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July 7, 2008

TCL asks lawyers “what’s your exit strategy?”

Filed under: Haiku or Senryu,q.s. quickies — David Giacalone @ 6:30 pm

The brand new July/August 2008 issue of The Complete Lawyer (Vol. 4, No. 4) focuses on Exit Strategies for lawyers — whether it’s retiring from the workplace or finding careers outside the legal profession. (via Diane Levin at The Mediation Channel) The f/k/a Gang has been nagging lawyers for years to prepare for a graceful exit from the profession — especially in our mega-post “the Graying Bar: let’s not forget the ethics” (March 20, 2007), where we stressed the ethical obligation to leave before the infirmities of age harm your clients, and the related need to make financial choices that will permit a timely retirement.

TCL‘s Editor/Publisher Don Hutcheson has again loaded his e-magazine with a bounty of useful articles and columns on the Focus topic, by a diverse group of experts, plus more pieces from regular contributors such as Carolyn Elefant (re solos and small firms), and the ADR “human factor” all-stars, Stephanie West Allen, Victoria Pynchon, Gini Nelson, and Diane Levin, who tell us in this issue “what we have learned from mediation and negotiation that can have broad application in your life and work.

Besides additional targeted material that can be found in 24 local editions of TCL (which can be accessed from the magazine’s home page), you’ll find the following articles (and more) on Lawyer Exit Strategies in the National Edition of The Complete Lawyer:

In addition, Dave Polstra’s Financial Matters column contributes “Small Financial Decisions Cast Big Shadows,” which explains how to avoid the debt trap and enjoy financial freedom in your retirement. And The Graying of Lawyers column by Mickey Batsell explains why “Experienced Attorneys Enjoy Advantages In the Job Market.” Plus, Monica Parker, J.D. of Leaving the, gives you Seven Reasons to Stop Being a Lawyer in her piece, “Before You Choose Your Exit Strategy, Choose to Exit.”

For related articles, take a look at TCL‘s issue of a year ago (Vol. 3, No. 4), which focused on The Graying of the Bar.

retirement options
first ice
rims the campus pond

windowless office ExitSignArrow
a fly buzzes against
my glasses

In one year
work life ends—drizzle
with the rainbow

…………………………….. by George Swede
“retirement options” & “in one year” – The Heron’s Nest
“windowless office” – Almost Unseen (Brooks Books, 2000)


  1. David, you were most kind to link to my post on The Complete Lawyer. Thank you so much.

    By the way, David, I so enjoyed your post on chocolate and kisses. Mondays following three-day weekends are always difficult; that post provided a delightful diversion from the responsibilities of a new work week.


    Comment by Diane Levin — July 8, 2008 @ 7:00 am

  2. You are very welcome, Diane.

    Chocolate and silly blawging as Exit Strategy. Sounds about right to me. I sure hope you got to savor a chocolate kiss or two and didn’t just read about them.

    Comment by David Giacalone — July 8, 2008 @ 7:05 am

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