How to get motivated when things go wrong

Finding the right mindset is key

It is so easy to give up when things go wrong. It’s actually a natural reaction that somehow makes us look for a safe, easy place whenever we feel reality has become too much for us. We’d rather find rest in failure than try to find new, improved ways to succeed, because the latter implies hard work. And the world provides us with enough cheap distractions to simply spend our entire life not aiming high and believing we are doing ok. But we are not. That’s why it is so important to find the proper mindset beforehand. And that mindset must say: moments of failure and loss are part of every process, and motivation must stay strong as long as you keep your goals in mind. In other words: whatever happens, you have such strong faith in your goals that nothing can make that foundation tremble. This is the right way to become invulnerable and always stay motivated.

Motivation from the bottom: every little thing counts

There is a very useful trick that will make it a lot easier to get motivated even if things aren’t going as expected. It is the idea of being in the process of building something o a daily basis, step by step. You can think of it this way: if you manage to earn just 10 cents of a dollar today, and you save that small income as your only possession, somebody could come and laugh at you and your tiny, almost non-existent fortune. But if you earn that amount tomorrow, and the day after, and you keep doing that every day for months or even years, then you are on the right path to be rich one day. And the best part is: your daily routine to earn just a small amount of money will be full of motivation and energy because you will remember the bottom you come from and how far you’ve already managed to climb. It’s as simple as that: trust the process.

Never dwell on negativity and failure

It’s always easier said than done, yes, but you need to learn to let go and forget. The ability to cope after any sort of misfortune is essential for those who want to succeed in life. Why? Because everybody goes through difficult times eventually, even those that look the happiest (or even the luckiest). There are things in life we simply cannot control, and bad luck may come from time to time. But don’t forget: even those that have managed to build successful careers have had to overcome all kinds of problems and barriers, but they somehow had the right attitude towards it: they knew problems were just temporary and did not dwell on them. Thus, knowing failures and disappointments are just a part of life allows you to get over bad things quickly. And what you get from them is a lesson, a valuable one, instead of fruitless and long lasting sadness.

Why you should consider having an online business

Many people consider starting a business online because they are fed up with their jobs or as a way of chasing their dreams. Leaving behind a job which does not fulfil you is a good start, of course; and the same thing applies to pursuing a personal interest. But what makes an internet business different from any other kind of business?

Lower start-up costs

You don’t need much money to start using a website, an online shop or a mobile app. There are plenty of e-business solutions available which help cut down on operation and maintenance costs. And, once open, your business will be running 24/7. Your income will not depend on the number of hours that you put in but on how productive you are while you are in front of the screen. Meeting your customers’ needs – that is, creating value for them – is a must, of course. But you don’t have to be there for sales to go ahead.

Worldwide location

As opposed to a high-street shop, your internet business may reach a worldwide audience. Anyone with an internet connection becomes a potential customer, which increases the chances of scaling. What’s more, this kind of business is more likely to survive in the event of a local or regional crisis.

On the other hand, running a business online means you are not tied down to your workstation. You can manage your business from wherever you are, whether visiting your family in another city or taking part in a course abroad.

Finally, you have access to unlimited talent. Without the restrictions of geographical location, your business is more likely to attract the interest of freelancers and independent contractors worldwide.

Real flexitime

Although it is true that different businesses have different needs, generally speaking, a business on the internet allows you to create your own schedule. You decide when you want to work and how long. Among other benefits, a more flexible timetable has a positive effect on work-life balance and health..

Also, hourly wages become meaningless when you work online. Since your income depends on how productive you are, you can choose to work only when your productiveness is at its highest.

Bottom line

Succeeding in the business world is never easy. Definitely, it is not guaranteed when going online. A lot of effort and a well-suited strategy are required before you start to see results. But the good news is there are billions of people worldwide wanting to buy products and services online. So, if you have something to offer, you are certainly more than welcome. Whether you are a maker, a programmer, a hobbyist or an entertainer, you can build a career for yourself helping others achieve their goals.

The possibilities are endless. The overhead costs are limited to the hosting service and the domain name. And you’ll surely enjoy the freedom of not being locked down to a workplace or unsocial working hours. So, there is really very little reason not to give it a try.

