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{ Monthly Archives } December 2003

Speaking of pregnant, pre-revolutionary pauses…

      It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.       It was an era of propaganda, it was the age of information.  It was the season of Google in the Republic of Rush; a time of sudden free access to the wisdom of the world and of unrepentant OxyContin rant on […]

Speaking of pregnant pre-revolutionary pauses…

     It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.       It was an era of propaganda, it was the age of information.  It was the season of Google in the Republic of Rush; a time of sudden free access to the wisdom of the world and of unrepentant OxyContin rant on […]

“Bah Humbug,” by the way, from Gore Vidal

     Gore Vidal walks with a cane these days.  His compensation at a joint reading in Provincetown not long ago was discovering that ancient nemesis Norman Mailer gets around on two canes.  Great entertainer and great complainer, Vidal is a grimly erudite old comic who still fills the house, and whose repartee is not all […]

The Year That Made Larry Lessig an Optimist

     For the famously gloomy prophet Larry Lessig, two blessed events in 2003 have forced a smiling reappraisal: the birth of his child and the growth of the blogosphere.  In conversation it seemed he could not speak of one procreation without alluding to the other.  In politics and in culture, in the Lessig view, after […]

Dick Morris: “an entirely new age in American politics”

     I begin to understand why Bill Clinton loved him.  Dick Morris–still maneuvering the broad intersection of power and opinion, media and money–is quick and cool with sticky soundbites.  He’s a man of the next not the last campaign (likely in Morris’ business to be in Brazil, or Japan or Russia).  He’s unsentimental about the […]

Dick Morris: “an entirely new age in American politics”


What’s Funny on the Internet? David Rees Knows

     David Rees’s public career began as just the opposite of trying to be funny.  It was a late-at-night flight from his idle amateur cartooning.  “I kinda made a decision,” he said.  “Well, I’ll try to make a comic about how I actually feel for once.”  The ruins of the World Trade Center were barely […]

What’s Funny on the Internet? David Rees Knows

     David Rees’s public career began as just the opposite of trying to be funny.  It was a late-at-night flight from his idle amateur cartooning.  “I kinda made a decision: well, I’ll try to make a comic about how I actually feel for once.”  The ruins of the World Trade Center were barely cool.  The […]

Music for America: Sountrack of the Transformation

     Music for America is a phenomenon to notice, improvising its own path into the Internet Age.  I hear it as “MeetUp, the Musical” with a young dancing pulse.  Or a sort of soundtrack to Jim Moore’s Second Superpower.  The idea of Music for America crystallized, as the Second Superpower did, around the worldwide protests last February 15 before […]