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A Journal of 2019 – 4


Dear Klaus,

When you mentioned the canonization of Cardinal Newman the other day, I didn’t have time to set down some of my thoughts on the matter.

What I’m afraid of is this: this lamentable pope and his accomplices are going to twist Newman’s thoughts and use them to justify their heresy, especially the heresy that Cardinal Brandmüller sees coming out of the Amazon Synod (

Why do I say that? Newman’s book “An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine” will be used by this tragic pope to support his heretical ideas. They will pay no attention to what Newman was REALLY saying in the book.

What Newman was REALLY saying was this: “‘Development of doctrine’ is a term used by John Henry Newman and other theologians influenced by him to describe the way Catholic teaching has become more detailed and explicit over the centuries, while later statements of doctrine remain consistent with earlier statements.” (That quote is from Wikipedia.)

So, again, Newman believed that Church teaching develops by becoming “more detailed and explicit,” and later statements of doctrine must “remain consistent with earlier statements.”

You can be sure, though, that this tragic pope and his cohorts are going to use Newman’s writings to mean the exact opposite and to justify everything from married priests to female deacons to homosexual “marriage.”

It’s no coincidence that Newman is being canonized around the same time as the Amazon synod. This misguided pope probably thinks he’s awfully clever and that faithful Catholics are awfully stupid.

In Christo,



Dear Klaus,

I also wanted to mention something else. You know Cardinal Marx is working on a “binding synodal process” to be ready in the autumn. It has three working groups, and the one on “sexual morality” is headed by none other than Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück. Bode, as you probably know, “has called for a discussion about the possibility of blessing homosexual relationships. He believes there to be ‘much [that is] positive’ in such relationships.” Bode also “proposes to reconsider the Church’s stance on active homosexual relationships which are regarded as gravely sinful. ‘We have to reflect upon the question as to how to assess in a differentiated manner a relationship between two homosexual persons,’ he says. ‘Is there not so much positive and good and right so that we have to be more just?’”

If I didn’t believe what St. Augustine said was true, namely, that God judges it better to bring good from evil than not to allow evil to exist at all, I would have a feeling of real dread as the autumn approaches. But also, I remember: “In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

In Christo,




Lieber Klaus, lieber Andreas,

vielen Dank für Eure Nachrichten. Die Serie der schlechten Päpste, die mit Bonifatius VIII. begann, endete erst ZWEI JAHRHUNDERTE SPÄTER mit dem Tod von Alexander VI. Also werden wir wahrscheinlich mit mehreren sehr schlechten zukünftigen Päpsten rechnen müssen, nach dem Ende des vorliegenden Pontifikats, aber aufgrund der Worte der Muttergottes in Fatima habe ich die Hoffnung, dass am Ende ihr Unbeflecktes Herz siegen wird. Und wir werden schließlich, irgendwann, einen guten Papst haben, der die Kirche aus den heutigen Trümmern wieder aufbauen wird.

In Christo,


Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: We all pray that this confused pope will learn to be “transparent before God,” and that he will also learn that holiness does not consist in exercising power and tolerating financial and homosexual corruption, and certainly not in fake humility.

@Pontifex “Swiss bishop: Amazon Synod could ‘contaminate whole Mystical Body of Church…gravely damage it’” Our “merciful” pope will certainly not let this bishop’s criticism go unpunished.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Bernardin not only was a homopredator his entire career but many of those sexual assaults were tied to satanic rituals.” A friend commented, “Just your average cardinal, right?”

@Pontifex Reply to this pope: This confused pope does “go through difficult days at times,” but it would be easier for him if did more than “remember that life is a grace.” It would be easier for him if he remembered Church teaching and avoided the heresy of the Amazon Synod.

@Pontifex This confused pope does “go through difficult days at times,” but it would be easier for him if he did more than “remember that life is a grace.” It would be easier if he remembered Church teaching and didn’t destroy religious orders like the FFI and the Knights of Malta.

@Pontifex This confused pope does “go through difficult days at times,” but it’d be easier if he did more than “remember that life is a grace.” It’d be easier if he remembered Church teaching and didn’t destroy traditional religious orders like the FFI and the Knights of Malta.

@Pontifex (1/3) “Pope Francis sent a 28-page letter to Catholics in Germany Saturday calling for a focus on evangelization in the face of the ‘erosion’ and ‘decline of the faith’ in the country.” As the money keeps rolling in… @Pontifex (2/3) … from the government “Church tax,” the LAST thing the German bishops are going to focus on is “evangelization.” They have their minds on more important matters: “”The German bishops’ conference decided in March that the… @Pontifex (3/3) “…issues of priestly celibacy, the Church’s teaching on sexual morality, and a reduction of clerical power would be subject to a process ‘synodal progression’ that could lead to a binding, but as yet undetermined, outcome.” “Synodal progression”? God help us.

@Pontifex_fr “« Les Européens sont malades… Nous leur donnerons les médicaments. L’Europe entière deviendra islamique. Nous conquerrons Rome », n’hésitait pas à fanfaronner le fondateur de Millî Görüş, Necmettin Erbakan.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets: “The Bible is…a gift that the Risen Jesus asks us to accept…” And will this poor, misguided pope ever accept the gift? This horrific pontificate is one long denial of the Gospel and Church teaching, and one long era of corruption.

@Pontifex Today is the feast day of another heroic Jesuit, Blessed Peter Kibe, who was martyred along with 187 other Japanese in the 17th century. And what do we have today? The self-indulgence of the likes of @JamesMartinSJ. How did the Jesuits – and we ourselves – come to this?

@Pontifex “From Michael J. Matt to the bishops of the world: For God’s sake, resist Francis to his face!”

@Pontifex (1/2) “The latest of Francis’ accomplishments? The Synod on the Amazon. Historians will spill millions of words on this subject, but…. @Pontifex (2/2) …it boils down simply to this. Rich, corrupt German bishops with empty churches want to tell the rest of the Church how to reform itself.”

@Pontifex Faithful Catholics everywhere are praying that God will give them the strength to endure the horrors of this pontificate.

@Pontifex “What a morbid, post-Christian farce.”

@Pontifex Of all the horrors and disasters this pontificate has visited on the Church, the upcoming Amazon Synod promises to be the most horrific and most disastrous.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: Through his attention to Church teaching and the Gospel and through his eradication of financial and homosexual corruption in the Church, this lamentable pontiff could become one of the great popes. Instead, he will be remembered as a destroyer.

@Pontifex “A number of bishops…display an arrogance that is dumbfounding….They show little love for the Church, little love for the flock, almost total disregard of the truth. They…demonstrate a “drop dead” attitude to the faithful.”

@Pontifex Despite an ongoing mass exodus from the Church in Germany, this delusional pope seems to think that if he does what the German cardinals tell him to do he will reinvigorate the Church everywhere.

@Pontifex “Vatican spokesman discusses new guidelines on civil registration of clergy in China” (Vatican Press Office) “The guidelines offer ‘full respect of the freedom of conscience’.” Doesn’t the Vatican spokesman have a really terrific sense of humor?

@Pontifex When this misguided pope is photographed with a few Amazonian native artifacts around his head and torso, what is he trying to prove? Doesn’t he know how ridiculous he looks? He is Christ’s Vicar on earth? Would Christ dress up like that?

@Pontifex According to the working document ( for the upcoming Amazon Synod, this tragically confused pope wants the Church to become something like this: (This is not an exaggeration. No one is making this up.)

@Pontifex A friend said, “Once, when I was very young, I saw Pius XII at an audience in St. Peter’s carried in all the majesty of the sedia gestatoria. Compare that to this present tragic pope in the headdress and other garb of an Amazonian native. God, how did we come to this?”

@Pontifex Jean-Jacques-Rousseau’s Noble Savage has apparently entered the Church, according to the Instrumentum Laboris for the Amazon synod. Not only that, he expects the Church to “listen” and conform to the “irreversible” changes he will make in the Church. Dear God, help us.

@Pontifex “The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been paying a pension to the family of a 17-year-old Palestinian who stabbed to death an Israeli girl in her sleep for three years now.” No doubt this befuddled pope approves of this Muslim act of “mercy.”

@Pontifex “Pope condemns ‘excluding anyone’ in message for World Day of Migrants” (Vatican News) Right. Don’t exclude people, unless they’re faithful Catholics. Then you can follow this pope: insult them, and if they belong to a traditional religious order, destroy that order.

@Pontifex_de @Pontifex (1/3) Die Serie der schlechten Päpste, die mit Bonifatius VIII. begann, endete erst ZWEI JAHRHUNDERTE SPÄTER mit dem Tod von Alexander VI. Also werden wir wahrscheinlich mit mehreren sehr schlechten zukünftigen Päpsten rechnen müssen, nach dem Ende… @Pontifex_de @Pontifex (2/3) …des vorliegenden Pontifikats, aber aufgrund der Worte der Muttergottes in Fatima habe ich die Hoffnung,… @Pontifex_de @Pontifex (3/3) …dass am Ende ihr Unbeflecktes Herz siegen wird. Und wir werden schließlich, irgendwann, einen guten Papst haben, der die Kirche aus den heutigen Trümmern wieder aufbauen wird.

@Pontifex Faithful Catholics pray that we will not have too many more confused and misguided popes after this present one. We pray that God will soon send us a truly wise and great pope who can rebuild the Church from the present ruins.

@Pontifex Headline: “Afghan asylum seeker, 32, ‘attacked random members of the public with a knife after demanding to know their nationality while fuelled by desire to kill English people'” And this naive pope says we should “welcome” even MORE immigrants

@Pontifex “New Viganò testimony: Vatican covered up allegations of sexual abuse of Pope’s altar boys.”

@Pontifex The last time we had a period of misguided, confused, and evil popes, it began in 1294 with Boniface VIII and lasted 200 years. We should prepare ourselves for another such period. The folly, confusion, and evil will probably not end with this present lamentable pope.

@Pontifex “Austrian bishop: Pope said he won’t abolish priestly celibacy because he anticipates Judgement Day” Well, yes, that’s what this poor, confused pope says TODAY. But TOMORROW, in good Peronist fashion, he’ll say the opposite. You can’t trust him.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: Let us pray that this confused pope will work with integrity and tell the truth about the financial and homosexual corruption in the Church. May that corruption and the pope’s injustice toward traditional religious orders not have the last word.

@Pontifex A friend said, “This benighted pope refuses to meet with Matteo Salvini, but he’s happy to welcome Vladimir Putin, who seizes Ukrainian territory, shoots down a Dutch airliner, murders Russians in the UK, and kills journalists in Russia, to name of few of his crimes.”



In response to a video ( about Catholic colleges and universities by Father Mark Goring:

It’s easier to think of “Catholic” institutions that HAVE been compromised than it is to name those that have NOT been.

How did Cicero put it? “O tempora, o mores!”

And a few centuries later, Rome fell.

We, though, may not have that much time.


Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex This tragically confused pope has time to meet with an abortionist, Emma Bonino, but won’t meet with a Catholic politician, Matteo Salvini. In today’s Europe, hypocrisy can only strengthen the reputation of men like Salvini.

@Pontifex Lord, protect Your Church from further ravages by this misguided pope and his German “advisers.” They have devastated the Church here in Germany; please don’t let them do that to the Church in the rest of the world as well.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis ignored ‘terrifying dossier’ on top Vatican official’s sex abuse: Abp. Viganò” Why?

@Pontifex After the disastrous pontificate of Boniface VIII in the Middle Ages, we had to wait 200 years for a good pope. We all pray that God will not make us wait that long when the present catastrophic pontificate ends.

@Pontifex Millions of faithful Catholics are praying that God will protect His Church from the ravages this tragic pope will try to inflict through his horrific Amazon Synod, with its acceptance of native “traditions” – along with much else.

@Pontifex English-speaking Catholics are horrified that this error-prone pope wants to change the words of the “Our Father.” But would such a change really add much to the horrors this tragic pope has already inflicted on us? And one day a good pope will correct all his errors.

@Pontifex As the German-speaking cardinals continue to cluster around this confused pope, we pray that God will not let them do to the Church in other countries what they have done to the Church in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

@Pontifex This lamentable pope wants a “listening” Church. However, that means listening only to those who agree with him. Listening to faithful Catholics? As they say in Brooklyn: “Fuhgeddaboudit.”

@Pontifex “Vigano also said sexual misconduct was discovered in a seminary on the Vatican grounds. The perpetrator was ordained to the priesthood while his victims had been dismissed. He said abuse charges are still covered up by Vatican officials.”

@Pontifex “In Bogor, Catholic woman accused of blasphemy against Islam” ( Obviously the woman’s accusers haven’t been told that this misguided pope has kissed the feet of a Muslim leader because it’s The Great Religion of Peace.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: For a pope, even a tragic pope like the one we have now, to be united to Jesus means following His Gospel and the teachings of His Church, and ridding the Church of financial and homosexual corruption. It means speaking the truth.

@Pontifex “Why honoring Francis as the Pope means showing concern for his errors”

@Pontifex “Pray constantly, implore tirelessly, and weep bitter tears in the seclusion of your heart, beseeching my most holy Son to end as soon as possible these unhappy times by sending the Prelate who shall restore the spirit of her priests.”

@Pontifex “The list of suspected sex abusers and their accomplices whom Francis has protected or promoted is growing by the day. In Britain he would face questioning by police.”

@Pontifex “The bureaucrats at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops are actually claiming that the promotion of one of the four sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance is not contrary to the faith.” And this tragic pope probably agrees. Why not?

@Pontifex “Want to describe this papacy in one word? Confusion.”

@Pontifex “The thinking behind the working document for the Amazon Synod is a ‘projection’ of European theological thought not in accord with Catholic theology and needs to be corrected ‘in a more Catholic way’.” – Cardinal Gerhard Müller

@Pontifex “Pope Francis is known to act decisively when he feels he has been betrayed. It would be ironic—but still very welcome—if this Pope’s gift to the Church should be the disclosure and elimination of the lavender mafia.” IT. WILL. NEVER. HAPPEN.

@Pontifex “They [German Church leaders] are not aware of the real problems [in the Church today]. they speak about sexual morality, celibacy and women priests. But they don’t speak about God, Jesus Christ, grace, the sacraments.” – Cardinal Gerhard Müller

@Pontifex (1/2) “We also don’t learn from the decline of Protestantism in Europe. You have all these married pastors, their acceptance of same-sex “marriage,”… @Pontifex (2/2) …and they don’t have celibacy. But in spite of this, the situation of the Protestant church in Europe is worse than in the Catholic Church.” – Cardinal Gerhard Müller

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: We need a pope who will defend the Gospel and Church teaching, a pope who will eradicate the theological, financial, and homosexual corruption that is the chief characteristic of this catastrophic pontificate.

@Pontifex This tragic Pope sees the Ukrainian Synod “offering the witness of Christian hope.” ( Indeed, if there’s one thing faithful Catholics need now, it’s hope that this error-prone pope will not further ruin the Church.

@Pontifex “Cdl. Zen warns Pope Francis that Vatican directives for China church may lead to ‘death of true faith’” This lamentable, error-prone, and tragic pope is probably saying, “Cardinal Zen? Hey, what does HE know?”

@Pontifex “WATCH: Priest in rainbow colors celebrates ‘pride’ Mass outside Stonewall Inn’s gay bar” Of course @CardinalDolan did not answer when asked to comment. How did we come to this? Can such a Church and such a society survive for very long?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us of the real joy of his disciples.” Faithful Catholics pray that God will one day send us – even if far in the future – a good, wise, clear-headed pope who is a disciple of Christ and faithful to the Gospel.

@Pontifex This sorry pope may wonder why everything he does goes south. It’s obvious: he’s so unfaithful to Church teaching and the Gospel, he does little to eradicate the theological, financial, and homosexual corruption in the Church. He surrounds himself with men like himself.

@Pontifex Another reason why everything this tragic pope does fails: he’s destroyed so many traditional religious orders (and grabbed their money) – the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer, the Knights of Malta.

@Pontifex The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, the Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer, the Knights of Malta – who’s next on this confused pope’s list of religious orders slated for destruction (and confiscation of their assets)?

@Pontifex “Vatican all but wipes out conservative order of nuns for ‘too much prayer’” And this tragically confused pope wonders why everything he tries to do is a colossal failure? (And the Amazon Synod will only add to the destruction of his goals.)

@Pontifex As this misguided pope extends and broadens his path of destruction through the Church, you have to wonder where his guardian “angel” comes from, really. Lady, crush the serpent’s head.

@Pontifex “Amazon Synod Poised to Wage Total War on Catholic Faith: Our Resistance Must Be Equally Forceful” – Roberto de Mattei It almost seems as if this tragic pope is preparing for some final battle, before Our Lady finally crushes the serpent’s head.