Cómo desarrollar las habilidades socioemocionales en bebés y niños

Hoy en día, es importante tener en cuenta que padres, madres y educadores tenemos un desafío por delante: cuidar y trabajar las habilidades socioemocionales en bebés y niños.

Las emociones son una reacción física y psicológica a diversas situaciones o estímulos que percibe el ser humano y que tiene que ver con los procesos cognitivos. Ante una determinada persona, un hecho, un recuerdo conmovedor, una situación o ubicación, mostramos una respuesta biológica y fisiológica que expresamos mediante el lenguaje corporal y verbal.

A las niñas y niños hemos de enseñarles las emociones de forma pedagógica, con naturalidad y calma, hablándoles con un lenguaje asimilable y comprensible acorde a su edad. Las habilidades socioemocionales son parte del llamado “currículo oculto” de los centros educativos y del día a día de las familias.

Con trabajo educativo, los pequeños podrán reconocer qué están sintiendo e identificar y gestionar estas emociones. A un mayor autoconocimiento, una mejor gestión de las emociones. El autoconcepto y el autocontrol son dos términos básicos para que nuestros niños puedan crecer de una forma sana psicológicamente hablando.

Compartir nuestras propias emociones con los más pequeños, y estimularles para identificar y comprender las suyas, les ayudará a controlarlas en su incursión social y posterior evolución personal.

El núcleo familiar, independientemente de su forma, es básico e importante en esta tarea. Estas serán las personas encargadas de enseñar las habilidades en el entorno más íntimo del infante, creando un ambiente de afecto, apego y aprendizaje. Luego, conforme los niños y niñas crecen, el radio de acción se va ampliando y entran en escena otros actores sociales como su grupo de iguales, las maestras y maestros de la escuela o los familiares más cercanos.

Debemos avivar la inteligencia emocional y estimular las habilidades asociadas a ellas. Estas se van aprendiendo de forma progresiva, sin urgencia. Cada niño tiene un ritmo diferente. Para aprenderlas existen multitud de recursos psicopedagógicos, que ahora con Internet están más al alcance que nunca: dinámicas grupales, fichas, libros, vídeos (cortometrajes y dibujos animados), asesoramiento profesional, etc. Pero el verdadero motor de las habilidades socioemocionales en bebés y niños es pasar tiempo con ellos y que sea de calidad.

La realidad actual es compleja y poliédrica; vivimos en un mundo sobre informado, con multitud de estímulos, en el que las tecnologías ocupan mucho de nuestro tiempo y espacio, y en el que la sociedad evoluciona constantemente. Un escenario abrumador en el que los niños y niñas demandan una guía constante en su desarrollo. Padres, madres y tutores debemos acompañarlos en su evolución.

La comunicación: elemento clave

La comunicación es fundamental y debemos trabajarla cada día. Debemos expresarnos bien para que ellos también puedan hacerlo. Escuchar, comprender e interactuar a través de los diversos procesos. Vamos a analizarlos:

La imitación

Es una habilidad innata. El pequeño desarrolla desde que es bebé esa empatía y activa los mecanismos de repetición de las acciones. Esto hace que puedan desarrollarse en su entorno e ir adquiriendo nuevas habilidades, tanto físicas como psicológicas. Conforme van creciendo y comprendiendo, las figuras paternas o los tutores deben ser todavía más ejemplares, por eso debemos cuidar al máximo qué hacemos delante de nuestros pequeños. La educación en valores es esencial.

La acción instruccional

Los más pequeños asumen e interiorizan órdenes de los adultos, normalmente de las figuras más cercanas y familiares. Pero ojo, estos mandatos deben ser razonados. Los niños han de comprender porqué hacemos cada cosa, todo tiene un sentido y una explicación. Si vamos a dormir es porque necesitan descansar para ir al día siguiente a la guardería o la escuela, si vamos a comer es porque hay que alimentarse para tener fuerzas, si vamos a pasear es para ver cosas y divertirnos, etc.

La observación

Observar es una acción que realizan los niños prácticamente en todo momento, base de la imitación, pero también es un recurso pedagógico para los padres y tutores. Cada niño es diferente y tiene unas características, necesidades y anhelos distintos. Observándolos vamos a comprobar el nivel cognitivo de cada niño, su desarrollo social, sus reacciones, su nivel de psicomotricidad, etc.

¿Qué habilidades socioemocionales pueden trabajarse?

