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A Journal of 2020 – 5


Message to Andreas Unterwalden:

Trump würde wahrscheinlich eine Woche vor der Wahl nicht zurücktreten. Auch Trump ist nicht so dumm. Ein Rücktritt könnte jedoch etwas früher passieren. Am Freitag kündigten die Republikaner an, dass in diesem Monat keine Journalisten den Republikanischen Nationalkonvent besuchen oder beobachten dürften. Das ist etwas Unerhörtes, fast Schockierendes. Aber warum sollten die Republikaner das tun? Vielleicht, weil es Diskussionen über einen Trump-Rücktritt und eine Pence-Nominierung geben wird?

Um Deine Frage zur Verschiebung der Wahl zu beantworten: Fast alle Politiker und Journalisten sind sich einig, dass dies unmöglich ist. Der Kongress müsste die Wahl verschieben, und der Kongress würde dies niemals tun, da dies die Unterstützung der Demokraten im Kongress erfordern würde.



Letter to Klaus Beckmann:

Lieber Klaus,

danke für Deine Nachricht. Ja, ich habe die Diskussion mit Orville Schell, Melanie Hart und Mikko Huotari gesehen, als sie vor einigen Tagen auf Zoom stattfand. Und ich war angenehm überrascht von der Tatsache, dass alle Teilnehmer, wie Du selbst sagtest, ziemlich skeptisch gegenüber den Beziehungen waren, die der Westen jetzt zu China unterhält. Es ist wirklich schade, dass die Europäer auch nicht skeptischer sind.

Ich denke, wenn es zwischen Merkel und Trump “persönliche Antipathien” gibt, liegt die Ursache des Problems nicht bei Merkel. Ich bin sicherlich kein Fan von ihr, aber eine Sache, für die ich sie respektiere, ist, dass sie in der Lage zu sein scheint, mit fast jedem gute Beziehungen aufzubauen. Trump hingegen scheint mit autoritären Führern wie Putin, Erdogan, Kim und anderen am besten auszukommen.

Wie immer muss ich zugeben, dass ich diesen Brief mit Hilfe von Google Translate geschrieben habe. Ich wünschte, ich könnte ohne Hilfe Deutsch sprechen und schreiben, aber als ich älter werde, wird auch mein Gedächtnis älter!



Letter to the editor of the National Catholic Register about Bishop Barron’s plans to attempt a suppression of traditional Catholics:

To the editor:

In response to Bishop Barron’s “invite-only meeting” about “rad trads”:

“What I suggest, therefore, is that you leave these men alone and let them go. If this enterprise, this movement of theirs, is of human origin it will break up of its own accord; but if it does in fact come from God you will be unable to destroy them.” – Acts 5:39

In Christo Rege,

Robert John Bennett 



Some recent Tweets to the Vatican that may perhaps be of interest:

@Pontifex We pray for a pope and hierarchy, especially in here Germany, who believe in the truth of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church, not in their own illusions and self-deceptions.

@Pontifex From today’s Lauds, for all priests and prelates: “Evil whispers to the sinner in the depths of his heart: the fear of God does not stand before his eyes. Evil’s flattering light disguises his wickedness, so that he does not hate it. His words are false and deceitful.”

@Pontifex And the McCarrick report? A friend said, “We won’t forget it. We’ll remind this tragic pope over and over again.”

@Pontifex For this tragic pope and all his priests and prelates: “Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you, but let your behaviour change, modelled by your new mind.” – From today’s Lauds

@Pontifex For this tragic pope and his corrupt hierarchy: “Where does death in the soul come from? From the fact that faith is no longer there.” – St. Augustine, Sermons on St John’s Gospel, no. 49, 15

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Men and women who pray know that hope is stronger than discouragement. We believe that even the horrors of this present pontificate will be overcome and someday we will again have a Church where the pope and clergy are truly Catholic.

@Pontifex “Archbishop Viganò: ‘Heresy, sodomy, and corruption’ are trademark of ‘deep church’”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis with the Grand Imam of the Cairo Mosque signed a Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together. The Superior General of the SSPX denounced this ‘impious gesture that scorns the First Commandment of God'”

@Pontifex Cardinal Burke: “The cardinal is signaling that the Pope isn’t presenting the apostolic tradition — he’s presenting his personal framework, or his dreams. The fact that the Pope writes something doesn’t make it a doctrine of the faith or dogma.”

@Pontifex “It is the Lord who speaks:…My eyes are drawn to the man of humbled and contrite spirit, who trembles at my word.” – From today’s Lauds, for this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted priests and prelates, and especially for this confused pope’s German overlords.

@Pontifex Catholics pray this antiphon from today’s Lauds: “Let us serve the Lord in holiness, and he will deliver us from the hands of our enemies,” especially the heretics in the Vatican.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope continues to try to turn the Church into a globalist NGO. This time, his Vatican-“UN office” speaks out bravely not about God, but against the human trafficking wounding our society. May God help this confused pope – and us.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope continues to try to turn the Church into a globalist NGO. This time, his Vatican-“UN office” speaks out bravely not about God, but against the human trafficking wounding our society. May God help this confused pope – and us.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope continues to try to turn the Church into a globalist NGO. His Vatican branch of the UN rails against the human trafficking wounding our society, and not a single word about God. May the Lord help this confused pope – and us.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Our faithful friends, the saints, stand at our side in times of difficulty. They are a reflection of the Lord’s love, His gentle and consoling presence in our lives during this pontificate of horror, disaster, and betrayal of God’s love.

@Pontifex “For many years, the U.S. Catholic population was roughly 24% of the overall population. Today it’s about 21%. As older Catholics (who are the ones still going to Mass) die off in the next 10 years, the Church will shrivel up to almost nothing.”

@Pontifex In the US, “Catholic marriages have dropped 70% since 1970, more than suggesting that the future of the Catholic family is pretty bleak.” And the future of the Church?

@Pontifex “German bishops invited to Rome to discuss instruction on parish life” Were they really “invited,” or did this tragic pope’s German overlords DEMAND a meeting?

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet – St Ignatius teaches humility: it is not we who build God’s Kingdom. Yet this tragic pope seems to want an alternate “kingdom,” where the Gospel and Church teaching are ignored, and divorce and “remarriage” and homosexual “weddings” are allowed.

@Pontifex “A Pakistani man who was on trial for blasphemy against Islam was shot and killed in the courtroom on July 29.” Obviously, this tragic pope and his benighted hierarchy just need to “dialogue” more with members of The Great Religion of Peace.

@Pontifex In the US in 1965, there were 58,632 priests. In this article ( the most recent figure is for 2013, when there were 38,637 priests. There are surely even fewer priests now. The “spirit” of Vatican II has continued to work its demonic magic.

@Pontifex “Notwithstanding the achievements of John Paul II against communism, the march of Modernism, sexual perversion, and Marxist destruction of the family has continued unabated.”

@Pontifex “Archbishop Viganò: ‘I see nothing paternal about punishing priests who do not want to profane the Sacred Host’”

@Pontifex A reminder for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from today’s Lauds: “Who will climb the mountain of the Lord? Who will stand in his holy place? The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart, who has not given himself to vanities or sworn falsely.”

@Pontifex Instead of what they are, this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates would surely like to be among this group (Lauds today): “The learned will shine as brightly as the vault of heaven, and those who have instructed many in virtue will shine like stars for all eternity.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – With the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves (see Mt 14:13-21), Jesus shows he wants to educate this confused pope and corrupt prelates who are slaves to Modernism and who appear to know nothing about the Gospel and Church teaching.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – How important it is to put God’s forgiveness, which ‘generates heaven’ in us and around us, back at the centre! This tragic pope appears to forget that God’s forgiveness depends on our sorrow for our sins and a firm purpose of amendment.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Naive and illusory talk about “God’s forgiveness” is deceptive if it doesn’t include a determination to turn away from sin: no more adultery, no more cohabitation, no more homosexual activity, and none of the rest.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope’s naive and illusory talk about “God’s forgiveness” is deceptive if it doesn’t include a determination to turn away from sin: no more adultery, no more cohabitation, no more homosexual activity, and the rest.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – A friend said, “Happy-klappy talk about ‘God’s forgiveness’ can lead souls astray if those souls aren’t also told the truth, but this tragic, confused pope seems to have only a tenuous relation with truth, and with the Truth.”

@Pontifex St. Augustine said God permits evil so that He can draw a greater good from it. I believe that God has permitted all the evil in the Church since Vatican II, especially during this present pontificate of horror, so that He can make the Church more splendid than before.

@Pontifex Many think the next pope will be more “conservative” than this one, but when I told that to a friend, she laughed and said, “Honey, if you believe that, I’ve got this bridge in Brooklyn I’m willing to sell you – cheap!”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The “saints next door” may never before have had to deal with a pontificate where the truth isn’t taught and where corrupt and perverted priests and prelates create one catastrophe after another. These saints pray unceasingly for the Church.

@Pontifex “In the Vatican Gardens they prostrated themselves before a pagan idol and carried it before St. Peter’s tomb. People said, ‘This is their image of the Mother of God,’ but the indigenous people said ‘No, no — this is pachamama’.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex For this tragic, confused pope and his corrupt hierarchy, from today’s Lauds (if it is not too late): “Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let us ask Our Lord to make all priests and prelates men whose lives bear witness not only to His compassion and mercy, but also to an adherence to the teachings and the commandments of the Church. Let us all flee from corruption and heresy.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – By all means, let’s pray for all those who work and live from the sea. For the most part, they’re good people who live decent, honest lives. If only there were more priests and prelates like that in the Church, especially in the Vatican.

@Pontifex “US ambassador for religious liberty warns Vatican: China can’t be trusted.” But will this tragic, confused pope believe him?

@Pontifex “Top U.K. human rights advocate condemns Pope Francis’ silence on religious persecution in China.” Maybe it’s not silence, maybe it’s this tragic pope’s “mercy.” Or that $2 billion China sends to the Vatican every year.

@Pontifex “There was no clear answer from the Vatican about what pachamama was. We never incorporate anything into the sacred liturgy unless we know very certainly that it is coherent with the worship of God.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex “There was no clear answer from the Vatican about what pachamama was. We never incorporate anything into the sacred liturgy unless we know very certainly that it is coherent with the worship of God.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex All of us, especially this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, need to be reminded of a verse from Lauds today: “Who will climb the mountain of the Lord?…The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart, who has not given himself to vanities or sworn falsely”

@Pontifex Tell Bishop Barron: “”What I suggest is that you leave these men alone and let them go. If this enterprise, this movement of theirs, is of human origin it will break up of its own accord; but if it does come from God you will be unable to destroy them.” – Acts 5:39

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let us pray for the victims of the explosions in Beirut. And just as fervently, let us pray for the victims of the exposion of heresy and corruption that has taken place in the Church during the last sixty years.



@Pontifex In the next few weeks, this sad pope and his corrupt hiearchy should tackle together the catastrophes in the Church that Vatican II has created in the last fifty years: the mass exodus of laity and clergy from the Church, the loss of faith, the denial of Gospel Truth.

@Pontifex “The apostles were sent into the world to convert it to the Church. The bishops are the successors of the apostles, but somehow, somewhere, the mission to convert the world got garbled and is now ‘promote gay sex and downplay the Faith’.”

@Pontifex “Most of their clergy do not believe the Faith…. According to insiders who know how the chanceries work,…all of it is a giant scam carried on to preserve their positions of power and pretended prestige.”

@Pontifex “Ten years from now, the Church will not look the same. The rot is so bad, the men with influence so evil, that it cannot remain this way for too much longer.”

@Pontifex “The real debate is the lack of supernatural faith among the bishops….”

@Pontifex “It seems that if we root out all of those pesky young women wearing chapel veils, and those rigid young men in suits at their Latin Masses, who believe all the Church taught for 2,000 years, we can get on to singing a new church into being.”

@Pontifex “Vatican academy defends dropping ‘God’ from pandemic document to reach ‘widest possible audience’” Gee, St. Paul should have thought of that. If he hadn’t insisted on mentioning God in his preaching, the Church would have expanded more quickly.

@Pontifex “Archbishop Fernández says he hopes our internal ecclesial issues don’t get in the way of this encounter with the world. This kind of situation saps the energy of the Church for having a dynamic missionary effort.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex We pray that some day we’ll have a pope, prelates, and priests who can pray these verses from the depths of their heart, from today’s Lauds: “O God, you are my God, I watch for you from the dawn. My soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you.”

@Pontifex God will surely give us a pope and clergy who know what these verses mean, from today’s Lauds: “I will remember you as I lie in bed, I will think of you in the morning,… and I will take joy in the protection of your wings. My soul clings to you….”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If only we had a pope and clergy who could keep their eyes fixed on the resplendent face of God, and who could contemplate Christ transfigured on Mount Tabor. If only Christ would illuminate the minds of all corrupt and perverted pre;ates.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – On the 75th anniversary of the atomic explosion at Hiroshima, let us remember the profoundly intelligent and holy pope we had then, one who was faithful to the Gospel and 2,000 years of Church teaching. May God send us another such pope.

@Pontifex “On May 17, 1846, the bishops of the US proclaimed Mary — under the title of her Immaculate Conception — the main patroness of our country. Of course, those were bishops who believed the Faith and believed in things divine. Today, not so much.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Zen stated that Parolin, the Secretary of State ‘venerates the Ostpolitik diplomacy of his master Casaroli and despises the genuine faith of those who firmly defend the Church from any interference by secular power’.”

@Pontifex In the next few weeks, this tragic pope will invite us to tackle together the pressing questions that the pandemic has brought to the fore. It might be more useful to tackle the pandemic of corruption, perversion, and pure evil in the Vatican and throughout the Church.

@Pontifex “Vatican to extend controversial deal with China” “Foreign Policy and many Catholics slam Pope Francis for his silence on religious persecution in China.” Hey, $2 billion dollars a year from China is nothing to sneeze at.

@Pontifex This tragic, confused pope is so concerned with “social justice.” But China’s concentration camps, closed churches, and Marxist “theology”? Then this pope’s silence is deafening – and expensive for China: $2 billion dollars a year to the Vatican.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – “The atomic ‘explosion’ at Hiroshima”? Why doesn’t this tragic, confused pope call it what it was? It was a bombing, in which as many as 200,000 people died. If you call it an “explosion,” it sounds like an accident at a nuclear power plant.

@Pontifex Corrupt and perverted clergy can never think too much about these verses from today’s Lauds: “For forty years they wearied me, that generation. I said: their hearts are wandering, they do not know my paths. I swore in my anger: they will never enter my place of rest.”

@Pontifex Perverted and corrupt clergy may also want to consider these verses from today’s Lauds: “Take pity on me, Lord, in your mercy; in your abundance of mercy wipe out my guilt. Wash me ever more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin.”

@Pontifex This tragic, confused pope tweets that “even on the darkest days the sun does not cease to illuminate men and women of prayer.” Fine poetry. But Catholics who have not lost their faith will give credit to God for illuminating them, not the sun.

@Pontifex Michael Voris to Bishop Barron: “You have denied enough souls the truth, and rambling on about your hurt feelings and mischaracterizations of what we report will not stop us — not for one minute.”

@Pontifex “In China, houses of worship forced to donate to the state or stay shut” Yet this tragic, confused pope wants to finalize the agreement with the Chinese communist government. Is that really worth $2 billion a year?

@Pontifex The following verse, from today’s Lauds, is for all the clergy who no longer fulfill their obligation to pray the Liturgy of the Hours: “It is good to praise the Lord, and to sing psalms to your name, O Most High…” May God make such priests Catholic again.

@Pontifex A verse from today’s Lauds gives us hope for the Church: “When the wicked sprout up like grass, and the doers of evil are in full bloom, it will come to nothing, for they will perish for ever and ever; but you, Lord, are the Highest eternally.”

@Pontifex There will again be good prelates in the Vatican and throughout the Church. From today’s Lauds: “The just will flourish like the palm tree, grow tall like the cedar of Lebanon. They will be planted in the house of the Lord; in the courts of our God they will flourish.

@Pontifex Once again, for this tragic pope, from today’s Lauds: “Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope says “we are all in need of the Father who extends His hand to us.” Catholics pray this pope will grasp that hand. We pray that he will abandon his illusions, his modernist heresies and the demonic “spirit” of the Council. We pray he’ll become Catholic.

@Pontifex Catholics pray that one day we will have a pope and clergy to whom this verse from today’s Lauds can refer: “The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart,…He will receive the blessing of the Lord and be justified by God his saviour.”

@Pontifex Catholics pray that one day we will again have a Catholic pope and a Catholic hierarchy in the Vatican.

@Pontifex Catholics look forward to the fulfillment of this verse from today’s Lauds, especially where the pope and his Vatican hierarchy are concerned: “And you will know that I am the Lord….I shall put my spirit in you, and you will live.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If this tragic pope does in fact have the kind of faith he describes in this Tweet, he will use it to bring Catholics closer to the real teachings of the Church and the Gospel, instead of to the illusory modernist ideas he has offered so far.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The degree of faith that this tragic pope refers to in this Tweet – if he really has such faith himself – should move him to revive the faith in all those priests and prelates in the Vatican and elsewhere who have no faith at all.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let us again pray for the Church during this catastrophic pontificate, for its Catholic identity, fruit of 2000 years of learning and tradition, so that with God’s help, the Gates of Hell and Bergoglian modernism will not prevail against it.

@Pontifex “HOLY COMMUNION FOR COHABITORS?” Of course, during this pontificate of horror, anything is possible and permissible.

@Pontifex “IRISH PRO-ABORTS GET COMMUNION” And of course this tragic, confused pope, so concerned with everyone’s faith, doesn’t utter a word.

@Pontifex Surely there was a time when this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates were young and idealistic and could honestly pray this verse from today’s Lauds: “I came to your sanctuary, as one in a parched and waterless land, so that I could see your might and your glory.”

@Pontifex Whatever this tragic pope may once have thought, he can hardly pray this from today’s Lauds: “I will bless you throughout my life…I will remember you as I lie in bed, I will think of you in the morning,…and I will take joy in the protection of your wings.” Can he?

@Pontifex It’s also questionable whether this tragic pope and his corrupt clergy can honestly pray this verse from today’s Lauds: “My soul clings to you; your right hand raises me up.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – We Catholics ask ourselves when this tragic pope and the corrupt and perverted prelates around him will find the right road that leads to God, Truth, the Gospel, and the true teachings of the Church, instead of their modernist nonsense.

@Pontifex “A bishop the Vatican ordered to make amends for sexual abuse and financial malfeasance is nowhere to be found, and the Vatican appears unconcerned.” Of course. The Vatican has more important things to worry about than a bishop evading the law.

@Pontifex For this tragic, confused, and clearly bewildered pope, again, from today’s Lauds: “If only, today, you would listen to his voice….”

@Pontifex One day we will have a pope who can honestly pray, from the depths of his heart, this verse from today’s Lauds: “My desire for You leaves me breathless.” Because, what kind of desire is it, that leaves this present tragic pope “breathless.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – No, God has obviously not chosen this tragic pope because of his goodness.

@Pontifex Seriously, this is something to be grateful for (as long as this tragic pope doesn’t disapprove): “A Mass for Dignity Detroit members — one which rejects Church teaching on human sexuality — is forbidden everywhere in the Archdiocese of Detroit.”

@Pontifex “Vatican bishop says Holy See’s secret deal with Chinese Communist Party will be renewed” Hey, $2 billion a year is nothing to sneeze at.

@Pontifex And why is the “secret” Vatican agreement with China still a secret? What is this tragic pope trying hide? Is it the $2 billion a year that China is paying for this confused pope’s “co-operation” and turning a blind eye?

@Pontifex What does it profit a pope to gain $2 billion from China, but suffer the loss of his own soul (and the loss of the Church in China)?

@Pontifex An antiphon from today’s Lauds: “Blessed is the man who walks in justice and speaks what is true.” Will we ever have such a man as pope? Will we ever have a hierarchy made up of such men?

@Pontifex As this tragic pope tweets, “The coronavirus is not the only disease to be fought.” There is also the greed that impelled the Vatican to secretly agree to accept $2 billion a year from China ( in exchange for selling out the Church in China.

@Pontifex Bishop J. Strickland: “Let’s pray that Catholics read the catechism, believe the catechism they read, and practice the catechism they believe. It’s a way of living I fail to live 100% but I keep at it. Let’s not seek to change the Catholic Faith but BE CHANGED BY IT!”



Letter to Church Militant:

Dear Church Militant Editor,

I am certainly not a fan of Kamala Harris. I think her election as Vice-President would be one of the greatest tragedies that could happen to America, especially since it would almost certainly mean that she would become President some day, one way or another.

However, it is not true that she came from a “slave-owning family.” We know how common it was for a slave-owner to rape or otherwise have sexual relations with one of his female slaves. Thomas Jefferson himself falls into that group. Although it apparently did not happen in the case of Jefferson, it was also quite common for the offspring of a slave-owner to eventually take his family name. So if Kamala Harris comes from a “slave-owning family,” that is the way it happened.

I am writing this because I have enormous respect and admiration for Michael Voris’ work, and I don’t want to see his credibility damaged by exaggeration, hyperbole, and untruths. People might think to themselves that if he can’t be trusted when he reports on political matters, then he can’t be trusted when he discusses other issues as well.

In Christo Rege,

Robert John Bennett


Letter to Church Militant:

Dear Trey,

Thank you for sending the “Reflections of a Jamaican Father” by Donald Harris. When I read it this morning I thought it proved my point, and as I looked at the copy you sent me, I again thought the same thing. Harris writes about his “paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town).

Hamilton Brown was a slave-owner, and “Miss Chrishy” was his “descendant.* I think that in the same way Harriet Hemings was a “descendant” of Thomas Jefferson and the slave Sally Hemings, although in that case the descendants did not take Jefferson’s name, which was the kind of thing that often happened in similar situations.

Perhaps Michael has more substantial proof than “Reflections of a Jamaican Father” to show that Kamala Harris is the descendant of a slave-owning family. If so, he should share it, and I stand corrected. But Trey, there are so many legitimate and reasonable ways of opposing Kamala Harris (for example, see this video by Taylor Marshall today: that I hate to see Michael shooting himself in the foot by using what appears to be an exaggerated, over-the-top approach that will turn off a lot more of his viewers. As I said, I like and respect everything Michael does, and I don’t want to see Church Militant damaged in any way. And as I said, if Michael has more and better proof of his claim, then I’m happy to be wrong about all this, very happy to be wrong.

In Christo Rege,

Robert Bennett


Another message to Church Militant:

Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to see Michael Voris adopt Taylor Marshall’s slow, methodical approach, but the CONTENT of Marshall’s videos is very good. Voris could do a terrific Vortex on the fact that “Kamala Harris promotes killing babies and so does Biden. They will try to get rid of Christianity.” And Marshall’s point about Harris investigating Daleiden and the CMP for whistleblowing while ignoring the illegality of Planned Parenthood’s participation in the sale of fetal body parts is, I believe, the kind of thing that Voris could turn into a terrific Vortex. There are so many legitimate grounds for attacking Harris and Biden that there’s just no NEED to gin up questionable aspects of Harris’s background – or Biden’s background either, for that matter.



Response to a Democratic Party e-mail:

I cannot endorse the Biden-Harris ticket. Biden and Harris both support abortion. I consider abortion to be the murder of a human being. More than that, Harris is unapologetic in here anti-Catholic thinking and attitude. I am a Catholic, a true Catholic, not a Biden-type “Catholic.”

Robert John Bennett



Ein Brief an Roland Fischer:

Lieber Roland,

vielen Dank, dass Du mir eine Kopie der gestrigen Predigt von Pater Manfred und Deine Gedanken zur Predigt und zur heutigen Kirche geschickt hast.