@Pontifex It may be that “after the Amazon Synod nothing will be the same in the Church,” as pro-homosexual Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck says (, but not in quite the way he thinks.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: the thoughts of faithful Catholics go out to all those who daily cry out to the Lord, asking to be freed from this pontificate and the evils that it is inflicting on the Church – theological, financial, and homosexual evils.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: Migrants are not only a symbol of all those rejected by today’s globalized society, they are also a symbol of faithful Catholics rejected by this pontificate. By the way, how many migrants has the Vatican City State taken in? Just asking.



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex If only this sad and tragic pope cared as much about saving what remains of the Church as he cares about saving migrants.

@Pontifex “Old gay cardinals and archbishops, the revolutionaries of the 1970s have surged back under Francis, and this time, they have moved from parishes into the very nerve center of the Church and seized control.”

@Pontifex “Francis is a threat to us all.” – Michael Matt

@Pontifex “The Synod document reads like a sort of PC Disney production like Avatar, written by an octogenarian European socialist. ‘Tell us, oh wise ones, what the forest spirits are saying!’ My final word on the Synod: Cancel it. Now.” – Damien Thompson

@Pontifex “It’s now obvious that Pope Francis is deeply implicated in terrible scandals. My concern isn’t theological: it’s the spectacle of a corrupt pope, something I never expected to see in my lifetime.” – Damien Thompson

@Pontifex “If men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before.” – Our Lady of Akita

@Pontifex “Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.” – Our Lady of Akita

@Pontifex And here ( we have one more example of the great “mercy” this benighted pope has inspired among bishops and throughout the Church.

@Pontifex Some say that this tragic pope isn’t simply destroying the Church, he is AIMING to destroy the Church, and all the evil of the Amazon Synod will represent his crowning achievement.

@Pontifex “Ratzinger explains: liberation theology is ‘part of that export to the Third World of myths and utopias worked out in the developed West. It is a kind of cultural imperialism, not the spontaneous creation of the disenfranchised masses’.”

@Pontifex For once, this poor, hapless pope has made the right decision However, I’m sure @CardinalDolan can’t be too happy about this, after spending – according to some – a million dollars in legal fees, money given by the faithful, in order to stop it.

@Pontifex The Instrumentum Laboris for the Amazon Synod is full of heresy (, but a priest in the USA is excommunicated for speaking the truth. ( And of course this tragically confused pope does nothing to help the man.

@Pontifex “The crisis in vocations is a crisis in transmitting the faith” ( (in French). That is what the Novus Ordo mass has done to the Church. “Lex orandi, lex credendi.”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: We pray for Catholics who are abandoned by this tragic pope and left to die. A pope is human if he protects the eternal life of every soul by not choosing heresy and corruption in theology, Church finances, and the area of homosexuality.

@Pontifex “European Christians and secularists who think that opening their borders to millions of sharia-shaped migrants is going to result in increased diversity ought to take a lesson from the experience of Christians in the Middle East.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “The multicultural vision of a harmonious melding of different cultures and traditions is based on the shallow assumption that underneath the ‘superficial’ differences, all cultures subscribe… (2/2) …to the same decent and humane values that are taken for granted in the West. It is increasingly apparent, however, that this is a dangerous assumption to make.”

@Pontifex “Groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram consider sex slavery and beheadings to be legitimate expressions of their faith and culture. And many of the refugees pouring into Europe carry that mindset with them.”

@Pontifex “Cdl. Zen warns Pope Francis that Vatican directives for China church may lead to ‘death of true faith’” Cdl. Zen warns the pope? Cdl. Zen WARNS the pope? NOBODY “warns” this “merciful” pope and gets away with it!

@Pontifex “‘The Boys from Brazil’ is a film about a Nazi doctor. It’s a crazy plot, but so is the plan to recast the Church in the image of the Amazon jungle.” – William Kilpatrick Hey, nobody said this lamentable pope wasn’t crazy.

@Pontifex “Pontification” A good read.

@Pontifex Did we celebrate Bishop Sheen’s beatification too soon? “No date has been given for Sheen’s beatification.” NO DATE HAS BEEN GIVEN! Maybe @CardinalDolan and this confused pope are hoping we’ll all just forget about the whole thing.

@Pontifex After wasting a million dollars of Catholics’ money on lawyer’s fees ( in order to try to block Bishop Sheen’s beatification, @CardinalDolan must be gleeful that a date for the beatification HAS STILL NOT BEEN SET (

@Pontifex Right now, @CardinalDolan must be gleeful that a date for Bishop Sheen’s beatification HAS STILL NOT BEEN SET ( Dolan probably thinks people will now just forget about the whole thing. I don’t think we will.

@Pontifex “When asked about ‘frictions with the ultra-conservative sectors’ of the Church, Pope Francis said, ‘I don’t confront them. They can say what they wish. I don’t respond’.” A friend said sarcastically, “Now THERE is a truly courageous pope.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “A Dutch diocese denies removing a gay parish priest because of his homosexuality,” although, “in his autobiography (t)he priest spoke about his sexual relationships and…. @Pontifex (2/2) …also said he visits gay saunas and “’dark rooms,’ and likes to watch porn.” But of course his removal had nothing to do with his being gay. (Otherwise the LGBT community might riot – what a courageous bishop!)

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: Let’s not build a Church that discards its teachings and the Gospel because prelates no long consider them worthy of bothering with, now, when this sad pope is trying so hard to hide the Church’s theological, financial, and homosexual corruption.

@Pontifex “Christian family details crackdown on church in China” This naive and benighted pope’s secret China agreement – so ably negotiated by that font of corruption Mr. T. McCarrick – is a gift that just keeps on giving and giving and giving.

@Pontifex “The Palestinian Authority doubled the salary of the terrorist who murdered three Israeli teenagers in 2014.” This tragic and confused pope probably thinks it’s “nice” that the Palestinian Authority is being so “merciful.”

@Pontifex “The duplicity and rot have two dimensions. What Detroit keeps from the public and what the archbishops and his lawyers and staff are perfectly willing to broadcast to the world. This is wicked, reprehensible behavior on their part — disgusting.”

@Pontifex “Pathetic, revolting, disgusting.” Catholics pray that the nightmare this pontificate has unleashed will not last for too many more generations.

@Pontifex_de (1/2) “Es wird immer deutlicher, dass Kardinal Bergoglio nicht nur unter dem Standard war, der normalerweise bei einem päpstlichen Kandidaten erwartet wird;… @Pontifex_de (2/2) ….er stellte in seinen engen Kontakten, wenn nicht in seinem eigenen persönlichen Verhalten, eine Verbindung zu einigen der korruptesten Merkmale der südamerikanischen Kirche dar.” – Henry Sire, “Der Diktatorpapst”

@Pontifex Thanks to this tragic pope, “the Vatican joins the list of the world’s sanctuary cities. If you’re a clergyman wanted by civil or Church authorities in your native land, the Vatican will offer you a safe haven and, quite possibly, a cushy job.”

@Pontifex “Considering the large number of scandals and cover-ups touching the pope and his circle, one would think that by now they all would have resigned their offices and hid themselves away. However, it is Viganò who has chosen to go into hiding.”



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex “It’s likely that a goodly number of Western cardinals who thought in 2013 that Jorge Bergoglio would lead the Church in refreshing new directions can now see that he has led it to the brink of a precipice.”

@Pontifex In a recent podcast, @TaylorRMarshall mentioned that the Freemasons and other Church infiltrators have finally gotten what they want. In this present tragic pope, there is now in the Vatican the first Modernist pope, the first pope who supports the Modernist heresy.

@Pontifex The former Jesuit Superior, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, once wrote that Bergoglio was “not fit to be appointed bishop.” Kolvenbach claimed “Bergoglio’s psychological balance was lacking, he had a deceitful character.” Now he’s the POPE? Dear God.

@Pontifex A friend commented, “In the Old Testament period, and at other times, again and again and again, society collapsed because people glorified things, not God. And you think our society will be an exception?”

@Pontifex In a recent Taylor Marshall podcast (, Geprge Neumayer and @TaylorRMarshall discuss the homosexual cabal that rules the Church in Washington and New York. And what has this psychologically confused pope done about it? We all know the answer.

@Pontifex The Church that existed before the “spirit” of the Council “reformed” it – the Church that we loved, and still love – rose out of the filth and corruption of past centuries. God will cause a glorious new Church to rise out of this pontificate’s filth and corruption too.

@Pontifex Jesus said to his Apostles: “Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves.” (Matthew 10:16) But did the Apostles ever expect to be surrounded by wolves within the Church itself? Or did they expect that the Chair of Peter would be occupied by a wolf?

@Pontifex This pope tweets, “Faith is a gift that keeps alive a profound and beautiful certainty: that we are God’s beloved children.” We pray that God will give the gift of faith to this tragic pope, who has destroyed the faith of so many through his errors and his corruption.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Müller: Vatican Amazon Document Contains Heresy and Stupidity ‘That Has Nothing to Do with Christianity’” I’m afraid Cardinal Müller will pay for this. The Dictator Pope will have his revenge.

@Pontifex From today’s Gospel: “Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known.” (Matthew 10,24-33) This confused pope seems to be unaware of this Gospel passage.

@Pontifex “Germany’s chief cardinal shows he can sway Pope Francis” You know, that’s really not saying very much, because ANY theologically corrupt, error-prone cardinal can “sway” THIS theologically corrupt, error-prone, and tragically confused pope.

@Pontifex Just the usual Vatican corruption: “More than a year after allegations of sexual abuse against former Theodore McCarrick, the Archdiocese of Washington has continued to refuse questions about McCarrick’s use of a personal charitable fund.”

@Pontifex “McCarrick cultivated a network of very wealthy individuals who would donate tens of thousands of dollars to his discretionary fund. ‘We are easily talking about six-figure sums every year,’ said a former priest-secretary.”

@Pontifex A friend commented, “The corruption in the Church and the Vatican ( is starting to rival that of the Borgias, and we all know how THAT ended.”

@Pontifex “Fr. Zakaria Botros, a Coptic priest, has labored courageously to lead souls to Christ from Islam, which he describes as ‘the biggest hoax perpetrated on the human race in 1400 years’.” But don’t tell that to this present confused, naive pope.

@Pontifex “Churchill believed slavery would not go extinct as long as Islam held sway, because it devalues and subjugates women. As much as we detest slavery and the mistreatment of women, are we supposed to make exceptions for Islam?”

@Pontifex “As we take no notice of our own spiritual collapse, we take no notice that misery is concentrated in countries dominated by the one major religion that not only fails to endorse some version of the Golden Rule, but fervently opposes it.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis and the ‘utopian socialists’ at Facebook do no favors to Muslims (much less the rest of us) by carrying water for Islam, or stifling criticism of Islam.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “Much of the West is unconsciously displaying a death wish, with which Islam is quite happy to cooperate. Finding God and His wisdom brings happiness and life; whereas those who shun Him ‘do violence to themselves; all who hate me love death’. (Proverbs 8:36)… @Pontifex (2/2) ….It’s striking how aptly this describes both the Left’s Culture of Death and Islam’s – practically verbatim in the case of homicidal jihadists.”

@Pontifex This misguided pope tweets, “Faith is a gift that keeps alive a profound and beautiful certainty.” May God grant the gift of faith to this sick, befuddled, and error-prone old pontiff, who acts (despite what he says) as though he had no faith at all.

@Pontifex This tragic pope says he is “silent like Christ” when people like Archbishop Viganò point out the widespread, horrific corruption in the Church – financial and homosexual corruption. A friend said, “It’s not the silence of Christ. It’s the silence of the devil.”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: While this tragically error-prone pope is praying for seafarers and fishermen, the rest of us are praying for him. We ask God to forgive him for the theological, financial, and homosexual corruption now rife within the Vatican and the Church.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: This misguided pope cannot understand that loving God and one’s neighbor means following Church teaching, not creating an Amazon Synod document that one cardinal says is full of “stupidity.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis is ‘deeply implicated in terrible scandals’ and is a ‘corrupt pope’.” – Damian Thompson

@Pontifex When we compare the devout, serious priests and the packed SSPX churches in this video ( with the corruption in the Vatican and the rest of the Church, we can only pray, “How long, O Lord, how long?”

@Pontifex Throughout history, corruption and evil among the People of God has always ended in upheaval and even catastrophe. We pray, Lady of Fatima, that the present period of a deeply corrupt and evil pontificate will not end in a catastrophe that is too unbearable.

@Pontifex “The Church is run by a corrupt, gay mafia.” – Michael Voris

@Pontifex How long will this confused and tragic pope tolerate this kind of corruption?

@Pontifex A friend asked me, “Is it true that this confused pope won’t go back to Argentina until he receives a guarantee from the government there that he won’t be arrested as soon as he steps off the plane?” I said of course it’s not true.

@Pontifex A friend said, “When large numbers of bishops – right to the very top of the hierarchy – are corrupt and no longer have any faith, the Amazon Synod, with its ecological prattle and its liberation theology, will not bring people back to the Church and save their souls.”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: This tragic pope seems to understand that “the place of the Church” is “close to Christ.” But is this poor pontiff close to Christ, with his abandonment of Church teaching and the Gospel, with all the corruption in the Vatican and the hierarchy?

@Pontifex Today, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, you have to consider how Our Lady must weep over the corrupt homosexual mafia in New Jersey, overseen by Bishop Arthur Serratelli and his “friend,” Fr. Hernan Arias

@Pontifex “God ‘first of all wants mercy,’ Pope tells pilgrims” ( The kind of “mercy” this pope shows toward faithful Catholics, or the Franciscan Friars or the Immaculate, or members of the Knights of Malta, or others, as he insults and crushes them?



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex “Cardinal vicar of Rome calls on each parish to create 12-person missionary team” (CNS) How about calling on the pope to rid the Church of financial and homosexual corruption, and to find the faith he seems to have lost. THAT is the missionary work the Church needs.

@Pontifex A wacky neo-Catholic I know was VERY excited. “Wow!” he said. “After the Amazon Synod, we’ll have married priests and openly homosexual priests! After that, the next step will be openly homosexual priests married to each other!” I said I wasn’t looking forward to that.

@Pontifex A wacky neo-Catholic told me, “The Amazon Synod will change EVERYTHING! After the Synod, we’ll have married priests and openly homosexual priests! After that, the next step will be openly homosexual priests married to each other!” He got mad when I laughed.

@Pontifex A Tweet by @CaproEspiatori: “At Press Conference announcing the Amazonian Synod, bishops sacrifice goat to God the Father-Mother as part of Indigenous ritual essential for integral health and to deepen knowledge of the cosmovision, then book their wedding dates.”

@Pontifex A friend said, “What did Catholics do that God should punish us by imposing on the Church a pope like that tragically confused, misguided, and error-prone pontiff that we now have in Rome?”

@Pontifex Bishop Kräutler, a German, expects the Amazon Synod to allow national bishops’ conferences to decide on ordaining married men and women deacons. A friend said, “The German Church is disappearing, married priests and women deacons will make it vanish completely!”

@Pontifex “The Instrumentum laboris (for the Amazon Synod) is a real earthquake that undermines the Church’s hierarchical structure given by Divine mandate.”

@Pontifex “The pope manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be pope and head [of the Church], For this reason he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the opinion of all the ancient Fathers.” St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J., Doctor of the Church

@Pontifex “Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has seconded Cardinal Brandmuller’s critique of the Amazon Synod’s working document as ‘heretical,’ adding that ‘it also lacks theological reflection’.”

@Pontifex “In welcoming into the Church those immersed in the LGBT lifestyle, the sinner and the sin, the Church is stepping onto dangerously thin ice – especially if same-sex couples are welcomed like those in adulterous relationships to go to Communion.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis is again slamming traditional Catholics, this time during his recent trip to Romania.” More “mercy” from this tragically misguided and corrupt pope.

@Pontifex This is how this confused pope responds to accusations of corruption: “Francis also denounced corruption, which he said ‘occurs everywhere’:” Right. Everywhere. Politics, business, the Church. All the same. “Denounce” it, but it’s “everywhere.”

@Pontifex “Not only has Cardinal Marx gotten his will accomplished over Vatican objections, but he’s boasted about it publicly, seeming to suggest he has control even over Pope Francis.” The German Church has vast wealth. Of COURSE Marx controls this pope.

@Pontifex This pope says corruption “occurs everywhere:” So, “if you’re a clergyman wanted by civil authorities or Church authorities in your native land, the Vatican will offer you a safe haven and, quite possibly, a cushy job.”

@Pontifex “These heretical priests are SET on ruining the Catholic faith.” “The promotion of homosexuality we saw by the AUSCP at its assembly was simply staggering.” A friend said, “Dear God, why?”

