PHP, XML, and Google Map API

Perhaps I should’ve taken some CS courses in college. Even still, I’m racing through a couple books on the above subjects (minus the API). But, inspired by Walk Jog Run, I’ve decided to learn how to and think of a way to use the Google Map API here on my blog. There’d be one of those Hello, World! examples accompanying this entry would that the API key sign-up page work. As it doesn’t, you’ll have to be content to wait. But soon, I’ll organize and detail my adventures map-style! Which reminds me, I need to get back to campus to finish up my certificates in ArcScene — a 3D modelling and mapping program in the ESRI ArcMap 9 suite. I’m about half way done and have been for almost a year. My course code is about to expire, and that’d force me to pay to finish it up; heaven forbid I should pay for my education.