. In case Prof. Althouse is feeling nostalgic, I’m going to run a small version of a photo she took two winters ago, while “snowed in” in Madison (Jan. 6, 2005).

[orig., by Ann Althouse]

Adirondack chair
with snow

That poem was inspired by the photo, and written the same day it was posted at the Althouse weblog. (see our post on Jan. 6, 2005) Since then, it was selected to appear at Simply Haiku (Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 2005), and anthologized in the Legal Studies Forum XXX (2006). So, you have to wonder why (other than my usual peridementia and faulty memory) I don’t check out Ann’s photography more often at her weblog, which mixes great photos with interesting punditry (often on politics and recently especially on Senators Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton).

For example, check out her gorgeous shot of the New York skyline, posted on Dec. 3, 2007. (orig. here)

storm alert
every kind of cloud
in one sky

…………………….. by David GiacaloneLegal Studies Forum XXIX:1 (2005)

freezing wind–
the body builder pumps gas
in a muscle shirt

nearly dark–
snow deepens
on the baseball field

……………………………… by billie wilson
“nearly dark” – Acorn 15 (2005)
“freezing rain” — New Resonance 3; frogpond

freezing rain
two Baby Boomers
steam-up the Volvo

wintry mix
the kids make a snow buddha
and a mud buddha

a wintry mix
at the bedroom window
big wet ones

………………………………………….. by dagosan

Lanterns: a firefly anthology” (Edited by Stanford M. Forrester, Bottle Rockets Press, 2007).  Need a respite from thoughts of wintry elements?  Or a stocking-stuffer for a loved one?  Let me suggest you check out the new 77-poem volumn of firefly haiku from Stan Forrester and Bottle Rockets, with contributions from “53 of the haiku community’s top poets.”  The perfectbound (5 x 6.5 inches) book is the first in a series of anthologies, and can be ordered from the publisher for $12 (plus S&H).

I’m honored to have a dagosan poem included in the Lanterns collection. Unlike most of my firefly haiku and senryu, this one fits in well with the gloomy meteorology of the rest of this posting.

cloud-covered night–
no moon, no fireflies,
no goodnight kiss

……………………… by david giacalone

winter hike
the baby’s breath
warms my neck

my tongue
explores a worn tooth
the snowy hills

the mourners stand
in a wintry mix

…………………………………………….. by Tom Painting,
“winter hike” & “my tongue” from the chapbook piano practice (Bottle Rocket Press, 2004)
“graveside” – frogpond (XXIX: 1, Winter 2006)

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