Die Predigt überzeugt mich mehr denn je, dass ich mir keine Sorgen machen sollte, wenn ich die Predigten in der Andreaskirche nicht hören und verstehen kann. Du hast Recht, wenn Du sagst, dass die Predigt gestern absurd war. Die Kanaaniterin hat nichts mit Unserer Lieben Frau zu tun. Der Punkt der Passage des Evangeliums war – für mich – nicht nur das Wunder der Heilung der Tochter der Frau sondern auch die extreme Demut der Kanaaniterin. (Jedes Mal, wenn ich dieses Evangelium höre oder lese, bin ich fast zu Tränen gerührt, als die Frau sagt, dass selbst die Hunde die Reste essen können, die vom Tisch des Meisters fallen.)

Und was Du über die moderne Kirche sagst, die die Priester wie diese Dominikaner zu errichten versuchen, ist wahr. Und eine solche Kirche wird niemals überleben. Wir können sehen, wie die Menschen aus dieser Kirche fliehen. 272.771 Menschen verließen die Kirche in Deutschland im Jahr 2019 (dieser Artikel ist in englischer Sprache). Und die Menschen werden weiter gehen. Wenn sie “nette Gefühle” wollen, können sie das am Sonntagmorgen woanders finden!

Ich denke immer wieder und immer wieder und immer wieder an die Worte der Mutter Gottes in Fatima: “Am Ende wird mein Unbeflecktes Herz triumphieren.”

In Christo Rege




Some Tweets to the Vatican that may perhaps be of interest:

@Pontifex “The bishops won’t think twice about dumping a faithful priest or having a secret conference on how to silence faithful Catholics online, but they refuse to even mention Biden’s abortion heresy. The bishops couldn’t care less about abortion.”

@Pontifex “Catholics wonder whether the McCarrick report will be a snow job or a full and honest accounting. Its long delay might well suggest the latter.” Yeah, well, the long delay could just as easily suggest the former.

@Pontifex “Many theologically dubious cardinals and theologians whom Francis promotes to high ecclesial positions maintain his authority should be recognized when with his acts he shows himself ‘for all practical purposes schismatic’.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex “Bishop Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academies, has told China’s Global Times that a secret agreement between the Vatican and Beijing will be renewed ‘because the initial experience went well’.” It went well for China, didn’t it?

@Pontifex “Pope Francis is being slammed for his silence on the genocide of Uighur Muslims.” What else can we expect? Two billion dollars a year from China ( buys a LOT of silence.

@Pontifex If the Vatican is NOT getting $2 billion dollars a year from China in return for its “co-operation” (, then why is the “secret” agreement with China still secret? What’s this tragic pope afraid of?

@Pontifex An antiphon from today’s Lauds: “The Lord is coming in power: the prize of his victory is with him.” And no tragic pope or corrupt and perverted hierarchy of bishops or heretical German synod will be able to stop Him.

@Pontifex If, in this verse from today’s Lauds, you replace “Gentiles” with “modernists,” you have a perfect description of the present situation in the Church: “Behold, the Gentiles are like a drop in a bucket, a piece of fluff on the scales.”

@Pontifex From the prayers of today’s Office: “Move our hearts to seek you and our wills to serve you.” Catholics pray incessantly for a pope and hierarchy who can honestly and sincerely utter such a prayer, instead of whatever prayer the present pope and hierarchy are saying.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets: “When we pray, God expects that we also be mindful of those who do not think as we do.” Is this how this tragic pope, his corrupt hierarchy, and his German masters pray? Really? They keep in mind traditional Catholics whom they denigrate?

@Pontifex “Argentine bishop says Vatican ordered seminary closed” Just another example of this tragic pope’s “mercy,” “dialogue,” and “accompaniment.” Isn’t it beautiful? No WONDER the Church is flourishing everywhere!

@Pontifex “Chinese diocese: priests must have state recognition…The directive came from the diocese. It deepens division between the ‘official’ and ‘underground’ clergy.” This pope’s gotta do SOMETHING for that $2 billion a year.

@Pontifex “Priestly celibacy isn’t some internal concern; it has to do with who the priest is. If you ask people, they’ll tell you celibacy is key to the priest’s ministry. Forces inimical to the Church claim the Church vindicates them.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex For this tragic pope and all corrupt clergy, from today’s Lauds: “I said: their hearts are wandering, they do not know my paths. I swore in my anger: they will never enter my place of rest.”

@Pontifex Advice for this tragic, confused pope and all corrupt clergy, especially this pope’s German overlords, from today’s Lauds: “A contrite and humble heart, O God, you will not refuse.”

@Pontifex May God some day give us a great and heroic pope and clergy who can honestly and courageously repeat this sentence from an Antiphon in today’s Lauds: “Life to me, of course, is Christ, but then death would bring me something more.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “Hope needs patience.” And Catholics hope and pray, with enormous patience, that this pontificate of horror will soon end, one way or another.

@Pontifex “Nigerian singer sentenced to death for blasphemy” This tragic and confused pope’s “dialogue” with The Great Religion of Peace”doesn’t seem to be going very well.

@Pontifex “Police arrest elderly Indonesian Catholic for blasphemy” Oh yes, The Great Religion of Peace DEFINITELY need more “dialogue” with this tragic pope.

@Pontifex “The Servant of God Jacques Hamel, an 85-year-old priest, was slain in 2016 by two Muslim extremists as he was celebrating Mass.” No, this tragic pope’s “dialogue” with The Great Religion of Peace” has REALLY not been going very well.

@Pontifex “Cdl. Zen: Vatican pursuing policy of submissiveness to Chinese communist govt” Now really, what’s a little submissiveness, when you’re getting $2 billion a year from the Chinese?

@Pontifex “Querida Amazonia says the ‘authentic Tradition of the Church’ is ‘not a static deposit or a museum piece, but the root of a constantly growing tree.’ Tradition is not just the root; Tradition is the tree itself.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex Once again, a reminder for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from today’s Lauds: “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, on the day of Massah in the desert, when your fathers tested me – they put me to the test, although they had seen my works.”

@Pontifex Again, another reminder for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from today’s Lauds: “For forty years they wearied me, that generation. I said: their hearts are wandering, they do not know my paths. I swore in my anger: they will never enter my place of rest.”

@Pontifex Some day, we will have a pope and hierarchy who can honestly and sincerely pray this verse from today’s Lauds: “O God, you are my God, I watch for you from the dawn. My soul thirsts for you….” And how different that will be from the current troupe in the Vatican.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets “we journey: not to gain the things here below, which are fleeting,” like papal power, $2 billion a year from China, huge amounts of German money, millions in London property

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Let us invoke the intercession of the ‘Mother of hope’ for all the situations in the world that are most in need of hope, in particular for” the Catholic Church itself, slowly being destroyed by the pope of horrors and his corrupt prelates.

@Pontifex This is the kind of moral conviction we need in the president of the United States? “Catholic” Biden opposes a court ruling on nuns but he smiles and jokes and is oh-so-friendly with nuns in a campaign video A great guy!

@Pontifex “Parts of Querida Amazonia are very good, but they’re mixed with very confusing aspects. If a culture is a true culture, it’ll be an expression of the natural law, but there are things in a culture which are not true. ” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex Confronted with this present pontificate of horror, deceit, and demonic cunning, Catholics pray this verse from today’s Lauds: “The Lord, my help, is with me, and I shall look down upon my enemies.”

@Pontifex Reply to a papal Tweet – If he presents his poverty to the Lord, this pope gets a response (from whom?): millions from his German overlords, $2 billion a year ( from the Chinese, plus lucrative London property investments.

@Pontifex A reminder for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from today’s Lauds: “The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart, who has not given himself to vanities or sworn falsely. He will receive the blessing of the Lord.”

@Pontifex Verses in today’s Lauds describe the future, when this tragic pope is gone, when his corrupt prelates are gone: “They will be nothing but a dream; like the grass that sprouts in the morning: in the morning it grows and flowers, in the evening it withers and dries.”

@Pontifex In today’s Lauds, the future of this pope and his corrupt prelates: “I shall lead the blind along a way they do not know; in paths unknown to them I shall make them walk. I shall make the darkness that is around them into light. I shall make crooked things straight.”

@Pontifex A tragic pope and corrupt prelates – hope in today’s Lauds: “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God who, as he tested our ancestors, is now testing us. Remember how he treated Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is a warning inflicted by the Lord on those near his heart.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – “It is not the wealthy who bear fruit in life,” but if you’re an impoverished, tragic pope, you have to go to the wealthy to ask for some of their “fruit,” e.g., $2 billion a year from China in exchange for silence.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Wealth can force us to build walls.” And $2 billion a year from China ( can force this benighted pontiff to build a wall against recognition of Chinese oppression of the Uiguhrs and destruction of the Church in China.

@Pontifex “The problem is the swamp that keeps producing crooked bishops who have no supernatural faith and abuse anything and everything they can get their grubby, little Judas fingers on.”

@Pontifex “(Crooked bishops) have wrecked the Liturgy, the devotional life, the seminaries, education — in fact, you can’t come up with one single area these theological-modernist perverts have not disfigured beyond belief.”


Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex Because of his ambiguities in Amoris Laetitia and elsewhere, because of the Pachamama idolatry, because of his brutal firing of Cardinal Müller’s staff members, because of his harsh treatment of the FFI and others, it’s hard to take seriously anything this pope says.

@Pontifex This isn’t Argentina and this tragic pope isn’t Juan Peron. So when he says one thing in one context, and something else in another context, people are aware of it, and they remember. And they don’t take him seriously in any context.

@Pontifex Who can take this tragic pope seriously? He says God “did not go to the seminary or study theology” so it’s fine for a nun to open a residence for “trans women.” Cardinal Burke called it a “grave sin” for a man to “attempt to become a woman.”

@Pontifex From today’s Lauds: “For Zion’s sake I will not be silent, for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be still until her justice comes forth as brightness, and her salvation is lit up like a torch.”

@Pontifex Reaction to a papal Tweet – The response to the epidemic of evil in the Church is dual: we need to find a cure for the widespread immorality among the clergy, and we need to cure 50 years of sick, false teaching that afflicts the whole Church, especially the Vatican.

@Pontifex “Catholic Collapse: 1965-2020 (That Nobody Talks About)” This is a video that should be watched only by Catholic laity and clergy who do not live in a world of illusion (for the others it might be too much of a shock).

@Pontifex “I remember in the 1970s – the Sunday Mass obligation – certain people would say that they were meeting the Lord out in the woods or by the river. This kind of thinking leads us to regard Christ as relative to the world.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “May the Holy Spirit make us grow constantly in knowledge of God….” Catholics pray that the Holy Spirit will answer that prayer, because in everything he does and says and writes, this confused pope shows how little knowledge of God he has.

@Pontifex “The ones who taught the current bishops when they were just little gay seminarians instilled the corruption we see today now exploding all over the Church, like time bombs going off everywhere.”

@Pontifex “The Holy See has become a dumpster fire, and the boldness of the Gospel is wanting.”

@Pontifex “I think it’s the Holy Spirit who prevented any statement that would weaken clerical celibacy or the exclusion of women from holy orders, but some cardinals are saying: “No, the agenda is going forward.”- Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex Catholics hope that some day this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates will sincerely pray this verse from today’s Lauds: “Create a pure heart in me, God, put a steadfast spirit into me.”

@Pontifex “He will punish you for what you have done.” That is part ot a verse from today’s Lauds. It is directed toward this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, among others, unless they are converted and return to God and the truths of the Church and the Gospel.

@Pontifex Catholics pray, again, that this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates will reflect on these lines from today’s Lauds: “Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “The Lord wants to remind us of what will remain forever.” This confused pontiff defies Church teaching, protects and promotes corrupt prelates, distorts the Gospel, crushes religious organizations, and ridicules the faithful. Who can trust him?

@Pontifex We count on the Holy Spirit to act, to prevent possible evils to the Church, but the Holy Spirit is also at work in all of us who are called to give an account of our Catholic faith to the world and within the Church herself.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex This is what God can do for this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates, if they do not refuse Him (from today’s Lauds): “I will pour clean water on you, and you will be cleansed from your filth: from all your worship of idols I will cleanse you.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “We call upon everyone to stop using religions to incite hatred, violence, extremism and blind fanaticism.” Sadly, no member of The Great Religion of Peace seems to be listening to this confused pontiff. He should “dialogue” more with them.

@Pontifex Christians are being murdered by members of The Great Religion of Peace in Nigeria and elsewhere in North Africa. Maybe this tragic pope should try not only a little “dialogue” with them, but also some “discernment.” I’m sure that’s all they need.

@Pontifex “The Ostpolitik that Cardinal Zen criticizes, is, in fact, fruit of the Second Vatican Council. This is historical evidence that does not admit denials.” – Robert de Mattei

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “God does not love you because you behave well. His love is unconditional.” God loves all sinners, but if they do not repent, he punishes their sins, one way or another, in this world or the next. God also punishes all modernist claptrap.

@Pontifex “Conclaves in the past have elected bad popes. It’s one thing to say the Holy Spirit is here, present in a conclave; but it’s another thing to have the cardinals be obedient to the Holy Spirit.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex Once again, from today’s Lauds, for this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates: “For forty years they wearied me, that generation. I said: their hearts are wandering, they do not know my paths. I swore in my anger: they will never enter my place of rest.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets: “In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus’s question…: ‘And you, who do you say I am?’ The answer involves faith.” Catholics pray God will give us a holy pope and prelates who can answer that question with faith. Not the pope and prelates we have now.

@Pontifex “There are many weak, cowardly ordained men and then there are ones like this whom we MUST listen to”

@Pontifex This pope tweets, “Let’s not forget the victims of the coronavirus.” By all means. And also, let’s not forget the victim’s of this tragic pope’s catastrophic “teaching,” the victims of corruption among prelates, and the victims of perverted priests and bishops.

@Pontifex Another consequence of the demonic “spirit” of the Council and this catastrophic pontificate:

@Pontifex In a discussion of “The Gay Catholic Church,” a respected American Catholic writer and intellectual, Phil Lawler, mentions his belief that the present pontificate is “catastrophic.”

@Pontifex When this tragic pope’s German overlords are finished with their “synodal way,” and they force this confused pope to approve it, will we then have, officially, the parallel church that Archbishop Vigano has referred to?

@Pontifex Another comment on this catastrophic pontificate: almost as a response to this tragic pope’s misleading assertion that God’s love “does not depend on you,” this antiphon appears in today’s Lauds: “You are my friends if you do what I command you, says the Lord.”

@Pontifex Instead of having Bishop Barron try to suppress US criticism of this pontificate of horror (, why doesn’t this tragic pope respond to that criticism by correcting the huge Church flaws and errors created by the demonic “spirit” of the Council?

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray this tragic pope will allow himself to be looked at by God “without illusions, excuses, or justifications.” And we pray that he, as pope, will look at the corruption around him “without illusions, excuses, or justifications.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “from the devil come darkness and lies, from God come light and truth.” Catholics fear – because of the horrific things he’s said, written, and done – this confused pontiff doesn’t know the difference between the darkness and the light.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets his solidarity with the families of migrant victims killed in Mexico in 2010. Catholics pray he’ll also express solidarity with the victims of his corrupt prelates and victim souls endangered by his bizarre, false teaching.

@Pontifex “The longer the McCarrick report is delayed, the longer the open wound of distrust between the flock and the shepherds will fester.”

@Pontifex “We respect the irreplaceable office of the hierarchy; hence, the disappointment of so many of the lay faithful: that the hierarchy is not carrying out its duty. That’s a legitimate disappointment.” – Cardinal Burke

@Pontifex From today’s Lauds: “Let us acclaim God our salvation.” Is that a verse that this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates can honestly repeat?

@Pontifex From today’s Lauds: “The man with clean hands and pure heart will climb the mountain of the Lord.” Catholics pray for a pope and prelates to whom those words could apply.

@Pontifex Some verses from today’s Lauds: “The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart, who has not given himself to vanities or sworn falsely. He will receive the blessing of the Lord…” And this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, what will they receive?

@Pontifex Some verses from today’s Lauds: “Blessed be God who lives for ever,…no one can escape him.” Not even this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates. No one can escape Him.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “The root of every spiritual error is believing ourselves to be righteous.” That is certainly true. Such a belief leads to hypocrisy, self-deception, lying, delusion, and the kind of corruption that is so widespread among Vatican prelates today.

@Pontifex “The root of every spiritual error is believing ourselves to be righteous,” tweets this tragic pope. So THAT’s why so much of what he’s said, written, and done is almost overflowing with all kinds of spiritual error.



Message sent to Klaus Beckmann:

Thank you for sending the CNN article. It is most informative. Cai Xia is certainly hopeful, since she believes, “Without internal reforms, conflicts and tensions will build up and one day erupt all at once, causing the sudden collapse of the Party-state system and plunging the country into chaos.”

However, long before that happens, I fear that China could achieve its aim “to replace the free and democratic system of modern mankind represented by the United States.” In America, societal decline is occurring so rapidly – and will continue, regardless of who wins in November – that the Chinese Party-state system may have no trouble at all in achieving its aim, long before its own “sudden collapse.”


@Pontifex A German friend who has lived in Brazil writes: “The Catholic Church hierarchy in Brazil still doesn’t understand, even today, why Protestant churches are so successful there, while the percentage of Catholics in Brazil has fallen from 98% to 63% since Vatican II.”

@Pontifex “Why and how has it gotten this bad?”

@Pontifex “The conversion of Hagia Sophia and now the Chora Church into mosques demonstrateds the ‘signal failure’ of Pope Francis’ pact with the world’s highest-ranking Sunni Muslim leader Ahmad al-Tayyeb.”

@Pontifex “Evil whispers to the sinner in the depths of his heart: the fear of God does not stand before his eyes.” Catholics pray that verse from today’s Lauds does not describe the situation of this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates.

@Pontifex “His words are false and deceitful, he no longer considers how to do good.” Surely those words from today’s Lauds do not describe this tragic pope or any of his equally tragic prelates.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If this tragic pope concerned himself more with being faithful to Church teaching, instead of with “this economic system of social injustice and care for the environment,” the Church would be stronger. As he says, “Let’s think about this.”

@Pontifex “And still waiting…. “McCarrick was destroying vocations, had destroyed young men. What kind of culture had the bishops created that a monster like this could do what he did and no one felt the obligation to God to reveal the truth?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If this tragic pope would take care of the Church that the Creator gave him, he preserved Tradition and the Gospel in such a way that nothing would be lacking, then the massive exodus from the Church would stop.

@Pontifex “So now we’re at the 2-year anniversary of Viganò’s testimony and are still waiting for a report that would implicate most of the senior hierarchy in the US, not to mention in the Vatican. They can’t release the truth. They’d all be arrested.”

@Pontifex “They (the US hierarchy) have no intention of ever revealing the truth. The truth is not in them. How could a group of morally corrupt thieves and liars ever do anything except continue lying and covering up? It’s their nature.”

@Pontifex “Consider the those involved in this (McCarrick cover-up). Consider the enormity of their sins — ongoing, unrepented from. Then ask yourself if what Bp. Barron blathers on about — having a reasonable hope all men are saved — rings true to you.”

@Pontifex “Where’s the report, Holy Father? Where is the McCarrick report?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If this tragic pope ever releases the McCarrick report, instead of hiding it, he would truly inspire hope for the regeneration of a healthier Church.

@Pontifex “A high-profile attorney decides not to wait for the McCarrick report” Good move. Otherwise he’d be waiting until hell freezes over.

@Pontifex In the midst of the catastrophe that is this pontificate, the Church cries out its faith in God with words from today’s Lauds: “He will disgrace those who trample me underfoot.”

@Pontifex Verses from today’s Lauds speak of this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, and what they have tried to do to the Church: “They prepared a trap for my feet; my soul was bent double under its burden; they dug a pit in front of me – but they fell into it themselves.”

@Pontifex In the reading for today’s Lauds, St. Paul speaks to this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates: “Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you, but let your behaviour change….”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope doesn’t have “holy restlessness” in his heart. He has a hapless mixture of confusion, chaos, and blindness. If others have a thirst for God, you can be sure that this pitiable pontiff will lead them AWAY from God, not TO Him.

@Pontifex A friend of mine is convinced that this tragic pope is an agent of Satan, because of the horrific damage he has caused in the Church. I believe this confused pontiff’s reign is a catastrophe, but I don’t think he’s possessed by the Devil. Few Catholics believe that.

@Pontifex This tragic pope is constantly uttering pieties that would have done credit to any holy pope, but his other actions, words, and writings demonstrate that those pieties, coming from him, are just empty expressions. They mean nothing at all in his case.

@Pontifex This tragic pope and his corrupt prelates might want to sincerely pray these verses from today’s Lauds, before it’s too late: “Take pity on me, Lord, in your mercy; in your abundance of mercy wipe out my guilt. Wash me ever more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Trust in the Lord and enter into His plans. His salvation can reach us in ways we don’t expect.” This sad pontiff doesn’t understand that salvation must reach him through the true Faith of 2,000 years, not through his bizarre modernist beliefs.

@Pontifex “The archbishop of Detroit is being sued by a priest’s parish for fraud. Welcome to the Church of Nice folks. When men in robes give up the actual Faith, this is what you get.”

@Pontifex “Boston priest claims Catholics can support ‘right to choose,’ archdiocese declines comment” This tragic pope’s pontificate of horrors is a gift that just keeps on giving.

@Pontifex “In a letter, Archbishop Viganò reaffirms the need to highlight unresolved problems stemming from Vatican II and warns that ‘conspirators’ have capitalized on the 1962–65 gathering to ‘demolish the Church from within’.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis backs pro-LGBT ‘Nun of the Trans,’ causing confusion” This tragic pope should never watch the video at this link. But dear God in Heaven, when will it end?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “feeling compassion towards the wounds of Christ present in the victims of wars and violence..” We pray this confused pontiff will also consider the souls that are victims of his irrational thinking about Church teaching and the Gospel.

@Pontifex “German bishops propose redefining ‘fertility’ to include same-sex couples” This tragic pope’s German overlords are about to bring us another gift, which this confused pontiff will no doubt accept. It will become another of his many errors.

@Pontifex “It does not seem to me inappropriate to raise problems that remain unresolved, the foremost of which is the crisis that has afflicted the Church since Vatican II and has now reached the point of devastation.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex From Lauds today, for this tragic pope and corrupt prelates, if they regret the destruction, God says: “I shall pour clean water over you and you will be cleansed; I shall cleanse you of all your defilement. I shall give you a new heart, and put a new spirit in you.”

@Pontifex An antiphon from Lauds today, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates: “Listen, and understand these traditions which the Lord has given to you.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray this tragic pope will stop avoiding the Father’s will and start to rebuild the Church, instead of trying to destroy it. We pray this sad pontiff will take up the mission that the Father has entrusted to Him for our salvation.

@Pontifex “There are those who speak of the misrepresentation of the Council. On the opposing side, Vatican II is a blueprint for the revolution — the transformation of the Church into an entirely new entity.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex Another reminder for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from Lauds today: “If only, today, you would listen to his voice: ‘Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah’.”

@Pontifex Catholics pray for a holy pope and prelates who can sincerely pray: “Like a deer that longs for springs of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.” Will we ever have such a pope and such prelates, or is evil so deeply ingrained in the Church now that it is impossible?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that he follows “with concern the tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean area.” Catholics pray that he will “follow with concern” the confusion in the Church that his catastrophic pontificate and his corrupt prelates have caused.

@Pontifex How long before a bishop tries to destroy this priest?

@Pontifex Response to a papal video/Tweet: Let’s pray that the Church’s rich resources of tradition and teaching will not be plundered and destroyed by this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates. Let’s pray that God’s will is done and that those resources will be preserved.