Las habilidades de interacción son aquellas que les enseñamos para que se relacionen, en primeras instancias, con las demás personas. Nos referimos al saludo, a que el niño diga como se llama, a presentarse, a saber pedir algo, a expresar qué desea, etc. Son acciones muy básicas, elementales para los chicos y chicas de edades más tempranas. Hay profesionales que usan pictogramas para trabajar estas habilidades.

Por otro lado, encontramos las habilidades con el grupo de iguales, que van un pasito más allá. Se trata de acciones algo más complejas como iniciar una conversación, unirse al juego, saber ayudar y compartir o pedir cosas por favor. Que los chicos se sepan expresar va a hacer más sencilla su socialización.

Las habilidades emocionales tiene un carácter más abstracto y la irán comprendiendo conforme se vayan conociendo. Podemos trabajar con los niños los sentimientos positivos, la recepción de las emociones ajenas, el respeto, el orden, los afectos, etc.

Estos tres tipos de habilidades a menudo se entrecruzan, tienen carácter transversal y flexible. Simplemente debemos trabajarla en cada etapa del niño, diariamente, con tesón, paciencia y conocimientos pedagógicos. Es aconsejable instruirnos. La adaptación de los niños y niñas a su entorno dependen del desarrollo de sus habilidades socioemocionales.

How to Start an Online Marketing Business

Starting an online marketing business is not as easy as most individuals believe. When you decide to offer services as an online marketer, you are entering an already crowded field. Any business needs extra time and effort before you start to reap the fruits. One thing that makes starting this particular type of business popular is the fact that it requires less startup capital. Many people have turned to internet marketing as an income generating activity. However, only a small portion know the tricks to help them succeed in this highly competitive field. Lack of essential information on the dos and don’ts of online marketing leads to the failure of many businesses. Ignoring the implementation of fail-proof strategies will have diverse effects on your business.

It is unfortunate that some businesses collapse even before they get returns on their investments. Patience is a virtue you need to possess if you want to succeed in this type of business. If you are among the lot that does not know where to start to make it in this industry, this post is for you. We will explain in detail how to start an online marketing business. Having the necessary information will help you run your business efficiently. Buckle up as we take you on an informative ride.

Benefits of having your own online marketing business

  • Requires less capital to start up
  • Being a virtual business, you can work from the comfort of your home
  • You are your own boss meaning you choose when to work
  • There is a wide pool of products and services to choose from and a ready market
  • Guaranteed returns as the income potential from internet marketing is strong

There are many ways you can earn income through online marketing and attain unprecedented growth. Knowing what you are good at will enable you to put your skills to good use. Do not blindly pick on one type of business just because it worked for someone you know. Sales and advertising are two of the proven ways to make a decent income online if done correctly. Get your own website with a domain name and web hosting to add credibility to your site.

That said, below are three ways that will guide you to start an online marketing business.

1. Come up with a business plan

Developing a business plan should be your first step in starting an online marketing business. Choose a product or service you will be comfortable to market in order to make money. Choose whether you will deal with your own products or become an affiliate selling products and services for other companies on your website. Affiliate marketing business model is gaining popularity fast due to the many benefits it has. You do not have to develop your own product or deal with payment and delivery processes. You act as a salesperson and get a commission when prospects buy from your site. There are products and services in about every particular niche market. This large pool of products and service gives you the opportunity to make a right choice. A good business plan will help you decide the best ways to invest your money.

2. Specialize in one type of online marketing

Do not try to be a jack of all trades. Do extensive research and find the kind of marketing business that appeals to you most. There are various internet marketing methods to choose from. Approach one practice at a time and work on becoming an expert in it. Internet marketing includes search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, PPC advertising and much more. Some of the methods work hand in hand. For instance, knowing how SEO works is essential before you tackle PPC advertising and social media marketing. Once the profits start trickling, you can now use the additional money to widen your business scope.

3. Determine your target market

After deciding on what you will be selling, the next step will be analyzing your ideal client. Knowing your market will make it easier for you to figure out where your prospects congregate online. Some audiences especially the young population use social media platforms a lot. For such types of internet users, you can opt to connect with them with social media websites instead of other kinds of sites. Engagingly promote your products or services to avoid making your customers and prospects feel like they are forced to purchase them. By doing this, you will save costs associated with promoting your business in locations with no prospects.


