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{ Daily Archives } Thursday, January 2004

The end of the Radio as we know it?

I love reading Freedom to Tinker. It covers lots of different high level happenings that could affect the large scale of one’s right to tinker with the stuff they own. This time Professor Felton covers radios. He gives a very niec sum up here: Smart radios are a sleeper technology. They’re being developed right now; […]

Earth to Apple, the mini iPod price sucks

I saw th eMacworld 2004 Keynote and it wasn’t that bad. Some nice improvements to iLife but the most disappointing thing is the iPod. JonBert sums it up quite nicely for me: The iPod mini is more of a question-mark. $249 for 4GB? Sure it’s smaller, and comes in different colors, but as it is […]

Gates pushing forward the PC & TV as one at CES

PCs integrating more with the TV? “You will be assimilated”, anyone? I’ve seen photos of Windows Media Center but never actually tried it. Is anyone actually using it? The ability to integrate with a remote control sounds quite useful. The ability to get all the viruses Windows does, doesn’t. The ability to use many of […]

“Now I am the Master…..” (Students teaching faculty computing?)

Gee, that’s a way to put yourself through college. Teach the computer NON-savvy Professors how to use a computer. Except for one thing… does this cause strife when the student gets graded by that teacher later on? Paul Dame possessed the knowledge and Willard Morgan the willingness to learn it. It was a classic teacher-student […]