@Pontifex “The progressives’ lack of arguments does not legitimize them to dictate the rules, to decide who has the right to speak, especially when reason has demonstrated where the deception is, who the author is.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex For this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from Lauds today, that they may see a glimmer of hope: “Even if our transgressions overwhelm us, you will blot them out.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics beg God to teach this tragic pope how to care not only for the earth but also, more importantly, for the Church as well, before it’s too late.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that we should “think once again of our fellow human beings.” Let us think especially of the fate of their souls under this catastrophic pontificate.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “We exist only in relationships: with God the Creator, with our brothers and sisters, and with all of God’s creatures.” This confused pontiff seems not to know, however, that these relationships are governed by God’s loving commandments.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – “A return to God, our loving Creator” means living in harmony with Him by following His commandments and being sorry for our sins against His Will and His Church’s teachings. This tragic pope seems not to know that – or to have forgotten it.

@Pontifex In a Tweet, this tragic pope indicates he believes we can “restore the original harmony of creation.” Restore Eden? Theologians doubt it. But we can “heal strained human relationships” by following the Gospel and Church teaching, which this sad pontiff seems unaware of.

@Pontifex Catholics pray, “Dear God, when will You send us another great pope, like the great popes of the past, a pope who can rebuild the Church from its present shrunken and ruined state?”



Posted to Facebook:

In the Church where I attend Mass here in Dusseldorf, Germany, there’s a somewhat mysterious message I notice whenever I happen to go to a certain pew. On the back of this pew in front of where I sometimes sit, there’s a message written in pencil, in a very careful hand, high up and half-hidden, in a place where it must have been very difficult to write. The message reads, “Ich liebe dich und ich werde jeden Tag auf dich warten. – Fabian” (“I love you, and I will wait for you every day. – Fabian”) For a long time, I used to think it was a message written by a boy for his girlfriend.

But thoughts like this kept tugging at my mind: why would a boy write a message like that on the back of a pew? In a place where it’s even hard to see the message? Why would he think that the girl would sit in THAT pew and read what he wrote? And why would he wait for her every day? And in a church? Why not simply speak to her? Otherwise, how would she know who “Fabian” was?

So then the other day, when I happened to sit in that particular pew again, it occurred to me that perhaps Fabian – whoever he is – hadn’t written that sentence for a potential girlfriend at all. Perhaps it was meant as a kind of prayer. Maybe the “you” in the message was God: “I love you, and I will wait for you every day.” (In German, pronouns referring to God are not always capitalized.)

Somehow, that possibility seemed to make a lot more sense.

But I’m certain I’ll never know for sure.

Anyway, whatever the message means, it DOES make a good prayer, doesn’t it? “God, I love You, and I will wait for You every day.”



Message to Klaus Beckmann:

Dear Klaus,

Many thanks for the link to the Biden video. So it seems Americans have a clear choice: we can vote for a candidate who is a Chinese agent or a president who is a Russian agent. God help us. If there was ever a country in swift decline, it’s the United States now.

And speaking of voting, I ran across this brief statement, “Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion: General Principles” by: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (, which ends with this somewhat remarkable paragraph: “A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favour of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.”

As for Navalny, the German Chancellor is convinced the Russians poisoned him with a Soviet nerve agent, Nato has condemned the poisoning, the EU is weighing a response to what it sees as an attempted assassination by Russia – and Trump? Trump says, ” We haven’t had any proof yet.” ( You almost have to admire Trump’s loyalty to his KGB handler.

On a completely different topic, Eucharistic miracles are the topic of discussion in a video by Dr. Taylor Marshall. ( The young man he talks to in the video has produced his own short video on the same subject ( Both videos may be of some interest.

In Christo Rege




Some recent Tweets to the Vatican that may be of interest:

@Pontifex “No one could imagine that in the heart of Vatican II a minority of organized conspirators could use a Council to demolish the Church from within and that they could count on the silence and inaction of authority.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex If this tragic pope were as concerned about the Church as he is about the “eastern Mediterranean” and the “harmony of creation,” this pontificate would be less catastrophic.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “We are all linked to each other, for better or for worse.” Therefore, to survive this pontificate of horror,, we have work together, all of us, in solidarity against the forces of evil in the Church.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “We have our common origin in God. We dwell in a common home.” When we forget that this home is the Church, then the Church begins to collapse as it is doing now, under this catastrophic pope.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “We have our common origin in God. We dwell in a common home.” When we forget that this home is the Church, then the Church begins to collapse as it is doing now, under this catastrophic pope.


To paraphrase T.S. Eliot:

“This is the way the Church ends
This is the way the Church ends
This is the way the Church ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.”

@Pontifex “How Satan Could Have Used Amoris Laetitia to Convince Eve to Sin”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that he wants to “invite everyone to join in a universal day of prayer and fasting for Lebanon.” Catholics ask God: some day may this confused pontiff invite people to pray and fast for the rebuilding of the Church from its present ruined state.

@Pontifex All the corruption, perversion, and confusion during this catastrophic pontificate have made this verse from Lauds today a reality for the whole Church: “You have made us a mockery among our neighbours, and our enemies laugh at us.”

@Pontifex From Lauds today, verses that can apply to the Church now: “You brought a vine out of Egypt; its boughs shaded the cedars of God; its leaves spread as far as the sea, its shoots as far as the River. So why did you destroy its wall? Every wild beast could graze off it.”

@Pontifex A warning during this pontificate of horror, from Lauds today: “If my people had heard me, if only they had walked in my ways – I would swiftly have crushed their enemies, stretched my hand over those who persecuted them.”

@Pontifex An antiphon from Lauds today, the feast of Pope St. Gregory the Great: “The chosen pastor Gregory passed on an example by the life he led as a pastor.” Catholics pray that this present tragic pope will be converted so that such things can one day be said even about him.

@Pontifex May this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates honestly pray, from Lauds today: “Through the intercession of Saint Gregory grant the spirit of wisdom to those you have placed in authority, so that the spiritual growth of the people may bring eternal joy to the pastors”.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics hope that this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates will hear not only “the voice of creation,” but also the voice of the Lord admonishing them to return to the teachings of the Gospel and the truths of the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics hope that this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates will hear not only “the voice of creation,” but also the voice of the Lord admonishing them to return to the teachings of the Gospel and the truths of the Church.

What is this tragic pope covering up by refusing to release the McCarrick report?

@Pontifex “While Bishop Barron holds an invitation-only conference with other Catholic media members on how to deal with the one group of Catholics actually growing in number, churches all over the country are being abandoned.”

@Pontifex “Recovery will start by remembering what brought down the Church in the first place. It wasn’t the virus, but a widespread complacency that saw no reason to address liturgical abuses and a culture of mediocrity.”

@Pontifex From Lauds today, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates: “If only, today, you would listen to his voice: ‘Do not harden your hearts….’ For forty years they wearied me, that generation…. I swore in my anger: they will never enter my place of rest.”

@Pontifex An antiphon from Lauds today contains a prayer that this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates may someday want to repeat: “O God, you will not spurn a humbled, contrite heart.”

@Pontifex Thousands of Catholics leave the Church every day, and one of the reasons they leave is that this tragic pope refuses to release the McCarrick report. That report must contain dynamite, if not releasing it causes less damage than letting us all see it.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope declares a universal day of prayer and fasting for Lebanon, and that’s certainly praiseworthy. But when will he declare an universal day prayer and fasting for the Church, the ruins of which are far worse than Lebanon’ ruins?

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray for a truly great pope, one who grasps that the world was made to communicate the knowledge that we were made by God “to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.”

@Pontifex “I do not see a ‘reckless indictment launched by Viganò against Benedict XVI for his “failed attempts to correct conciliar excesses by invoking the hermeneutic of continuity.”’”– Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex From Lauds today, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates: “The fool does not hear, the slow-witted do not understand. When the wicked sprout up like grass, and the doers of evil are in full bloom, it will come to nothing, for they will perish for ever and ever.”

@Pontifex From Lauds today: “They have sinned against him, they are no children of his – this filthy generation, wicked and perverse. Is this how you repay the Lord, you foolish and witless people?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Mother Teresa, tireless worker of charity, pray for us. May our criterion for prayer be the sacrifices and appeals to God offered for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, who are inflicting such ruin in the Church.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis to Sign a New Encyclical on Human Fraternity on Oct. 3” Catholics pray that this encyclical will not contradict Church teaching.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis to Sign a New Encyclical on Human Fraternity on Oct. 3” Catholics pray that this encyclical will not contradict Church teaching, like so much else that this tragically confused pope has said and written.

@Pontifex This tragic pope says he’s going to sign a new encyclical on October 3. That’s very fine. But for over two years now, the world has been waiting for him to sign the McCarrick report. That’s what Catholics really want, not another confused encyclical.

@Pontifex This tragic pope seems blissfully unaware that thousands leave the Church every day in Europe and America and elsewhere. Does he really think that he can stop that exodus by continuing his refusal to release the McCarrick report? On the contrary, honesty may help.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – At times it takes great love to rehabilitate a catastrophically ruined Church. But Jesus invites us to continue to put the Church in God’s hands: God can show a enormous love even for a tragic pope who confusedly tries to destroy the Church.

@Pontifex “What the innovators (at Vatican II) obtained by deception, cunning and blackmail was the result of a vision that we found later applied in the maximum degree in the Bergoglian ‘magisterium’ of Amoris Laetitia.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Rather than an institution to be destroyed by a catastrophically confused pope, the Church is a joyful mystery that possesses traditions and an Extraordinary Form of the Mass that are to be treasured with immense gratitude to God Himself.

@Pontifex When this tragic pope goes on an on about things like the “joyful mystery” of the world, how stupid does he think people are? We know he’s simply trying to distract us from things he doesn’t want to talk about, like the release of the McCarrick report. Where is it?

@Pontifex This tragic pope makes himself look even more tragic – and somewhat ridiculous – when he rambles on and on about his coming encyclical or the “joys of creation,” while ignoring the elephant in the room: the release of the McCarrick report.

@Pontifex This tragic pope may be afraid that more people will join the crowd of those leaving the Church if he releases the McCarrick report. In fact, he should be afraid more people will leave the Church in disgust if he DOESN’T release the report.

@Pontifex What is insulting about this tragic pope’s “McCarrick strategy,” is: every few months he has some cardinal say, “It’ll be ready by the end of the month,” or “It’ll be ready in a few weeks,” or “It’ll be ready by the next big feast day.” How stupid does he think we are?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, cares with maternal affection and pain also for this wounded world.” She also cares for this even more wounded pope and his catastrophic pontificate, because refuses to release the McCarrick report.”

@Pontifex “POPE BINGES ON BIBLE ‘BINGO’ – Francis accused of repeatedly contradicting Scripture”



Copies of Tweets sent to the Vatican:

@Pontifex The new encyclical: “Muslim terrorist cited as ‘example of fraternity'” by our sad pope ( Of course. (And it’s only a matter of time before feminists start attacking: “Fraternity”? “Brotherhood”? Not “Sorority” or “Sisterhood”? Or “Peoplehood”?)

@Pontifex “Expert sees ‘little fruit’ from Vatican-China accord” ( Hey, $2 billion a year to the Vatican from the Chinese communists ( may be “little fruit” to you, man, but it ain’t peanuts to the rest of us.

@Pontifex Another encyclical in October? Catholics pray for a pope who can write a great encyclical, like the great encyclicals of the recent past, clear and full of truth, encyclicals like Humani Generis and Veritatis Splendor. We’re prepared for disappointment, though.

@Pontifex So what will be in the October encyclical? More weirdness about Islam being The Great Religion of Peace (as Moslems continue to slaughter people)? Maybe an announcement of a few Churches in Rome being turned into mosques (as a sign of “fraternity”)?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets – “When we welcome divine love, then we can respond.” But our response must be based on truth. We cannot twist God’s law and the Church’s tradition into whatever fantasy we may have in our heads. This is especially true for a pope.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “A virus must be faced with love.” It must also be faced with a determination to live according to what God wants, not according to the distorted thinking of a confused pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates.

@Pontifex This tragic pope says we must show “true love” toward our enemies. However, after what this confused pontiff has said, written, and done since 2013, it may perhaps be legitimate to wonder if he has any idea at all what love really is.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “The common good requires everyone’s participation.” Sadly, this confused pontiff and his corrupt and perverted prelates write, speak, act. and think in rather bizarre ways. It’s as if the common good did not require THEIR participation.

@Pontifex If, as this confused pontiff tweets, “the common good requires everyone’s participation.” then why doesn’t he release the McCarrick report? (Unless he believes the common good requires the participation of everyone except HIM.)

@Pontifex This is the kind of news that leaves you almost speechless: “Dancer invokes pagan spirits during ceremony at Australian deacon’s ordination” No doubt the Pachamama people around our tragic pope absolutely LOVE things like this.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that Jesus says to each of us, “Courage, open your heart to my love.” Catholics pray that this tragic pope will understand what that really means. It means following the teachings of the Church and the Gospel, not his confused fantasies.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets about his concerns regarding “the tragedy of the pandemic.” Catholics pray that he will pay less attention to the pandemic and more attention to the calamitous state of the Church.

@Pontifex Again, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from Lauds today, ““For forty years they wearied me, that generation. I said: their hearts are wandering, they do not know my paths. I swore in my anger: they will never enter my place of rest.”

@Pontifex Will this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates ever be able to honestly pray these verses from Lauds today: “Take pity on me, Lord, in your mercy; in your abundance of mercy wipe out my guilt. Wash me ever more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin.”

@Pontifex You have to wonder if this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates will ever be able even to begin to understand these verses from Lauds today: “The true sacrifice is a broken spirit: a contrite and humble heart, O God, you will not refuse.”

@Pontifex May God someday send us a pope who can pray these verses from Lauds today, and think of the Church: “Let my eyes shed tears, night and day, let them never cease, for the daughter of my people is afflicted with a great affliction, with the worst of all wounds.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that we are “conscious of the bonds with which the Father has linked us to all beings,” but those bonds can only be maintained if this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates are clearly faithful to God’s Church, its traditions, and its teachings.

@Pontifex “Francis has closed down dialogue and largely refuses to meet with those whom he views as being ‘ideological’ or ‘rigid’ or simply holding another vision for the Church more faithful to Tradition and orthodoxy.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about everything under the sun – except the McCarrick report. Why is that? What is he afraid of? What is he hiding?

@Pontifex Where’s the McCarrick report? How many more prelates are going to lie that it will be released “soon”? Or “at the end of the month”? Meanwhile, this tragic pope is trying to get everyone excited about his next encyclical. God help us.

@Pontifex This tragic pope seems to live in La-La Land, tweeting about “bonds” and links to the Father and “fraternity.” Instead, what those Catholics – the ones who haven’t yet left the Church, anyway – are really concerned about is the McCarrick report.

@Pontifex “A TALE OF TWO BISHOPS – A Wisconsin priest spoke truth. That is a very dangerous act in this world that enjoys obfuscation. He will be punished for it. I knew that. You knew that. But most importantly, I believe he knew that.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “Nature is filled with words of love.” Nature? Really? It’s no longer God who is filled with words of love? Anyway, how can we listen to even those confused ideas from this sad pontiff, amid his storm of silence about the McCarrick report.

@Pontifex “The Mortal Sin Vote – Fr. Mark Goring, CC” And yet, this tragic pope appears to favor Joe Biden.

@Pontifex A Closer Look at Francis’ Revision of the Lord’s Prayer, the Gloria: The obvious problem with making changes, aside from sowing error, is that it brings into question what was done before. If nothing else, it is change for the sake of change.”

@Pontifex After two years, and after so many prelates saying that it’s just about to be released, where’s the McCarrick report?

@Pontifex The longer this tragic pope delays the release of the McCarrick report, the more people will leave the Church, thinking this pontificate and the Church itself are just a sham.

@Pontifex “Reparation for evil and scandal, compensation for injury, and satisfaction for insult are conditions for forgiveness. The Church considers it her duty and the purpose of her mission to guard the authenticity of forgiveness.” – St. John Paul II, “Dives in misericordia”

@Pontifex In another sadly delusional Tweet, this tragic pope writes of “forgiveness” and “justice.” He seems ignorant of one fact. If he doesn’t release the McCarrick report, there can be no justice for Mr. McCarrick. And without justice, there can be for forgiveness.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “much suffering … could be avoided” if there were more forgiveness and mercy. He seems not to know that God will not forgive or be merciful without the sinner’s sorrow for his sins. Has McCarrick expressed sorrow for his sins and crimes?

@Pontifex “Vatican: It Is Urgent That The Faithful Return To Mass As Soon As Possible” Why can’t this tragic pope and his prelates understand that few of the faithful will ever return to Mass in the Church that Vatican II created – or to the Church itself?

@Pontifex Is it possible there may be other Jesuits like him? Father Paul Mankowski, S.J., RIP Probably not. The only Jesuits revered these days are Jesuits with the bizarre and greivously sinful ideas of men like James Martin.

@Pontifex This tragic pope expresses solidarity with the victims of the fires on Lesbos. And Catholics pray for and express solidarity with the victims of this confused pontiff’s words and thoughts. His confusion also leads him to refuse the release of the McCarrick report.

@Pontifex A friend asks, “How long, O Lord, how long will we be burdened with this tragically confused pontificate? From this sad pope – how many more encyclicals with twisted logic will we have to endure?”

@Pontifex This tragic pope ignores and rebuffs the victims of Mr. McCarrick by refusing to release the McCarrick report, but he expects us to believe he cares, oh, so deeply, about the victims of fire on the Greek island of Lesbos? He’s joking, right?

@Pontifex Why can’t this tragic pope see that the Church is growing wherever the Traditional Latin Mass and traditional teaching are available? The answer: because his corrupt prelates base their faith and lifestyle on a perverted theology that drives people from the Church.

@Pontifex He tweets about God’s love, but this tragically confused pope seems to have precious little love when it comes to the people he and his corrupt prelates have victimized, either physically or else spiritually, with their bizarre, distorted morality and theology.



Response to an essay by Steve Skojec:

After I read this essay by Steve Skojec, I wanted to write something helpful, and then this morning, as I read the Liturgy of the Hours, I came across St. Augustine’s Sermon on Pastors. I realized that even in St. Augustine’s time, faithful Catholics were confronted with bad bishops. In spite of that, however, the Church has survived. WE have survived. And we will continue to survive if we do not imitate the corrupt and perverted prelates who seem, once again, to be legion in the Church. This is, in part, what Augustine wrote:

“There are a very few healthy, fat sheep…but they are not safe from the bad shepherds. Those shepherds not only do not look after the sick, the weak, the wandering and the lost, but they do as much harm as they can to the strong and sleek among the flock. Those sheep survive – by the mercy of God they survive – but the bad shepherds do what they can to kill them.

“You may ask how they do this. By living badly, by setting a bad example. There was a reason why the servants of God, eminent among shepherds, were told ‘In everything you do make yourself an example to them of working for good,’ and ‘Be a model for the faithful.’ Often even a strong sheep, seeing its leader living a wicked life, will turn from contemplation of the laws of the Lord to the behaviour of the man and say to itself, ‘if my leader lives thus, who am I that I should do things differently?’ In that way the shepherd is killing the strong sheep: and if the strong, then what of the rest? Even if their strength did not come from his care – even if they were strong and healthy before he saw them – still he is killing them by his evil life…. And so it is that anyone who lives wickedly in the sight of those over whom he has authority is killing them, even the strong ones, as far as he is able. Whoever imitates him dies and whoever does not imitate him lives, but as far as he himself is concerned he is killing them all. As the Lord says, ‘You are killing the fattest sheep but you do not feed my flock.’



Nachricht an Klaus Beckmann:

Lieber Klaus,

Dein Brief und der Artikel von Michael Hesemann waren absolut ausgezeichnet.

Es ist erstaunlich, dass der Mythos von “Hitlers Papst” trotz allem immer weiter zu gehen schien  – mindestens bis jetzt. Oder vielleicht ist es nicht so erstaunlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass es sehr wahrscheinlich eine satanische Anstrengung ist, wie, zum Beispiel, das widerliche Stück von Rolf Hochhuth.

Was ich damit meine, ist: Hesemann hat dieses Zitat von Golda Meir aus dem Jahr 1958:: „Als unser Volk im Jahrzehnt des Naziterrors ein fürchterliches Martyrium erlitt, hat sich die Stimme des Papstes erhoben, um die Henker zu verurteilen und um Mitgefühl für die Opfer zum Ausdruck zu bringen” – und trotzdem erschien 1963 Hochhuths verleumderisches Stück.

Satan schläft nie. Aber,

Christus vincit




Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “Cardinal Parolin: Vatican and China Have ‘Common Intentions’ to Renew Agreement” “Common intentions?” Who do they think they’re kidding? $2 billion a year from China for the Vatican’s silence. That’s “common intentions.”

@Pontifex In Lauds today, we pray that “the Church may share in the passion of Christ” and so come to His Resurrection. True. And if there was ever a time when the Church suffered, it is now, during this pontificate of horror.
Suffering from confusion, error, and corrupt clergy.

@Pontifex And the Sorrowful Virgin, whose pierced heart mourned the death of Jesus, also grieves for the sufferings of those souls who have been misled by the modernist errors of this tragic pope and his perverted clergy.

@Pontifex “VATICAN TO RENEW ‘TOTAL SELLOUT’ OF UNDERGROUND CHURCH…Some allege $2 billion in annual payments from China to the Vatican have influenced Vatican decisions” $2 billion buys a lot of “renewal.”

@Pontifex “It became apparent that the Vatican had no desire of investigating allegations of possible sexual predation at an institution located on property belonging to the Vatican City State.” No desire to investigate? Of course not.

@Pontifex Here’s another reason there are so few priestly vocations Of course this tragic pope’s perverted prelates probably already know about this.
They may even be encouraging situations like this. Anything to try to destroy the Church. Right, guys?

@Pontifex A friend said, “The confusion/error level of this pontificate will soon rise exponentially. This tragic pope is due to release an encyclical, a book, and two book-length interviews. Now if this poor pontiff would only release the McCarrick report at well.”

@Pontifex “If only, today, you would listen to his voice…” From Lauds today, for this confused and troubled pope.

@Pontifex A friend prays, “Dear God in Heaven, save us from the tragic pope and his pontificate of horror.”

@Pontifex In the Benedictus at Lauds, we read of “those who walk in darkness, who live in the shadow of death.” And we think of this tragic pope and his perverted prelates.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – It is very sad that this tragic, confused pope appears to be less concerned about the restoration of the Church than he is about climate restoration. A restored Church is of more importance for the earth’s future than climate restoration.

@Pontifex Response to a papa; Tweet – Again this tragic pope is dreaming about “spiritual masters” and the supposed “mystical capacity” of heaven, earth, sea, and creatures “to bring us back to the Creator and to communion with creation.” How long will the pope’s delusions go on?

@Pontifex This tragically confused pope tweets, “Contemplation…leads us to an attitude of care.” Which contemplation is he talking about? Buddhist contemplation? Pachamama-contemplation? Certainly not that of the great contemplatives like Teresa of Avila or John of the Cross.

@Pontifex This poor pope tweets if we “contemplate” and “care,” we can “correct” our “relationship…with creation.” Contemplate what? This sad pope seems to understand little. For Aquinas contemplation is…a foretaste of the vision of God, not “creation.” (STh II-II,q.80,a.4)

@Pontifex Will the corruption and perversion in the Vatican never end?

@Pontifex This tragic pope rambles on about “contemplation” and the environment, and “mercy” and “dialogue” and “love.” Meanwhile, the Vatican is run like a fear-filled capitalist conglomerate: “Vatican’s Management Culture Creates Tension, Insecurity”

@Pontifex This sad pope tweets about all kind of pious-sounding themes like “contemplation” and “care” and “creation,” while hiding the horrors contained in the McCarrick report. People know he’s hiding these horrors. Why should we take seriously any of his holy-sounding themes?