There are many benefits you will get from starting your own online marketing businesses. Many people only dream of running their own internet businesses, but just a few go for it. There are no barriers or educational requirements that will kill your dream of running a successful online marketing business. Your educational level, age, and technical skills should not hold you back. Put your focus on creating a reliable business model to work with. Start small and work your way up. Never stop learning; do not shy from asking for support when necessary.

How to improve social intelligence

Social intelligence is the potential of an individual to interpret and comprehend their social environment and establish meaningful relationships with others. It is often referred to in lay terms as “street smartness”.

It is an acquired trait that grows with the person. The level of a person’s social intelligence determines how well they interact with others. It is important to improve one’s social intelligence as this has numerous benefits.

Here are some of my favourite tips on how to achieve this.

1. Pay attention to other people

It is true that people are wired differently. Some are extroverts by nature, while others are introverts.

Regardless, however, studies have shown that being sensitive and listening to others can help nurture one’s social intelligence. This does not equal to an introvert becoming extroverted. The mere act of paying attention to others without necessarily opening up is key to establishing successful interpersonal relationships.

As you interact with more people, you learn to trust and let them in.

2. Understand yourself

Before being able to understand your social environment, it is most important to understand oneself first.

How do you respond to social stimuli? How do you react when a stranger greets you? Is your social behavior repulsive? Answering these and other questions will help you identify your social strengths and weaknesses, and help you know which areas to work on. This in turn will boost your social intelligence.

3. Improve your communication skills

Effective communication is at the heart at social interaction. It may mean the difference between a successful and a failed social relationship.

Competent communication starts with verbal fluency, or being able to articulate your ideas freely without strain. This is accompanied by proper body language. Body language says a ton about a person, perhaps more than verbal communication. Take cues from people around you and learn the right body language.

Maintaining eye contact is also important for proper communication. This is a show of confidence and assertiveness, both of which help build social intelligence.

4. Learn how to resolve conflicts

Conflicts are almost inevitable in any social setting. People have diverse opinions and feelings about things, and this difference is bound to bring out conflict. Social disputes can make or break relationships.

To improve your social intelligence, establish healthy ways of conflict resolution. Learn from people around you and ask them how they feel about how your methods. Improve them where possible.

5. Be empathetic

We all feel good when other people understand and can relate to our predicaments. Research has shown that empathy is indispensable to establishing healthy relationships and improving social intelligence.

When we show empathy to others it makes them feel supported and they are more likely to responsive to us socially.

6. Invest in your relationships

Relationships of any type are dynamic. To keep them, you have to invest time and effort and adapt to their changing nature.

Remember: it is a lot easier to establish a relationship than it is to maintain one. Also, learn to give back- one sided relationships do not flourish.


Humans are social beings. We cannot live in isolation. It is as such important to improve our social intelligence in order to enhance our social interactions. Not only does doing this improve our overall social performance, it also keeps us healthy.

Sistemas factibles para generar negocios online pasivos

Si uno de tus objetivos es conseguir la independencia financiera, una excelente idea es generar ingresos pasivos online.

El avance de Internet ha abierto innumerables oportunidades que permiten generar una buena cantidad de ingresos. Pero previamente es necesario entender qué tipo de nichos y oportunidades están disponibles para poder obtener algún ingreso pasivo.

negocio online pasivo

Estas son algunas de las mejores formas de construir un negocio online que rinda ingresos pasivos.

Profesor online

Es relativamente fácil generar ingresos pasivos si estás interesado en enseñar cosas. Deberás elegir un campo o tema que domines para luego impartir clases sobre a los estudiantes en plataformas como Udemy.

Esto supone una gran oportunidad para aquellas personas apasionadas por un tema o afición y que creen que tienen algo que enseñar.


También puedes generar ingresos pasivos online realizando trabajos como freelancer.

Simplemente deberás elegir el nicho en que puedes aportar algo y realizar pequeños trabajos y ofrecer tus servicios en plataformas como Upwork.

Por ejemplo, si se te da bien escribir, puedes trabajar como escritor freelance. Si eres hábil para tomando fotos increíbles, también tienes la posibilidad de convertirte en fotógrafo independiente. Si tu interés está en algún otro campo, simplemente busca qué demanda hay y elige ese nicho para ganar dinero online.