@Pontifex A friend offers “urgent prayers for the Church in the face of the onslaught of evil from this pontificate.”

@Pontifex “The rot from within is becoming more and more visible….Tens of millions — stop for a moment and listen to that number: tens of millions — of baptized Catholics have simply walked away from the Church, and the rate increases every year.”

@Pontifex “The priesthood was seized control of over a number of decades by homosexual men — some of whom were Communist plants — and is now almost no longer recognizable.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “The Church has been overrun by biological males — we hesitate to call them men — who are sick in the head, looking to destroy so as to feed their own sickness. They have introduced zillions of abuses into the liturgy… @Pontifex (2/2) …so as to make themselves the center of attention, which means they have necessarily taken the focus of God. They have developed and introduced corrupt theological notions in the very lifeblood of the Church.”

@Pontifex “Emasculated men, weak, disgusting, revolting men have seized control of the Church, and they’re leading hundreds of millions to Hell. They must be resisted and a great restoration must take place, purchased at the price of (our) blood and sweat”

@Pontifex St. Paul saw the suffering to come: “I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.” Acts 20:29-30

@Pontifex (1/3) “The current, disastrous pontificate is awakening many to the gravity of the crisis in the Church, a crisis at once liturgical, doctrinal, and moral that must be resolved before the culture can be truly and lastingly renewed…. @Pontifex (2/3)…A key part of the resolution will be the universal restoration of traditional worship. Though the dissemination of error and the persecution of the faithful by an ignorant and craven hierarchy… @Pontifex (3/3)…may intensify before it abates, the ongoing revival of the ancient Roman Rite is an undeniable sign of hope for souls and for the restoration of culture.”

@Pontifex “Theologian: Amazon Synod attempting to ‘demolish’ the Church from within” In the past, such an attempt would have been carried out in secret. Now it’s not possible for this corrupt and tragic pope to hide what he and his accomplices are doing.

@Pontifex A friend of mine prays simply, “Dear God, please don’t let this pope destroy the Church.”

@Pontifex A friend prays, “Lady, we do penance and reparation, as you requested at Fatima and Lourdes. Please don’t let this pope go on with the destruction of your Son’s Church. Please stop him.”

@Pontifex A friend prays, “O God, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church, as Pope St. Paul VI said, and now Satan himself has entered, so that the very top levels of the Church are rife with financial and homosexual corruption; we beg for Your help, O God.”

@Pontifex What does this misguided pope do about the financial and homosexual corruption in the Church? He does nothing that we know of. He only talks. He seems to excuse it, in fac, when he says simply, “Corruption occurs everywhere.”

@Pontifex A friend commented, “If you think the situation in the Church is catastrophic now, just wait until after the Amazon Synod. All hell will break loose then. Maybe literally.”

@Pontifex Bishop Schneider asks a reasonable question. Does Bishop Kräutler want an “Amazon-Catholic sect”? (German article) A friend commented, “It sure looks that way.”

@Pontifex Is the pope worried about financial and homosexual corruption at the Vatican and throughout the Church, especially in the US? A friend said, “Of course not he’s concerned with bigger things, like the “cosmovision” of the Amazon Synod, and other fantasies.”

@Pontifex Mussolini said, “If you pluck the chicken one feather at a time, then people won’t notice.” A friend commented, “So THAT’s where our tragic pope learned his way of doing things!”

@Pontifex “Cardinal Müller rips working document for Amazon Synod” A friend commented, “Well, it looks like that’s the end of Cardinal Müller. I hope this ‘merciful’ pope’s revenge won’t be too swift or too terrible.”

@Pontifex “Professor charges American prelates with schism” A friend said, “Let’s see if I have this right. Today, if you uphold 2,000 years of Catholic teaching, you’re in schism? But if you approve homosexual vice, you’re okay? How did we come to this?”



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex “When Islamic State came, the monks had just finished hiding the manuscripts” This is a terrifying article, and yet this naive pope is obsessed with forcing Europe to admit migrants (And how many has the Vatican admitted?)

@Pontifex A 70-year-old priest in Venice was subjected to threats and physical assault from a gang of migrant youths after he confronted their aggressive behaviour. And this confused pope wants MORE of them admitted to Europe? God help us.

@Pontifex So now in the US, if you are a faithful Catholic, if you believe what the Gospel teaches, if you believe what the Church itself has taught for 2,000 years – up until this horrific pontificate – well, sorry, you’re schismatic.

@Pontifex “Wicked, evil men who betray Christ as surely as Judas did.”

@Pontifex “Time for people to know that the way they’ve been instructed to live their Catholic life was cooked up by two Judases, whose goal was to destroy Catholicism by destroying the priesthood so they could destroy belief in the Real Presence.”

@Pontifex A friend says she prays, “Dear God, help this poor, troubled pope. Cure him of his sick, confused thinking. Drive out Satan and his demons from the Church and from this tragic pope’s surroundings.”

@Pontifex Faithful Catholics pray for this benighted pope, with his hippie fantasies and Marxist ideas from the 1960s.

@Pontifex Millions pray that God will save this confused pope – and us – from his “cosmovision” (described in the Instrumentum laboris for the Amazon Synod). We pray that God will lead this poor man away from his heresies and back to the true Faith.

@Pontifex A friend said, “I think the Amazon Synod should finish the whole thing all at once – married priests, women deacons, approval of homosexual acts. Then they can finally get what they want – homosexual priests married to each other – and married lesbian deacons too.”

@Pontifex “The Novus Ordo Mass is almost always used to entertain the ‘faithful’ on an emotional level or to bring Christ down to the people — we are not brought up to Christ’s kingdom of tranquillity and adoration, but bring Christ down to our world.”

@Pontifex This article (in German) states that in Germany the Church has lost “hundreds of thousands” of members and that in 2018 the number of those leaving increased “considerably.” But Cardinal Marx continues rushing on the “synodal path” to the cliff.

@Pontifex “Bishop Schneider: Pope Francis has ‘strict duty’ to reaffirm priestly celibacy at Amazon Synod” A friend said, “Now THAT’s an idea that must make this confused pope almost explode with laughter.”

@Pontifex Bishop Schneider says that even if this tragic pope should “gravely violate his duty” at the Amazon Synod, “Christ, the invincible Sun of Truth, will re-illuminate this brief eclipse by sending His Church holy, courageous, and faithful popes.”

@Pontifex The Amazon Synod’s Bishop Kräutler has had few vocations in his diocese during his more than 30 years of being the ordinary bishop there. “He admitted that he only ordained some priests, and that half of them had left the priesthood.”

@Pontifex This troubled pope knows how to stack the cards: At the Amazon Synod most participants will come from the Amazon area. Conservative bishops from Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa, will not be able to counteract the inevitable papal heresies.

@Pontifex “World-famous psychologist Jordan Peterson told U.S. Bishop Robert Barron that a church that emphasizes mercy and forgiveness while not requiring people to turn away from their evil ways is a church that does not really ‘care’ about people.”

@Pontifex “Cardinal defends controversial Amazon Synod doc as expressing ‘voice of people of God’” Or does it simply express the voice of prelates who want the Church to approve ideas that will lead to the later approval of homosexual acts and other vices.

@Pontifex “Why Catholics started leaving the Church in droves after Vatican II” And yet this tragic pope and his German cardinals keep doing exactly those things that will drive even MORE people from the Church (in German).

@Pontifex (1/2) Vatican Post Office (Not) (@CaproEspiatori) tweets: “In stunning breakdown, Villanova ‘theologian’ @MassimoFaggioli runs around college cafeteria with his ‘schism stick’ hitting…. @Pontifex (2/2) …unsuspecting people on the head yelling ‘You’re a schismatic! And You’re a schismatic!’ He is currently resting comfortably under a doctor’s care.” A friend said, “My question is this: can’t our tragic pope find better surrogates to convey his messages?”

@Pontifex The Amazon Synod will be a “point of no return,” where afterwards “nothing will be the same as it was.” This synod, and the future of the Church, is being bought and paid for by the fabulously wealthy German Church, which is hemorrhaging members.

@Pontifex A friend said, “This tragic pope’s NOT a dictator, so he ‘humbly’ calls a synod, decides what the goal will be, writes the agenda, manipulates the participants, and then in the end – surprise! – the synod does what the pope planned all along! Now, THAT’s amazing!”

@Pontifex “Freemasons around the world rejoiced over the election of Jorge Bergoglio to the papacy, and they have continued to publicly praise him for his ongoing and expanding program of reform.”

@Pontifex An atheist acquaintance said triumphantly, “With the Amazon Synod, our pope will put the finishing touches on his wreckage of the Church.”

@Pontifex The Amazon Synod is bound to do what this troubled pope and his alles have wanted to do from the beginning – split the Church once and for all.

@Pontifex One of the antiphons in today’s Office reads, “Give your light, Lord, to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.” It could as well read, “Give your light, Lord, to this confused pope and his allies, who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.”

@Pontifex This troubled pope has already predetermined the outcome of the Amazon Synod, just as he predetermined the outcome of all the other synods he’s organized. A friend said, “Who does this dictator pope think he’s fooling? How stupid does he think we are?”

@Pontifex “When a theologian accuses his archbishop of schism,…”

@Pontifex “Rather than proposing an obscure approach comprised of vague religiosity and an attempt to turn Christianity into a science of salvation by sacralizing the cosmos, nature’s biodiversity and ecology, one must turn to the center of our Faith.”

@Pontifex The Instrumentum laboris for the coming Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Amazon totally opens the gates of the Magisterium to Indian Theology and Eco-theology, two Latin American derivatives of Marxist liberation theology.

@pontifex A friend said, “The Amazon Synod is a looming catastrophe. ‘Nothing will ever be the same,’ as pro-LGBT Bishop Overbeck said ( It could, in fact, be the end of the Church as we know it, as the Vatican rides off into cloud-cuckoo-land.”

@Pontifex “(Maximum) Beans has risen to prominence as a commentator for the ultra-heterodox faction of the Catholic Church, all of whom have come out from under their respective rocks to revel in the eclipse of authentic Catholicism wrought by Francis.”

@Pontifex A friend said, “Countless faithful Catholics pray, ‘Dear God, convert this confused pope to a clear knowledge and acceptance of the truths of the Church – or send us a good pope. And O God, stop, somehow, the Amazon Synod from wreaking more devastation in the Church’.”

@Pontifex Faithful Catholics pray, “Dear God, with his Amazon Synod, don’t let this troubled pope wreck the Church any more than he already has.”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: Today’s Gospel reminds us that wisdom lies in knowing and obeying the truth of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church, not in concocting “heresy” (as Cardinal Brandmüller calls it) in an Amazon Synod by this tragically troubled pope.


Response to an essay in CatholicismPure&Simple blog:

Mary’s words are “often” used to “justify” the contemplative life?

I think there is a solid and ancient tradition in the Church that Christ’s words indicate more than that. They show how much He values the contemplative life.

“We can wonder what would have happened had Martha simply stopped doing her work, sat down by Mary, and had listened to the Lord.”

Is Christ really indicating Martha should do that? Or is he suggesting that Martha ought to understand that both she and Mary are doing the right thing, but that what Mary is doing is “the better part.”


Note to Klaus Beckmann:

Yes, it’s not politically correct to feel sorry for Christians. They are terrible people who are against the “freedom” to have abortions, to divorce, to enter into same-sex “marriage,” to practice adultery of any kind, to use contraceptives – all the things that make life “fun.”

On the other hand, it IS politically correct to feel sorry for those poor oppressed Muslims, who have been mistreated by centuries of Western colonialism and attacked by those wicked, evil Jews, who have stolen all that Muslim land in “Palestine.”

If and when the Muslims take over – and that’s demographically probable in a couple of generations – and when they impose Sharia, then the political class is going to find out what oppression really means.

In Christo,




Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex Catholics pray that this tragic pope will stop trying to destroy contemplative orders and that he will understand that Christ said Mary had chosen the best part, not that Martha and Mary should both lead lives of prayer and contemplation.

@Pontifex Years ago, I felt sad that someone like Archbishop Lefebvre could’t accept the “spirit” of the Council. Now I understand that he was like a prophet and could foresee the horrors that this tragic pope and others would bring to the Church – and they’re not finished yet.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: This troubled pope’s “wisdom of the heart” should in fact lie in an attempt to eradicate financial, homosexual, and other corruption in the Church, not in fantasies like the Amazon Synod or in attempts to destroy contemplative religious orders.

@Pontifex Millions pray for this confused and troubled pope. We beg God to turn him into a good pope from what he is now, a pope who can lead the Church out of its present morass of theological, financial, and homosexual corruption. Impossible? Nothing is impossible with God.

@Pontifex A friend (who sometimes dramatizes things) said, “Horror after horror after horror, and now the Amazon Synod. Will the horrors of this pontificate never end?” Of course, my friend might be right. To coin a phrase, “Who am I to judge?”

@Pontifex More anti-Catholic vandalism in France ( Of course, according to official statements, it is “satanists” who are doing thiese things, certainly not any of the members of “The Great Religion of Peace” who live “peacefully” in France.

@Pontifex This confused pope knows, of course, that the official statements are correct. It’s not members of “The Great Religion of Peace” who are burning churches, vandaliziing cemeteries, and murdering priests in France. It’s those nasty “satanists.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope wants to keep those migrants coming to Europe, to France, e.g., a secular state, where religion plays no part in government or politics. (All that will change in a couple generations, however, when a majority votes to make Sharia the law of the land.)

@Pontifex This troubled pope thinks he’s infallible in everything. So once he makes a statement – about migrants, about those “neo-Pelagian” faithful Catholics, about anything – he can’t change it. That would violate his “infallibility.”

@Pontifex Some say that @MassimoFaggioli has made himself a laughingstock by attacking “schismatic” papal critics ( Now, how could anyone whose name means “Maximum Beans” in English make himself a laughingstock?

@Pontifex A friend commented, “You think the Church is split now, Dude? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Wait until this tragic pope finishes with the pre-arranged results of his Amazon Synod.”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: Catholics pray, “St. Mary Magdelene, you followed Christ, full of hope; pray that even this troubled pope will encounter the living Christ, and learn to follow the teachings of the Gospel and the Church, instead of spreading heresy.”

@Pontifex “These narcissistic homosexual prelates have been at this a long time. They have been promoting each other and protecting their pals’ crimes for decades. They have developed a network of cover-up and relationships. The clean-up will be slow.”

@Pontifex “The IL of the Amazon synod boasts extensive “listening” to the “voice of the Amazon,” its peoples, land, trees and water. The result is not 21st-century Amazon, but 17th-century Europe: ‘noble savages’ without sin, (and no need for redemption?)

@Pontifex A friend said, “Catholics everywhere are begging God not to allow this tragically misguided pope to do any more damage to the Church than he’s already done. We all dread the theological perversions that the Amazon Synod will produce.”

@Pontifex This confused pope tweeted, “Witness is born from the encounter with the living Jesus.” A friend said, “What does that even MEAN? Sounds like words from a sermon by some half-baked Protestant preacher from Kentucky.”

@Pontifex A friend commented, “We all know that this confused pope doesn’t write his own Tweets. Now its clear that he needs a new writer for his Twitter feed. The present writer just can’t cut it. He produces nonsense after nonsense.”

@Pontifex “Many bishops in the US live not as servants but as lords of the manor. They have grown up in a system given to moral, financial. and political corruption. They hide behind their role as successors of the Apostles; they can NEVER BE QUESTIONED.”

@Pontifex “There’s no other way to say this. Catholics in the pews are being taken for fools by too many bishops. They are laughing all the way to the bank, taking your money and refusing to tell you how it’s all being spent.”

@Pontifex “Germany’s Catholic Church lost more than 200,000 members in 2018” This tragic pope thinks German prelates are geniuses, planning the (catastrophic) Amazon Synod. At home, the “spirit” of the Council empties churches, but the cardinals pursue it.

@Pontifex “Pope prays that Africa’s bishops may ‘be strengthened in missionary discipleship’” Sure, maybe they could send some missionaries to Europe, to try to rebuild the Church here.

@Pontifex “German cardinal Reinhard Marx has suggested that the time is ripe for the laity, men and women, to preach homilies at Mass.” Oh, that will DEFINITELY bring back the 200,000 people who left the Church in 2018.

@Pontifex “Pan-Amazon Pandemonium” The word “pandemonium” pretty much says it all. You might want to read the article.

@Pontifex “Questions Persist About Vatican Finances, Real Estate” ( Uh oh. Will this confused pope be able to respond the way he always responds to questions he doesn’t want to answer? (With silence.)