@Pontifex This tragic pope may think beatifying Carlo Acutis will bring the young back to the Church. Don’t count on it. Young people aren’t stupid. They know an empty shell of a pope when they see one. An honest, holy man might bring them back to the Faith. But this pontiff?

@Pontifex A good, honest, holy pope would not try to hide the McCarrick report. He would release it.

@Pontifex Catholics pray for a pope who will bring people into the Church, not drive them away from it (by doing things like hiding the McCarrick report – and much else during this catastrophe of a pontificate).

@Pontifex This tragic pope fires seasoned lay employees of the Vatican with only a few days’ notice and without giving a reason Oh, that’s mercy. That’s compassion. T.S. Eliot’s “The Hollow Men” could well apply to this sad pope and his perverted prelates.

@Pontifex Now we know what Cardinal Ottaviani meant when he remarked: “I pray to God that I die before the end of the council; in that way I can die a Catholic.”

@Pontifex Today this tragic pope again tweets on about contemplation – not of God – but of “nature.” Who can take him seriously? “Nature”? Really? He hides the McCarrick report, fires staff with hardly any notice and no explanation We’re to believe him?

@Pontifex “Chinese priest compares Vatican-Beijing accord, concordat with Hitler: Although the accord was designed to ease pressures on Catholics in China, the priest reports ‘the situation of the Church in China has gotten worse after the agreement’.”

@Pontifex “If The Pope Is a Heretic (rampant errors and evil actions, e.g., the Buenos Aires guidelines, the death penalty error, the Pachamama veneration, the Abu Dhabi statement, etc.), Hold Fast to What Is Certain.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope won’t be able to stop a German National Catholic Church. Why should German bishops listen to (much less obey) a pope who continues to offer increasingly bizarre, Pachamama-type ideas?

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Yes, everyone is important in God’s eyes, everyone can transform a part of the Church, polluted by this pontificate of horrors, into the good, real Church willed by the Creator.

@Pontifex “Chinese ‘underground’ priest detained, pressed to join ‘official’ Church” Sure. Renew the agreement with China. It’s brought wonderful benefits, right? (And, $2 billion a year from China comes in handy at the Vatican.)

@Pontifex Right. As this troubled pontiff tweets, “Everyone is important in God’s eyes.” But not, apparently, in the eyes of this tragic pope. At least not if you’re a Chinese ‘underground’ priest who is detained and pressed to join the ‘official’ Church.

@Pontifex “Title of Pope’s new encyclical is inclusive, Vatican spokesman says” Inclusive? Sure. Except if you’re a Catholic who supports the truth of traditional Church teaching, the Gospel, and the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. In that case, forget it.

@Pontifex“The malicious intention is admitted by Ratzinger himself: ‘The impression grew that nothing was stable in the Church. The Council was like a Church parliament. It could change everything according to its own desires’.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex Where’s the McCarrick report? Does this tragic pope think that releasing the report will do more damage to the Church than he’s already done?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “We are called to be instruments of God.” And God permits the evil caused by instruments like this troubled pontiff to exist, so that He can draw good even out of the wreckage this confused pope has made of the Church.

@Pontifex “Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki warned that the Synodal Path reform project could lead to a ‘German national church’.” This tragic pope is too busy with the “peace, beauty and fullness” of the earth to worry about a little thing like schism

@Pontifex “Chinese priest released, but bishop in custody” One out, one in. But what do you expect for $2 billion a year?

@Pontifex “Hong Kong Watch chairman: Vatican is providing China with ‘useful idiots and fellow travelers’” Some people say that the Vatican has useful idiots to spare.

@Pontifex Once again, for this tragic pope – who is covering up the McCarrick report – and for his corrupt and perverted prelates, from Lauds this morning: “If only, today, you would listen to his voice: ‘Do not harden your hearts’.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Those who claim that they “humbly entrust themselves to the Father’s mercy” without using logic or reason, very often deceive themselves and allow Satan to lead them and others into error. This is true even of a pope and his corrupt prelates.

@Pontifex Response to a Tweet – Those who claim they “humbly entrust themselves to the Father’s mercy” are often those who are filled with the most overwhelming pride. They are not humble enough to submit to God-given logic and reason and give up their lives of sin and error.

@Pontifex Those who claim they “humbly entrust themselves to the Father’s mercy” are often the ones who show little mercy to others. If they are a pope, for example, they often fire lay employees, those who have worked for years, with little notice and without giving a reason.



Message to Andreas Unterwalden:

Ja, der Kindermord in den USA wird bald der Vergangenheit angehören, und das ist gut so. Aber auch die Krankenversicherung von 135 Millionen von meinen Landsleuten wird bald der Vergangenheit angehören, dank Donald Trump und dem Obersten Gerichtshof der USA. Wie Marlene Dietrich zu singen pflegte, “Wann wird man je verstehen?”

Gott sei Dank lebe ich in Deutschland. Nein, das hätte ich vor fünfundsiebzig Jahren nicht gesagt, aber wir leben im Jahr 2020, nicht im Jahr 1945.

Christus vincit



Lieber Rudolf Janzen,

das ist eine hervorragende Beschreibung von Donald Trump und der aktuellen Situation in meinem Heimatland. Manchmal denke ich, dass die Vereinigten Staaten eine Art “Weimarer” Periode durchlaufen. Und was wird folgen? Nur Gott allein weiß es.

Christus vincit,

Robert Bennett



Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “It should be explained why the conciliar Church was given a new liturgy and a new calendar, and consequently a new doctrine — nova lex orandi, nova lex credendi — distancing itself from its own past with disdain.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex Surely there was a time when this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates were young and idealistic and prayed this verse from Lauds: “I came to your sanctuary, as one in a parched and waterless land, so that I could see your might and your glory.” Have they lost all that?

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – We need to pursue a genuine knowledge of God. And we must have a saintly pope and prelates to lead us in that pursuit. Only then, in God, will we find our common bonds and fulfill our desire for peace.

@Pontifex This tragic pope forgets that “the journey of reconciliation calls” not only “for patience and trust,” but trust in God, not in ourselves or in “creation” or in Pachamama. We will not have peace unless we implore God for it, and He grants it. Just “hoping” isn’t enough.

@Pontifex “Train Wreck” “The conductors and engineers (the bishops) are right there telling the passengers everything is fine, despite the impending doom awaiting them.”

@Pontifex “The mere idea of setting the Council aside causes scandal in those who see the crisis of recent years, but who persist in not wanting to recognize the causal link between Vatican II and its logical and inevitable effects.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex “Who will climb the mountain of the Lord? Who will stand in his holy place? The one who iinnocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart, who has not given himself to vanities or sworn falsely.” From Lauds today, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates.

@Pontifex “You must wake up now: the night is almost over, it will be daylight soon.” – From Lauds today, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, as we continue to wait for the McCarrick report to be released by this troubled pontiff.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Life is grounded in three fundamental…relationships,” with God, our neighbor, and the earth. (This last item has been added to the Gospel by this troubled pontiff.) And truth? Grounded on truth, e.g., the McCarrick report? Uh, not so much.

@Pontifex “Stone-Cold Killer” ( – As always, when Michael Voris produces a Vortex episode concerned with the truths of the Faith, his thoughts are brilliant, and brilliantly expressed. This tragic and trouble pope could learn a few things.

@Pontifex Why does this tragic pope continue to hide the McCarrick report? What is he trying to protect? McCarrick? The Church? Himself?

@Pontifex “Viganò: How is it that the Bible and all Church documents can be questioned except Vatican II?”

@Pontifex “Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.” Once again, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, from Lauds today.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet. This troubled pope confuses subsidiarity with social participation.

@Pontifex “China Is Already Breaking Its Vatican Deal” Hey, as long as those billions keep rolling in from China ( it’s hard to believe that anyone in the Vatican would really care if China breaks it’s “Vatican deal.”

@Pontifex “US Secretary of State Pompeo: Vatican must ‘forcefully’ call out Chinese Communist Party’s abuses” A friend commented, “What? And lose $2 billion a year from the Chinese? He’s gotta be kidding!”

@Pontifex “Another statue toppled, cathedral set on fire as desecration continues” A friend asked the EXTREMELY politically incorrect question, “Is there any connection between the increasing church desecrations and the influx of Muslims into the U.S.”?

@Pontifex “The liturgy should move the faithful away from the world, not secularize the Church”

@Pontifex Does subsidiarity mean allowing the German bishops to ordain priestesses, permit homosexual “marriage,” and reinterpret Church teaching in any way they like?

@Pontifex “I do not hesitate to say that Vatican II should be forgotten ‘as such and en bloc,’ and I claim the right to say it without thereby making myself guilty of the delict of schism for having attacked the unity of the Church.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex From Lauds today: “My eyes are drawn to the man of humbled and contrite spirit, who trembles at my word.” When will we have such a man as pope? When will the Vatican be full of such men?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets his concern about the “destruction of the human environment,” but he seems indifferent to the destruction of the Church ( . This troubled pontiff has probably forgotten that Christ built His Church on the Rock of Peter.

@Pontifex “ITALIAN PRIEST’S KILLER FROM ISLAMIC HOTBED” This confused pope insists a member of The Great Religion of Peace would never kill. So the pope and his “denial and willful ignorance” have only one “fallback position”: the killer’s “mentally ill.”

@Pontifex “The fairytale of the hermeneutic — even though an authoritative one because of its author — nevertheless remains an attempt to want to give the dignity of a Council to a true and proper ambush against the Church.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex All Catholics can pray this verse from Lauds today: “Be pleased, Lord, to look kindly on Zion, so that the walls of Jerusalem can be rebuilt.” Catholics pray that the Church will be rebuilt out of the ruins that this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates have made.

@Pontifex In Lauds today, St. Paul says we should have an attitude of “forgiving each other as readily as God forgave you in Christ.” Catholics pray that God will help them to forgive those, like this tragic pope, who have ruined and wrecked the Church over the past sixty years.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet -The talents and involvement of good men and women are needed to redress the damage caused by the abuse and ruin of the Church that has been carried out by this tragic, troubled pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates.

@Pontifex “Italian bishops mum as ‘myth of moderate Islam’ crumbles” The bishops have to keep quiet, for two weeks anyway. (The myth of) moderate Islam will be a theme of this tragic pope’s encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” (“All Brothers”) on Oct. 3.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Becciu Resigns” “Becciu was, as far as I could tell from my work covering the Vatican, one of the dirtiest political operatives in Bergoglian Rome — and unsurprisingly, this made him one of the Vatican’s mostly quickly rising stars.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “The pandemic has shown us that we cannot live without one another.” We’re glad this troubled pontiff has finally figured that out. Most of us have known it for a long time.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope is concerned about “the debt of the poorest nations.” Fortunately, with $2 billion a year coming in from China , the Vatican doesn’t have to worry about being counted among “the poorest nations.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “a climate of distrust and fear between persons.” Apparently, this troubled pontiff is unaware that there is already much “distrust and fear” in the Vatican itself, originating from his own corrupt hierarchy.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets his concern about children. But he seems little concerned about children preyed upon by pedophile clergy, or children deprived of a Catholic education because, as Vatican II takes hold, there are fewer and fewer Catholic schools.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If this tragic pope were really as concerned about children as he claims, he’d release the McCarrick report instead of hiding it and covering it up. We’d then know more about McCarrick’s predatory behavior.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let us ask the Lord for the gift of men in the Church who can speak the truth, teach the truth, and live the truth. Lord, save us from the destruction this confused pope is carrying out, with his bizarre thinking and his corrupt prelates.

@Pontifex “Among other things, the principal characteristic of the present hierarchy is the use of incontestable affirmations, without ever bothering to demonstrate them or with flawed and sophistic demonstrations.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex A friend wrote, “This tragic pope and his corrupt prelates seem to be challenging God, to see if He cares about the Church in China, to see if He exists at all, in fact. I think God will meet the challenge, in ways this confused pope and his prelates may not like.”
@Pontifex “Catholics need to know these unpleasant truths about Islam” This tragic pope needs to know these truths too.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – We see the face of Jesus in the faces of the confused, lost Catholics of this present disastrous pontificate. They have no knowledge of true Church teaching. Christ calls us to help.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let’s pray for the millions of Catholics who are “internally displaced” within the Church, led into the desert of error and confusion. Just like Jesus and his parents who fled to Egypt, they live with fear, uncertainty and unease.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Today we celebrate the Memorial of St Vincent DePaul. May St Vincent lead this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates to recognize the ruin and destruction they have brought to the Church. May he lead them to repent of what they have done.

@Pontifex Papal Tweet response – May this pope take to heart the Gospel of the Day and its implication that true Christian life is not made up of the dreams, poetry, or beautiful aspirations this tragic pope is so fond of, but of openness to God’s will for truth and the Church.

@Pontifex “I have dared to reopen the debate about that Council that many — too many — in the ecclesial structure, consider as a unicum in the history of the Church, almost an untouchable idol.” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

@Pontifex Again it must be asked if this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates will ever be able to honestly pray these verses from today’s Lauds: “Like a deer that longs for springs of water, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, the living God….”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope’s prayer should be: “Almighty God, present in the entire universe and in every creature, fill us with the strength of Your love so that we might take care of the Church and restore it from its present state of ruin.”



Response to a message from Klaus Beckmann:

Recently I watched a long, brilliant television series on World War II broadcast by American public television. The series starts in 1939 and the producers make the point that the Allies’ military capabilities were enormously outmatched by the Nazis at that time. (The US military forces then were about the size of Rumania’s.) As Japanese bombs rained down on Pearl Harbor and all but destroyed the American Pacific fleet, as the Luftwaffe devastated London, as the Wehrmacht marched into Poland, France, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Holland, and took control of most of Europe, thoughts of the future must have driven some men almost to despair. Almost, but not quite. We know that by 1945 the nightmare had ended.

I sometimes think of that period when I consider what we are facing with China. It is 1940 for us now, and China’s might and power seem somewhat overwhelming. But before long we will be experiencing our 1945. It will not happen overnight, because chaos reigns across much of America and in parts of Europe, like the UK, but our time will come, just as it did for all right-thinking men in 1945, in whatever country they happened to live – America, England, France, Germany, wherever.



Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “Many bishops, like those of the German synodal path, have gone beyond schism by promoting and attempting to impose aberrant ideologies and practices on the Church. I have no desire to separate myself from Mother Church.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex Were this tragic pope and his prelates ever so good and young and idealistic and uncorrupted that they prayed, from Lauds today: “Thus I will bless you throughout my life, and raise my hands in prayer to your name;…my mouth will sing your praises and rejoice.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – St Michael, help us in the battle against those forces, especially in the Varican, that are trying to destroy the Church. St Gabriel, bring us the good news that Jesus has saved us and the Church. St Raphael, cure this tragic, sick pope.

@Pontifex “Ask for the grace of conversion, Pope tells pilgrims” This tragic pope might want to ask for a little of the grace himself.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Zen rebuffed again in bid to meet with Pope” ( Oh right, “dialogue” is so VERY important to this troubled pope isn’t it? (But not quite as important as $2 billion a year from China

@Pontifex “Ethics textbook in Communist China: Jesus killed woman caught in adultery” Such reports are probably part of the reason this tragic pope refuses to meet with Cardinal Zen. This troubled pontiff is ashamed of what he’s done to the Chinese Church.

@Pontifex “There is no news about the McCarrick case. It was hoped to put an end to this old affair that came to light in 2018, but everything possible has been done so that the details and results of the process did not emerge.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that devotion to sacred Scripture is the legacy of Saint Jerome. Catholics pray that this troubled pontiff will perceive the content of sacred Scripture, especially the Gospel, as the Church has interpreted it for 2000 years, not the last sixty.

@Pontifex This pope tweets we shouldn’t go back to a “sick” normality. True. Let’s go back to a normality where the pope and prelates are holy men, where the truths of the Gospel and Church tradition are preached, where the Mass of the Ages is celebrated and Churches are full.

@Pontifex “The young members of the Circolo made ‘a round of phone calls to older members see if all was well and to give them some company.’ ‘This,’ the Pope said, “is the fantasy of mercy’.” That’s all we need from this tragic pope, more fantasy.


@Pontifex “Vatican proposes renewal of agreement with China on bishops’ appointments” Well, of COURSE! Why even hesitate, when NOT renewing it means losing $2 billion a year from China

@Pontifex Does this tragic pope ever consider the fact that he’s a very old man and that he will soon be facing God’s judgement? It will be a judgement on the catastrophe he has caused in the Church. Or, with his apparent loss of faith, does he simply not believe such things?

@Pontifex St. Therese of Lisieux, on this your feast day, please, beg the Lord for us, that he will send us a pope who will return the Church to the glory it had when you were on this earth, a pope who will put out this dumpster fire of a church this tragic pope has made.

@Pontifex Despite the train wreck this pope and his prelates have made of the Church, Catholics pray a verse from Lauds today, God speaking of the wonders He’s done, and will do: “In your tribulation you called on me and I freed you, I heard you from the heart of the storm….”

@Pontifex This tragic pope Tweets – “St Therese of Lisieux invites us not to let the possibility of offering a small gesture of peace and friendship slip by.” Except, of course, if it means meeting with Cardinal Zen or the US Secretary of State. Then you should just ignore them.

@Pontifex Monsignor Ferrari @ServizioVatican tweets: “Francis has been playing his favorite game, hide and seek this week, will Pell find him after both Zen and Pompeo failed?” Probably not. He’s still hiding in his closet. (See @CaproEspiatori)

@Pontifex “Vatican proposes renewal of agreement with China on bishops’ appointments. The editorial director of the Dicastery for Communication, said “the results [of the 2018 provisional agreement] have been positive’.” He’s kidding, right?

@Pontifex “Cardinal Zen appeals to the Pope: Please send a faithful shepherd to Hong Kong” Of COURSE. This tragic pope will send any shepherd to Hong Kong (faithful or not) who’s approved by the Chinese government, in accordance with the current agreement.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Zen appeals to the Pope: Please send a faithful shepherd to Hong Kong” Of COURSE. This tragic pope will send any shepherd to Hong Kong (faithful or not) who’s approved by the Chinese government, in accordance with the current agreement.

@Pontifex “What good is an agreement with the Chinese if human rights are not respected and Catholics are denied freedom of religion, and if atheists will falsify the Word of God?” What good? Hey, is $2 billion a year good?

@Pontifex “Why does the Catholic Church not only not rescue homosexuals from danger, but often put them in harm’s way? And why is a voice like Sciambra’s so willfully ignored by our shepherds?”

@Pontifex Why does this tragic pope think he can keep hiding the truth? The whole world knows it all: Vatican finances are a scandal for the ages; he couldn’t meet with Cardinal Zen because his Chinese overlords didn’t want him to. He needs their money.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let us continue to grow in the awareness of God and the awareness that He is the head of our entire human family.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The urgent challenge to protect our common home should include an effort by this tragic pope to remember that he’s the head of the Church, responsible to God for its teachings and for the Truth. He seems to think he’s the head of Greenpeace.

@Pontifex The urgent challenge to protect my home, the Vatican, includes the task of being open and honest about the financial scandal caused by Cardinal Becciu and about the McCarrick report.

@Pontifex “German bishop calls on Catholic Church to ‘strengthen acceptance’ of homosexuals” Is he also calling on the Church to rewrite Scripture?

@Pontifex “The Vatican Betrays China’s Catholics—Again” For $2 billion a year from China, what’s a little betrayal between friends?

@Pontifex This tragic, troubled pope was heavily criticized yesterday by an intelligent, articulate Catholic commentator. He said this pontificate was an unmitigated disaster and that this pope had no supernatural faith. In fact, the critic used terms that I cannot even repeat.

@Pontifex If it is God’s will that the Church be burdened with this confused pope, who seemingly has no faith, then we must accept God’s will. But Catholics everywhere can ask God to send us a good and holy pope, one who will restore the Church from its present ruined condition.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope has apparently forgotten that the effort to build a more just society implies more than “the capacity of fraternity, a spirit of human communion.” It “implies” God. (Or is that idea just too pre-conciliar?)

@Pontifex “Cardinal Parolin insisted Benedict XVI once approved a draft of the agreement” Yeah, sure. This troubled pope has so squandered the Vatican’s reputation for honesty and openness that no one can really believe anything it says about Benedict XVI.

@Pontifex “The Corrupt Aristocracy of the Church…. Bergoglio’s response seemed to be dictated more by anger than by love of truth, more by a delusion of omnipotence than by the will for justice – by a despotic abuse of authority.”- Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This sad pope offers his latest encyclical in the hope it’ll improve “fraternity and social friendship.” It would’ve been better if he’d offered it in the hope of improving his seemingly shattered faith and that of his corrupt colleagues.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope’s “new vision of fraternity and social friendship” does not, of course, extend to men like Cardinal Zen, who travelled from Hong Kong to Rome to meet this sad pope, and then was ignored. He returned home without a meeting.



Some Tweets to the Vatican that may be of interest:

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – St Francis of Assisi, faithful to Scripture, invites this tragic pope and his secularist prelates also to be faithful to Scripture and its guidance, especially as expressed in the teachings of the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The parable of the murderous vinedressers is an admonition for all times, including ours. God awaits the fruit of His vineyard from those He has sent to work in it as good men, not murderous vinedressers like the denizens of the Vatican.

@Pontifex This tragic pope has written a Prayer to the Creator, which reads in part, “Lord,…inspire in us a dream of renewed encounter, dialogue….” But, Lord, not if it means encountering Cardinal Zen or dialoguing with faithful Catholics. In that case, fuhgeddaboudit.

@Pontifex This sad pope tweets that St. Francis of Assisi prompted him to devote his new Encyclical to fraternity and friendship. (EXCEPT FOR people like the Knights of Malta, the FFI, the Dubia cardinals, Cardinal Zen, all faithful Catholics and other such scum of the earth.)

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “to care for the world in which we live means to care for ourselves.” In other words, this confused, ambiguous pontiff seems to mean: forget all that medieval claptrap about God and the Cross; let’s all just care for ourselves.

@Pontifex Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori Tweets – “Pope Francis make it easy on future Pope. He just have to republish Tutti Frutti under title ‘Syllabus of Errors'”

@Pontifex In the encyclical, this sad pope criticizes “myopic, extremist, resentful and aggressive” behavior. Does he mean behavior such as igoring Cardinal Zen, refusing dialogue with faithful Catholics, seizing control of the Knights of Malta and the FFI, firing Vatican staff?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “life is not simply time that passes; life is a time for interactions.” After all he’s done and said, you have to wonder if this troubled pontiff has enough faith left to consider the possiblity that we might have an “interaction” with God.

@Pontifex This addled pope tweets “we cannot allow anyone to go through life as an outcast,” except, of course, for people he disapproves of: Cardinal Zen and faithful Chinese Catholics, FFI members, honest clergy, Catholics who support the Traditional Latin Mass, etc., etc.

@Pontifex “Cardinal Becciu ‘stole funds to bribe witnesses’ in sex abuse case against rival George Pell” (The Times) “Fratelli tutti” calls for a more caring and sharing society, but this addled pope may not have meant Becciu should “help” those witnesses.

@Pontifex “‘FRATELLI TUTTI’ RESTATES POPE’S PROGRESSIVISM….Encyclical commends Gandhi, King, Tutu and Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb” Um, does it maybe also commend Jesus Christ? Or would that be asking too much?

@Pontifex “Fratelli Tutti: Pope Francis Presents New Encyclical in Angelus Address” How about also presenting the McCarrick report?

@Pontifex “The reduction to the lay state grants Mr. McCarrick the ability to continue undisturbed in his criminal activity, including sexual predation. The administrative procedure also prevented the victims from being heard.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex This sad pope tweets support for “the dignity of each human person.” But – when he ignores Cardinal Zen and the Dubia Cardinals, when he summarily fires priests, laymen, and the heads of the Order of Malta and the FFI – who can believe him? We can only laugh – or weep.

