

Before joining your child must accept our Terms and Conditions. By doing so, they agree that any content they upload (e.g., text, photos, videos) can be used by the research team to create new materials for sharing via or our partners’ websites and social media channels; or can be included in our research outputs (e.g., reports, presentations or publications, in print or online). Distributing this content will enable RErights members and other interested people and organisations to see what young people around the world think about their rights in the digital age. Content will be covered by a Creative Commons license. Material uploaded to the site will not automatically be made public: all content will be sent to the research team before being used to create any other materials.

The RErights team is committed to maintaining your child’s privacy, and the security of the website and uploaded content. Some personal information (your child’s country, age and gender) will be published publicly; however, your child will not be identified by name or email address. The RErights team will take the necessary measures to ensure your child’s personal information is protected on the website and is not accessible by third parties. For more information on security, please read our Privacy Policy.

Your child can delete their account and/or withdraw from the research at any time and for any reason. If they wish, any content they have uploaded can be deleted. To delete their account, including profile and personal information, your child can select the ‘Delete My Account’ option on their Your Details page. If your child wishes to withdraw uploaded content from the study, they can email and tell us what content they would like removed. Deleting their account or withdrawing from the project will not affect their relationship with the research team or partner organisations.