También hay oportunidades para diseñadores de sitios web, programadores y muchos otros profesionales que pueden realizar trabajos online.


Es posible generar ingresos pasivos detectando una demanda de productos latente, encontrando un buen proveedor, y creando una tienda online donde ofrecerlos al gran público.

Las claves para que este modelo de negocio sea exitoso están en la elección de un proveedor fiable, la negociación del precio para que el margen de un beneficio aceptable, y tu propio conocimiento sobre ese nicho en particular.

Para que este modelo de negocio sea totalmente pasivo, puedes optar por el dropshipping. De esta forma te liberas de la gestión de stocks y el trabajo de realizar los envíos, ya que es el propio proveedor quien se ocupa de ello una vez le envías el pedido del cliente.

Con dropshipping tus márgenes serán menores, pero a cambio puedes obtener una fuente de ingresos prácticamente pasiva al 100%.

Sitios web y blogs

Otra excelente forma de generar ingresos pasivos es crear tus propios blogs o sitios web. De hecho, probablemente sea la forma más pasiva que existe actualmente de generar ingresos, tal y como comenta Pau Forner, experto en negocios online de

Mediante estas plataformas generarás contenidos con el objetivo de atraer lectores. Una vez te hayas construido una audiencia estable, puedes monetizar ese tráfico mediante anuncios con Adsense u otros anunciantes privados, afiliación con programas como Amazon Afiliados, o creando zonas exclusivas de pago en tu web o blog.

Las claves del éxito en este caso es crear contenidos que satisfagan las necesidades de los lectores, y posicionar bien tus artículos en los buscadores como Google.

Beneficios de las fuentes de ingresos pasivos

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de este tipo de negocios frente el resto? A continuación veremos qué es lo que les hace tan especiales y cotizados.

No se ven afectadas por los imprevistos personales

Nuestro tiempo es dinero, especialmente si trabajamos por cuenta propia. Por este motivo, cuando sucede un imprevisto como un accidente, una enfermedad o un despido, todo el presupuesto personal o familiar se ve sometido a un gran estrés.

En ocasiones es difícil sostener esas dificultades económicas. Durante este tiempo no podrás contar con tu fuente principal de ingresos, cosa que no ocurre cuando se dispone de una fuente alternativa de ingresos pasivos que no requieren de tu tiempo para generar dinero.

Además, te proporcionarán de forma constante algo de dinero extra que puedes reservar para futuros contratiempos.

Seguridad financiera

Hoy en día la mayoría de la gente trabaja en empresas privadas, lo que a menudo no ofrece demasiada seguridad laboral.

Cualquier empleado, independientemente de su experiencia o calificación, puede ser despedido de su trabajo (suele decirse en las empresas que no hay nadie imprescindible).

Mucha gente vive a la sombre del miedo de perder su principal fuente de ingresos. Sin embargo, si tienes alguna fuente de ingresos pasivos, te sentirás más tranquilo y seguro financieramente.

Tu trabajo no lo será absolutamente todo para ti, y tendrás la oportunidad de resistir incluso cuando lo pierdas. Así que trata encontrar y desarrollar las oportunidades de ingresos pasivos que te surjan  tan pronto como sea posible para que pueda contar con esta seguridad adicional.

Sé tu propio jefe

A poca gente le apetece estar bajo el control de los demás. Si además tu jefe es un tirano, a menudo sentirás la tentación de despedirte para no volver a verlo más.

Cuando tienes una fuente de ingresos pasivos considerable, esto deja de ser una utopía para pasar a convertirse en una posibilidad real. Y es esta certeza la que precisamente te proporcionará más tranquilidad y paciencia, por lo que los desencuentros con tus jefes te afectarán menos.

Una reserva para tus vacaciones soñadas

Tener una fuente de ingresos activa puede cubrir los gastos de nuestra vida y permitirnos ahorrar algo para la jubilación. Sin embargo, a menudo nos limita el gasto que podemos realizar en nuestro tiempo libre o vacaciones.

Si quieres mayor libertad financiera para permitirte algún capricho adicional durante tus vacaciones, los ingresos pasivos son una excelente forma de lograrlo sin comprometerte a trabajar durante ese tiempo.