@Pontifex “Francis is wrong in “Fratelli Tutti.” The heart of his error centers on a naivete regarding mankind’s desire for unity. The pope misses the reality of original sin. The utopian-style unity the pope is promulgating is impossible on this earth.”

@Pontifex “The pope misses the reality of original sin, which, by its nature, prevents unity on earth. The effect of original sin is division, division between God and Man, between male and female, between man and creation, between body and soul in death.”

@Pontifex “This constant pandering to some kind of unity in religion is pathetic and little else than a move toward a one-world religion that would usher in a one-world government.”

@Pontifex “Underlying the pope’s error here (in “Fratelli Tutti”) is a refusal to acknowledge the central role of Christ in mankind.”

@Pontifex “Why doesn’t (this pope) ask the communists in China to stop persecuting Catholics under the Vatican-China accord hammered out by homopredator and fellow Marxist Theodore McCarrick?”

@Pontifex “A huge number of today’s hierarchy are thieves. They steal the truth from you. They steal your heavenly inheritance to profit for themselves. They deny the things of God. They lie about Jesus Christ. And they lie about their own complicity.”

@Pontifex “If we are all brothers and working toward unity, how does His Holiness explain Cdl. Becciu stealing almost a million dollars from Vatican funds and using it for bribe money in Australia to get Cdl. Pell wrongly convicted on sex abuse charges?”

@Pontifex “‘Fratelli Tutti’ is not an encyclical. It’s a political statement dressed up in religious-sounding language where Pope Francis continually quotes himself as his own authority throughout the document.”

@Pontifex “Marxism, Freemasonry & Brotherhood – Fr. Mark Goring, CC”

@Pontifex This tragic pope said on Sunday, “It’s awful when people who have authority in the Church seek their own interests.” This holy, saintly pontiff would NEVER seek his own interests. (Just $2 billion a year from the Chinese.)

@Pontifex “Pope calls for renewed commitment to the Rosary” Many faithful Catholics have become so cynical about the gap between this sad pope’s thoughts and actions that when he calls for praying the Rosary, they think he MUST have some ulterior motive.

@Pontifex “Pope reminds bankers of social responsibilities” A friend commented, “Oh, that IS rich!” (No pun intended.)

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This confused pope says we should “dream” that we are “children of the same earth.” So, we’re no longer children of God? You have to wonder what satanic power may be possessing him and feeding him this stuff.

@Pontifex Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori Tweets, “Pope Francis orders everyone in Vatican Finances to wear a mask! Not because COVID, because thats a what thieves wear.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – So, Pachamama is back! This tragically addled pope says we are “children of the same earth.”

@Pontifex “Let us dream,” tweets this tragic pope. A friend commented sarcastically, “Oh, great! No more theology, no more Thomism, no more medieval claptrap, no more Gospel, no more 2000-year-old Church teaching, JUST DREAM!”

@Pontifex Church Militant gently describes US bishops as “conniving, socially awkward, out-of-shape, limp-wristed, middle-management bureaucrats content with counting their shekels while thousands of children are torn to shreds in the womb every day.”

@Pontifex This pope tweets, “The proof of prayer is real love for our neighbour.” A cynic would say sarcastically, “Sure, this troubled pope really knows a lot about prayer and love for our neighbor.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – As believers, we are convinced that an openness to the Father means following His commandments, adhering to Christ’s words in the Gospel, and following traditional Church teachings, not the “teachings” of the demonic “spirit of the Council.”

@Pontifex Response to another confused papal Tweet – So now fraternity is a “journey”? People with clear thoughts don’t use meaningless expressions. Catholics pray that Our Lady will somehow bring this pope to an understanding of how wrongheaded his thinking really is.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’s latest encyclical: Abortion not on list of political concerns”

@Pontifex “Viganò: Amid Vatican scandals, Pope Francis has dealt the ‘most devastating blows’ to Papacy, Church”

@Pontifex “The operation we have been witnessing for the past seven terrible years is clearly aimed at the destruction of the Catholic institution, through the loss of credibility, disaffection and disgust for the actions and bad behavior of its members”

@Pontifex “German bishop calls on Catholic Church to ‘strengthen acceptance’ of homosexuals” “Confessions of an ex-gay: Pro-LGBT priests affirmed me in a lifestyle that almost destroyed me”

@Pontifex “Top Vatican cardinal defends extending secret deal with communist China” I think Parolin would probably defend almost any secret deal for $2 billion a year.

@Pontifex Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori tweets: “Things going so poorly for Pope lately, Vatican to send million euros to bribe Australia to indict Cardinale Becciu just to change subject.”

@Pontifex “If the corruption of an individual prelate (McCarrick) is a scandal, the guilty silence of the one who represents the Church is even more so.” – Archbishop Viganò”
@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “The guarantee of an authentic openness to God is a way of practising the faith that helps open our hearts to our brothers and sisters.” Practising the faith also means obeying God, and following the true teachings of the Gospel and the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – “Authentic encounters” between human beings (not “spirits”) must be based on the true teachings of God, the Gospel, and the Church, not on the confused nonsense that has emanated from the Vatican fairly constantly since 13 March 2013.

@Pontifex Response to a pope video – Don’t you just wish Our Lady had been a feminist? Think of it. Joseph says, “Herod’s after Jesus. We’re leaving for Egypt, Mary. Get everything ready.” And Mary answers, “Hey, Joe, I’m the Mother of God. You can’t tell ME what to do!”

@Pontifex “Cardinal Zen Challenges Cardinal Parolin Over China Deal Claims”….“I read the speech given by Cardinal Parolin,” Cardinal Zen said. “It’s sickening!”

@Pontifex If this tragic pope is willing to ignore truth by refusing to release the McCarrick report, how or why should Catholics believe anything he says? The new encyclical (which some mockingly call “Frutti Tutti”) seems a sham without the McCarrick report.

@Pontifex Kamala Harris: “I Will Always Fight” for The “Right” to Kill Babies in Abortions And this pope supports her and Joe Biden? A friend commented, “So along with Parolin’s corrupt China deal, there seems to be no end to the Vatican claptrap.”

@Pontifex “Fratelli Tutti” appears to be the end of any hope that Francis’ “parallel Church” ( can be converted and joined with the true Church. A friend said sarcastically, “Yes, let’s have “fraternity,” except in the fake Church that Francis has built.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope thinks that if Carlo Acutis is beatified, young men will take the Church seriously and vocations will increase. But that won’t happen. This confused pope must first take the true teachings of the Church seriously himself.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Another error by this addled pope: he’s confused in his thinking ideas about love. He doesn’t understand that where love is concerned, the greatest danger is thinking that a selfish desire for gratification constitutes love.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – As usual this confused pope is unclear about what he thinks. But he seems to believe that loving others means approving all that they do. But who knows what he thinks? Does even he know what he thinks?

@Pontifex The head of a German seminary believes the Catholic Church’s disapproval of divorced and remarried couples, homosexuals, women priests, homosexual priests, and Communion shared with Protestants is wrong. (Article in German) God help us.



Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “The crooked hierarchy has to be purged. Nothing these men, many of whom are straight-up wicked, have encountered on an earthly level has dislodged them from their evil and cowardice. The Church is being destroyed on their watch.”

@Pontifex “And so the brotherhood in Christ, the brotherhood in the blood of Jesus is infinitely more important than the brotherhood of man.” – Fr. Mark Goring, CC Many Catholics wonder if this tragic pope understands anything but the “brotherhood of man.”

@Pontifex “Those who work energetically to make this world a better place are good, good people. They’re doing a good thing, but those who work to lead people to their eternal home in heaven – the work they are doing is infinitely more important.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis used misleading account of Saint Francis in ‘Fratelli Tutti’: experts” A friend commented, “I don’t think we should be surprised. Catholics long ago gave up the idea that this tragic pope would tell the truth about much of anything.

@Pontifex “If the pope is a heretic, hold fast to the perennial teaching of the Church. Such a pope is cutting himself off from the Catholic Faith. God will be the judge of that, in the end, but “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” – (Comment

@Pontifex “Fratelli Tutti…is all but unreadable. Only those of us who love the Church and are loyal to the pope will get through it, from duty, not intellectual or spiritual interest. That’s a serious shortcoming…”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis ranted against market speculation hours after the Financial Times revealed Thursday that the Vatican had invested donations for the poor to bet on the creditworthiness of now-bankrupt U.S. rental car company, Hertz.”

@Pontifex A friend read “Fratelli Tutti” (or “Tutti Frutti,” as some call it) and said, “Dear God, when will You again give us a pope and hierarchy who are Catholic?”

@Pontifex “This call for ‘synodality’ is a theme that is dear to the progressive theological current that wants to strip away the hierarchical structure of the Church.” – Archbishop Viganò”

@Pontifex All Christians and people of good will are today called to pray that God will give this tragic pope the insight to understand his error in claimng that the death penalty is now an intrinsic evil, thus contradicting 2000 years of infallible papal teaching.

@Pontifex Every person has the right to live with dignity, as this tragic pope tweets. But, this sad pontiff is not the head of an NGO, but the successor to Peter. He should be concerned with enabing every person to find the way to heaven, or doesn’t he believe in heaven anymore?

@Pontifex “How much longer can sensible Catholics maintain that Pope Francis is merely trying to develop— rather than to change— the teachings of the Catholic Church?”

@Pontifex On “Fratelli Tutti”: “The most significant statements are floating on a sea of verbiage—43,000 words of puzzling, speculative, and irrelevant commentary. Even the most determined reader wonders what message the Pope really does want to convey.”

@Pontifex “Another Irish priest allows Muslim to lead prayers in Catholic Church, calls Jesus ‘prophet’” A friend commented, “It won’t be long now, will it, Francis?”

@Pontifex “Bishop Strickland argued that the mission of communists is ‘to get rid of God, and so pretending they’re going to allow the Catholic Church…to really operate in an atheistic communistic system, it doesn’t make sense. It’s not going to happen’.”

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets about achieving “fulfilment.” The way we achieve fulfilment is to break down the walls between ourselves and God. Then we can think clearly about “faces and names,” as this tragic pope phrases it.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “every person is immensely holy.” Really? This sad pope should spend more time on theology and less on heresy. And, each person “deserves our love”? True, but why does this pope ignore people like Cardinal Zen and others, if he “loves” them.

@Pontifex This pope tweets that it isn’t enough to follow the Lord; one must be open to conversion. Catholics pray for this pope’s conversion, for an end to the hypocrisy (e.g., the McCarrick report) and the lies (e.g., the China agreement). God is merciful, but he also judges.

@Pontifex This sick pope tweets that he is “near to those people affected by wildfires.” That is indeed good to know, but does it mean anything? Is he the head of an NGO? Far better if this pope were near to people whose souls are in danger because of his errors and confusion.

@Pontifex A friend said, “With some of the great popes, Pius XII, John-Paul II, and many others, it would have made a difference to people in trouble to know that the pope was ‘near’ to them. But this tragic, confused pope, who has abdicated his authority to ‘synods’? Who cares?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – A pope who condones (condemns? is ambiguous about? who knows?) sodomy is not a pope who inspires many people to care if he is “near” to them or not.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The witness of Blessed Carlo Acutis won’t mean anything to today’s young people if the Church doesn’t abandon all the claptrap “spirit” of the Council and return to the truth of its 2000-year-old teaching, tradition, liturgy, and discipline.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets his illusion that the beatification of Carlos Acutis will indicate to young Catholics where “true happiness” is to be found. This video explains what’s really happening with young Catholics and their “stolen inheritance.”

@Pontifex Catholics pray for a Catholic pope, one who means it when he says: “I will rid the city of the Lord of all that do evil.” Think of it: no more cocaine-fueled, sodomite orgies in the Vatican, no more Becciu-type financial corruption, no more priests fornicating on altars

@Pontifex If the stories about this tragic pope getting $2 billion a year from communist China in exchange for his obedience to the communists – if those stories are not true, then why is the agreement with the communists still secret?

@Pontifex “More skeletons in Vatican closet discredit Fratelli Tutti”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Talking about “tenderness” is a fine way for this tragic pope to continue hiding various forms of Vatican corruption and perversion, which might be revealed if he ever found the courage to release the McCarrick report.

@Pontifex “We have a pope who takes great pains to avoid ever speaking about eternal things, but constantly beats the drum about what is temporal and transient.”

@Pontifex Catholics pray, “Dear God, save us from this confused and tragic pope. Save the Church from him.”

@Pontifex Satan in the Vatican, the demonic “spirit” of the Council – Mother of God, when will you crush them with your heel?

@Pontifex Confusion, corruption, perversion in the Church – how long, O Lord, how long?

@Pontifex And still no McCarrick report – even with all of the confusion, corruption, and perversion that is now rampant in the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – In prayer, we place our worries and petitions in the hands of God, for He knows what we need and will give us what is good for us – a Catholic pope, one who will rebuild the Church out of the ruins.

@Pontifex Response to a papal quote – The pain, uncertainty and fear brought on by this pontificate of horror have only made it all the more urgent that we rethink the meaning of God’s existence.

@Pontifex “Another Irish priest allows Muslim imam to lead prayers in Catholic Church” I wonder how many Muslim imams have allowed a Catholic priest to lead prayers in their mosques. I think such an imam would be accused of blasphemy and punished.

@Pontifex Someday, when this pontificate of horror is past. Catholics will be able to honestly recite this verse from today’s Lauds: “Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad with her, all you who love her; rejoice with her, rejoice, all you who mourned for her.”

@Pontifex These simple verses from today’s Lauds reaffirm God’s power to erase the destruction in the Church that this tragic pope has caused: “The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem…. crushes the wicked to the ground.”

@Pontifex When God has renewed the Church out of the wreckage this tragic pope will have left behind, Catholics will recite this verse from today’s Lauds: “Sing out to the Lord in thanksgiving, sing praise to our God….”

@Pontifex When God renews the Church out of the wreckage this tragic pope will have left behind, Catholics will recite this verse from today’s Lauds: “Sing out to the Lord in thanksgiving, sing praise to our God….”

@Pontifex “Another Nail in the Coffin: Vatican Produces Pachamama Coin”

@Pontifex “Bishop Schneider: ‘Today the Church of Rome finds herself in…spiritual collapse’”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Teresa of Avila teaches us that with God nothing can disturb or frighten us, not even the destruction of the Church being carried out by the tragic, confused pope we have now.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Despite this tragic pope, it is time to renew the education of Catholics so that they understand the 2000-year-old teachings, traditions, and liturgy of the Church, not the drivel given to us since Vatican II.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If this tragic, addled pope really expects education to offer hope, peace, justice, beauty, goodness, and social harmony, then he needs to offer Catholics an education in true Church teachings, not an education in Freemasonry bombast.

@Pontifex Catholics pray, “Almighty God, send us another truly great pope, not what we have now.”

@Pontifex A friend commented, “I wish we had a pope instead of the aspiring head of NGO who puts Pachamama on a Vatican coin.”

@Pontifex Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori Tweets, “Vatican confirms it minted Pachamama coins because a pinch of incense for false gods was too unwieldly.”

@Pontifex Catholics pray, “Dear God, send us a good, great, and holy pope. The Church needs such a pope now, in the midst of all the chaos and destruction being carried out under this present pontificate.”

@Pontifex A message for this tragically confused pope and his corrupt prelates, from Benedict XVI in “Spe Salvi”: “Anyone who does not know God, even though he may entertain all kinds of hopes, is ultimately without hope….” Do this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates know God?

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets that hunger is a tragedy. But all this poor man writes about is physical hunger. He seems to care little about Catholics who hunger for true Church teachings and for a holy pope, one who will rebuild the Church from its present state of ruin.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets on about how important it is “to defeat hunger.” By this he means physical hunger. Catholics pray for a good, great Catholic pope, one who has not lost his faith, one who understands our terrible hunger for the true Church, now lying in ruins.

@Pontifex Clearly this is a case of one man not getting this tragic pope’s message about The Great Religion of Peace:

@Pontifex “Even the clergy sexual scandals, instead of toughening the penalties and making the interventions more incisive, have only led to an almost obsessive repetition about the new ‘synodal’ aspect of the Church.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – We need to develop a greater awareness of the enormous damage this catastrophic pontificate has done to the Church. Simply preaching about “poverty, decadence and suffering” will not restore people’s faith or solve the problems of the planet.

@Pontifex “The case for Montini’s canonization has gained no strength, nor is there a robust cultus on the part of the faithful. This ‘canonization’ has merged into the dystopian mess of this pontificate that a future Roman pontiff will have to clean up.”

@Pontifex “In recent times, certain canonizations (John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II) seem to have been driven by political motivations, in order to legitimize a certain ‘program’.” Why does this pope bother to canonize? Everyone knows what’s going on.

@Pontifex “Educationists, teachers, policymakers and parents are lamenting Pope Francis’ Global Compact on Education (GEC) for its failure to address the most critical issue facing children — LGBT indoctrination in Catholic schools.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis to Attend Interreligious Peace Event in Rome…. A minute of silence will be observed for the victims of wars and the pandemic.” Will they also remember the Paris teacher decapitated by an adherent of The Great Religion of Peace?

@Pontifex “Archbishop Cupich — a friend of Theodore McCarrick — focused on ‘synodality’ as a reform intended to stem abuse. For Bergoglio and his entourage, sodomy isn’t a sin crying to heaven for vengeance, as the Catechism teaches.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex Catholics ask themselves if this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates can honestly pray these verses from today’s Lauds: “I came to your sanctuary, as one in a parched and waterless land, so that I could see your might and your glory.”

@Pontifex “Vicar of Jesus Christ or social activist?”

@Pontifex This tragic pope Tweets – “May we confidently recite the #Rosary every day.” After all that this confused pontiff has said and done, Catholics find it hard to believe that he recites the Rosary every day, “confidently” or otherwise.

@Pontifex Confused about “evangelization”? “Francis thinks, inexplicably, that explanation and justification of Christian beliefs, with the aim of persuasion, by the power of reason and arguments is proselytizing.” And that’s bad?

@Pontifex The “social activist” pope is gone for the day.
Now he’s trying to tweet like the Vicar of Christ again. He’s back “belonging to Christ,” he doesn’t “isolate” himself, he’s a “protagonist in a service of love.” Who or what will this tragic pope be tomorrow?



Message to Klaus Beckmann:

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich diese Idee auf Deutsch klar ausdrücken kann, selbst mit Hilfe von Google Translate, aber ich werde es versuchen:

Putin ist ein für diese Epoche der Geschichte typischer Mann: Er ist ein kleiner Mann, der – wie eine neidische Frau – glaubt, er könne für sich und sein Land Großes erreichen, nicht indem er selbst etwas Großes tut, sondern indem er andere Männer und andere Länder auf ein niedrigeres Niveau herunterreißt als das, auf dem er und sein Land jetzt sind.

In Christo Rege




Some recent Tweets:

@Pontifex “Jesuits are promoting ‘Pachamama Day’. I am not making this up. What the actual HELL is going on? Please, my dear readers, I beg you. REPARATION! And did you see the dreadful coin that the Vatican has minted?” – Fr. John Zahlsdorf

@Pontifex “Pope Francis concluded his message by asking everyone to ‘flee from all hypocrisy and to be honest and constructive citizens’.” Flee from hypocrisy? This tragic pope?

@Pontifex A friend commented, “Our ‘merciful’ pope does take his revenge. I can think of at least three bishops who will NEVER become cardinals: Bishop Strickland, Bishop Schneider, and certainly Archbishop Vigano. Don’t cross Bergoglio. He doesn’t forgive – or forget.”

@Pontifex Today is the feast day of Sts John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests, and their Companions, Martyrs. Great, noble Jesuits, they underwent horrendous torture and suffering for the Faith in North America. Compare them to dwarf Jesuits like Bergoglio and James Martin.

@Pontifex I guess it’s wrong to refer to Bergoglio and James Martin as “dwarf Jesuits.” Perhaps they can’t help it. Perhaps “God made them that way.”

@Pontifex Today on their feast day, we remember how Sts John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues and their companions suffered unspeakable torture in order to uphold the Faith, while dwarf Jesuits like Bergoglio and James Martin abandon crucial tenets of that Faith without a whimper.

@Pontifex “Jean-Luc Mélenchon, like so many non-Muslims who assure us that Islam is the most peaceful, benign and cuddly of religions, clearly has no clue about what Islam actually teaches.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray the Rosary today and beg Our Lady for consolation in the midst of the ruins this catastrophic pontificate is leaving in the Church. We also beg Our Mother to help us maintain hope that the Church can be restored from the ruins.

@Pontifex This tragic pope rushes to validate a religion in crisis: “The fact is that the biggest conspirators against Islam are the Muslims themselves, specifically those who reproduce the discourse of closed-mindedness and hatred.” – Khaled Abu Toameh

@Pontifex “The U.S. hierarchy is so thoroughly corrupt that they actually give you hope that Judas fared better than they will at their judgments.”

@Pontifex “Archbishop Vigano says Pope Francis’ encyclical comes from the “withered heart of a blind man.”

@Pontifex “Vatican Asks UN to Eliminate the Risks of Satellite Collisions in Outer Space” A friend said sarcastically, “Now THAT’s something the Vatican needs to be concerned with. Forget the catastrophe in the Church. Just eliminate satellite collisions.”

@Pontifex “What do we call it when a pope doesn’t act like a pope? That’s something modern Catholics struggle with. Catholics haven’t had to deal with corrupt popes, or even heretical popes, in a very long time. It’s been centuries.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis concluded his message by praying that Mary Most Holy will help everyone to ‘flee from all hypocrisy and to be honest and constructive citizens’.” Everyone? Even Bergoglio? He seems to have exempted himself from all that.

@Pontifex “If only, today, you would listen to his voice: ‘Do not harden your hearts’.” That verse for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates, once again, from today’s Lauds, repeated and repeated and repeated.

@Pontifex The Church here in Germany: “No administrative or structural reform can compensate for the lack of faith.”

@Pontifex “Speak of God and bear witness to Him’…, Pope tells pilgrims” Someday God will give us a pope who will also “speak of God and bear witness to Him.”

@Pontifex “If Pope Francis wants Catholics to fight euthanasia, he must speak out against adultery” Who? Bergoglio? Speak out against adultery? Ya gotta be kidding! He’s too busy speaking out against things like wasting food.

@Pontifex Response to papal Tweet – Catholics hope this tragic pope will also pray and work for an end to conflicts in the Church, where modernists disparage and attack Catholics faithful to the truths of the Church, and German bishops approve of gay “marriage” and priestesses.

@Pontifex “Among the 21 countries classified as ‘persecution countries,’ seventeen are Islamic. Fratelli Tutti devotes just one full paragraph to religious freedom.” Of course, this tragic pope lives in a world of illusion where Islam is concerned.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “The true Gospel bids us take up the cross of others.” Catholics pray for a pope who will do that, not a pope who imposes crosses, crushes the Knights of Malta and the FFI, refuses to release the McCarrick report, ignores cardinals, etc.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – And Catholics say,“Enough!” Enough confusion from this tragic pope, enough disdain for faithful Catholics, enough heresy, enough corrupt prelates, enough destruction of the Church, enough tolerance for adultery and “intercommunion.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets his support of peace, social friendship, and a culture of dialogue. Really? His actions are the opposite. No dialogue with anyone who disagrees with him, dividing the Church, secret “friendship” with the Chinese Communists – in return for money.

@Pontifex This poor, tragic pope thinks “Fratelli Tutti” is such a great encyclical that it will make him famous through the ages. But he’ll be famous all right, for thinking that his nonsensical ramblings are “great” and for ruining and almost destroying the Church.

@Pontifex I’m afraid that future generations will laugh at this pope for thinking that “Fratelli Turri” was so great. And they will weep for him, because he thought he was building up the Church, when in fact he was ruining it and letting it sink into schism in Germany.