@pontifex The Church in Germany lost 200,000 members in 2018 (, but @katholisch_de and others report that Cardinal Marx is still following the “spirit” of the Council to the cliff edge and thinks lay people should preach at mass

@Pontifex With his plan to have lay people preach at mass, with the “reports” on other suggested changes due in the autumn, Cardinal Marx (@ebmuc) is driving people away from the Church ( and following the “spirit” of the Council over the cliff.

@Pontifex This tragically misguided pope and the German cardinals (@ebmuc) are devastating the Church in Germany and elsewhere just as completely as it was devastated in the Netherlands by the Dutch Catechism. However, that is perhaps exactly what they want.

@Pontifex I told a friend she should have more respect for German Cardinal Marx. She replied, “How can you have respect for that fat, unshaven man who’s weird ideas align with the “spirit” of the Council and bring more ruin to the Church.”

@Pontifex I asked a friend what the difference is between this pope and German Cardinal Marx (@ebmuc). She said, “The pope’s not as fat, and he shaves. But both, in their modernist ‘faith,’ are driving people from the Church and taking it always faster to a cliff of destruction.”

@Pontifex “When an institution loses public trust because of corruption, restoring that trust involves two steps: 1st, addressing and eliminating the corruption. 2nd, persuading the skeptics that the corruption is being addressed and will be eliminated.

@Pontifex (1/4) AKITA: Another attempt to silence the Mother of God “If men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge,… @Pontifex (2/4) …such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead…@Pontifex (3/4) The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres…. @Pontifex (4/4) The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc “German bishops’ website floats idea of women giving homilies at Mass” More “spirit” of the Council? If you think 200,000 Germans leaving the Church in 2018 was bad, just wait until THIS idea is implemented. Thank you, Cardinal Marx.

@Pontifex “Cardinal defends controversial Amazon Synod doc as expressing ‘voice of people of God’” WHICH people? WHOSE voice? God, how did it come to this?

@Pontifex “US Bishop calls out brother bishops: ‘Deposit of faith has been fragmented and corrupted’” ( I don’t think there’ll be much left of that bishop’s career, once our “merciful” and confused pope gets through with him.

@Pontifex “This article by Julio Loredo clearly spells out the frightening agenda of the Amazon Synod.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc “Amazon Synod is a ploy for ‘radical re-structuring’ of Church: Dubia cardinal” ( Well, at least we know what’s coming – and we can be prepared for hundreds of thousands more leaving the Church.

@Pontifex “The Jesuits officially embrace Communism –
When your once-great religious order is dying, and the face of your magazine is James Martin, LGBTSJ, you may as well jump off the cliff.” ( And our tragically confused pope is a Jesuit.

@Pontifex A friend said, “Every day I wake up and wonder what horror this tragically conflicted pope is going to impose on the Church today. Then I realize we’ll have to wait for the Amazon Synod, when there’ll be a whole range of catastrophes slammed at us all at once.”

@Pontifex In his book on Trump, Bob Woodward says that Trump believes, “Power is fear.” It seems this “humble” pope believes the same thing. So, good bishops know that if they speak out about corrupt prelates and priests, they will be severely punished by this “merciful” pope.”

@Pontifex A friend said, “On one side you have this confused pope and his cronies. On the other side there is us, faithful Catholics who believe in and follow everything the Church has ever taught. And they call US schismatics? God, how did we come to this?”

@Pontifex St. Paul wrote, “We are afflicted in every way,…but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (Corinthians 4,7-15) Today, faithful Catholics know what St. Paul meant.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets, “Jesus looks for witnesses who say to Him every day: ‘Lord, you are my life’.” If only Jesus would find a man like that in this tragically misguided and troubled pope.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets: “Jesus looks for witnesses who say to Him every day: ‘Lord, you are my life’.” May Jesus send us a pope who can say that to Him.



In response to a comment in Catholicism Pure Simple (

I think there are many of us who can confirm from our own experience that “God hears us and answers us if we keep pestering Him.” Of course, it may take a LOT of pestering. After all, St. Monica pestered Him for twenty years about the sinful life of her son, who eventually became a saint – Augustine.

As for the Jewish tradition that in every generation there are 36 righteous men, “Tzadikim,” whose presence saves the world from destruction – that tradition almost seems intuitively correct, doesn’t it? I mean, when you look around at the world as it is today, what ELSE could be saving it from destruction?



Dear Klaus,

Thank you for your message and its contents, all of which are new to me. Here is a link to the website of the Martin School at Oxford: There is a wealth of information there about the school and its founder.

These days, I try very hard not to fall into the trap that a lot of people seem to fall into. They take one or two aspects of a person that they find disagreeable, and because of those aspects they condemn everything that person is or has ever done. For example, one of Dr. Martin’s comments seem to indicate a certain hubris on his part, so he must be a bad person, and his life, work, and his research institute are all worthless. Or to take another example, Thomas Jefferson was a Freemason, owned slaves, and opposed organized religion, therefore the courage he showed in supporting the American colonies in their independence from Britain, and his organizational brilliance that contributed to the establishment of the young American republic, and his achievements as President of the United States are all utterly without value. Even one of his most famous quotations is probably a lie: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

As I said, I try not to fall into that intellectual trap.

I try to be as discriminating as possible in my judgements and evaluations regarding other people. I know such thinking horrifies all those who believe in “political correctness,” but it seems to me to be the wisest way ot thinking.

In Christo,




Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex “Archbishop Lori offers no outspoken opposition to sodomy or abortion. He leaves the wicked people in place.” While he does his bit to destroy the Church, along with our tragic pope and his cronies in financial and homosexual corruption. (

@Pontifex “These men need to be off the scene.” (

@Pontifex “All profs suspended, president dismissed as part of ‘destruction’ of John Paul II Institute” ( A friend commented, “But what else can we expect from this monstrous pontificate?”

@Pontifex A friend said, “Don’t you have to wonder sometimes what a heroic Jesuit missionary saint like Francis Xavier – now in heaven – must think of the theological and moral horror of the Amazon Synod’s IL? How he must pity this tragically confused and error-prone pope.”

@Pontifex The great Jesuit missionary St. Francis Xavier preached to countless thousands in Asia and converted them to the Church. He did not convert the Church to their beliefs, as the horrific Amazon Synod IL proposes. That document brings shame to the Jesuits and the Church.

@Pontifex I have a friend who keeps saying, over and over again, that this present troubled pope will be the last pope. I think she’s being a little hysterical, but if the catastrophes of this pontificate continue – like the Amazon Synod’s married priests – she could be right.

@Pontifex (1/2) “In the Amazon Synod working document, we are treated to babble that simply defies imagination. Apparently, the life we receive in Christ reflects the biodiversity and cultures of the Amazon… @Pontifex (2/2) ….— ‘[t]hat is to say, a full and integral life, a life that sings, a song to life, like the songs of rivers. It is a life that dances and that represents divinity and our relationship with it’ (par. 11)”

@Pontifex “Most irreal of all, we are to learn from the peoples of the Amazon (par. 29), the ones who engage in child sacrifice. Burying an unwanted child alive is unthinkable. But the Church praising “the ancestral wisdom” that does it? That is irreal.”

@Pontifex “We do not need songs of rivers, interculturality, tiresome new Pentecosts, the ancestral wisdom of child sacrifice. We don’t require eco-youth groups instilling this profane, and irreal ‘theology’ to our children, calling it holy and Catholic.

@Pontifex “A media report is highlighting the work of a whistleblower in the diocese of Buffalo, New York, who provided hundreds of pages of internal documentation detailing Bp. Richard Malone’s mishandling of the clergy sex abuse crisis in the diocese.”

@Pontifex “Polish priest and professor Fr. Dariusz Oko is linking advocates of gender ideology to those who previously peddled communism. ‘The same people who announced communism yesterday, today preach genderism,’ said Oko.

@Pontifex “CATHOLICS DEMAND INVESTIGATION OF MSGR. WALTER ROSSI….Evidence of a double life as active homosexual, lack of transparency in finances” A friend prays, “Dear God, when will this monstrous, corrupt pontificate ever end?”

@Pontifex “The statements from the promoters of the Pan-Amazon Synod to be held in Rome in October are seriously alarming.”- Gary Isbell “The Synod does not want to evangelize the Amazon but rather to “amazonize” the Church.”

@Pontifex “No pope or council could permit female deacons, ‘it would be invalid’” – Cardinal Gerhard Müller A friend commented, “Oh, I’m sure this confused pope will find a way around THAT little problem, and severely punish Cardinal Müller too.”

@Pontifex “Pew report: Only half of America’s Catholics know what the Church teaches about Communion” Clearly this troubled pope and his cronies still have work to do, as they carry on wrecking the Church.

@Pontifex (1/2) “The draft of the Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium, contains doctrinal imprecisions that have grave implications for the correct understanding of the relationship between the pope and the College of Bishops.” @Pontifex (2/2) More confusion? This tragically misguided pope LOVES confusion! The St. Gallen Mafia and the “spirit” of the Council are gifts that just keep on giving, without knowing when to stop! (“But,” a friend said, “Our Lady of Akita prophesied that God will stop them.”)

@Pontifex “What causes clergy sex abuse? One priest offers a theory” And don’t forget the kind of formation these priests have been receiving since the “spirit” of the Council took over in the decades after Vatican II. It was often bizarre.

@Pontifex “Our time is characterized by an acute spiritual hunger of the Catholic faithful all over the world for a reaffirmation of those truths that are obfuscated, undermined, and denied by some of the most dangerous errors of our time” – Bold prelates

@Pontifex “Students Say Changes at Rome’s JPII Institute Undermine Its Mission” A friend said, “I don’t think our ‘merciful’ pope will let those students remain students for very long. Expulsion is just around the corner for them.”

@Pontifex “Here’s What You Should Know About West Virginia’s New Bishop: As a longtime friend and parishioner of Bishop Mark Brennan, I can tell you he is a good shepherd after the heart of Jesus Christ.” He won’t be bishop for long. The knives are out.

@Pontifex (1/3) A German friend writes: “Too many pieces of horror news, which basically only confirm what we already know: that Bergoglio’s appointment as pope was an utterly erroneous choice. That does not lift our spirits…. @Pontifex (2/3) …It is a great mystery, as to why God permits such a fatal development as the present Church leadership, but we can be certain that the gates of hell will not defeat Christ’s Church and a ‘holy remnant’ will persevere until Christ comes again in glory…. @Pontifex (3/3) …Let us pray that we remain steadfast and that we will cling to the true teachings of the Faith as they have been handed down to us.”

@Pontifex Do Cardinals Marx (@ebmuc), Kaspar, et al., really think that their bizarre plans for their autumn conference will stop the hemorrhaging of members from the Church in Germany? They may be in for an unwelcome surprise. The opposite will happen.

@Pontifex Some say the Amazon Synod will mark the end of the Church as we know it. Others say it will mark the end of the Church. Period.

@Pontifex A friend commented, “Faithful Catholics think they can somehow derail the Amazon Synod? Dream on. The modernists have been working toward this moment for years, for decades. Nothing will stop them now. The wreckage in the Church will be horrendous.”

@Pontifex Cardinal Müller says the ordination of women as deacons would be “invalid.” ( But why would a little thing like invalidity stop this misguided pope and his cronies from doing anything they want to do, especially after the Amazon Synod “approves”?

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets: “Christian prayer…is a dialogue between people who love one another.” Really? So now God is now just one of many “people”? Or maybe something got lost in translation? (That seems to happen to this pope quite often – or to his ghostwriter.)

@Pontifex (1/3) “If you have access to nothing but the Novus Ordo, if it is all that you have ever known, that means you are the victim of a crime. No, it’s not your fault. You have had something precious stolen from you… @Pontifex (2/3) …that is your birthright, your inheritance, something to which you are entitled as the most sublime act of worship you can offer to your Creator. And worse, you have been brainwashed,… @Pontifex (3/3) …through form and repetition, to find true Catholic worship alien and inaccessible, and as such, you have been subjected to a grave injustice — I would go so far as to say a grave evil.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc “In performing a before-and-after comparison, we can see that everything about the post-conciliar Church is watered down, diminished, practically destroyed. Results are clear: collapse in Mass attendance, loss of faith in the Eucharist.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc From today’s Liturgy of the Hours, Morning Prayer: “Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you.” Romans 12:1-2

@Pontifex “Tens of millions of (American) Catholics have walked away from the Church…Catholic civilization has been sacrificed on the altar of popularity by a bunch of weak, cowardly and homosexual men who began overrunning the episcopate in the 1940s.” (link:

@Pontifex “How do we know if Francis is an antipope or a heretical Pope, and what can be done?”

@Pontifex A message for this troubled pope from the Morning Prayer of today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “You must wake up now: the night is almost over, it will be daylight soon.” (Romans 13:11)

@Pontifex Reply to this troubled pope: Let’s pray that the Lord will respond to the cry for help of so many faithful Catholics who are suffering under the horrors of this present pontificate. Let’s pray that God will either convert this tragic pope, or send us a good pontiff.

@Pontifex “Bishop Joseph Strickland praised Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s latest statement…that no synod, pope, or council ‘could make possible the ordination of women as bishop, priest, or deacon’.” And how will this tragic pope punish Bishop Strickland?

@Pontifex “Cardinal Brandmüller: German bishops’ ‘synodal path’ leads to a ‘catastrophe’” ( (It will be hard to punish Cardinal Brandmüller for this remark, but I’m sure this tragically misguided pope will find a way.)

@Pontifex A friend said she prays each morning, “Dear God, give Your Church the strength to bear one more day of suffering under this horrendous pope.”

@Pontifex “Pew report: Only half of America’s Catholics know what the Church teaches about Communion” All the bishops – especially the German, the Dutch, and the homosexual bishops – who follow the “spirit” of the Council have done their work well.

@Pontifex A friend said, “Again we pray, how long, O Lord, how long do we have to suffer under misguided pope, or antipope, or whatever he is?”

@Pontifex St. Ignatius Loyola, today, on your feast day, won’t you beg God to save the Jesuits from the likes of @JamesMartinSJ and save the Church from this horrific pope?

@Pontifex A friend prays, “O God, the sin of sodomy, excused and promoted by @JamesMartinSJ and others, is one of the “peccata clamantia,” crying to heaven for vengeance. When will you listen to that cry, Lord?”

@Pontifex From today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “Evil whispers to the sinner in the depths of his heart: the fear of God does not stand before his eyes. Evil’s flattering light disguises his wickedness. His words are false and deceitful.” (Psalm 35) Is this the kind of pope we have?



Some recent Tweets:

Reply to a papal Tweet: Yes, St Ignatius of Loyola, “was attracted by the glory of God, which gave meaning to his life.” But can this glory of God give meaning to the life of weak-minded and morally weak Jesuits like @JamesMartinSJ or this tragic pope?

@Pontifex “‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is Still the Rule in Seminary” As long as this tragic pope (or maybe antipope) is more concerned with climate change than the homosexual rot in the Church, people will continue to flee the Church and souls will be damned.

@Pontifex “Students Rebel Against Pope Francis” This delusional pope (or perhaps antipope) must have gotten a good laugh out of this news. Imagine! Students actually daring to rebel against this iron-fisted “merciful” pope!

@Pontifex “Pro-contraception priest invited to teach at new John Paul II Institute in Rome…Fr. Chiodi has expressed heterodox positions on homosexuality, arguing the possibility that homosexual acts can be morally good.” God, have mercy on Your Church.

@Pontifex “John Paul II Institute students threaten to leave in wake of firings, elimination of courses” This delusional pope must be wildly excited about this! Get rid of the professors, get rid of the students, then, finally, get rid of the institute!

@Pontifex “US bishop begins celebrating Sunday Mass ad orientem, encourages practice ‘throughout’ diocese” This delusional pope (or perhaps antipope) will surely put a stop to this – and FAST! (And then punish this bishop.)

@Pontifex (1/2) “Bishop Joseph Strickland praised Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s statement that no synod, pope, or council ‘could make possible the ordination… @Pontifex (2/2) …of women as bishop, priest, or deacon’.” To this delusional pope (or perhaps antipope), it must seem that these “troublesome” bishops and cardinals keep popping up like whack-a-moles.

@Pontifex “Truth-telling Vatican news magazine defends faith, exposes liberal clergy” What’s going on here? A Vatican magazine DEFENDS the Faith? This sick and troubled pope (or maybe antipope) will surely PUT A STOP TO THAT!

@Pontifex “Why did Vatican bury news of Bishop Bransfield’s punishment?” You have to ask?

@Pontifex “Where was the Church’s voice against sexual perversion? The Church was silent because so many of the clergy were sodomizing each other. The world was corrupted by the Church — not the other way around.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “It is important that we welcome all to the Eucharistic table, including those from other faith traditions, the divorced and gay/ lesbian. As a church we must love… @Pontifex (2/2) … — it is not our role to judge.” It goes without saying that this represents the eventual end of the Church in Australia. The question is: what else does it represent the end of?

