Nudge Behavior Using Choice Architecture

Every set of choices is framed in a context that has an impact on the chooser. This environment, known as the “choice architecture,” may implicitly lead your constituents toward one choice over another. Introducing a nudge will modify the choice architecture, replacing pre-existing nudges.

choice selection

Below are several types of nudges that may impact choice selection. Each is an opportunity to create your own nudge experiment!

Default Rules – Provide a set of choices with one “good” choice automatically selected. This will require less work for indifferent choosers, and fewer people will fail to make a choice altogether. When using default rules, it should still be easy to opt-out, or opt for a different choice.

Active Choice – Provide a set of choices and require people to choose one before proceeding. This may be useful when a default choice is not optimal for most users.

Simplification – Reduce the complexity of choices to increase the likelihood of an informed and rational decision. This could come in the form of a more succinct  description of the question, more clearly labeled options, or fewer options to choose from.

Increase Ease – Remove barriers or reduce the perceived consequences of making a choice. This could come in the form of reduced cost, reduced risk, closer proximity, or shorter commitment.

Disclosure of Costs – Provide information on the monetary, social, or environmental costs associated with each choice. This may act as a deterrent for some choices where costs are not obvious. Choosers tend to bias decisions based on the information most recently available or easiest to recall.

Disclosure of Past Choices – When possible, use personalization to remind the chooser of their prior selection(s). This is another way to simplify the choice selection.

Use of Social Norms – Provide information about the behavior or opinions of others. Try noting the most frequently selected choice, the most highly recommended choice, or information from larger demographic surveys.

Posted in Behavioral Terms, Examples of Nudges