@Pontifex Some Catholics believe that this verse from today’s Lauds applies to this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates: “Evil whispers to the sinner in the depths of his heart: the fear of God does not stand before his eyes.”

@Pontifex “The Church’s hierarchy is a cesspool of corruption, and too many Catholics have done nothing…. Complacency has morphed into indifference….”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Prayer is the centre of life.” And Catholics pray to God; we ask Him to send us a pope who believes prayer is the center of his life, instead of a tragic pope for whom social activism and the goals of non-governmental agencies are the center.

@Pontifex “On the one hand, Fratelli Tutti questions the right to private property. On the other, past popes, theologians, and canonists have always taught that private ownership, as it is practiced, is just and necessary for society’s proper functioning.”

@Pontifex The heresy never ends: “Pope endorses same-sex civil unions in new documentary film” How long, O Lord, how long?

@Pontifex “Liturgy expert: Worldwide spread of Novus Ordo has diminished belief in Real Presence…. ‘I’m afraid it’s impossible to deny the connection’.” Of course, the present tragic pope knows this, even if he won’t admit it, and yet he does nothing.

@Pontifex “Every priest I know who offers the usus antiquior has found it to be a tremendous enrichment to his life of prayer, his sense of priestly identity, and his pastoral ministry. It brings forth new possibilities of evangelization.”

@Pontifex “Shepherd of the flock or wolf in sheep’s clothing?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics hope that prayer will become the center of the life of even this tragically confused pope – prayer, not social activism, not climate change, not economic conditions, not secular education, etc.

@Pontifex This tragically addled pope now approves of civil unions for homosexuals. And what follows? Of course: the heresy of papal approval of “marriage” for homosexuals, Catholic and non-Catholic. May God help us.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “So often today man does not know what is within him.” One thing is clear: this poor, troubled pope doesn’t know what’s within him. If he did, he would ask God to forgive him his grossly erroneous statements and his devastation of the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – St John Paul II was an extraordinary gift of God to the Church. Perhaps we don’t deserve another pope like him.. Maybe that’s why God gave us what we have now. With reparation, perhaps some day we’ll be worthy of another John Paul II.

@Pontifex “Where Francis Leads, We Can’t Follow”

@Pontifex “Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behavior, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity.” – Benedict XIV

@Pontifex “I’ve tried very hard to give Francis the benefit of the doubt. No longer. The Pope has made it clear that his mind is not with the mind of the Church. He doesn’t believe in the Magisterium. He doesn’t feel bound to the Church’s traditions.”

@Pontifex “The Holy See has announced it has renewed its controversial Provisional Agreement with China on the appointment of bishops. It says the agreement will remain confidential because of its experimental nature” – @EdwardPentin and because of $2 billion a year from China.

@Pontifex “If he (Francis) were really as wise and compassionate as he believes himself to be, he would recognize how many of his poor children he’s leading into scandal and disbelief.”

@Pontifex “Bergoglio’s trying to force the healthy part of the Church – which includes bishops, clergy, and faithful – to accuse him of heresy, in order to declare that healthy part of the Church schismatic and ‘the enemy of the Pope’.” – Archbishop Vigano

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’s ‘Brotherhood’ encyclical leaves Chinese Catholics in the dust…. If we are ‘All Brothers’ then what about our Chinese brothers?” With $2 billion a year from China at stake, “Chinese brothers” don’t count

@Pontifex Catholics hope that this tragically confused pope and his corrupt and perverted hierarchy will one day, for the salvation of their souls, be able to pray this verse from today’s Lauds: “Take pity on me, Lord, in your mercy; in your abundance of mercy wipe out my guilt.

@Pontifex In today’s Lauds, the Lord speaks to this tragically troubled pope and his corrupt hierarchy, who have caused such destruction in the Church: “Turn to me and you will be saved….”

@Pontifex “The proposal to establish a commission of independent lay persons who would have overseen the work of the bishops was blocked by Cardinal Marc Ouellet. He was the executor of maneuvers imposed on him from higher up.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex “In a display of ruthlessness and corruption that would thrill the Borgias, Vatican bureaucrats wired a small fortune to unknown parties in Australia to initiate the fraudulent sex-abuse charges against George Cardinal Pell.”

@Pontifex Catholics pray for a good, holy pope, not one who is sunk in a cesspool of corruption and perversion, and now heresy, regarding his approval of homosexual “civil unions.” Dear God.

@Pontifex “Becciu’s clique act much like a cartel or secret society. Their primary interest lies in expanding their own wealth and influence. From the very beginning, Cardinal Pell posed the greatest single threat to their ‘enterprise’ in generations.”

@Pontifex This troubled pope tweets that God helps “even those who are unfaithful.” True. But He helps them only until the point of death. Then His justice is exercised on the heretics, perverts, and on all corrupt individuals, like those occupying high office in the Vatican.

@Pontifex “Parolin is widely viewed as one of the top three contenders to succeed Pope Francis. In reality, he’s just a gangster like Becciu.”

@Pontifex “Francis Is Wrong on Civil Unions” – CRISIS MAGAZINE

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’ support for civil-union legislation is ‘devoid of any magisterial weight,’ but are ‘simply private opinoins,’ Cardinal Raymond Burke has written on his personal web site. ”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’ support for civil-union legislation is ‘devoid of any magisterial weight,’ but are ‘simply private opinoins,’ Cardinal Raymond Burke has written on his personal web site. ”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’ statements supporting civil-union legislation (relating to homosexuals) are ‘devoid of any magisterial weight,’ but are ‘simply private opinions,’ Cardinal Raymond Burke has written on his personal web site. ”

@Pontifex “The Holy Father’s apparent support for the recognition of civil unions for same-sex couples contradicts the teaching of the Church. Legalization of these civil unions, which seek to simulate holy matrimony, is not admissible.” – +Thomas Tobin

@Pontifex Philippine bishop: Pope’s comment on civil unions is contrary to divine law (Manila Bulletin)

@Pontifex “Cardinal Gerhard Müller, in his first reaction to the new papal interview which endorses civil unions of same-sex couples, states that when there is a conflict between the words of a Pope and the Words of God, one has to choose God.”

@Pontifex “Cardinal says Catholics ‘can and should’ disagree with Pope’s ‘opinion’ on gay civil unions”

@Pontifex “Cardinal Gerhard Müller reminds us of St. Paul who had to withstand St. Peter, the first Pope, when the latter was teaching error.”

@Pontifex “Cdl. Müller states Pope Francis, ‘instead of meeting with people who feel confirmed by him in their attitude and wrong thinking and who show their picture with the Pope, [should] study Daniel Mattson’s book and invite him to a conversation’.”

@Pontifex “‘No one is saved alone’: Pope Francis calls on men to save each other” “Men save each other”? Um, I know this is a stupid question, but doesn’t Jesus Christ have something to do with salvation, or is that one of those silly pre-conciliar ideas?
@Pontifex “Bishop Schneider calls faithful to pray for Pope Francis to ‘convert’”

@Pontifex “It ought to arouse alarm that among those who worked for Bergoglio’s election there are disturbing signs of dissatisfaction with his work, perhaps because it has not yielded the results they hoped for.” – Archbishop Viganò



Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex_de “Fr. Gerald Murray on the pope’s endorsement of civil unions for same-sex couples: Pope Francis must repent of this disastrous declaration, which inflicts grave harm upon the Church.”

@Pontifex “The pope is a witness to the Faith, not an all-powerful authority who can change Catholic doctrine according to his own mistaken way of thinking.”

@Pontifex “Once again Pope Francis is spreading confusion among the faithful. How many times must this happen before all good Catholics recognize that we have a serious problem in the Church, and its name is Francis?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragically addled pope just doesn’t get it – and, sadly, probably never will; he’s too busy confecting some new false teaching. It is the Church, not “the United Nations’ Charter” that “is a reference point of justice and peace.”

@Pontifex Regarding the latest papal Tweet – This sad pope needs a new translator or typist. It’s “United Nations’ Charter,” not “United Nation’s Charter.” And, it’s “a reference point of justice and peace,” not “an reference point of justice and a peace.”

@Pontifex “Unfortunately, it is harder and harder to believe that Pope Francis is merely hapless—though that is, of course still possible.” –

@Pontifex “Bergoglio wants to to reach a situation where the one who is Pope is in a state of schism with the Church, while those who are declared by him to be schismatic find themselves expelled from the Church because they are Catholic.” – Archbp. Viganò

@Pontifex “The ecumenism propagated by Bergoglio has as its goal the exclusion of Our Lord from human society, because Jesus Christ is considered ‘divisive,’ ‘a stumbling stone’.”

@Pontifex “Three days ago, the press announced that the Pope will not celebrate Midnight Mass on Christmas. If this decision is confirmed, we will know that Jorge Mario Bergoglio prefers to celebrate himself by supporting the New World Order.” – +Viganò

@Pontifex “Viganò regards Pope Francis as the leader of this deep church that collaborates with the One World Order, instead of remaining loyal to Jesus Christ and His Teaching.”

@Pontifex “Leading prelates are reprimanding Pope Francis for his ‘scandalous’ endorsement of homosexual civil unions, asking the pontiff to retract his approval ‘for the sake of the salvation of his immortal soul’.”

@Pontifex From Laud’s today, for this tragic pope and his corrupt prelates: “I shall pour clean water over you and you will be cleansed; I shall cleanse you of all your defilement and all your idols. I shall give you a new heart, and put a new spirit in you….”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about loving God and loving neighbor. Catholics want him to express that love by not betraying Chinese Catholics, by not refusing to meet with good prelates like cardinals Zen, Burke, Müller, and by not employing such corrupt, perverted prelates.

@Pontifex “Catholic youth outside Vatican ask Pope to clarify gay civil union remarks” Ask THIS pope? For CLARITY? Might as well ask for the moon.

@Pontifex Bishop Schneider: “This Could Mean the Loss of Francis’ Soul“ Bergoglio couldn’t care less about losing his soul. He reportedly doesn’t believe in hell and he may not even believe in the existence of the soul. A great pope

@Pontifex This tragic, troubled pope tweets, “Pray to the Lord for Nigeria.” It never occurs to the poor man that we should also pray for this ruined Church that he’s done so much to try to destroy, with his bizarre ideas and the corrupt perverts surrounding him in the Vatican.

@Pontifex Catholics pray that Bergoglio will give up his bizarre ideas and his corrupt and perverted prelates in the Vatican. We pray that he’ll be converted. We pray that the 13 new cardinals will vote for a good pope, one who will restore the Church out of Bergoglio’s ruins.

@Pontifex A friend asked, “Under the next pope – who will surely be even more horrific than Bergoglio – will we see homosexual “marriages” in St. Peter’s?”

@Pontifex Now that Bergoglio and the German Church have put us on the road to Catholic gay “marriages” and “priestesses,” will we soon have Lesbian pastors (or “pastorettes”) married to each other and responsible for parishes (made up of mostly women, of course).

@Pontifex As we descend deeper into the horror of this pontificate – from Lauds today: “I will say to God: ‘Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go in mourning, while the enemy persecutes me?’ As my bones break, my persecutors deride me, all the time saying ‘where is your God?’”

@Pontifex This poor pope tweets, “Kindness frees us from the cruelty that at times infects human relationships.” Right. Like Bergoglio’s “kindness” to Cardinal Zen, the Dubia Cardinals and the 3 priests that he ordered Cardinal Müller to fire from the CDF

@Pontifex “Imagine what a college-aged young man sees these days when he looks out on the world. It’s taken almost a century to get to this point, and speaking in just strictly earthly terms, it will take much longer to reverse it — if that’s possible.”

@Pontifex “GAY UNIONS: PACHAMAMA SLAYER GRILLS POPE…. Banner in St. Peter’s Square asks Francis for clarification

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Is it “the cruelty that at times infects human relationships” that’s made Bergoglio mistreat Cardinal Zen, Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Müller, Cardinal Brandmüller, Archbishop Viganò, Bishop Schneider, the FFI, the Knights of Malta, and others?

@Pontifex “Jorge Bergoglio’s pontificate beyond parody continues apace.” “Previous popes hated the sin and loved the sinner. Pope Francis shrugs at the sin and doesn’t trouble himself with the soul of the sinner. Church officials are in pitiful confusion.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray that this tragic pope will repent of the cruelty that at times has “infected” his own relationships with others.

@Pontifex A friend said that this tragic pope will continue to ruin the Church not by changing doctrine, but by simply ignoring doctrine. He already ignores Church teaching on things like adultery and sodomy, and that will go on, if God should somehow allow it.

@Pontifex This sad pope tweets, “Those who love may be sure that none of their acts of love will be lost.” But what about a man who does NOT love – especially if he’s the pope – one who treats others badly, who seizes others’ assets, who supports corrupt and perverted colleagues?

@Pontifex “Francis is a monster of ambiguity and insinuation, making him a walking Rorschach test. Trying to pin down what he actually says or does often feels like the kind of Lovecraftian puzzle game where everyone doubts reality…”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis announced the appointment of leading pro-LGBT bishops as cardinals Sunday amid the global bedlam unleashed by the pontiff’s remarks endorsing same-sex civil unions.” May God have mercy on His Church.

@Pontifex “Priest Canonist: Permitting Same-Sex Civil Unions Is a ‘Grave Error’” Will the errors of this pope never end? Will Bergoglio’s cardinals next choose a pope who’ll be just as bad or worse? Will God send us a good pope soon? Lord, please hear us.

@Pontifex “The apostolic Tradition is not a collection of things or words, like a box of dead things. Tradition is the river of new life that flows from the origins, from Christ down to us.” – Benedict XVI God, send us another pope who believes such truths

@Pontifex Catholics wonder when they will again have a pope who knows he can’t change the teachings of the Church and the Gospel on a whim? We wonder when we will again have a pope who doesn’t commit some new grave error practically every day.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope rambles on about love, but he shows little love for the Truth, little love for Church teaching, and practicaly no love for the Gospel – just one grave error after another. Which “spirit” is leading him?

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If only this tragically confused pope could “intuit something of the mystery of Jesus,” instead of spreading grave errors that damage the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – We pray that this tragically troubled pope will not only unite himself “to the pain of the families of the students barbarically killed in Cameroon,” but also to the pain of families deeply wounded by the grave errors he propagates.

@Pontifex “Pope sketches vision for Europe’s future” Catholics pray that this troubled pope will someday also sketch his vision for the Church’s future. (Or would that be too frightening?)

@Pontifex “China continued religious crackdown during renewal of Vatican deal” Probably this tragic pope and Cardinal Parolin are the only ones surprised at this. After all, $2 billion a year in a secret pact buys a lot of blindness

@Pontifex “Archbishop Gomez: Decision to name Archbishop Gregory a cardinal is ‘powerful message of hope and inclusion’” It’s a powerful message, all right, but maybe not quite the sort of message Archbishop Gomez thinks it is.

@Pontifex “Franklin Graham, evangelicals condemn Pope Francis’ support for gay civil unions” So now it’s Protestants who give more support to Catholic moral theology than this confused and troubled pope does. God in heaven.

@Pontifex “The long list of anti-life, anti-family abuses by Abp. Wilton Gregory, named a cardinal by Pope Francis” A friend commented, “Leave it to tragic Bergoglio to name a guy like that a cardinal.”

@Pontifex “Pope reflects on Jesus as man of prayer” Fine. Now if only this tragic pope would also reflect on whether Jesus was a man who would approve civil unions for homosexuals.

@Pontifex Those who advocate same-sex civil unions are unjust and cruel against those persons in these unions, because these persons will be confirmed in mortal sin. Homosexual acts are against reason and against the explicit will of God.

@Pontifex “Socci’s description of Bergoglio reminded me of things I recall having read about the Antichrist – namely, that he will be a great peacemaker and diplomat, who will rise to prominence by solving seemingly intractable problems in the world.

@Pontifex “Pope reflects on Jesus as man of prayer” Catholics hope that someday God will give us a pope who won’t just reflect on “Jesus as a man of prayer,” but who will himself be a man of prayer.

@Pontifex “Islam is a monstrous fanaticism that must be fought with strength and determination. It will not end its war. We Africans know that too well. Barbarians are always enemies of peace. The West – especially France – ought to understand that. Let us pray.” by @Card_R_Sarah

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – How nice – this tragic pope is “close to the Catholic community of Nice” after another bloody Islamic terrorist attack. Bergoglio should remind Muslims that Islam is “a religion of peace,” and that they should stop reading the Koran.

@Pontifex “Our pope not only isn’t leading the faithful towards heaven, he has become a champion for the enemy. ”

@Pontifex “Things have reached such a state that Bishop Athanasius Schneider has had not only to publicly speculate about how we might handle a heretical pope, but to publicly admonish the pope for fear that he will lose his soul.”

@Pontifex “The true children of the Church of our days might pray Psalm 137, saying: We feel as if in exile, by the rivers of Babylon, weeping when remembering Zion, when remembering the luminous and crystal-clear teaching of the popes.” – Bishop Schneider

@Pontifex Catholics pray – almost desperately – this verse from today’s Lauds: “Be pleased, Lord, to look kindly on Zion, so that the walls of Jerusalem can be rebuilt….”

@Pontifex Another maudlin papal Tweet. Response: Jesus challenges us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:18-20)

@Pontifex “Pope cancels public Christmas celebrations despite having just attended ecumenical extravaganza” Christmas? For THIS tragic pope? No big deal. What COUNTS is globalism and the new world order!

@Pontifex Catholics ask God for a pope who will not promote and reward priests (like Father James Martin) who oppose Church teaching; we ask for a pope who will instead reward those priests and bishops who uphold and support Church teaching.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – As so often, this tragic pope’s advice is incomprehensible. “In the face of suffering,” we are supposed to “draw near to others with no questions asked.” No questions asked? Can’t we – shouldn’t we – ask, “Why are you suffering? Can I help?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – “God does not hide himself (sic) from those who seek him (sic) with a sincere heart.” Perhaps that’s why this troubled pope is embedded in error. God hides Himself, because this tragic pope does not – cannot – “seek Him with a sincere heart.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This troubled pope speaks of “a gaze of faith,” as though he were trying to refute those who say he has no supernatural faith. Perhaps he does. Perhaps not. One thing is certain: if he had faith, he would cling to the teachings of the Church.

@Pontifex “Vatican celebrates China deal despite continued reports of persecuted Chinese Catholics” Of course. “Persecuted Chinese Catholics” are of little interest to this tragic pope when compared to $2 billion annually from China

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’ Muslim dialogue partner Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayyeb demands an international law banning criticizing or insulting Islam…He is attempting to compel the world at large to adopt Islamic blasphemy laws.” This pope will surely approve.

@Pontifex This naive pope may find this video absorbing Or maybe not, because it’s one of the best discussions I’ve ever heard regarding the threat of Islam – and the enormous danger it presents. I know, this blind pope has no interest in such things.

@Pontifex “Is it lawful to resist, to the fullest extent permitted by Canon Law, the policies pursued by Pope Francis that threaten the West’s integrity, security, and cultural identities?”

@Pontifex This is a video that this tragic pope should never, EVER see!

@pontifex Catholics pray for a pope who will not keep surrendering to the enemies of the Church, as this tragically confused pope has done with Communism and Islam. (At least he got money from the Communists, but he’s gotten nothing from the Muslims, except terror attacks.)
@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray that God will send us a pope who will hear and react to the message of the Holy Spirit. This tragic pope doesn’t seem capable of that.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope won’t select cardinals and bishops capable of “choosing purity, meekness and mercy.” That would mean “going against the current” of the world, so Bergoglio chooses corrupt perverts and refuses to release the McCarrick report.



Letter to Roland Fischer:

Lieber Roland,

Deine Darstellung dessen, was heute in der Andreaskirche geschehen ist, ist schockierend und sehr, sehr traurig. In diesen Tagen, wo in den Kirchen, vor allem in Frankreich, schreckliche Dinge geschehen, habe ich oft gedacht, dass in der Andreaskirche etwas Schreckliches geschehen könnte. Ich habe manchmal gedacht, dass irgendein Islamist hereinkommen und versuchen würde, den Altar zu entweihen. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass das, was Sie beschrieben haben, passieren würde.

Es war richtig, die Polizei zu rufen. Wenn so etwas noch einmal passiert, ist das das erste, was getan werden sollte. Es gibt nichts anderes, was man tun kann, wenn sich eine arme, verrückte Person so verhält. Ausserdem könnte eine solche Person gefährlich sein.

Wir leben in einer Zeit des Wahnsinns, und ich fürchte, dass die nächsten Tage – oder sogar Wochen – in meinem Heimatland eine Zeit des besonderen Wahnsinns sein könnten.

Was Andreas Unterwalden betrifft, ja, er hat einige merkwürdige Ideen, denen ich nicht zustimme, aber er hat auch einige Ideen, die Sinn machen. Ich glaube jedoch NICHT, dass der gegenwärtige tragische Papst der Antichrist ist. Er ist sicherlich eine Katastrophe als Papst, aber ich glaube nicht, dass er der Antichrist ist.

Was die Dominikaner betrifft, muss ich noch einmal sagen, dass ich froh bin, dass ich ihre Predigten nicht hören und verstehen kann. Als das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil 1965 zu Ende ging, war ich schon 24 Jahre alt, und all meine Gedanken über Gott und die Kirche waren von der traditionellen Lehre geprägt. Deshalb ignoriere ich die Ketzerei und die bizarren Ideen in der Kirche heutzutage. Ich denke mir einfach, dass Gott all das zulässt, und es wird eines Tages enden, wahrscheinlich lange nachdem ich nicht mehr auf dieser Erde bin, aber es wird enden. Bis dahin werde ich einfach an der traditionellen Lehre der Kirche festhalten.

Ich sollte erklären, dass ich, wenn ich auf Deutsch schreibe, Übersetzungssoftware benutze, die im Internet frei erhältlich ist, deshalb ist mein geschriebenes Deutsch so viel besser als wenn ich versuche, die Sprache zu sprechen! (Diese Nachricht wurde mit geschrieben, aber ich muss immer ein paar Änderungen und Korrekturen vornehmen).

Vielleicht sehen wir uns morgen wieder.

Christus vincit




Message to Klaus Beckmann:

I just thought I should add that the biggest danger of a Biden presidency is that it will be VERY Muslim-friendly. For starters, according to reports, they plan to reopen a PLO office in Washington. They are also reported to be planning an increase in Muslim immigration. So the US will soon be able to look forward to the kind of thing that’s been happening in France and Austria: a decapitated teacher, a priest murdered at the altar, a priest shot outside his church, church-goers stabbed and one with her throat cut, a nun slapped by a young Turk on a bus, passers-by shot at random as in Vienna, desecrated churches and cemeteries, etc., etc., etc.

A line from an old Marlene Dietrich song comes to mind: “Wann wird man je verstehen?” When will Americans ever understand what William Kilpatrick wrote in article that I think I quoted for you already, namely, that “Islam is distinguished by being the only religion that makes people more prone to violence the more religious one becomes.”

Christus vincit,




Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “The Vicar of Christ is a devious old politician who spends hours every day thinking about how to wrong-foot people he despises, and it’s a long list.”

@Pontifex “What is surprising is the depth of this pope’s contempt for conservative American Catholics. In fact, it’s hard to say whom he hates more, Trump or traditionalists.”

@Pontifex A friend said to me, “‘Choosing purity, meekness and mercy,’ says this troubled pope. From what we know of the kind of person he really is – who does he think he’s kidding? Pure, meek, and merciful? THIS tragic pope? Gimme a break.”

@Pontifex It is said this tragic pope despises Americans and all traditional Catholics – anyone who disagrees with him. Proof that that is true? He never met the Dubia cardinals, he refused to meet Cardinal Zen, and traditional Catholics are excluded from Vatican positions.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet -This troubled pope promotes “choosing purity.” That’s some kind of joke, right? If it’s true, why won’t he release the McCarrick report? What’s he hiding?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “choosing purity,” but he approves of sodomite “civil unions.” This troubled pope’s confusion never seems to end, and we Americans never tire of pointing that out. Why wouldn’t he – as people say he does – despise us?

