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Monthly Archive for March, 2007

We are all maroons.

we are all maroons
wayneand wax
real time in reel time
rhombus mix

save the cockpit country

Should Jamaica recognize Bob Marley as a national hero?

video recording by Roberto Mighty


Marcus Mosiah Garvey stands out in history as one who was greatly committed to the concept of the Emancipation of minds. Garvey who was born in St. Ann became famous worldwide as a leader who was courageous and eloquent in his call for improvement for Blacks. He sought the unification of all Blacks through the establishment of the United Negro Improvement Association and spoke out against economic exploitation and cultural denigration. He spent many years in the United States pursuing his goal of Black UNIFICATION.

stands for
Internet & Society 2007
stands for

is2k7 + poker

What has University to fear from Poker?
What is there to learn?


Question:What is the role of University in cyberspace?
from is2k7

University and the Net are mutually foundational. The future of each depends upon the other. They are connected, like a function:


University’s role in the Net is to develop, propagate and perpetuate into the future its capacity for generating knowledge. We are a knowledge-making machine with human parts. University embodies our fundamental norms of quality, curiosity, generation and preservation of knowledge. We are students. We are scholars. We are alumni who have come to see the core idea. We are University. By expressing ourself in the Net, University becomes the Net, University is the Net.

Please Discuss!

TOP SECRET – who can help us? Please Discuss!

Have you seen the Harvard Law School Parody show TOP SECRET? The secret is mine, the secret of the reasonable man. i am fated to die with it. here, right now, i resist my fate and tell you the secret. Secret from, Secret to. Who is listenting? Who is speaking? The secret to the reasonable man is the reasonable woman. The secret to the reasonable woman is the reasonable man. Write that bullshit on an exam and see what get. The secret to reasonable is … > Come see the show. If you can’t get there in the snow take in a clip on video. Who will help me get a clip up on youtube? Who will link it to is2k7. postcards at the parody. pass em out.

thanks to friends in second life

thank you SL_Empathics

two stents later i am back like i never left, except for a life-changning psychic experience.

charles ogletree on IS2k7 and jamaica