It is with great joy and fanfare that we announce the inclusion of Perma citations in the newest version The Bluebook!

Cross-posted from Et Seq., The Harvard Law School Library Blog:

“The 20th Edition of The Bluebook is now available and includes a new rule: 18.2.1(d), which states:

‘Archiving of Internet sources is encouraged, but only when a reliable archival tool is available.  For citations to Internet sources, append the archive URL to the full citation in brackets” – the rule includes the following example:

Letter from Rose M. Oswald Poels, President/CEO, Wis. Bankers Ass’n, to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Sec’y, SEC (Sept. 17, 2013),[]. is also the example used to demonstrate the archived sources rule in the Rule 18.1 Basic Citation Forms for Internet Sources table on page 178:

Rocio Gonzalez, Puerto Rico’s Status Debate Continues as Island Marks 61 Years as a Commonwealth, Huffington Post (July 25, 2013, 9:00 AM),[].'”

A big thank you to everyone at The Bluebook for recognizing the problem of link rot and recommending as a reliable tool for stamping it out!