Chayes Fellow Lillian Langford (JD’ 13), working in the Kyrgyz Republic with the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia

Chayes Fellow Lillian Langford with EBL lawyers

“I’m now in the middle of about a month of field visits to remote areas to interview the project’s lawyers and clients for a final report …The stories of our clients are often tragic, but the lawyers seem to be doing great work for people who otherwise would have no access to legal aid.”

Lillian is working this summer with Equal Before the Law: Access to Justice in Central Asia, a a program designed to increase access to justice for vulnerable populations, in particular for rural women, at-risk children and persons with disabilities.

“What strikes me most, hearing the stories and reactions of the clients we have met in our first week of field visits, is how astonished many of them were when they realized that someone was able and willing to help them with their problems.”

Lillian and her fellow interns are blogging about their experiences on the Equal Before the Law web site; please click here to read Lillian’s posts.