Back to the Fun Stuff

I’ve started doing what I like to do again. That’s right. I’ve decided that it’s been long enough. Why don’t I have a tag-driven, database-backed website up and running yet? I’ve been meaning to collect funny and meaningful quotes—Lord knows I run across so many good ones everday. But for some reason I have forced myself to sit down and set up the site. Rather than using some out-of-the-box, I’m going to take this as an opportunity to learn some skills. I’ve taken out three books that may or may not prove useful: two on data mining, one on interaction design. Because of the hype, I should probably get one that covers AJAX, too.

I’ll let you know where and when you can see what I’ve cooked up.

I consider this a living exercise in computer science and philosophy. I’m fascinated by these folksonomy things and what it means for information architecture. I think that these user-authored category systems are going to propel the semantic web in the immediate future. But then again, I’m not sure really I know what I’m talking about. Please don’t trust me. I need to do some more reading and thinking about distributed cognition. Please let me know about your insights on these subjects.

The bloodgood shed all its foliage. The core stem is green. I keep tricking myself into finding what are not new buds. Still, it looks healthy. And it’s beautiful, what with its sterile dignity. Maybe I’ll go purchase some clunky, black frames to match it.

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