@Pontifex “This pope’s views on US politics are shaped by Fr Spadaro – his image of American conservatives is a grotesque conflation of stereotypes: greasy televangelists, neo-Nazi militias, billionaire fraudsters and rosary-clutching Latin Mass fascists.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope refuses to meet with the U.S. Secretary of State? That shows real “mercy,” doesn’t it? That shows the kind of brotherly love supposedly expressed in Fratelli Tutti? A friend said, “How stupid does Bergoglio think we are?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Today we pray for this tragic pope, whose soul has been dead to the teachings of Christ and His Church for a very long time. We pray too for this pope’s corrupt and perverted prelates, whose souls have long been dead in the same way.

@Pontifex “The Vatican’s renewal of its pact with Beijing is a deal so squalid that even papal diplomats change the subject when it’s mentioned.”

@Pontifex Catholics pray that this tragic pope will also some day express his “sorrow and dismay” for the way his corrupt and perverted prelates have attacked the faith of countless innocent families – men, women, and children – all over the world. And – the McCarrick report?

@Pontifex This tragic pope expresses his “sorrow and dismay for the terrorist attack in Vienna.” But will that attack cause him to rethink his attitude toward “The Great Religion of Peace”? Of course not.

@Pontifex “Church is strong but bedeviled by graft, Pope says in new interview” “Bedeviled” by graft? This troubled pope is so coy sometimes. How about “saturated” with graft? Or maybe “drenched” in graft? Also is “strong” really the right word?

@Pontifex “The Beatitudes are the path to holiness, Pope tells pilgrims” Catholics pray that this troubled pope will soon start following that path, instead of the one he’s on now.

@Pontifex ” The enemy has penetrated the interior of both the State and the Church, building a network of complicity that binds all of its members by means of blackmail, having chosen them precisely because of their corruptibility.” – Archbp Vigano

@Pontifex “Viganò reveals details – including names – about homosexual lobby in the Vatican”

@Pontifex “Francis has been called ‘the political Pope’ because both his teaching documents and public comments are suffused with a left-wing globalist agenda.”

@Pontifex I said to a friend, “After the terrorist attack in Vienna, does it ever occur to this blind pope that perhaps his thinking about Islam could be wrong?” My friend answered, “He wouldn’t change his thinking if there was an attack in the middle of St. Peter’s Square.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray that this tragic pope too will attend the school of Jesus Christ, teacher of prayer. This confused pontiff may then learn to encounter God and be converted from his errors and the ruin he is inflicting on the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – After all of the bizarre ideas, after all the strange heresies, after all of the evident unwillingness to accept many Church teachings, does this tragic pope really expect us to take seriously anything he says about prayer?

@Pontifex Surely even this tragic pope is honest enough with himself to wonder why the Church in Europe and America is shrinking. And the answer: Church teaching seems not to matter to him: adultery and homosexual “civil unions” are permitted, the death penalty is “inadmissable.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics pray that this tragic pope will understand that true freedom can be found only in the 2000-year-old Church teachings that he and his corrupt, perverted prelates seem to disdain. We pray for their endangered souls.

@Pontifex “ITALY’S FREEMASONS CELEBRATE ‘FRATELLI TUTTI'” And they have a lot to celebrate! They’ve been working for this for 200 years, and in another 100 years, they may achieve their ultimate goal – getting rid of the Church completely!

@Pontifex “America’s bishops wait in fear and trembling, dreading the release of the McCarrick Report.” A friend commented, “The bishops needn’t worry. Bergoglio will never release that report.”

@Pontifex “In Shanxi, Communist authorities deem nuns ‘dangerous,’ force them out of convent” The China agreement is working out really well! (At least for China. But the Vatican gets $2 billion a year, so it’s not a total loss.

@Pontifex Response to a papal video Tweet – If this tragic pope worked as hard at being the Vicar of Christ as he does at being General Secretary of Catholic NGO, Inc., he’d be one of the greatest popes in history. As it is, sadly, he is an abject failure.

@Pontifex “The Church’s Islam Problem”: Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels observed, “the many interviews showed that Islam is distinguished by being the only religion that makes people more prone to violence the more religious one becomes.”

@Pontifex “Bishop Barron’s endorsement revealed a dirty little secret in the Church: most conservative Catholic leaders like Bishop Barron are functionally similar to liberal Catholic leaders like Father Martin.”

@Pontifex “This pope has taken politicization to a new level, by smudging the line between the Magisterium (the corpus of official doctrine) and his own off-the-cuff initiatives. It’s the dictator’s trick of giving his every passing fancy the force of law”

@Pontifex “Canon Law changed – bishops will now need permission of Holy See to establish religious institutes” A friend said sarcastically, “No subsidiarity in THIS area! Can’t let those bishops do what they want! They might create some new TRAD group!”

@Pontifex “This pope is a short-term thinker.”

@Pontifex No wonder the Freemasons love this tragic pope He’s helping them achieve their 200-year-old dream: “the heresy that embraces all religions and all beliefs into one family” and the final destruction of the Catholic Church.

@Pontifex “With a few exceptions, no one in the Church or the world wants to admit that Islamic dogma, not ‘a desire to divide us,’ is what motivates young jihadis to commit murder.”

@Pontifex Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels observed, “Islam is distinguished by being the only religion that makes people more prone to violence the more religious one becomes.”

@Pontifex “Austria: 19-year-old Muslim migrant hits 76-year-old nun in the face on a bus” Obviously, this young men didn’t get the pope’s message that Islam is really a religion of peace (or maybe peace looks a little different from an Islamic perspective)

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If we want true integral human development for all, this tragic pope must renounce the support he’s getting from the Freemasons, who have been trying for two centuries to destroy the Church.

Response to a papal Tweet – Does this confused pope think of war only in material and secular terms? Does he ever think of war in spiritual terms? For example, the war against the numerous evils his pontificate has spawned in the world and in the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Can this tragic pope “give” and “do good”? Really? But why has he surrounded himself with corrupt and perverted prelates? Why did he try to destroy the Knights of Malta and the FFI? Why did he sell out Chinese Catholics for $2 billion a year?

@Pontifex “A pope can have a personal opinion that contradicts Catholic doctrine? Therefore, as a rule of thumb, one might expect that in a month Bergoglio will declare to journalists, as a private person, that he is in favor of abortion or euthanasia.”

@Pontifex “PRIEST SUSPENDED FOR BLASTING ‘HERETIC’ POPE….Congregation shouts down cleric for opposing Francis on gay civil unions”

@Pontifex More of Bergoglio’s “mercy” and an example of his many “good works”: he promises promotion to a bishop if he closes a successful, flourishing seminary, because it is too conservative (i.e., seminarians were asking for Communion on the tongue).

@Pontifex “Chinese officials seize ‘underground’ priests, nuns, seminarians” This tragic pope must be overjoyed at the way his agreement with China is working out! And kudos to sexual predator Mr. McCarrick for negotiating this marvelous accord!

@Pontifex Copy of a Tweet from Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori Pope generously offers USA a nice group from St. Gallen, Switzerland to help make sure election is fair.

@Pontifex “Killing blasphemers is sanctioned in the Koran. As Islam scholar Raymond Ibrahim observes, Westerners have fallen for the notion that ‘killing blasphemers is somehow strange or “extreme” for Islam, when it is and always has been standard’.”

@Pontifex This tragically misguided pope tweets about “Faith working through love.” Catholics beg God to send us a pope with enough faith to believe in the teachings of the Church, and enough love to speak to prelates who disagree with him – like Schneider, Zen, Burke and Müller.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets an invitation “to prayer, fraternal respect, and dialogue.” Catholics pray that God will give this confused pontiff the grace to show respect for prelates like Schneider, Zen, Burke and Müller and to dialogue with them, instead of ignoring them.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets his “compassion” for the storm-ravaged people of Central America. Catholics pray that this confused pontiff will also learn to have as much compassion for people in the Church who have been ravaged and destroyed by this pontificate of horror.

@Pontifex “Canon Law Changed: Is This Aimed at the Prevention of Traditional Movements?” A friend commented, “Of course that’s the aim. I suppose this misguided pope thinks we’re all so stupid that we won’t notice. But ‘Christus vincit’.”

@Pontifex “Islamic violence is very often a direct consequence of following the teachings of Islam. Catholic leaders and Catholic scholars (such as Thomas Aquinas) once knew that and taught it.

@Pontifex_de “Wenn der Koran spricht, schweigen die Schulbehörden: Der Islamismus ist auch an deutschen Schulen ein großes Problem. Die Lehrer werden damit allein gelassen.” Aber wenn der Koran spricht, MÜSSEN die deutschen Schulbehörden schweigen, oder?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “the Lord desires to dwell in every heart….Even if we should distance ourselves from Him,” that truth remains, says this troubled pontiff. But can that really be true for a pope who, like this one, has committed so many grave errors?

@Pontifex “The bishops of France say ‘it is urgent we find the indispensable fraternity which will hold us all upright.’ It seems much more urgent that they locate copies of the Koran, and acquaint themselves with the teachings of Islam.”

@Pontifex “Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.” – From today’s Lauds, for this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Yes, “the light of faith needs to enlighten scientific advances,” but Catholics pray that the light of faith will also enlighten this poor, benighted pope and his corrupt and perverted colleagues.

@Pontifex In a Tweet, @EdwardPentin writes, “Despite McCarrick’s crimes being clearly of a homosexual nature, the words ‘homosexual’ and ‘homosexuality’ appear nowhere in the 449-page text of the #McCarrickReport.” Of course not. Words like that can’t appear in a whitewash.

@Pontifex “Leading German bishop renews intercommunion call after Vatican objections” A friend commented, “Oh, come on, get real. In the Age of Synodality, ‘Vatican objections’ don’t matter anymore. Bishop Bätzing knows that.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis has transferred responsibility for funds and real estate assets to another department on the same day it was revealed that the scandal-ridden London property deal was made ‘with the approval of the Holy Father’.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – “We celebrate the memorial of St. Martin of Tours, who distinguished himself with charity toward the poor” – and also by following Church teachings, unlike so many lax, corrupt, and perverted prelates and our present tragic pontiff.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The McCarrick report was published yesterday and tried to shift much blame unto Archbishop Viganò. And this tragic pope, ever “close to the victims,” allows many US dioceses to escape responsibility to those victims by declaring bankruptcy.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “One who prays is never alone.” But this pope is alone, separated from God, because he can’t tell the truth. He tries to discredit Archbishop Viganò in the McCarrick report, but we know it is this sad pope who is hiding the truth, not Viganò.

@Pontifex “The Vatican has issued a 450-page report on former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, insisting that Pope Francis was unaware of any serious charges against McCarrick.” A friend laughed. “Unaware? UNAWARE? Gimme a BREAK!” he said.



Ja, Andreas, alles Lügen, und ich weiß, dass Du mir nicht glauben wirst, aber Herr Giuliani ist ein Clown. Wenn er bei seiner letzten Pressekonferenz auf Deutsch gesprochen hätte, würdest Du wissen, was ich meine. Aber wenn Du einfach die Pressekonferenz ansiehst ( und die Haarfarbe auf beiden Seiten seines Gesichts nach unten rieseln siehst, wirst Du es besser verstehen.

Es tut mir leid, dass Biden gewonnen hat, aber es hätte mir genauso leid getan, wenn Trump gewonnen hätte.

Ich frage mich manchmal, ob mein Heimatland überhaupt eine Zukunft hat. 

Kürzlich sah ich einen dreistündigen BBC-Dokumentarfilm, “Berlin 1945.” Bis dahin hatte ich keine realistische Vorstellung davon, wie katastrophal die Situation damals in Berlin – und in ganz Deutschland – war. Aber wenn Deutschland aus der Asche JENER Katastrophe, der Katastrophe des Zweiten Weltkriegs, auferstehen konnte, dann können die USA aus ihrer gegenwärtigen Katastrophe auferstehen, eine Katastrophe, die in gewisser Weise fast so schlimm sein könnte, wie der Zweite Weltkrieg für Deutschland war.

In Christo Rege



Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “UK investigation ‘calls out the blatant hypocrisy of Pope Francis'”

@Pontifex “The McCarrick report is, as long suspected, a giant whitewash, admitting mostly what was already known.”

@Pontifex Tweet from Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori – “Following Vatican model, I issue report to my wife about my bad behavior. Report states that institutional culture failed me and the person most to blame is my brother for being a snitch. Time to move on.”

@Pontifex “The Pope has made it abundantly clear that his mind is not with the mind of the Church. He doesn’t believe in the sacred deposit of the Magisterium. He doesn’t feel bound to the Church’s traditions.”

@Pontifex “Up to this point, I’ve tried very hard to give Francis the benefit of the doubt. No longer. What a horrible burden this pope has put on the faithful.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope tweets about “generosity.” Catholics pray that he will one day have the generosity to meet with – not blame or accuse – Archbishop Viganò, and that he will have the generosity and humility to admit the grave errors has made.

@Pontifex “The McCarrick Report is worse than we thought”

@Pontifex “McCarrick Report: Pope Francis expresses his closeness to the victims” But not enough “closeness,” of course, to actually DO something for them, or to issue a report that is more than a cover-up and an attempt to shift the blame elsewhere.

@Pontifex Copy of a Tweet sent by Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori – “Dear Vatican, your replenishment order for 6 tons of whitewash has arrived at Post Office. Please pick up at earliest convenience.”

@Pontifex Copy of a Tweet sent by Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori – “Dear Vatican, your replenishment order for 6 tons of whitewash has arrived at Post Office. Please pick up at earliest convenience.”

@Pontifex The McCarrick report puts the blame on Vigano and on everyone who is dead. It absolves every living prelate of any knowledge of McCarrick’s corruption. Is that a whitewash? Yes, that’s a whitewash. The whole world knows it and is saying that.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis extends ‘blessings and congratulations’ to pro-abortion Joe Biden” Now isn’t that nice?

@Pontifex With the McCarrick report, the Vatican investigates itself and – SURPRISE! – all living prelates (except for Vigano) are declared innocent! Archbishop Vigano caused the whole scandal himself (along with with a few dead prelates and a dead pope).

@Pontifex “Within the report itself, there are numerous contradictions. Enough to make the argument the report has little credibility.” – Archbishop Vigano

@Pontifex A friend wrote, “While Bergoglio and his corrupt and perverted gang of prelates are roasting in hell for their lies and sins and crimes, someone is sure to propose Archbishop Vigano as a candidate for beatification.”

@Pontifex So, Bergoglio investigates himself and – wait for it – he finds himself NOT GUILTY!

@Pontifex A friend commented, “Bergoglio and his cronies must think we’re all awfully stupid. They issue this so-called McCarrick “Report,” and they expect us to BELIEVE it? You have to ask yourself who, exactly, is it that is stupid?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet: It’s hard to show generosity to the weak, to the afflicted, to those who suffer and are stripped of dignity when – as is the case with this tragic pope – their condition is the result of theiir own sins and crimes, and they show no repentance.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The ability of this tragic pope to deceive himself about the “truth” of the McCarrick “Report” shows that he possesses little innate capacity to act in ways that give meaning to life – or at least to his own life.

@Pontifex “How McCarrick Got Away”

@Pontifex “McCarrick report confirms Pope Francis knew about rumors of ex-Cardinal’s sex abuse and did nothing” Hardly anyone will be surprised by this.

@Pontifex “When the wicked sprout up like grass, and the doers of evil are in full bloom, it will come to nothing, for they will perish for ever and ever….” – For this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted colleagues, from today’s Lauds.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The Lord’s blessing will hardly descend upon this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted prelates after this monstrosity of lies and cover-up known as the “McCarrick Report.” The Lord is a God of truth, not self-deception and delusion.

@Pontifex “Biden, Pope Francis speak by phone” And Biden probably managed to convince this confused pontiff that abortion is a gift from God or something. No doubt Bergoglio is now happy he supported Biden.

@Pontifex “The Vatican fiction continues”

@Pontifex “The McCarrick report reveals a substantial degree of tolerance of homosexual conduct by the clergy, punished only if minors abused. The report also reveals that the McCarrick case is only one part of a power system controlled by the gay lobby.”

@Pontifex “Only by identifying the poisons of predatory homosexuality, licentiousness of every kind, poor formation and worldliness, can these scourges be removed. The Church identified the poison in McCarrick; there are many more toxic situations.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope should use Vatican funds to help the poor, instead of throwing money away on shady London apartment house investments and then begging for billions from China

@Pontifex A Tweet from Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori informs the world as follows: “Vatican now preparing report to claim that they a had no idea and no reports Fr. Martin was a gay heretic, but if they did know, it was Vigano’s fault too.”

@Pontifex “Pakistan: Muslim neighbors murder Christian woman and her son in front of their home” Clearly, these Muslims just have NOT gotten Bergoglio’s message that Islam is a religion of PEACE. Maybe he needs to “dialogue” with them some more.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – How nice that this poor, confused pope is “near in prayer to the dear people of the Philippines.” Now, wouldn’t it be nice if he were also “near to the dear people” that he’s hurt and tried to deceive with the McCarrick “Report”? Hypocrisy?

@Pontifex Vatican Post Office (Not) @CaproEspiatori tweets: “Vatican now preparing report to claim that they had no idea and no reports Fr. Martin was a gay heretic, but if they did know, it was Vigano’s fault too.” It’s ALL Vigano’s fault, isn’t it?

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Does this tragic pope really believe that anyone in the Philippines even cares if he’s “near to them in prayer”? Filipinos know that what counts for Bergoglio is putting up a good front and hiding the truth – i.e., the McCarrick “Report.”

@Pontifex “The McCarrick Report, hyped for months as a candid Vatican exploration of an ecclesiastical scandal, is actually a clever bid to deflect attention away from the real scandal.”

@Pontifex Catholics beg the goodness of God, desperately, for a great and holy pope, and great and holy prelates, who can rebuild the Church out of the wreckage caused by the current corrupt and perverted gang in the Vatican.

@Pontifex If a corrupt, misguided, confused and troubled pope, one who is prone to grave error, is “near to the people of the Philippines,” what difference does it make to them or to anyone? A tragic pope remains a tragic pope, capable only of creating horror in the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Let us be committed to living and teaching the morality taught by Christ in the Gospel and in the Church for 2000 years. Let’s love sinners as God loves them, and let’s work and pray for their conversion, and not be blinded by fake “mercy.”

@Pontifex God can do anything. He can even restore the Church out of the wreckage caused by this tragically misguided and error-prone pope, together with his corrupt and perverted colleagues in the Vatican and elsewhere.

@Pontifex The Church is shrinking and even dying in Europe and America, and what does this tragic pope do? The poor man rattles on about “fundamentalist intolerance,” by which he means our insistence on calling sin a sin, while showing love toward sinners, but not their sins.

@Pontifex Does this tragic pope want to make sodomy acceptable and even blessed by the Church? Is that why he rails against “fundamentalist intolerance”? Is that why the gay heretic, James Martin, S.J., has an important post in Bergoglio’s Vatican?

@Pontifex “McCarrick’s ‘Nephews’ Still Run the Church….The Vatican’s report on his scandal is monumentally misleading.”

@Pontifex “Focus on the person, welcome, and involve: Pope reflects on Catholic schools and religious communities” A cynic wrote to me, “Since ‘God made you that way,’ is it okay to have more physical involvement too, not just ‘welcome’ and ‘involve’?”

@Pontifex “The man with clean hands and pure heart will climb the mountain of the Lord.” – Antiphon from today’s Lauds, for this tragic pope and all his corrupt and perverted colleagues.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “the smile of those who quietly and unassumingly offer to help.” Perhaps a smile like the one Ted McCarrick had? Anyway, Catholics pray for a pope “inspired only by the joy of living as one of Christ’s disciples,” not what we have now.

@Pontifex “That McCarrick had corrupted countless seminarians and priests by pressuring them into his bed simply didn’t shock churchmen, whose standards seemed considerably lower than those of the pagan world.”

@Pontifex “Evil whispers to the sinner in the depths of his heart: the fear of God does not stand before his eyes. Evil’s flattering light disguises his wickedness.” – That verse from today’s lauds, how many Vatican prelates does it describe? Does it describe this tragic pope?

@Pontifex “What have we to learn? To be meek and hum¬ble (Mt 11:29); if we are meek and humble, we will learn to pray.” – This tragic pope and his corrupt colleagues in the Vatican could perhaps learn something from this quote by St. Teresa of Calcutta.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about the events of Mary’s life being “transfigured” by prayer. Catholics everywhere pray to God that this error-prone pontiff too will be transfigured by prayer, that he will be converted and begin rebuilding the Church instead of wrecking it.

@Pontifex “The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is a bloated, corrupt organization teeming with left-wing bureaucrats who don’t have the Church’s best interests at heart.” – Call it “insight.”

@Pontifex “Tolerance for individual sinners, a good and merciful thing, was expanded wildly to tolerance for evil principles, which opened the Pandora’s box to a laying waste of the Faith.”

@Pontifex “In the earthly city its wise men live by men’s standards, have pursued the goods of the body or of their mind, or of both. Or those of them who were able to know God dwindled into futility in their thoughts.” In which city does this pope live?

@Pontifex “Liberation Theologian Leonardo Boff Is a Keynote Speaker at Vatican’s ‘Economy of Francesco’ Conference….Disciplined by the Vatican in the 1980s” (And this poor, tragic Bergoglio just goes from one grave error to another.)

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “We are called to rethink our mental and moral priorities so that they are in conformity with God’s commandments.” (Catholics pray that he will at last start doing that, and stop repeatedly committing all sorts of grave, sinful errors.)

@Pontifex “Pope Francis knew about McCarrick before he sent him to China. His ‘understanding of the situation’ came about when a lawsuit was filed in New York outing the monster. Only then did Francis ‘act decisively’.”

@Pontifex “The bishops, and now Rome, have never really cared about the ‘little Catholic’…Authentic Catholicism was understood by these homosexuals, thieves and liars as something of an embarrassment.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “Every child needs to be welcomed and defended, helped and protected, from the moment of their conception.” – So that’s why he sent election congratulations to Biden, who will “fight to keep access to abortion legal.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet about “human fraternity” and The Great Religion of Peace – Raymond Ibrahim stresses how important the concept of deception is in their politics

@Pontifex “FRANCIS WOOS TOP PRO-ABORTION GLOBALIST….Jeffrey Sachs to address Economy of Francesco on ‘letting life flourish'” God help us.

@Pontifex Response to a papat Tweet – Catholics hope that our “contemplative sisters and brothers” will beg God for this tragic pope’s conversion, so that he and his corrupt and perverted colleagues will end their efforts to wreck the Church.

@Pontifex “The suppression of the Tridentine Mass has led to total devastation in the Church and it has opened the door to liturgical abuses that some of our greatest saints could not have imagined.”

@Pontifex “A Second Look into the McCarrick Report”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets to “dear young people” that “the effects of our actions and decisions affect you personally”. That’s certainly true. So beware of clergy who are sexual predators. And please read: “A Second Look into the McCarrick Report”

@Pontifex For those alarmed by the horrors of this present tragic pontificate, here are links to two excellent discussions, one by Raymond Arroyo and the other by Father Mark Goring (These links will interest no one in the Vatican.)



Letter to Roland Fischer:

Lieber Roland,

vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht und für den Link zum Artikel über Kardinal Marx. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich mir als erstes das Video angesehen habe. Ich war so bewegt und beeindruckt von den Bildern der Männer, die diese Ziegelsteine durchbrachen, damit sie die Kirche betreten konnten und der Priester eine traditionelle Messe feiern konnte. Das hat mich SEHR bewegt, und gleichzeitig fragte ich mich, ob man heute eine Gruppe von Männern finden könnte, die sich so verhalten würden.