How to deal with someone with low emotional intelligence

Years ago, psychology put on the spotlight a new kind of intelligence, a reasoning that used to contradict with the mind and its logic, an intelligence based on emotions. Emotional intelligence was defined as the ability to control and harness our emotions, channelling them into positive results like solving problems or managing interpersonal conflicts.

low emotional intelligence

It also includes the skill of regulating one’s own emotions and those of others. For instance, some people can benefit from feelings that can be extremely destructive such as melancholy, loneliness, and sadness to generate a constructive analysis of their problems or what’s weighing them down.

High emotional intelligence has a lot of positive influence on different areas of one’s life. For example, emotional intelligence helps your performance at school/work. Furthermore, your awareness and management of your own feelings are now considered to be more important than your IQ.

It can also help your physical and mental health, basically because if you are unable to control your emotions the end result is a lot of stress, high blood pressure, and risk of heart attack, in addition to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

Finally, emotional intelligence also has a huge impact on your relationships. If you are unable to understand and manage your own emotions, it will block you from creating strong bonds, because you can not express how you feel and understand how others are feeling.

When you encounter a friend, a lover or a relative whose reactions are really difficult to understand or you seem unable to see what he is going through, that is probable because he has low emotional intelligence. Then we find ourselves faced with helplessness, just at the mercy of his apparently illogical and desproportionate reactions.

However, we are not that helpless. Here are some tips on how to deal with someone with low emotional intelligence.

  • Help him develop emotional awareness: some people lack this ability as a result of not feeling understood in their early life emotional experiences. Also, because some people think their feelings are confusing, threatening or painful, they distance themselves from everyone else in order to avoid being misunderstood or judged. Let him know you are not going to judge his feelings. Your role here is to make them feel comfortable enough to speak to us about how they are feeling without judging them. Usually, the key is just listening.


  • People sometimes might project their confused feelings from us, even threatening the relationship between that person and us. In this case, you need to be fully aware of how these people can sometimes be deliberately pushing you away out of terror or feelings of intimidation.


  • Another key point to deal with people with low emotional intelligence is trying to communicate with them how we are feeling, and show them our ability to analyze how certain things make us feel. You must understand that this is not a weakness. Try also to push them a little bit out of their comfort zone, go out more often, buy a dog (seriously, it has been demonstrated to raise our emotional intelligence!) or have a serious honest conversation of how the things they do because of their low emotional intelligence are hurting other’s feelings.

El futuro de la educación en España: análisis del informe

En un informe reciente se han listado la larga cantidad de  problemas que, según los profesores españoles (mi país de origen) perjudican su rendimiento y labor, así como la de sus estudiantes.

Leyendo el informe en profundidad, los profesores han sido bastante pesimistas con el futuro del sistema educativo en España y eso es preocupante. El sistema educativo español está en una constante transición desde que las reformas comenzaron a actuar sin parar en cada cambio de gobierno. Cuando unas se han aceptado otras se están gestando en los despachos políticos, y eso no ofrece ninguna estabilidad ni permite ver los resultados a largo plazo.

El pesimismo del futuro educativo en España

Esta investigación sobre el futuro de la educación en España, llamada ‘La educación en España. Horizonte 2020’ ,ha puesto de manifiesto la mala situación que vive este sector en ciertos aspectos, en especial los que se relacionan al rol de profesor, el apoyo del poder público y la posibilidad de llegar a concretar acuerdos.


Debido a que hay poco dinero disponible, esto ha sido un proceso imparable en los últimos años por el gobierno. Este problema es debido a que cada vez son menos los fondos que son destinados a la educación, y aunque se hayan producido repuntes pequeños para recuperar el terreno que se perdió, a pesar de que la crisis parezca haber quedado atrás, los profesionales comprenden que la disminución del apoyo monetario a la educación forma parte de un movimiento de tipo global del que no hay vuelta atrás.

Esto se refleja en que la cantidad de centros va a reducirse, con la excepción de los privados y los de formación profesional. Según algunos consultados, la gestión privada es la que va a crecer a pasos agigantados en detrimento del sector público. Malas noticias para los temporales y los interinos. Se prevé que se reduzcan las plantillas y que elratio de alumnos y docentes sea más inestable que antes, perjudicando notoriamente la calidad de la enseñanza pública.