@Pontifex ““It is certainly the case that much of the Catholic Church in America from the head down has become hostile to the faithful, unfiltered proclamation of the Catholic Tradition. That is clear.” “In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

@Pontifex (Re: Amazon Synod) “Imagine the consequences for civilization and world progress if St Remigius had told King Clovis in 496: ‘There’s no need to burn the gods you worship; they represent immemorial values of the original culture of your people’.”

@Pontifex St Alphonsus Mary de’ Liguori was a bishop and doctor of the Church. Are there any such men in the Church today? God, why are there so many prelates and theologians with bizarre theories of moral theology? Why do we have a pope (or perhaps antipope) who is so confused?

@Pontifex From today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “The learned will shine as brightly as the vault of heaven, and those who have instructed many in virtue will shine like stars for all eternity.” Lord, please send us a pope and prelates who are like that, instead of what we have now.

@Pontifex “Let us remember the parables of Scripture, where we are shown that, until the end of the world and the day of judgement, the bad will always be mingled amongst the good in the church.” – St. Augustine, On Faith and Works, ch. 3-5

@Pontifex “Let us remember the parables of Scripture, where we are shown that, until the end of the world and the day of judgement, the bad will be mingled amongst the good in the church.” – St. Augustine, On Faith and Works, ch. 3-5 (But now the bad seem to LEAD the Church.)

@Pontifex St. Francis of Assisi tried to convert the Sultan, not “dialogue” with him.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet: Let us pray that families, through a life of prayer and love, become closer to God and the teachings of the Church and do not leave the Church because of the horrendous theological, financial, and homosexual corruption of this pontificate.

@Pontifex @JamesMartinSJ “The Society of Jesus needs to be done away with, and fast.”

@Pontifex “Peter gave an example to superiors, that if at any time they should happen to stray from the straight path, they should not disdain to be reproved by their subjects.” – St. Augustine, quoted by St. Thomas Aquinas (II-II q33 a4 ad 2)

@Pontifex “In the tragic situation in which there exists ‘an imminent danger of scandal concerning faith’ due to the pope’s own words or deeds, according to St. Thomas, a public rebuke is an act of charity.”

@Pontifex I have a friend who prays incessantly for this pope’s conversion. She says it’s still possible that this confused pope could become a man who builds up the Church instead of wrecking it, as he’s doing with the John Paul II Institute.

@Pontifex You have to have a feeling of compassion for this terribly confused pope. On the one hand, he produces a video about the family. On the other hand, he wrecks the one institution in the Church devoted to supporting the family, the John Paul II Institute. The man is sick.

@Pontifex I have a friend whose young daughter asked him, “Daddy, why is this pope ruining the Church? Is he an evil man?” My friend said to her, “No, child, he’s just a very sick man. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. It’s the people around him who want to destroy the Church.”

@Pontifex In today’s Liturgy of the Hours, we find this antiphon: “All the descendants of Israel shall glory in victory through the Lord.” A friend said, “WE are the descendants of Israel, and we will ‘glory in victory’ over this pope and others who are destroying the Church.”

@Pontifex “What would John Paul II think of Pope Francis’s destruction of JPII Institute?”

@Pontifex “JP2 biographer: John Paul II Institute is being destroyed with ‘thuggery, brute force’”

@Pontifex “Why Cdl. Muller warned that German involvement in Amazon Synod was ‘wrecking ball’ for Church”

@Pontifex This tragic pope Tweets: “The Lord does not perform wonders with those who believe themselves to be just.” So maybe THAT’s why God doesn’t stop this tragically delusional pope from ravaging the Church and miraculously make him a good pope.

@Pontifex St. Monica prayed for twenty years for the conversion of her son, ultimately canonized as St. Augustine. Faithful Catholics are prepared to pray a long time for the conversion of this tragic, troubled pope. We know God will test us by not answering our prayer instantly.

@Pontifex “It is clear now that the institutional Church is in the hands of a financially, intellectually, and morally corrupt hierarchy. The institutional Church, from the pope on down, has become an imitation of the real thing. A simulation.”

@Pontifex A friend said again, “Countless faithful Catholics pray that the horror of this pontificate will soon end, but we’re afraid that God will let it continue and worsen with the ‘heresy’ and ‘apostasy’ (Cardinal Brandmüller) of the Amazon Synod.” (

@Pontifex Why are faithful priests like Father Vaughn Treco punished (, but James Martin is free to spread his poison? Jefferson’s words apply to the Church: “I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.”

@Pontifex The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “In situations that require witness to the faith, the Christian must profess it without equivocation.” (§ 2471-2474) A confused pope who cannot utter clear statements would find it impossible to obey such a teaching.

@Pontifex The Bishop of Paderborn, Germany, won’t allow a newly ordained priest to say his first mass in his home parish. The priest is a member of a group recognized by the Vatican, and its members offer the Traditional Latin Mass. (Link in French)

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: Holy Spirit, give this sick and troubled pope the joy of understanding the true teachings of the Church and the meaning of the Gospel. Lead him away from the fatal errors he has been spreading. Stop him from destroying the Church.

@Pontifex Once again, it may be worthwhile to consider Jefferson’s famous comment, “I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.” The statement may also apply to this corrupt pontificate: God’s justice cannot sleep forever.

@Pontifex “Roman Catholic Faithful founder Stephen Brady says fathers must face heretical and scandalous bishops if they want to protect the faith of their children. ‘Right now, the biggest danger to your child’s faith is the Catholic hierarchy,’ he said.”

@Pontifex “For several years, Church Militant reported on the corruption and homosexual infestation of the priesthood and the episcopacy. We were called crazy, conspiratorial, divisive, “demonic.” But after the ‘Summer of Shame,’ we’ve been vindicated.”



Dear Senator Schatz,

Perhaps you could suggest this to your Senate colleagues who are puzzling over the reason for mass shootings in the United States:

The cause of these mass shootings may in the end not be much of a mystery. If the number of stable, healthy families were to increase, maybe the number of sick, unstable individuals would decrease.

A simple-minded idea?

Yes, perhaps.

Impossible to achieve?

Right now, yes.

Best regards,

Robert John Bennett



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said that the upcoming Amazon synod is the triumph of a decades-long effort by Jesuits and their supporters to re-make the Catholic Church. httpbit.ly2yDpCKV To re-make the Church or to destroy it That’s what’s going to happen.

@Pontifex The Synod working document testifies to the emergence of a post-Christian Catholic theology, now, in this moment. And this is very troubling. It is against everything I have worked for and believed for all my life.” – Archbishop Viganò httpbit.ly2yDpCKV

@Pontifex In July, Bishop Schneider said proponents of the Amazon synod care little for the spiritual needs of the peoples of the Amazon basin. They are seeking to implement ‘their own ideological agenda, which is a married clergy in the whole Church’.” httpbit.ly2yDpCKV

@Pontifex Julio Loredo said the ‘untold’ backstory of the Amazon synod is that it is intended to ‘change the whole Church’.” httpbit.ly2yDpCKV (At least everything that this sick and troubled pope (or perhaps antipope) is trying to do is now out in the open.)

@Pontifex This pope (or perhaps antipope) is destroying the Church in many ways, not the least of which is his unlimited welcome to members of The Great Religion of Peace into Europe (though not, of course, into the Vatican). The takeover will happen slowly. We’ll hardly notice.

@Pontifex Fr. James Martin is a false teacher, must be rebuked by all faithful Catholics httpbit.ly2Knk10O But if the UNfaithful Catholics (such as this sick pope – or antipope) don’t rebuke him, it may not do much good.

@Pontifex This is surely one of the worst horrors this pontificate has visited on the Church Two homosexuals performed an erotic dance inside St Peter Apostle Church, Montreal, on 1 May 2019. When will God free us from this sick and troubled pope httpbit.ly2ZrH0hy

@Pontifex This sick and troubled pope (or perhaps antipope) once said he might be remembered as the pope who split the Church. No, I don’t think that will happen. He will be remembered as the pope who nearly destroyed the Church.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet we pray that this confused pope (or perhaps antipope) will also offer his life with joy, welcome those who have fallen, care for their wounds, and show REAL (not fake) tenderness, compassion, and mercy – especially to faithful Catholics.

@Pontifex After what Cardinal Brandmüller, Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Müller, and Bishop Schneider call the heresy, apostasy, and stupidity of the Amazon Synod, with its predetermined outcome, the Church of faithful Catholics will go underground, until God sends a good pope.

@Pontifex This troubled pope (or perhaps antipope) and his demons will try to destroy the Church with the Amazon Synod, but faithful Catholics will go underground again, into catacombs of faith, and we will survive, as we survived for centuries under Rome, in Japan, and in China.

@Pontifex Who can…support the claim that the diversity of religions – true and false – would be the expression of the divine will and a sign of His wisdom Such thinking is, at bottom, pure and simple relativism. (Link in French) httpbit.ly2ODC348

@Pontifex The recent Joint Declaration ‘On Human Fraternity for World Peace and Common Coexistence’ signed at Abu Dhabi is absurd in Islam. Perhaps the great Imam practiced a taqiyya, a legitimate lie. (Link in French) httpbit.ly2ODC348

@Pontifex A friend said, This delusional pope (or perhaps illegally elected antipope) lives in a fantasy world of ‘achievement.’ What he’ll be remembered for is this for ravaging and splitting the Church and for driving faithful Catholics underground – for generations.

@Pontifex A friend said, Yes. after the Amazon Synod ‘nothing will be the same’ httpbit.ly2Jkm4TU. Catholics will be underground, waiting for a good pope, not this embodiment of financial and homosexual corruption that we have now – the worst pope since the Borgias.

@Pontifex Generations from now, when the true Church is restored, a future good pope and Council will condemn the ravages by the Amazon Synod and this tragically corrupt pope (or antipope or whatever he is).

@Pontifex This tragic pope (or antipope or whatever) has been so merciful to so many, as faithful priests are excommunicated and faithful religious orders destroyed. May God show this delusional individual the same kind of mercy when he is judged.

@Pontifex Catholics in Japan survived for centuries underground. After the Amazon Synod, when nothing will be the same (httpbit.ly2Jkm4TU), faithful Catholics too will survive underground, for centuries if necessary, until God sends us a good pope.

@Pontifex @ebmuc From the Liturgy of the Hours Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel…(H)e promised…that we could serve him without fear – freed from the hands of our enemies, even if those enemies should include an antipope and his demons.

@Pontifex If an illegally elected antipope and an Amazon Synod destroy their church, excommunicate faithful priests, and ruin faithful religious orders, then what will remain I will remain. My Church will remain, Christ answers.

@Pontifex All the things this tragic pope (or illegally elected antipope) has done to weaken the family contribute to making healthy, stable families rarer and sick, unstable individuals (who carry out mass shootings) more numerous.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet The Lord invites even this pope (or illegally elected antipope) to follow Church teaching with courage and to conquer resentment by rebuilding the Church, not destroying it, and by encouraging traditional religious orders instead of ruining them.

@Pontifex The Catholic Church is in shambles. The liturgy is theological Sesame Street. The Catholic priesthood has become a ‘gay profession.’ The fruits of Vatican II are of the Devil himself and the time has come to drive a stake through its heart. httpbit.ly33dF0Mc

@Pontifex This tragic pope preaches love and forgiveness while punishing prelates and priests who believe in the true teachings of the Church, and while ruining religious orders he considers too conservative. What is the name for people like that

@Pontifex This sick pope and those like him have been slowly ruining the Church for decades, and they will try to finish their work with the Amazon Synod. Christ will not allow complete destruction, though. A remnant of faithful Catholics will survive. God will send a good pope.

@Pontifex In the US, the large number of sick and unstable families produces a large number of sick and unstable individuals, some of whom commit mass murder. This process is accelerated by this confused pope, with his merciful policies toward divorce and remarriage.

@Pontifex A friend commented, So now, fifty years after Woodstock we finally have our first hippy pope, who will take us all back to a flower-bedecked nature with his Amazon Synod. May God – and cardinals like Burke and Müller – help us.

@Pontifex And this delusional pope’s destruction continues The Vatican Sends JPII Down the Memory Hole – Beyond any doubt, the Institute’s mission and identity is now in grave danger, and this turbulence clouds its future. httpbit.ly2YINISZ

@Pontifex The Pontifical John Paul II Institute There are reports that one of the faculty members will be Fr. Maurizio Chiodi, a supporter of contraception. In the spirit of Amoris Laetitia, he claims that homosexual acts can be morally permissible. httpbit.ly2YINISZ

Reply to a papal Tweet this confused pope says that the Transfiguration is a glimpse of heaven on earth. Do Catholics believe there can be heaven on earth Or is that what secularists and modernists believe The Transfiguration may be a glimpse of heaven, but no more.

@Pontifex If there was ever a doubt that Pope Francis’s Vatican regime is determined to subvert the doctrines of Pope John Paul II, the shameless conduct of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute’s new administration ought to stand as indisputable proof. httpbit.ly2YINISZ

@Pontifex Robert Royal writes that attacks on the moral theology of St. John Paul II may show Rome is becoming allergic to ‘objective truth’.” httpbit.ly2YINISZ This allergic reaction seems to have begun some time ago.

@Pontifex Rome will lose faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. – Our Lady of La Salette, 1846, in an apparition recognized by the Church. (Link is in German) httpbit.ly2M6eAX5

@Pontifex As the Amazon Synod draws near, and Catholic theologians increasingly find its working document a text based not on Christo-centric Christian revelation, but on observation of and respect for nature, Archbishop Viganò is deeply troubled. httpbit.ly31pNbmz

@Pontifex The figure of Christ is absent. The Amazon Synod IL testifies to the emergence of a post-Christian Catholic theology. And this is very troubling. It is against everything I have worked for and believed for all my life. – Archbishop Viganò httpbit.ly31pNbmz

@Pontifex One cleric said these men are liars, thieves and killers. And he broke it down like this They lied to get into seminary, they stole their ordinations and they murder the vocations of good men. httpbit.ly31lwskn

@Pontifex “When people wish to destroy religion, they begin by attacking the priest, because where there is no longer any priest there is no sacrifice, and where there is no longer any sacrifice there is no religion.” – St. John Vianney httpbit.ly2KqWsEg

@Pontifex Marian devotion is the cure for heresy and the healing of all heretics. We must turn to her for refuge from the heretical depravity now consuming the Church. httpbit.ly2MJfQzd

@Pontifex At its deepest level, this video is an expression of the depravity of the homosexual elite inhabiting both the Church hierarchy and the Church’s vast clerical bureaucracy. httpbit.ly2YumujC




Sehr geehrter Herr Pöner,

in Ihrem Brief an Herrn Beckman haben Sie geschrieben, “(Ihre Mail) erweckt den Eindruck, als handele es sich bei der Amazonas-Synode um eine hoch zweifelhafte Veranstaltung, bei der eine ,Gegenkirche zusammengebastelt, werden solle.”

Aber drei Kardinäle (Brandmüller, Müller, und Burke) und mindestens ein Bischof (Athanasius Schneider) haben den gleichen Eindruck.

Mit der Amazon-Synode stimmt definitiv etwas nicht. Dem sind sich viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, insbesondere in meinem Heimatland, den Vereinigten Staaten, einig. Viele von ihnen sagen, dass diese Synode einfach eine Katastrophe ist, “die darauf wartet, passiert zu werden”, wie wir Amerikaner sagen. Wenn diese Synode die Kirche nicht ein für allemal spaltet, wird sie so viel Schaden anrichten wie alle Aktionen dieses tragisch verwirrten Papstes zusammen.

In Christo

Robert John Bennett



Sehr geehrter Herr Pöner,

in Ihrer E-Mail vom 7. August an Herrn Klaus Beckmann, haben Sie geschrieben, “Ich muss allerdings feststellen, Ihre Mail leicht erweckt den Eindruck, als handele es sich bei der Amazonas-Synode um eine hoch zweifelhafte Veranstaltung, bei der eine ,Gegenkirche zusammengebastelt’ werden solle.”

Herr Beckmann und seine Bekannten sind nicht die Einzigen, die so etwas glauben. In meinem Heimatland, den USA, gibt es unzählige Menschen, die ähnlich denken.

Auch in Europa, glauben Menschen wie Monsignor Nicola Bux, dass “Die Amazonas-Synode die Kirche von innen zu „demolieren versucht,“ wie man in diesem Artikel (in englischer Sprache) lesen kann.

Wo es um die Amazonas-Synode geht, glauben viele von uns, dass die Pfortem der Hölle sehr nahe sind. Wir denken aber auch, immer wieder und immer wieder, an die Worte Unserer Lieben Frau in Fatima: “Am Ende wird Mein Unbeflecktes Herz triumphieren.”

