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O’Reilly nudging Web 2.0ers to build something real

CNet reports that Tim O’Reilly keynoted a message to the Web 2.0 community that they should stop building SuperPoke and try to challenge more real problems. The CNet article jabs at O’Reilly Media itself helped to spawn some of these SuperPoke applications with all of these tech conferences that they have held but overall O’Reilly’s […]

Fixing that svn: Unrecognized format for the relative external URL

So recently I saw this when doing a svn checkout of a project and ran into the following: $ svn co svn: Unrecognized format for the relative external URL ”. Wonderful. This indicated to me there was a problem with the svn externals somewhere. After noodling a little I decided to Google around and […]

Losing data in the clouds

Seems that some cloud vendors (sheesh I really only knew about Google Ape… err App Engine, Amazon’s EC2 service, and GoGrid) have been having some issues watching customer data go up in a poof. oops. Datacenter Knowledge mentions Flexiscale having issues The problems for FlexiScale began when one of the main storage volumes was accidentally […]

Social Networks

Multiple renaming utilities: mmv

There are many multiple file rename utilities that you can dig up. One that I am used to on Debian/Ubuntu-based distros is called rename which is one that is derived from the Perl Cookbook. However, note that this rename script does not seem to exist on other UNIX variants in a packaged format. It definitely […]

On the irritation of trying to run GPG on a remote headless server

My short, short suggestion is… don’t: This blog post explains it much better than I can although I definitely have been the victim of trying to generate a GPG key on a headless server to no avail: While trying to generate a gpg keypair on a remote server, I discovered I lack entropy. Eventually I […]

svnbackup-restore.rb, svnbackup’s handy companion tool

Doug Hellman’s svnbackup script tool is a really handy tool for setting up automated backups for a subversion repository. However, the non-fun time comes when one wants to restore a subversion repository that has way too many dumpfiles parts. The instructions for restoration are basically ‘roll your own’ if you want to try to automate […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 The Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are one of the more interesting parts of a conference in my opinion since 5 minutes really forces the speaker to get to the point and it becomes painfully obvious if the presentation has no focus or if there has been real work to get across the main message in the shortest amount […]

RubyKaigi Day 1 The Matz Keynote

Okay this is my notes from Matz’s Keynote. I was 5 minutes late since finding lunch took a really long time to find anything around the area unfortunately. Unfortunately, most of the visiting Rubyists decided to do KFC however Charles Nutter decided to stick it through and we finally found a nice Yakiniku restaurant to […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 Part 3 Notes

Evan Phoenix on Rubinius Evan started off with a quick intro on Rubinius and proceeded to talk about some of the big pieces of Rubinius from a 10,000 feet high view. The kernel of the system The C Compatibility Layer It’s a big project and Evan wants to have a conversation with anyone who wants […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 Part 2 Notes

Here’s a continuation of my scribbled notes from the RubyKaigi. This one from the JRuby implementors. Some of my own thoughts and comments are inserted in parentheses. Charles Nutter on JRuby Quick intro and the impressive live demos of JRuby in action (or as the IRC channel said Nice Live Coding (NLC)) This summer, work […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 Part 1 Notes

Ruby Kaigi 2008 is happening. I’m sure there other posts on the Ruby Kaigi happening however here are some of my own hasty scribbles for anyone that cares… Introduction Speech This is the 3rd year of the conference One theme of this year is multiple implementatios More people coming into the Ruby community and we […]

On the future (or lack) of Nitro Web framework

Before there was Rails, there existed other Web Frameworks for Ruby. One of the promising ones is Nitro however it fell into realm of ignorance. On some random surfing I ran across this blog post from one of the main authors of the Nitro Web Framework. It’s an interesting read since the author laments how […]

mod_rails aka passenger == nice && easy

I looked over mod_rails today and realized how nice and easy looking it was to install. The general install process is: 1. Install rubygems 2. Run gem install passenger 3. passenger-install-apache2-module 4. Follow the instructions and install any missing dependencies (it actually is smart enough to detect which ones you need before splatting itself into […]

Happy half-a-decade blog

Yeesh, I just looked at the date of my first post and it’s been a whole 5 years since I started blogging here. What have I learned? People who blog multiple times a day must either have some kick-ass tools to do it quickly or way too much time. I seem to have neither so […]