Today is my 5th day after the surgery. My head hurts so much that even Advil can’t help.

It only occurs to my right side of my head. I can even feel exactly where it hurts. It’s like something bruising behind my right eye ball.

I can’t really follow my study / homework schedule. Luckily, my classmates are wonderful enough to help out. And I was able to complete another assignment last night. Even I skipped today’s session with my tutor, at least I am not too behind.

I felt guilty for 15 mins for lying on my bed and ditching my meeting with tutor. But then the ‘inner me’ said “you’ve done your homework yesterday anyway. And if lying here makes your head feel better, then by all means, do what’s the best for your body now…”

So I turned off my alarm, kept my dog on my tummy and closed my eyes.

It was the most peaceful, comfortable, pain-free 30 mins nap till it was time to feed my dog.

Slow is fast. Gentle is powerful and stillness moves mountains.