In Christo

Robert John Bennett



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex In his book, “Infiltration,” Dr. Taylor Marshall says the present horrors are the result of efforts to undermine the Church that started before Pope Leo XIII. A friend said, “May God not punish this troubled pope and others too much for the devastation they’ve brought.”

@Pontifex Romans 8:35,37: “Nothing can come between us and the love of Christ, even if we are troubled or worried, or being persecuted, or lacking food or clothes…” or punished and ridiculed by a tragic pope who has lost his faith and no longer follows Church teachings.

@Pontifex An acquaintance said, “So, you think the horrors that this confused pope has visited on the Church up to now are terrible? Oh, my friend, just wait until after the Amazon Synod. Then the ravaging will really have left its mark.”

@Pontifex In the coming decades, as the church of Francis and the modernists goes on vanishing, as people continue to leave and die out, the Church will reappear from the underground, and it will be clear why God has visited this monstrosity of a pontificate on the Church.

@Pontifex Faithful Catholics pray for the Church just as the woman in today’s Gospel (Matthew 15,21-28) prayed for her daughter. We know our prayers will be heard, as hers were, and the Church will be healed of what possesses it now, as the woman’s daughter was healed.

@Pontifex There have been other periods with bad popes and heretics and apostates at the highest levels, and the Church has survived. These bad popes, heretics, and apostates were later condemned. The same thing will happen again. The Amazon Synod will not destroy the Church.

@Pontifex “We leave it to you to make up your own mind, who do you believe and accept as more trustworthy: Bishop Barron, or the Queen of Heaven? Now, if Barron suddenly makes the sun dance in the sky, Church Militant will happily reassess our position.”

@Pontifex This pope: “One evil never corrects another evil and resentment is never good for the heart.” True. The evil of the Amazon Synod won’t correct the evil of this pontificate. This pope’s resentment toward faithful Catholics and religious orders isn’t good for the heart.

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet – And we faithful Catholics forgive this tragically error-prone pope for the countless insults and attacks he has leveled against us. And we pray that what he has done to the Church will not preclude the salvation of his soul.

@Pontifex “The interpretation of the magisterium of Pope Francis in continuity with the previous Magisterium is intolerable in the Church.”

@Pontifex “Only 26% of US Catholics under 40 Believe in the Real Presence, and That’s No Accident” – “I believe that this embarrassingly low figure is a direct result of the desacralizing nature of the Novus Ordo Paradigm.” Is our confused pope pleased?

@Pontifex “Is Catholic thought still possible today? Or will those who seek to interpret Pope Francis’s pronouncements in line with his predecessors be persecuted solely for explaining the meaning of his words in harmony with Tradition?”

@Pontifex “On the surface, the future of the Church looks bleak, but the excesses of this papacy may create their own antidote. Next time the voting cardinals may pay more attention to the promptings of the Holy Spirit than to the spirit of the times.”

@Pontifex “It’s clear what Putin wants. An aggressor in Syria and Ukraine, and a supporter of the murderous regime of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, he wants to exploit his warm relations with Pope Francis for moral cover.”

@Pontifex ” A respected theologian has openly denounced the dismissal of top John Paul II professors, saying the manner in which they were removed shows that, in the Church, ‘we have arrived at using Stalinist methods with velvet gloves’.” Such “mercy”!

@Pontifex “It seems right to infer that, after the next synod [on the Amazon], Christ will be declared outdated, because it seems that the Amazon and some other ‘European regions,’ no longer need him for salvation, because they are fine as they are’.”

@Pontifex “As for the upcoming Synod on the Amazon, Msgr. Bux suggested that ‘perhaps the time is coming when we must stand up and move towards St. Peter’s, from all over the world, to denounce the new Latrocinium Ephesinum’.” (“Robber Council of Ephesus”)

@Pontifex Psalm 79, from today’s Office, describes the ruined state of the Church today, thanks to this pope: “So why did you destroy its wall, so that anyone could pluck its fruit, whoever was passing by? The wild boar of the forest broke it, every wild beast could graze off it”

@Pontifex To this troubled pope and his “advisers,” St. Paul speaks in today’s Office: “Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.” (Hebrews 13:7-9)

@Pontifex Instead of the “heresy” and “apostasy” (Cardinal Brandmüller of the Amazon Synod, perhaps this tragic pope might want to deal with this problem, instead of simply ignoring it:

@Pontifex A friend prays, “God, Your Church is suffering. How long will You delay the next consistory?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – God, help this confused and troubled pope to see what truly lasts in Your presence, so that he can give up his delusions about the Amazon Synod, which Cardinal Brandmüller said was “heretical” and must be “rejected”

@Pontifex “Pope Points to Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, her Courageous Choices” No matter how courageous she was, if she were alive today, this tragically confused pope would never have allowed her to teach at the JPII Institute.

@Pontifex This tragic pope speaks of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross’ “life against all forms of intolerance and ideological perversion” What would she say of a pope who can’t tolerate criticism, a pope who organizes the perversion of the Amazon Synod?

@Pontifex This troubled pope praises St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross for opposing “ideological perversion” What would she have to say about the “heresy” and “apostasy” of the Amazon Synod?

@Pontifex A friend prays, “Good St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, you suffered and died in Auschwitz, and you were a brilliant theologian. Please ask God to stop the martyrdom and theological destruction of the Church, carried on by this present tragically sick pope.”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet: As Cardinal Brandmüller and others have pointed out, “indigenous peoples” remind us that they are the ones Christ asks us to convert. He did not ask that we be converted to their beliefs. To think that is indeed heresy.

@Pontifex “Sifting through these numbers ( reveals the absolute carnage that is the normal case today owing to our modernist bishops. And it’s a carnage most laypeople don’t even recognize.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “An exercise in raw intellectual vandalism has been underway in Rome since July 23: what was originally known as the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family…. @Pontifex (1/2) “An exercise in raw intellectual vandalism has been underway in Rome since July 23: what was originally known as the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family….

@Pontifex After watching this video (, a friend said, “The enemies of the Church must be OVERJOYED by what this troubled pope and his helpers over the decades have accomplished. Well done, Bergoglio, WELL DONE!”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “The Christian witness announces this alone: Jesus is alive and He is the secret of life.” Faithful Catholics pray God will send us a pope who really believes that, believes in the Gospel, and believes in the traditional teachings of the Church.

@Pontifex “Mary’s August message at Fatima should hit us hard, given the state of things – (Our) offerings could help souls in need avoid the awful eternity of hell. Jacinta believed this, not just because she saw hell, but because Mary said so.”

@Pontifex “Fools proclaim their folly….In the path of righteousness is life, but the way of error leads to…. (Proverbs 12:23,28)

@Pontifex “The Pope knows he’s guilty….Has the Pope invoked silence to avoid criminal prosecution in Argentina, which he hasn’t visited since his papal election?” (So THAT’s why this tragic pope hasn’t visited Argentina – he’s afraid of being arrested!)

@Pontifex So this is what the “spirit” (whatever it is) of the Council has brought us to:



Lieber Andreas, Grüß Gott!

der Friedesgruss ist in der lateinischen Version der Neuen Messe enthalten, aber nicht in der Traditionellen Lateinischen Messe. Der Friedensgruß allein entsakralisiert die Messe nicht, aber Martin Mosebach glaubt, es ist die Neue Messe als Ganzes, die die Heilige Messe entsakralisiert hat. Mosebach diskutiert diese ganze Frage in seinem Buch “Häresie der Formlosigkeit: Die römische Liturgie und ihr Feind”. Die Neue Messe ist natürlich gültig, aber nach Mosebach im Vergleich zur Traditionellen Lateinischen Messe entsakralisiert. Mosebach glaubt, dass die Neue Messe kein Bewusstsein oder Gefühl von Heiligkeit oder Transzendenz erzeugt, so wie es die Traditionelle Lateinische Messe tut. Ich muss sagen, dass ich glaube, er Recht hat.

Ich habe heute Pater Gregory gefragt, ob ob ein Priester während der Messe den Altar verlassen dürfe. Er sagte: “Nein.” Er sagte, das sei irgendwo aufgeschrieben, aber er wisse nicht genau, wo. Er fügte hinzu, dass Priester in Deutschland, wenn sie während der Messe etwas tun oder sagen wollen, es einfach tun oder sagen, was auch immer es sein mag (zum Beispiel “für alle”).

In Christo



Lieber Andreas, Grüß Gott!

Du hast auch geschrieben:

“PS. Aus dem Volksmissale, dem römischen Messbuch von 1962:
…im engen Anschluss an die Friedenbitte des dritten „Agnus Dei“, der FRIEDENKUSS gegeben wird!…
…den Friedenskuss mit den Worten: Pax tecum! Antwort: Et cum spiritu tuo!”

Ja, das ist wahr. Als junger Mann habe ich das gesehen, aber nur sehr selten und unter bestimmten Umständen, und nur unter den Priestern oder anderen Menschen am Altar, nie unter den Laien.

In Christo




Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex (1/2) At other times in Church history, when there were pontificates of horror like the present, the pope of the time probably never thought that he would later be condemned and reviled, but he has been. And the same thing will happen to this present tragic pope, as… @Pontifex (2/2) …he tries to carry out actions so that the Church “will never be the same,” following the pro-homosexual German Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck

@Pontifex From today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “Through Your Holy Spirit, the disciples remembered all that Jesus taught them: pour out Your Spirit on the Church that she may be faithful to that teaching.” And may this tragically confused pope be faithful to that teaching.

@Pontifex This troubled pope says to abandon ourselves to God’s will. Certainly he should do that by returning to Argentina and abandoning himself to the state prosecutor there. That would do much, as he says, “to brighten the darkness of the night.”

@Pontifex St. Catherine of Siena (from today’s Office of Readings): “My sweet Lord, look with mercy upon…your Church…For I see that sin darkens the life of the Church.” (Words this present confused and troubled pope might want to bear in mind?)

@Pontifex The “Instrumentum laboris” for the Amazon Synod is right. By all means, let the Church adopt those sterling elements of Amazon “culture”: psychedelic drugs, cannabalism, and infanticide. (

@Pontifex “The most glaring omission in (the IL) – apart from its rejection of methods of evangelisation and catechesis – is its failure to acknowledge the immense suffering being caused by the adherence of tribal cultures of the practice of infanticide.”

@Pontifex While this benighted pope and his “advisers” gush over “the face of the Amazon,” the real “face of the Amazon” is a culture of death: A friend commented, “Dear God.”

@Pontifex A friend commented, “It’s not just a question of one bad pope, Bergoglio. We’ve had a whole series of popes who have, wittingly and unwittingly, allowed the infestation of modernism in the Church. We pray that God will send a good pope to root out all the rot.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc The pro-homosexual German Bishop Overbeck said, “Nothing will be the same” in the Church after the Amazon Synod A friend commented, “So it means drugs, cannibalism, and infanticide in the Church, as in the Amazon?”

@Pontifex A friend said, “John XXIII, Paul VI, and John-Paul II meant well, by allowing a few modernists to get into influential positions in the Church. Those popes could have had no idea it would lead to the disaster of this present delusional pope.”

@Pontifex A friend said, “So after the Amazon Synod we have married priests, priestesses, and deaconettes. Will we also have other wonderful aspects of Amazon ‘culture,’ like psychedelic drugs, cannibalism, and infanticide?”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet – But education with horizons open to the teachings of the Church and to the Gospel – without modernist claptrap and fantasies – would help young people even more. It would stop them from leaving the Church anyway.

@Pontifex Cardinal Pell – to call him “a brave, courageous man” doesn’t do him justice. And now the Australian prison authorities will punish him even more for writing a letter.

@Pontifex “Pope Narcissus I….As readily as Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, so easily does this narcissist represent himself as humble!” (

@Pontifex (1/2) “We hear the voice of a narcissist when Bergoglio mocked those who offered spiritual bouquets of rosaries on the occasion of his election and when he hurls his infamous insults upon traditional Catholics. We see the vindictiveness of a narcissist when he… @Pontifex (2/2) …strips prelates of their power should they dare question his actions and again when he remains smug and silent in the face of damning accusations and calls for clarifications.

@Pontifex In the present disastrous state of the Church, we pray, “Rescue us, God, our saviour, and turn your anger away from us. Do not be angry for ever – or will you let your wrath last from one generation to the next? Surely you will turn round and give us life” Psalm 84 (85)

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “Education with horizons open to transcendence.” Empty phrases will not attract lasting religious vocations. Only by handing on the teachings of the Church and the Gospel can a good pope attract worthy vocations. We pray for such a pope.

@Pontifex A friend pointed out a sentence in today’s first reading at mass, which should encourage faithful Catholics: “It is the LORD who marches before you; he will be with you and will never fail you or forsake you. So do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

@Pontifex “Amazon Synod: Trading Christianity for paganism is a bad deal”

@Pontifex David Vance comments: Multiple stabbings? Shouts of “Allah Akbar? Sydney enjoys the new much needed enrichment but must be careful to look out for “Islamopobia” – “Citizen’s arrest performed on a man who was carrying a knife in Sydney’s CBD.” (

@Pontifex @ebmuc”Five Ways to Prepare for the Amazon Synod” – “It will not be easy to control this wrecking ball.” – Cardinal Müller

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that people who “experience God’s forgiveness” are “truly reborn.” God is ready to forgive this sick pope, if he seeks forgiveness for ravaging the Church. This pope can’t do that, though. He’ll never be “reborn.” We must wait for a good pope.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Pell criticizes the ‘low quality’ working document for the Amazon Synod” I’m sure this confused pope couldn’t care less what Cardinal Pell thinks, because Pell is safely out of the way in Australia. The wrecking of the Church can go on.

@Pontifex Cardinal Pell insists that “the Church cannot allow any confusion, much less any contrary teaching, to damage the apostolic tradition.” Maybe the Church cannot, but this deluded pope can. As he said himself, he’s the pope, he can do anything.

@Pontifex “‘Jesus calls His disciples to constant vigilance,’ Pope tells pilgrims.” Fortunately for this troubled pope, most Catholics gave up “constant vigilance” long ago. The destruction of the Church can go on unimpeded. Only God can save the Church.

@Pontifex “If the decisions taken by Archbishop Paglia are not revoked, then what they are saying is: ‘The interpretation of the magisterium of Pope Francis in continuity with the previous Magisterium is intolerable in the Church’.” – Msgr. Livio Melina

@Pontifex “If it is ‘intolerable’ to say that Francis is teaching in continuity with prior Church teachings, then it seems quite clear that the John Paul II Institute is now dedicated to the proposition that previous Church teachings should be discarded.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc “It is hard to see why, in the face of the desolate state of the Church in Germany, so many German bishops now feel called to be a model for others.” – Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

@Pontifex “The secularization of the Church is the cause of the crisis and not Its remedy.” – Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

@Pontifex “This crisis of a massive exit from the Church and decline of the Church’s life (low Mass attendance, few Baptisms and Confirmations, empty seminaries, the decline of monasteries) cannot be overcome with a further secularization of the Church.”

@Pontifex Cardinal Müller ask why the Germans have such an influence over the Amazon Synod, when the Church in Germany is drastically shrinking A friend said, “It’s the money, stupid. The Germans have loads of it, and this “humble” pope loves money.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “It is not because the bishop is so kind and encouraging – close to the people and never shy of expressing banalities – that the people return to Christ’s salvific community…. @Pontifex (2/2) ….or participate piously at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and in the Sacraments. Rather it is because they recognize the true worth of the Liturgy and Sacraments as means of Grace.” Cardinal Gerhard Müller

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – We pray that this confused pope will remember no matter how much destruction he causes in the Church, he is not forgotten by God. This should give him strength, at least until he confesses his sins, begging God for the grace of conversion.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Raymond Burke said that the working document used for the Pan-Amazon synod amounts to ‘apostasy.’ ‘This cannot become the teaching of the Church, and God willing, the whole business will be stopped’.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’ appointments paint a disturbing picture of Church governance.”

@Pontifex “Paglia is in charge of the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family; Farrell oversees the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. One way or another, the pro-LGBT Paglia and the pro-LGBT Farrell have got the family covered.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’ biographer: Pope Benedict’s circle opposes Francis, must be controlled” A friend said, “That IS rich. Let the the pro-LGBT clerics run around free, but “control” anyone who dares support the teachings of the Church and the Gospel.”

@Pontifex If Rudolf Höss, the last Commandant of Auschwitz, could undergo a conversion before his execution (, perhaps God will bring about the miraculous conversion of even this present delusional pope, before he wrecks the Church.

@Pontifex Countless lay people, priests, and religious have fled the Church since Vatican II. The Amazon Synod will only accelerate the flight. Are the “Gates of Hell” finally here?