En la actualidad España invierte un 4,5% en educación de su Producto Interior Bruto. Esto es un porcentaje por debajo de la media de la Unión Europea, la cual está en el 5,3%. Los países más generosos son Suecia con 6,8 y Dinamarca con 7,9. Una situación similar es la de las ayudas a estudiantes de tipo financieras, que también están por debajo del conjunto de la Unión Europea.

No obstante, hay algunas razones para ser optimista ya que la diversidad cultural debe ir en aumento gracias a que se multiplicarán los planes de convivencia. Una mayor flexibilidad del currículo escolar y el desarrollo de competencias también son iniciativas próximas.

Sin duda, un panorama poco esperanzador para el futuro de la educación española, que obliga a gran cantidad de estudiantes a salir de su país para completar sus estudios, como el caso de quien escribe estas líneas.

Is education a social science?

Social science is an integral part of academic discipline that deals with society and studies its relationships within the individuals in the society. Social sciences encompass a wide variety of disciplines as economics, political science, human geography, demography, and psychology, among others. And it also includes education.


Many argue that education should not be considered a social science as technically, it is a discipline which merely gives systematic instruction, like in a school or university. However, beyond the giving of instructions, education provides far reaching repercussions that result to mankind having a better quality of life, which is the reason why is should be considered a science.

1. Education is an enabler

Educated men can work across generations and cultures. Today, people are not confined only to work in their own places of domicile: because educated people have acquired the skills to do more complex jobs, they are able to find more fulfilling and higher paying jobs, resulting in better lives for them and their families. In fact, many people have crossed the boundaries of language, so that they learn a second language to better understand peoples of other cultures.

2. Education has a correlation with better societies

Education provides mankind with information on how to live better and healthy lives, not only by giving information on what to do to achieve well being but conversely to show them the bad effects of bad health habits.

Studies show that societies with more educated people suffer less infant mortalities, have lower incidences of depression, and show a higher propensity to cope with everyday challenges. Conversely, those societies with more uneducated people suffer the brunt of increasing health costs, incidences of suicides, and higher rates of people having sexually transmitted diseases.

3. Education as an inspirer

To be educated is to aspire for goals way beyond what the mind can imagine. When a person is educated, he is able to think big, using all he has learned to follow up on his life goals. An educated man’s will to succeed cannot easily be thwarted with superficial challenges. In fact, the more an educated person is challenged, the more he strives to get over his problems.

4. Education opens our mind

Education gives man an open mind but helps him go on the right track. An educated person’s walls are limitless. He will always be open to ideas, however, when it comes to making decisions, he knows what will be best for him and will stick it out through thick or thin. An educated person is able to have a masterplan for his life where aside from his options, he has back-up plans just in case he is side-tracked.

5. Education helps us live the life we want

All of us go to universities to finish a degree. This degree is not something we get so that we can brag about it. This degree is a result of years of dutiful study so that we can land our coveted job, be financially independent and feel good that we have reached our goals after years of hard work.

Although education may not necessarily equate to success, having a good education will definitely open doors for people to advance their causes so that these opportunities, whether big or small, may in one way or the other, lead us to achieving the happiness that we all have been working for.

Welcome to Factual -my mission-

Welcome to this new blog at Harvard from a science passionate and multi-language student. In Factual my mission will be to discuss science-based facts in order to bust all those myths that populate the Internet nowadays.

Why this? Because this is the era of disinformation. Anyone with a computer and Internet connection can start writing, and the majority of people will believe it only because it is written on the Internet, as Dr. Gilbert found in 1993.

That year, Dr. Gilbert conducted a study that sought to determine our attitude when we received information. He put forward two possibilities:

By default, we believe what we read. And we only begin to doubt it when we find some evidence that we may be wrong.

Or, on the contrary, after reading an information, we judge it. if it seems correct, we believe it.

Even thought the second option seems the most logical, Dr. Gilbert found that when people are distracted or in a hurry, such as we are in this society, they tend to assume everything they read is true, as their judging ability is impaired.

Without time to think, people simply believe what they read.

This is why amongst some personal thoughts about education in English and Spanish, in this weblog you will also find some myth-busting from an evidence-based point of view in personal development (where people are more prone to believe everything they read), technology and marketing.

Source: Gilbert et al., You cannot believe everything your read. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1993 65(2)