@Pontifex A friend prays, “Today, on one of her greatest feast days, may the Mother of God begin to act against the ravages the Amazon Synod is sure to inflict on her Son’s Church, if she doesn’t help.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – For any good pope, for any real pope, every “yes” to God means being faithful to Church teaching and the Gospel. It means ridding the Church of financial and homosexual rot. May God send us such a pope.


Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex A friend said, “Francis feels he might be remembered for splitting the Church But no, I don’t think so. I’m quite sure he’ll be remembered for wrecking the Church.”

@Pontifex From today’s Liturgy, a statement by faithful Catholics opposed to the Amazon Synod: “I am quite content with my weaknesses, and with insults, hardships, persecutions, and the agonies I go through for Christ’s sake. For it is when I am weak that I am strong.”

@Pontifex The pro-homosexual German Bishop Overbeck famously predicted that after the Amazon Synod there will be a “break” in the Church and that “nothing will be the same as it was.” There may be more truth in that statement than the good bishop realizes.

@Pontifex @ebmuc A friend asked rhetorically, “Will the Church be the same after the catastrophe of the Amazon Synod? No, it won’t. But not in the way some people seem to think.”

@Pontifex Under this sick, confused pope, why are modernist and heretical priests and prelates welcomed ( and faithful priests and prelates condemned?

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let us ask Our Lady to protect and sustain this sick pope; that he may have a strong faith instead of what he has now; that she may help him to be a saint, not a wrecker of the Church, and to meet her one day in Paradise.

@Pontifex “The day of reckoning has arrived.”

@Pontifex “What has occurred in recent weeks is sending growing shockwaves through minds and hearts.” A friend commented, “You call THESE ‘shockwaves’? Just wait until the Amazon Synod.”

@Pontifex “Catholics and even non-Catholics are telling the U.S. bishops that only by restoring reverence toward the Blessed Sacrament will they restore belief in the Real Presence.” The bishops, however, are offering reading material.

@Pontifex A friend commented, “Of all this sick pope’s sick moves, appointing pro-homosexual Archbishop Paglia to head the JPII Institute for Marriage and the Family has got to be one of the sickest, maybe THE sickest. Paglia’s wrecking the Institute.”

@Pontifex A friend said, “Well, one thing you can say about this troubled pope – he’s certainly efficient. He gets Paglia to wreck the JPII Institute for the Family, and that leaves him – this confused pope – free to ravage other parts of the Church.”

@Pontifex My friend again said, “We shouldn’t look forward too much to the end of this pontificate. After the next consistory, we’ll probably be stuck with a pope who’s even worse than this delusional individual we have now.”

@Pontifex You can imagine this confused pope saying, “Why are you surprised at my ruining the Church? ‘Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?’ (Luke 2:49)” However, this pope’s “father” comes from a place that is deep and dark, ablaze with the fires of Hell.

@Pontifex A friend said, “When I think of this tragic pope, I think of an antiphon from today’s Liturgy of the Hours: ‘Give your light, Lord, to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death’. In this pope’s case, it’s the death of the soul.”

@Pontifex A friend said, “My confessor told me the other day that God could convert this pope in an instant and make him a good pope.”

@Pontifex This pope tweets that the Holy Spirit gives “us strength…to bear our burdens.” This sick pope surely needs that strength. Dividing and devastating the Church, ruining its important parts like the JPII Institute, and ignoring homosexual rot must really sap his energy.

@Pontifex “The scandal-plagued diocese of Buffalo is now the subject of a RICO lawsuit” in the State of New York (RICO = Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations – a US federal law enacted in 1970) And this may be just the beginning.

@Pontifex This is the only way clerics and prelates will learn.

@Pontifex A man leaves the seminary: “My parents instilled in me a basic sense of faith and morals. I have come to the realization that the values and morals of this seminary and diocese do not correspond to my own.” And when will we have a good pope?

@Pontifex Many of us beg St. Francisco Marto, the boy saint of Fatima, to ask Christ and Our Lady to have mercy on the Church and either convert Francisco’s namesake, the present confused pope – and make him a good pope – or end the horrors of his pontificate.

@Pontifex “For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame.” (Hebrews 12,1-4) Does this present pope endure the cross, or despise it, as he continues his rampage through the Church, wrecking everything in sight?

@Pontifex “People who are stubborn and try to follow Jesus are often rejected as being rigid or too tough or even unrealistic.” Is it possible that one of those rejecting us “as being rigid or too tough or even unrealistic” is the tragic pope now in Rome?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “the change of each one’s heart.” Faithful Catholics everywhere pray that God will change this confused pope’s heart, convert him, and make him a good pope who will eradicate the theological, financial, and homosexual rot in the Church.

@Pontifex “Catholics today are caught between two understandable but equally incomplete approaches to the sex-abuse crisis.”

@Pontifex From today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “Lord, you have been our refuge from generation to generation.” (Psalm 89) Lord, save us and Your Church from the ravages of this tragically troubled pope.

@Pontifex Today’s Office: “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God who, as he tested our ancestors, is now testing us” (with the ruin this tragic pope is causing in the Church). (Judith 8:25) @Pontifex Judith 8:27 – “This is not vengeance that God exacts against us, but a warning inflicted by the Lord on those who are near his heart” (by allowing this sick pope’s horrors in the Church).

@Pontifex The Diocese of Buffalo, NY, is hit with a RICO (organized crime) lawsuit And will our troubled pope react with his usual silence? Of course.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet: We all pray for an intelligent pope with an intelligent sense of compassion, based on the true teachings of the Church and the Gospel. We’ve had enough of this tragic pope with his “mercy” based on “feeling.”

@Pontifex “Corrupt homosexual liars and thieves who are bishops – they starve the faithful of the truth; feeding them sweet-tasting poison instead of nutrition. They have set out on a course to destroy the beauty of the Church.”

@Pontifex “More than 500 lawsuits for mostly homosexual predation from years past were filed in New York last week on the first day filings were allowed. And that’s just day one, and that’s just New York.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “Satan has done his work well. These corrupt gay mafia clerics, the active ones and the cover-up ones who create and keep this culture in place, are agents of Hell and are leading souls to eternal death by the sword and everlasting hunger…. @Pontifex (2/2) …It seems the courts and billions of dollars of lawsuits will be the only thing to pry their cold near-dead hands from the Church. If that is the case, then let it all begin.”

@Pontifex “We need faithful priests, not the lazy, repressed, social justice types with inauthentic vocations who have packed the seminaries, dominated the headlines, and sullied the reputation of the holy priesthood over the past several decades.”

@Pontifex “The Vatican has become a kind of sanctuary city for credibly accused homosexual predators while Pope Francis laments the presence of plastic in our oceans.”

@Pontifex “When the episcopate is rooted in Modernism and eschews a Repentant Church for a Relevant one, all the metrics (baptisms, confirmations, marriages, priestly ordinations, etc.) display precipitous decline.”

@Pontifex “Germany’s in freefall and the Church in America is becoming, in many places, in its metrics and sensibility, “mainline Protestants with mitres.” For a prelate like Blaise Cupich who shutters churches, the question is: How’s that workin’ for ya?”

@Pontifex I asked a friend when this troubled pope would visit Argentina, and she replied, “He’ll visit Argentina when he gets a guarantee from the public prosecutor that he won’t be arrested for covering up priests’ sexual abuse – as soon as he steps off the plane.”

@Pontifex A friend keeps praying, “How long, O Lord, how long?”

@Pontifex Today, on the Feast of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, faithful Catholics pray for a pope as wise as St. Bernard was, not what we have now.

@Pontifex Now, during this pontificate of horror, faithful Catholics ask with Gideon: “‘My Lord, if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are his wondrous deeds of which our fathers told us?….For now the LORD has abandoned us’.” (Judges 6:13)

@Pontifex To everyone obsessed with wealth, including this tragic pope and his German bishops, Christ said, as in today’s Gospel, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24)


Some recent Tweets

@Pontifex “Iceland, which aborts nearly 100 percent of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome, has held a funeral for a glacier….Pope Francis mourns the melted glacier.” And of course the aborted babies, too.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets: “The Lord gives us a certainty: He remembers us.” True. And in the case of even a confused pope, the Lord remembers if he was faithful to the teachings of the Church and the Gospel, if he did all he could to eradicate the rot from the Church.

@Pontifex “Until enough of you bishops admit the real crisis, this is not going away. Homosexual men do not belong in the seminaries, nor serving at the altar — period.”

@Pontifex “Cardinal Müller emphasized the imprecision of the expressions used (in the IL), ‘the key terms are not being clarified and they are overused: what is a synodal path, what is integral development, what does a Church reaching out mean?”

@Pontifex “[Paglia] is acting like those who manipulated the Synods of 2014, 2015, and 2018, i.e., another cabal of ambitious (and, frankly, not-so-bright) clerics who continually lost arguments and then tried to compensate by brutality and threats.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc “Change by stealth synod? Anything is possible, and if you want to see what happens to a church ruled by a synod…check out the present state of the Church of England.”

@Pontifex From today’s Office: “Remember your leaders, who preached the word of God to you,…imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.” Hebrews 13:7-9

@Pontifex After the destruction he’s caused in the Church, this troubled pope tweets, “It takes more strength to repair than to build.” We pray that he will some day start repairing. The rest of the tweet (except for the last sentence) is incomprensible. (A translation error?)

@Pontifex “Another Protestant church closed in Algeria Obviously, there wasn’t enough “dialogue.” Too bad this “merciful” pope wasn’t there to help.

@Pontifex This “merciful” pope again: destroying a contemplative group, crushing the Tridentine Mass, and seizing assets. “Catholics around the world need to know that they must help the poor religious that are getting dragged off by jackals and hyenas.”

@Pontifex “It’s a good time to take stock of what’s happened — and not happened — since the morning Viganò’s detailed document appeared implicating numerous bishops and Pope Francis himself in the decades-long cover-up of the crimes of Theodore McCarrick.”

@Pontifex “The route chosen by the pontiff is an extremely weak way to respond to the legitimate questions that Catholics are raising.” – Marco Tosatti

@Pontifex “Tosatti recounts how the mud-slinging ‘machine’ went to work to discredit and misinform about Viganò. Key members of the ‘pro-gay Catholic’ crowd attempted all sorts of attacks on Viganò’s personal character. The Vatican remained silent.”

@Pontifex “The Church thanks Viganò today and will thank him even more one day in the future, when she has overcome this long, terrible tragedy, which has lasted more than forty years but has now reached its culmination in this grotesque climate.”

@Pontifex “What Catholic cannot hear this and be sickened by Church leaders who have brought the Church to this despicable level, an actual algorithm of abuse?”

@Pontifex “After the denunciation of the working document for the Synod on the Amazon by Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, new criticisms have been drawn up. One comes from Bishop Athanasius Schneider.” And how will this pope take revenge on Bishop Schneider?

@Pontifex “Pope Francis: Self-Interest and Hypocrisy Destroy the Church” Now, that IS rich!

@Pontifex “Pope Francis: Self-Interest and Hypocrisy Destroy the Church” Now, that IS rich! (And this deluded pope is well on his way to outdoing even the Gates of Hell.)

@Pontifex While this sick and troubled pope continues his rampage through the Church, this video discussion ( helps to illustrate exactly how catastrophic his actions really are for the Church.

@Pontifex A friend said, “This sick pope suppresses religious communities and seizes their assets He attacks the family by “reforming” the JP II Institute How much destruction can the Church tolerate? How much will God tolerate?”

@Pontifex A friend commented, “For fifty years the Church, society, and the family have been undermined and nearly destroyed. This tragic pope and his “advisers” have almost reached their goal. How happy Satan must be.”

@Pontifex Confronted with the horrors of this pontificate, we read in today’s Liturgy of the Hours, from the book of the Prophet Isaiah (Chapter 66): “As a mother comforts its child, so shall I comfort you: you will be comforted in Jerusalem.”

@Pontifex Today’s Liturgy of the Hours contains a consolation for us and a warning for this sick pope: “The Lord supports the needy, but crushes the wicked to the ground.” (Psalm 146)

@Pontifex Today is the Feast of Our Lady, Mother and Queen. “And she shall crush your head.” (Genesis 3:15)

@Pontifex As this sick and deluded pope continues his destruction of the JP II Institute (, we pray, “Deliver us from evil.”

@Pontifex Put pro-homosexual Archbishop Paglia in charge of the JP II Institute on the Family? What a master stroke on the part of this sick pope! How happy the Church’s vast sodomite community must be! (Not mention their Dark Lord.)

@Pontifex “Cardinal Pell is innocent. Those who persecute him are not” ( Yes, wherever they are. In Australia. In the Vatican. Wherever.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – And may the Lord open this sick pope’s heart to the faithful Catholics he’s insulted, to the contemplative communities he’s crushed, to the religious orders whose wealth he’s seized, and to the pain caused by the sodomites he’s protected.

@Pontifex “Archbishop Aveline will have his work cut out for him if he expects Muslims to meet him half-way…In soon-to-be Muslim-majority Marseille, what Muslims will expect from Catholics is not ‘mutual respect.’ It’s submission.”

@Pontifex “Marseille: a pro-Islam bishop for an Islamified city” ( What could go wrong?

@Pontifex “The Viganò Testimony is one-year-old, but a transparent and thorough response has yet to come.”

@Pontifex In the Liturgy of the Hours today, the Book of Tobit speaks of God and of His Church and of this tragically sick pope and others who are causing the present devastation in the Church: “Jerusalem, holy city: he will punish you for what you have done.” (Tobit 13)

@Pontifex “This pope should call out Muslim persecution of Christians, not welcome floods of Muslims into Europe. He should fight the forces threatening Christians’ souls instead of problems offending progressive sensibilities like climate change, etc.”

@Pontifex This pope tweets we all have been created in the image and likeness of God, so he wants to stop slavery. Fine. But as he courts Muslims, he is blind to the fact that slavery still exists, now, literally and figuratively, in the Islamic world.

@Pontifex As this tragic pope is “welcoming ever-greater floods of Islamic immigration into Europe” (, perhaps someone could whisper in his ear that slavery still exists, in one form or another, in parts of the Muslim world (

@Pontifex Ah yes, this sick pope and his “women” priests.

@Pontifex “One homopredator appoints a homopredator to a position of influence. When that homopredator becomes bishop, and continues his homopredator stuff, the homopredator cardinal-archbishop appoints another homopredator monsignor to fill his spot.”

@Pontifex “This is what you get when high ranking gay clergy ‘investigate’ their influential gay clergy friends — nothing to see here folks, move along. You can trust us, we’re bishops.”

@Pontifex “This is why so many are keeping a very close eye on the entire affair of the Rossi investigation. Such a man should not be in the priesthood, much less rector of one of the leading basilicas on the planet.”

@Pontifex “The entire D.C. Catholic establishment is either crooked or knows about this. McCarrick ran the show on the ground there for six years. Then, he was replaced by cover-up artist Donald Wuerl who knew about McCarrick and lied about it.

@Pontifex “Rossi is accused of having multiple homosexual priest partners, of protecting one ex-priest gay lover who went to jail. That fellow, by the way, is now civilly married to his latest gay partner. Together they run a furniture store in New Jersey.

@Pontifex “A multi-year effort was made to collect roughly $8 million for the dome inside the DC Basilica. But try to find out anything about that now? Good luck. How much was collected? Was there an excess? Where did it go? How was it spent? Who decided?”

@Pontifex “Msgr. Rossi won’t say — and thinks he doesn’t need to — how much he gets paid to run the Basilica. Why shouldn’t he say? He drives a luxury Lexus. He does own a million-dollar condo on a gay beach in Florida with a reported gay lover priest.”

@Pontifex “Gay men have no place in the clergy. They have no business being bishops. They should never be allowed to investigate their fellow gay clergy. Their actions should be scrutinized and exposed, especially when their kiss-up media refuse to do so.”



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex “Amazon Synod preparer calls for Mass, Church with pagan elements….Our Lord Jesus Christ (also the Most Holy Trinity, Our Lady, and the saints) is conspicuous only by His absence in Sarmento’s lengthy developments.” It’s worse than we thought.

@Pontifex “The devil is a not a personal reality but a symbol for evil, the head of the Jesuit order said this week.” In a Church where the wicked are promoted and the good castigated, this pope will make him a cardinal, and punish anyone who disagrees.

@Pontifex God will bless us with a pope who prays, “O God, you are my God, I watch for you from the dawn. My soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you. I came to your sanctuary, as one in a parched and waterless land, so that I could see your might and your glory.” (Psalm 62)

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “May God…help us to build up the good and to console hearts.” Yes, may God help him to do that: to clear away the Church’s financial and homosexual corruption. But he makes himself look like a hypocrite who destroys the good and wounds hearts.

@Pontifex Besides his failure to eradicate the widespread financial corruption and the rampant homosexual corruption in the Church, this sick, ineffectual pope will also be memorialized by the catastrophe that looms in the Amazon Synod next month.

@Pontifex “Amazon missionary bishop rips synod’s working document” Attacking this vengeful pope’s Amazon Synod? He won’t be a bishop much longer.

@Pontifex This is the where this troubled pope should be trying to “build up the good”: “Catholic Priest Accused of Spending Church Money on a Beach House and Boyfriends”

@Pontifex Another opportunity for this tragic pope to “build up the good”: he could provide some information about this – “Lawsuit accusing ‘gay mafia’ US bishop of drunken homosexual assault settled secretly”

@Pontifex “Build up the good”? According to one viewpoint, this confused pope has his work cut out for him: “Catholic philosopher: Amazon Synod working doc promotes ‘most dangerous’ form of socialism”

@Pontifex ANOTHER chance for this tragic pope “to build up the good” is referred to in this article: “JPII purge could damage all Church universities, German philosopher warns” But we know, of course, this sick pontiff won’t pay any attention to this.

@Pontifex “German priest publicly declares his homosexuality, credits Amazon Synod bishop” Oh great: still another result of this sick pope’s attempts “to build up the good and to console hearts.”

@Pontifex When will this pitiable pope and his “advisers” and all “hippie” clerics and prelates realize that the “spirit” of the council has for fifty years been leading the Church into its greatest catastrophe ever? That “spirit” does not come from God.

@Pontifex (1/2) “Keeping in mind that the Amazon Synod is the pope’s very own pet project, what are we to make of it when two Cardinals have already called it “apostasy” and… @Pontifex (2/2) another, Archbishop Vigano, branded it as part of a Marxist plot to effectively destroy the Church. The Amazon Synod will be, quite literally, the Devil at work.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet: No, it won’t be easy for people like this sick pope to pass through the “narrow gate,” especially when Archbishop Vigano, branded this pope’s Amazon Synod “part of a Marxist plot to effectively destroy the Church.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet: it won’t be at all easy for this pitiable pope to pass through the “narrow gate,” especially since, in the view of one US newspaper, his “Amazon Synod will be, quite literally, the Devil at work.”

@Pontifex “We are living through the most destructive revolution in the history of the Church, and the SSPX is the problem? This is madness! Is there a better example of the diabolical disorientation against which Sister Lucia of Fatima warned?”

@Pontifex “A number of allegedly conservative Catholic commentators insist that the SSPX is to be avoided like the plague because they are in “schism”. To which I say: SCHISM FROM WHAT, EXACTLY? THE GREAT APOSTASY?”

@Pontifex “The traditionalist priestly orders have strategic differences, yes; but they are doing the best they can to save souls and to help us all find our way through this darkest hour….”

@Pontifex “Lefebvre’s enemies are still there, trying to use obedience to condemn him for defending the very dogmas which they themselves were only too eager to abandon. They tell us Lefebvre was ‘disobedient’! Do you smell a rat? Me, too!”

@Pontifex Sr. Lucia of Fatima wrote to Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, “The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about marriage and the family.” And this confused pope fulfills the prophecy: pro-homosexual Archbishop Paglia is destroying the JP II Institute.

@Pontifex ” The way to heaven is difficult and the gate to enter small, but Jesus’ mother, Mary, who herself entered through the narrow gate, will help those who ask, Pope Francis said Sunday.” She will even help this tragic pope.

@Pontifex After one year – nothing. This sick pope does nothing about Vigano’s allegations. After one year – nothing.

@Pontifex This pitiful pope is “gravely negligent.”

@Pontifex An Italian graffiti: “Holy Father, you have removed priests from their positions, beheaded the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculate, ignored cardinals. But where is your mercy? We pray for you. May God have mercy on your soul.”

@Pontifex @ebmuc For over 50 years, the “spirit” of the Council has led people and priests to flee the Church, especially in countries like Germany. Isn’t it perhaps time to try something “new” (i.e., traditional), which does NOT follow the demonic “spirit” of the Council?

@Pontifex @ebmuc “My brothers, never grow tired of doing what is right.” (St. Paul, 2 Thessalonians 3:13, quoted in today’s Liturgy of the Hours.)

@Pontifex “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel.” (Morning Prayer, Liturgy of the Hours, repeated every day.)

@Pontifex “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, for he has come to his people…to rescue us from our enemies and all who hate us.” (Morning Prayer, Liturgy of the Hours, repeated every single day.)

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets: “Whoever draws near to God will not stumble, but strives ahead: beginning anew, trying again, rebuilding.” God, can you make such a thing apply to this sick pope? Can he strive, begin anew, try again, and rebuild the Church, not tear it down?

@Pontifex In this video (, Fr Mark Goring quotes, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” You could also say that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for evil men in the Vatican to do nothing.

@Pontifex On CNN (, a doctor said that to call Trump crazy is an insult to mentally ill people, because Trump is simply evil. Then is it true that to call this tragic pope sick is an insult to sick people, because this pope too is simply evil?

@Pontifex (1/3) What is now blindingly clear is this: The rot and filth of the corrupt gay mafia is deeper and more widespread than anyone who loves the Church could ever have imagined. This rot and filth has been covered up for, excused and deliberately… @Pontifex (2/3) overlooked by the entire Establishment who rely on their connections and relationships with these evil men to keep bread on their table. This is a long, long battle that needs to be engaged. It will not go away for years. In fact, until all… @Pontifex (3/3) these wicked prelates are rotting and smoldering in their graves, only then will there be any hope, in a temporal sense, of change — and even then, not a thing is guaranteed.”

@Pontifex “There is a corrupt gay mafia with a stranglehold on the Church. Loyal sons and daughters of the Church must now fight in any and every way their individual circumstances allow.”

@Pontifex “Humanly speaking, every facet of Catholic existence has been scorched or burnt to cinders: the liturgy, parish life, parochial schools, Catholic colleges, wholesome boyhood and girlhood, manhood, womanhood, marriage, the family, the priesthood.”

@Pontifex “The Mass: Active and Fruitful Participation” No vernacular, no kitschy hymns, no guitars or dancing, no Novus Ordo, nothing but the Mass. Will it ever come to that again?

@Pontifex A friend said, “Resign? ( Don’t be stupid. This confused pope will NEVER resign. No one for whom the whole purpose of life has been the acquisition of power EVER resigns!”

@Pontifex From today’s Liturgy of the Hours, for this tragic pope: “If you turn back to him with all your heart and soul – if you keep faithful to him – he will turn back to you…” (Tobit 13)

@Pontifex For all those prelates – perhaps even this sick pope as well – who are enmeshed in financial and homosexual corruption: “Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you.” (From today’s Liturgy of the Hours, Romans 12:1-2)

@Pontifex Also from today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “God our Father, you accepted Saint Monica’s offering of tears for the conversion of her son, Augustine.” God, please accept our tears for the conversion of this sick and troubled pope, and all his “advisers.”

@Pontifex I said to a friend that he Amazon Synod could be the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Church. “Oh no, don’t be silly,” she answered, “there have been MUCH worse catastrophes. There was the….there was the….the….” She paused. “Well, maybe you’re right.”

@Pontifex A friend said, “It’s all the pro-homosexual bishops in Europe and America who are REALLY looking forward to the Amazon Synod. They’re convinced it will bring them closer to their goal of Church approval of homosexual activity.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets: “The light of God enlightens those who welcome it.” Faithful Catholics pray this sick pope will welcome the light of God and be enlightened before it’s too late. Financial and homosexual corruption devastates the Church; the Amazon Synod looms.



Response to a BBC Tweet:

If society experiences a decline in belief in some kind of divinity and the associated moral values, is there an increase in drug use, crime, and general unhappiness as well? In the past, has such a decline also always been associated with societal collapse and even catastrophe?

In response to this Tweet:

“Vatican Post Office (Not)
Aug 27
Vatican Security Team is worried that Amazonian delegates, in their zeal, may ecumaniacally sacrifice progressive Vatican delegates to “Homem do Saco” (literally, “Sack Man”) in confusion over exchange rates. Faithful Catholics willing to roll the dice”

I tweeted back:

HA! BRILLIANT! I love it! (Although I have to admit I didn’t quite get it at first. I had to look up “Homem do Saco” on Wikipedia and then think about it. But, hey, here is one faithful Catholic who is DEFINITELY “willing to roll the dice.”)



Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex “’We are ashamed of him,’ a former prosecutor says of Jorge Bergoglio during George Neumayr’s visit to the pope’s home country. The admission follows an epithet I’d prefer not to print. ‘He represents our worst qualities,’ the man concludes.”

@Pontifex “’Bergoglio would call up those investigating, say, a pederast priest and tell them to back off. He then would inform the offending priest of his intervention and use that to extract total obedience.’ Many such priests were in Bergoglio’s debt.”

@Pontifex “Some have wondered why as pope Bergoglio has surrounded himself with so many crooks, creeps, and degenerates. But that is no mystery to Argentine Catholics. ‘He did the same as archbishop,’ says one. ‘He uses their secrets to control them’.”

@Pontifex “(Bergoglio) has protected too many offending clerics — either abusers or those involved in perversity — for this to be a mere rumor. The list is long: Barros; Inzoli; Danneels; Ricca; Pineda; Peña Parra; and yes, McCarrick, all come to mind.”

@Pontifex “One eye-rolling conservative Catholic told me that the Peronism of Francisworld is so strong that some acolytes of the pope are talking about canonizing Evita.”

@Pontifex “Argentine Catholics describe Bergoglio as an ecclesiastical Peron — a ruthless, socialism-addled chameleon willing to tell any lie and try any low tactic to preserve power.”

@Pontifex “The man said that Argentinians are ashamed of the pope spoke of his being a fake: ‘He knows nothing — not morals, not theology, not history. Nothing. Only power interests him.’ This is consistent with what we’ve seen over the past six years.”

@Pontifex (1/2) “Lawsuits are flooding into New York state, after it opened a one-year window for abuse survivors to file suit against those accused of abuse crimes — one lawsuit utilizes the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.” @Pontifex (2/2) A friend commented, “It looks like this tragic pope will have to stay away not only from Argentina (, but also from New York as well.”

@Pontifex Two looming disasters for this tragic pope: 1st, the ‘Amazon Synod,’ with its bizarre plan to ordain Amazon ‘village elders’ as priests. 2nd, Argentine Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, facing charges of molesting seminarians and misusing money.

@Pontifex Our political, “holy” pope works to return home for a visit. “Francis has been working behind the scenes” to help Macri’s opponent, an Argentine political operative said to me. “He wants Macri to lose. If the leftists gain power, “he’ll return.”

@Pontifex “We all know he is a son of a bitch,” said a former prosecutor in Argentina.

@Pontifex Is it any mystery why we have no leaders, why we have such a tragic pope, why there are so many effeminate men in the Church and elsewhere? After sixty years of feminists with their anti-“patriarchy” and anti-male propaganda, is it really such a mystery?

@Pontifex For this tragic pope, from today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “Evil whispers to the sinner in the depths of his heart: the fear of God does not stand before his eyes.”

@Pontifex “‘Pope Francis calls for action on the Amazon wildfires.’ The guy can’t even be bothered to genuflect in front of the Blessed Sacrament, but the world must do his bidding every time he wants to look good with the world’s press. What a fraud.”

@Pontifex From today’s Gospel: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of filth.”

@Pontifex Faithful Catholics pray that this troubled pope will receive the grace to be a real Christian and a real pope, not one “living on half measures, letting love grow cold.” We pray that he will not allow the Church to sink deeper into financial and homosexual corruption.

@Pontifex (1/3) Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori tweeted: “Vatican Security Team is worried that Amazonian delegates, in their zeal, may ecumaniacally sacrifice… @Pontifex (2/3) progressive Vatican delegates to ‘Homem do Saco’ (literally, ‘Sack Man’) in confusion over exchange rates. Faithful Catholics willing to roll the dice.” @Pontifex (3/3) My response: HA! BRILLIANT! I love it! (Although I have to admit I didn’t quite get it at first. I had to look up “Homem do Saco” on Wikipedia and then think about it. But, hey, here is one faithful Catholic who is DEFINITELY “willing to roll the dice.”)

@Pontifex “What bishops will tolerate these days is putrid. The manly spirit long ago left most parishes and chanceries. Mostly old, liberal women run the show — leftover “Woodstock Women” who see Church teaching as enslavement by an old male patriarchy.

@Pontifex @ebmuc (1/2) “The Catholic Woodstock Women and the gay men who were ordained have almost totally transformed the face of the Church in America. And practically no young red-blooded American male… @Pontifex @ebmuc (2/2) is going to want to have anything to do with it. Most parish youth groups are dominated by girls, or girly-minded boys who are the unfortunate victims of this toxic atmosphere.” Is all this true of Germany as well?

@Pontifex “Archbishop Gregory’s affirmation of a female attempting to pass herself off as ‘male’ is at odds with Cardinal Raymond Burke and four other bishops who called it a ‘grave sin’ for a man or a woman to attempt to change his or her sex.”

@Pontifex “Thinking about his cause for canonization, I cannot help but notice a contrast between Fr. Ganni and his companions’ sacrifice for the love of God and neighbor and various bishops and clergy who exploit God and neighbor for the love of self.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis: Obeying God is the Key to Christian Life” Great! So now we can expect even this confused pope to start obeying God, can’t we?

@Pontifex A French bishop has parachuted from an airplane in a “leap of faith” to encourage vocations. A friend said, “Great stunt, but he’d have more success if he made a ‘leap of faith’ into traditional Church teaching and the Traditional Latin Mass.”

@Pontifex A rather wacky friend said excitedly, “The Peronistas are favored to win the next election in Argentina! ( So this means that our holy, wonderful, merciful, celebrity pope can return home for a visit, with no fear of being arrested!”

@Pontifex A friend commented, “Now that this confused pope has devastated the JPII Institute, he can start destroying the papacy itself – and have the joy of being known in history as the LAST POPE! I’m sure that – in his humility – he’s REALLY excited about that!”

Response to a papal Tweet: St. John the Baptist, who bore witness to the Messiah by dying for the truth, pray for this tragic pope, who is so sick, troubled, and confused that he cannot even live for the truth.

@Pontifex We pray that God will send us a pope who will be the answer to this question: “Who will climb the mountain of the Lord? The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart, who has not given himself to vanities.” Psalm 24, today’s Liturgy of the Hours

@Pontifex St. Paul speaks to this sick pope: “Never have grudges against others, or lose your temper, or raise your voice to anybody, or call each other names…” (Ephesians 4:29-32)

@Pontifex St. Paul speaks directly to this tragically confused and troubled pope in today’s Liturgy of the Hours: “Never have grudges against others, or lose your temper, or raise your voice to anybody, or call each other names…” (Ephesians 4:29-32)

@Pontifex A friend said, “We pray that this confused pope, his “advisers,” and others will not suffer eternal damnation for what they have done – and are doing – to the Church.”

@Pontifex Jesuit leadership is corrupt from top to bottom. A small, brave clique of young priests should split and form a reformed order. Pray they move swiftly. Never has the Church so badly needed a fearless and uncompromising devotion to orthodoxy.

@Pontifex “Young Traditional Catholics deserve answers, not scorn” From this tragically confused pope they don’t get scorn exactly, just insults.

Reply to a papal Tweet: You have to wonder if this troubled pope has a “daily relationship with Jesus,” and if Jesus forgives him for ruining the Church. Probably not, because this tragic pope hasn’t discovered his “roots” in Church teaching or in ending clerical homosexuality.

@Pontifex “JPII purge could damage all Church universities, German philosopher warns” A friend said, “Gimme a break. You think this sick pope cares about little things like that? He’s got more important things on his mind – climate change, refugees, etc.”

@Pontifex “Vatican ‘struggling to put out fire’ of public scandal over JPII Institute purge” A friend said, “Struggling? What a laugh. There’s no ‘struggle’ over the homosexual rot among the clergy. They’re not going to ‘struggle’ over the JPII institute.”

@Pontifex “WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION: Why They Destroyed Liturgy First” This may not COMPLETELY explain the horror, but it explains much of it.

@Pontifex In France, the parish of Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois, founded in 542 and known as “the parish of the kings of France” will no longer be a parish If this sick pope and his “advisers” set out to destroy the Church, they are succeeding magnificently.

@Pontifex A friend said, “If there was ever a time when the Church faced the Gates of Hell more closely, and when it needed Christ’s help more desperately than now, with this tragic pope and his ‘advisers’ and the ‘spirit’ of the Council, I don’t know when that might have been.”

@Pontifex An antiphon from today’s Liturgy of the Hours seems aimed directly at this confused pope and those who are helping him in his “work”: “Give your light, Lord, to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.”


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