Dann las ich den Artikel über Kardinal Marx und seinen “Warum nicht?”-Kommentar. Die Reaktion des Autors war exzellent und so sehr gut durchdacht. Selbstverständlich wird der Zölibat immer ein Element des Priestertums sein. Wenn Marx glaubt, dass das unwahrscheinlich oder unmöglich ist, hat er den Bezug zur Realität verloren. (Eigentlich fürchte ich (als jemand, der weiß, was in der amerikanischen Kirche geschieht), dass nicht nur Kardinal Marx, sondern die gesamte deutsche Hierarchie den Bezug zur Realität verloren hat).

Bischof Bätzing meint also, die alte Kirche sei verschwunden und werde nie wiederkommen? Der arme Mann. Es ist die NEUE Kirche, die verschwindet und nie überleben wird!

Heute Morgen gingen Andreas Unterwalden und ich zur Messe in St. Quirin in Neuss, wo die Priester die Mundkommunion erteilen. Andreas glaubt, dass die “alte” Kirche definitiv zurückkehren wird, weil die Weltlage so schlecht werden kann, dass die Menschen verstehen werden, dass die “alte” Kirche die wahre Kirche ist. Die Menschen werden zur “alten” Kirche zurückkehren, weil diese Kirche die einzige wirkliche Antwort auf die ernsten Probleme ist, die in der Welt entstehen werden. Vielleicht hat Andreas recht.

Morgen Abend gehe ich zur “alten” Messe in der Dionysiuskirche in Volmerswerth, also werde ich nicht in Andreaskirche sein.

(Und ich muss zugeben, dass ich diesen Brief auf Englisch schreibe und einen Internetdienst benutze, um ihn ins Deutsche zu übersetzen!  Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, und wenn ich versuchen würde, diesen Brief auf Deutsch zu schreiben, würde es STUNDEN dauern.)

In Christo Rege



Letter to Roland Fischer:

Lieber Roland,

die leonischen Gebete, ja, ich erinnere mich sehr gut daran aus meiner Kindheit und Jugend. Ich denke, es war nicht mehr obligatorisch ab den sechziger Jahren. Und schau mal, was passiert ist.

Ich schrieb Andreas vor ein paar Tagen, dass ich kürzlich eine dreistündige BBC-Dokumentarfilm mit dem Titel “Berlin 1945” gesehen habe. Ich hatte Filme von Berlin schon gesehen, die in 1945 aus der Luft genommen wurden. Die ganze Stadt – wie Du weißt – war nur ein Trümmerhaufen, Minute für Minute, als der Film weiterging. Aber diese BBC-Dokumentarfilm, den ich neulich sah, bestand aus einem Film über Berlin auf Straßenniveau, sozusagen, und ich muss sagen, dass ich noch nie so eine schreckliche Verwüstung gesehen habe. Sie war schlimmer als aus der Luft gesehen. Wenn ich damals am Leben gewesen wäre, hätte ich gedacht, dass ein rascher Wiederaufbau der Stadt und des Landes völlig unmöglich wäre; ich wäre fast verzweifelt gewesen.

Aber wenn man heute Berlin – und ganz Deutschland – betrachtet, ist alles erstaunlich. Ich glaube also, daß Christus und seine Engel, besonders der hl. Michael, auch die Kirche aus der Asche auferstehen lassen werden, wie mit Berlin und Deutschland. Und die Leute werden es eines Tages als eine Art Wunder betrachten. Diese Zeit wird mit ziemlicher Sicherheit Jahrzehnte in der Zukunft sein – Jahrzehnte, wie es um Berlin und Deutschland ging. Ich hoffe aber, Menschen wie Du und ich werden den Wiederaufbau der Kirche aus einem besseren Blickwinkel beobachten können – aus dem Himmel.

Aber die Kirche wird wieder aufgebaut, und die Pforten der Hölle – und sogar Bischöfe wie Bätzing oder Kardinäle wie Marx – werden nicht siegen.

In Christo




@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Today, Christ The King Sunday, should be a celebration of Christ’s Gospel teaching and the teachings of the Church. Instead, it is an occasion for this tragic pope – and his corrupt colleagues – to carry on the slow destruction of the Church.

@Pontifex This tragic pope Tweets that before His death Christ said He wished us to do good to the least among us. But this confused and troubled pontiff conveniently omits Christ’s frequent admonitions that we must adhere to the moral teachings Christ laid down in Scripture.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets young people should not give up on great dreams. True. They should not give up on dreams of a great Church, a Church that follows Gospel commandments and 2000-year-old teachings, not the shrunken, craven Church of Bergoglio and his colleagues.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Dear young people, older Catholics hope you will not be too disillusioned by the whitewash that is this pope’s “McCarrick Report.” Christ and His Church are greater than this present pontificate of horror and all the wreckage it’s produced.

@Pontifex In the past, a Catholic politician who supported the killing of babies in the mother’s womb would have been excommunicated. Instead, this error-prone pope congratulates Biden on his win Catholics ask, “God in heaven, how did we come to this?”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that young people should “not give up on great dreams.” This disturbed pope is right about that. Do not give up dreaming of a Church without cover-ups like the McCarrick Report. Dream of a Church with a great and holy pope and saintly clerics.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – No, “we were not created to dream about vacations or the weekend.” Nor was this tragic, error-prone pope created to produce a cover-up like the McCarrick Report, nor was he created to dream dreams that wreck the Church.

@Pontifex John Paul II and Benedict XVI said notorious public sinners, such as Catholic politicians who dissent from the Church’s teaching, must not be admitted to Communion. (They should also not receive papal congratulations

@Pontifex “As we look over the vineyard of a Church blighted with the black rot of Modernism, is it not blindingly and deafeningly evident that we must turn again to the great Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the great reforming popes of the past?”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Young people should indeed dream great dreams, even though there are still predatory clerics like McCarrick around, who lie in bed at night and dream another kind of dream.

@Pontifex A US college football player, now a seminarian, says, “What also helped my development was the extraordinary form of the Mass, which makes it more apparent that what’s going on is sacred and not man-made.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – This tragic pope doesn’t seem to understand that he wasn’t created to dream about being the head of an NGO that promotes contraception, among other things. He was created to be the Vicar of Christ and to preserve the teachings of the Church.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Let us care for the needs of every man and woman.” Does that include those men and women led into sin by this pope’s errors and confused pronouncements about such matters as adultery, cohabitation, homosexuality, and the reality of hell?

@Pontifex This troubled pope tweets that we should “care for the needs of every man and woman,” with the exception, of course, of faithful Catholics. If they insist on clinging to the Gospel and Church teaching, then they can just fend for themselves, right?

@Pontifex “Washington’s soon-to-be cardinal says he won’t deny Joe Biden Communion” (And may God have mercy on both their souls.)

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about his concern for “the dignity of each woman,” because women are subject to being “insulted.” However, he seems not to care very much, if at all, about the dignity of faithful Catholics, whose belief in Church teaching he regularly insults.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets, “When we pray, God opens our eyes, renews and changes our hearts.” Perhaps if this trouble pontiff prayed, really prayed, God would open his eyes too, while renewing and changing his heart, perhaps even giving him the grace of conversion.

@Pontifex From today’s Office: “…There will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies,… bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Many will follow their licentiousness, and because of them the way of truth will be reviled.” 2 Peter 2:1

@Pontifex “Pope Francis Makes the Case Against Open Borders” More confusion and contradictions from our beloved pope of horrors.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis meets with NBA players (but not with Cardinals Zen and Burke?)” Is this the definition of a clown? He’s got time for a group of basketball players, but not Cardinal Zen or Cardinal Burke?

@Pontifex “Pope Francis’ attempts to force the Church to adopt naive and outdated socialist ideology, blindly hostile to free markets, have become an embarrassment even to the liberal elites whose approval he seems to crave.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that God “created all human beings equal in dignity,” except that NBA basketball players are more equal than Cardinal Zen or Cardinal Burke. Bergoglio met with the former and refused to meet with the latter.

@Pontifex “Chinese government spokesman bristles after Pope decries plight of Uighurs” A friend commented, “Uh oh, Bergoglio better learn to shut up if he wants to keep that $2 billion a year coming in from China.”

@Pontifex ” I can no longer recognize in the Novus Ordo a liturgical rite of the Roman Church, even if it is sacramentally valid and serves a temporary purpose, as a rickety life raft aids the shipwrecked until they can be rescued by a proper boat.”

@Pontifex “The Magisterium has been and is being “engaged,” but it is at a level compatible with error or just plain stupidity and unhelpful vagueness.” – Peter Kwasniewski

@Pontifex “If Pope Francis dreamed of being hailed by the world’s media as a visionary leader among the globalist elite, then he has been dealt a serious blow by their total lack of interest in his Economy of Francesco.”

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets, “God is more patient than we are.” True, and He waits for some sign of repentance from tragic figures like Bergoglio, who should beg His forgiveness for the destruction brought about in the Church. God’s patience is not unlimited, however.

@Pontifex “It all started right here in Detroit, an archdiocese that had at one time nearly 500 parishes but that will soon have roughly 70!…Evil never stays isolated…It continues to spread and destroy everything in its path.”

@Pontifex “Pope’s ‘Economy of Francesco’ conference obsesses over money, ignores Christ” A friend commented, “Bergoglio probably thinks, ‘Hey, what’s Christ got to do with it?'”

@Pontifex “Pope’s ‘Economy of Francesco’ conference obsesses over money, ignores Christ” A friend commented, “Bergoglio probably thinks, ‘Hey, what’s Christ got to do with it?'”

@Pontifex “If Cardinal Wilton Gregory truly believed in the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and if he believed in Hell, he would never provide Holy Communion to Joe Biden, who is in favor of abortion.” – Lepanto Institute – Week in Review (Abusing Communion Edition)

@Pontifex “McCarrick Report’s Silence on Key Issues Raises More Questions Than It Answers”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis, embroiled in the deepening scandal of Vatican financial chicanery, be it Cdl. Becciu or secret deals with China, has lost authority to talk about a subject that the world takes with deadly seriousness — money.”

@Pontifex In the McCarrick Report, Bergoglio and his colleagues try to blame Archbishop Vigano for as many things as possible. Is Bergoglio taking revenge for Vigano’s call for him to resign? A tragic pope: “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “I invite everyone to pray for Ethiopia,” where there is “conflict.” He might also invite people to pray for the wrecked and ruined Church. E.g., in the Detroit archdiocese there were once 500 parishes; now there are 70.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets, “We do not live aimlessly and without destination.” Yet that is exactly how he seems to live and teach, unless his aim is to wreck the Church. The place “God has prepared” for him is not “beautiful.” He is “awaited,” all right, but not by God.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis doesn’t mention Jesus in NY Times op-ed calling for ‘better, different, human future’” Of course he doesn’t mention Jesus. Does anyone STILL expect this tragic pope to mention Jesus in ANY context? “Gimme a break,” said a friend.

@Pontifex “Oops. Vatican’s McCarrick report catches Pope Francis taking ‘tiny liberties with the truth’” You don’t think Bergoglio LIES, do you? Certainly NOT! He just takes “tiny liberties with the truth.”

@Pontifex “The Vatican’s determination to pursue Muslim ‘dialogue’ is so indefatigable it has blunted all of its critical faculties and rendered it incapable of distinguishing between peaceful entities and those that are involved in funding terrorism.”

@Pontifex New cardinals were named today. No doubt they will move us quickly along into that brave new world of the post-Vatican II era, where the number of parishes in an archdiocese (e.g., Detroit) can go from 500 to 70 in only a few decades.

@Pontifex Francis has raised the white flag to the Sexual Revolution. Some Catholics will take this as proof that Francis is consciously working to subvert traditional Church teaching. Others will assume he’s theologically illiterate and not very bright.

@Pontifex “Abortion Groups’ ‘First Priorities’ for Biden Presidency Include Removing Conscience Protections and Safety Restrictions” And Biden will certainly meet those priorities. After all, isn’t that why this tragic pope called and congratulated him?

@Pontifex Catholics really want to believe this tragic pope when he tweets, “Pope and Cardinals, must always see ourselves reflected in this Word, (the proclamation of the passion, death and resurrection).” But after the “tiny lies” in the McCarick Report?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “All of us love Jesus, but our hearts can wander far afield and so lead us off the road.” And a perfect example of that is Bergoglio himself – together with his German bishops – and their bizarre interpretation of the Gospel and Church teaching.

@Pontifex This misguided pope tweets, “Conversion is precisely this: instead of being on the wrong road, we go on God’s road.” And we all pray for Bergoglio’s conversion, so that he will leave the wrong road and “go on God’s road.” But grace has often worked such miracles.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets that conversion means going “on God’s road.” Does that mean that if Bergoglio is converted, he will no longer prefer meeting with American basketball players to speaking with cardinals like Burke and Zen?

@Pontifex A moving Tweet by Monsignor Ferrari @ServizioVatican: “A great sadness that McCarrick wasn’t able to be present to see his son snd heir raised to the scarlet.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – Catholics everywhere pray for the conversion of this confused, misguided, troubled, error-prone and tragic pontiff, who has, perhaps more than any pope in history, the most bizarre and distorted ideas about the Gospel and Church teaching.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “Advent is a continuous call to hope.” And what Catholics are hoping for now is a good and holy pope and hierarchy who will rebuild the Church out of the wreckage.

@Pontifex Indeed, let us now call out to God, as this tragic pope suggests in a Tweet. Let us ask Him to help us be truly watchful against those in the hierarchy, like this pope and his corrupt and perverted colleagues, who are undermining and destroying the Church.



Note to Ulrich Bonse:

Lieber Ulrich,

ich fürchte, die Erkenntnis kommt aus 67.740.458 Fällen von Covid-19 weltweit (14.956.227 in den USA) und 1.547.711 Todesfällen weltweit (283.747 in den USA). (Bericht von der berühmten amerikanischen Johns Hopkins Universität Gewinn für die Milliardäre? Ja, vielleicht. Aber ich frage mich, wie viele Leute gefunden werden könnten, die ihre Arbeit kostenlos erledigen würden.

In Christo Rege




Some recent Tweets sent to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “Pope Francis: Avoid the Temptation of Seeking ‘Utopia’ in this World” (But this tragic pope can seek “Utopia” in the Economy of Francesco, along with Jeffrey Sachs, advocate for contraception and ‘reproductive justice’

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “praying and loving.” Who can take him seriously when he treats people so badly? He refuses to meet with cardinals like Burke and Zen. He distorts truth and blames Vigano in the McCarrick Report. He confines Bishop Schneider to Kazakhstan.

@Pontifex Preach about doing good and pretending to do good, while in fact committing hidden acts of evil. What is that the definition of? Some say that this tragic, error-prone pope meets that definition.

@Pontifex A friend said, “God did not choose this confused, error-prone pope. Men did. God permits evil – as St. Augustine says – so that he can draw a greater good from the evil.”

@Pontifex Catholics wonder if this tragic pope and his corrupt colleagues have ever really prayed this verse from today’s Lauds: “O God, you are my God, I watch for you from the dawn. My soul thirsts for you.” What is it that the souls of this pope and his clerics thirst for?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Advent is the Season in which we remember God’s nearness.” Perhaps some people remember God’s nearness, but it’s doubtful this dazed pontiff does. He often doesn’t even mention God in speeches, written declarations, etc.

@Pontifex This tragically misguided pope is still tweeting about his opposition to the death penalty, which the Church has accepted as licit for 2000 years. It is an extreme punishment, but Bergoglio can’t change Church teaching, as he’s tried to do with adultery, sodomy, etc.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Let us frequently repeat the prayer: “Come, Lord Jesus” before making decisions, in the important moments.” Catholics beseech the Lord to give this confused pontiff the grace to say this prayer. Perhaps then he wouldn’t make such grave errors.

@Pontifex In a video, this pitiable pope tells us, “We pray that our personal relationship with Jesus Christ be nourished by the word of God and a life of prayer.” It’s hard to take such statements seriously when this pope is cruel to people (Burke, Zen) and approves grave sin.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis to New Cardinals: May the Cross and Resurrection Always Be Your Goal” (While for this tragic pope, the goal will remain more – let’s say – “modern,” i.e., the continual distortion of the Gospel and Church teaching.)

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about people being “treated like an object.” But what does this misguided pontiff do? He treats faithful Catholics – including cardinals Burke and Zen, and Bishop Schneider – like objects, by ignoring them and their concerns about his errors.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “God’s grace changes lives: He takes us as we are, but He never leaves us as we are.” God has left Bergoglio as he is. This addled pontiff still distorts the Gospel and Church teaching, and spreads pernicious errors about adultery, sodomy, etc.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “I want to assure my prayers for Nigeria.” This error-prone pontiff may want to take a moment to also pray for the Church, or what’s left of it. Faithful Catholics wonder how long it will be before the Church is completely wrecked and empty.

@Pontifex “Pittsburgh diocese to merge 40 parishes into 14” Vatican II is a gift that just keeps on giving.

@Pontifex Don’t you just love the polite (and misleading) terminology? Parishes are never “closed.” They’re simply “merged.”

@Pontifex This pitiable pope tweets about “The first step of faith.” Catholics, though, reflect on the way he treats others, on the way he distorts Church teaching and the Gospel, on the way he surrounds himself with corruption, and we wonder how much this man knows about faith.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets that “inclusion” is vital. We could take him seriously if he didn’t habitually exclude so many people: faithful, traditional Catholics, those who believe in the Traditional Latin Mass, those who point out the grave errors in his “magisterium.”

@Pontifex This pitiable pope shows his support of abortion-favoring, apostate Catholic Joe Biden by borrowing Biden’s motto: “build back better.” Bergoglio also wants “inclusion of the vulnerable,” except, of course, for vulnerable children still in the womb of their mothers.

@Pontifex “The Church was betrayed by the progressives of Vatican II, as Christ was betrayed by Judas; and as Peter denied Christ to protect himself, so the hirelings in the Church abandoned truth until the Church became the lapdog of Soros and friends.”

@Pontifex “The greatest miracle of modern times is not the dancing sun at Fatima, marvelous as that was, but the miracle of a Church that survived its postconciliar mutilation, and the Lord’s preservation of a minority who remain true to Catholic doctrine”

@Pontifex “The Fraternal Fallacy: A tragedy—perhaps even THE tragedy—of our morally fallen world is that men of great faith, hope, and love sometimes see, and trust in, political or strategic mirages.” It seems to be what Bergoglio does – trust in mirages.

@Pontifex “The Fraternal Fallacy: A tragedy—perhaps even THE tragedy—of our morally fallen world is that men of great faith, hope, and love sometimes see, and trust in, political or strategic mirages.” It seems to be what Bergoglio does – trust in mirages.

@Pontifex “With the Council, he says, came a ‘new morality’ and the loss of the Church’s determination to condemn evil and fight sin.” Detroit’s 500 parishes are now 70, Pittsburg’s 40 parishes are now 14

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets, “Come, Lord Jesus, make our distracted hearts watchful. Awaken within us the desire to pray and the need to love.” (This troubled pontiff is obviously praying for himself. We beg God to answer his prayer so that he stops wrecking the Church.)

@Pontifex “Swiss bishops worried by exodus from Church” (Why worry? This tragic pope clearly isn’t worried. He never mentions the problem. He’s concerned with more important questions: climate change, the world economy, poverty, inequality, and so forth.)

@Pontifex “Census figures show 8 to 10 per cent of 700,000 people across the Archdiocese of Brisbane who identify as Catholic, actually come to Mass,” so “the archdiocese plans ‘big and broad’ ad campaign to draw Catholics to Mass.” (Lots o’ luck, guys.)

@Pontifex “Pope takes up Biden’s campaign slogan, tweets society must ‘build back better’” Uh, but in Church Law, isn’t it a grave sin to support someone who supports a grave sin like abortion? (I know, who cares about Church law in our “modern” age?)

@Pontifex “Vatican diplomat, in Saudi Arabia, calls for respect for religious freedom” In Saudi Arabia? Religious freedom? Who said, “Hope springs eternal in the naive heart”? This Vatican diplomat may want to try Pakistan next

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – If he thinks he’s awaited in Heaven, how can this tragic pope be caught up in approval of adultery, sodomite relations, financial mismanagement, inital silence about McCarrick, and a coterie of colleagues steeped in sin and shady affairs?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Conversion is a grace that we need to ask God for.” Catholics beg God for this pope’s conversion. Let him “leave what is false and fleeting for what is true and everlasting.” Let him stop destroying the Church and start rebuilding it.

@Pontifex This tragically naive pope – or someone on his staff – should read “The Sword and the Scimitar” by Raymond Ibrahim. The book provides a real understanding of The Great Religion of Peace.

@Pontifex It’s hard to believe that even this tragically misguided pope and his corrupt and perverted colleagues didn’t at one time, when they were young, sincerely pray this verse from today’s Lauds: “Like a deer that longs for springs of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, that he wants “to be near all men and women who suffer.” Not “ALL men and women,” of course. Those men and women, faithful Catholics, suffering under the destruction of the Church that this misguided pontiff is carrying out are on their own.

@Pontifex The Great Religion of Peace encourages “doormat” submission

@Pontifex It’s true, as this tragic pope tweets, that we should entrust ourselves to Our Lady and say “no” to sin and “yes” to Grace. But as this misguided pontiff twists the truth of the Faith and destroys the Church, we hope that even he can say “no” to sin and “yes” to grace.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets he “would like to share some personal reflections on (St. Joseph), so close to our own human experience.” A tough, faithful, selfless, disciplined figure like St. Joseph, devoted to God and the Truth – close to THIS pope’s experience? Really?

@Pontifex St. Joseph, Protector of the Church, shield us from the wreckage and ruin that this tragic pope and his corrupt and perverted colleagues are carrying out everywhere within the Mystical Body of Christ.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis endorses same-Ssex civil unions, but something intrinsically evil cannot be the object of legal rights”

@Pontifex This pope tweets, “God listens to the cry of those who invoke Him… It is a question of patience, of supporting the wait.” That’s the reason that faithful Catholics, who pray constantly for the rebuilding of the Church, know that this pope’s destruction won’t go on.

@Pontifex A friend said he prays, “Dear God, when will you give us a pope who is a pope, not someone who thinks he’s the head of an NGO and is campaigning to be elected Secretary General of the United Nations.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis: Conversion entails detachment from sin, search for God” How long, O Lord? How long before this tragic pope understands that he should start applying such ideas to himself?

@Pontifex “Vatican slowly going broke, Cardinal Pell warns” A friend said, “Nyeh, why worry? Bergoglio can always get more money from China.”

@Pontifex “Turkey’s Christians ‘vulnerable to political manipulation and exploitation’.” This poor, misguided pope probably considers such an article to be simply more fake news about The Great Religion of Peace.

@Pontifex When it comes to liberal matters, bishops can do what they want – allow adultery, gay “marriage,” etc. But when it comes to founding new religious groups, watch out! Some faithful, traditional group might be started. Must have pope’s approval!

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “the great hope and joy brought by the coming of the Son of God.” But how can we take him seriously? He distorts many Church teachings and denies others. He seems to give vague approval of cohabitation, of same-sex relations, even adultery.

@Pontifex “A pope in bed with monsters”



Message to Klaus Beckmann:

Dear Klaus:

The CCP seems to have its foot in the door everywhere.
And it looks like Lenin was right. All good (Biden) capitalists are selling rope cheap (and promoting abortion at the same time).

Here’s another video you may be interested in It’s a discussion of Eucharist miracles between a devout Catholic, Ray Grijalba, and a Canadian priest, Father Mark Goriing.

When he’s not working as an engineer at Lockheed-Martin, Ray is involved with making a film on the topic of Eucharistic miracles, a film which is to be released in June next year. Near the beginning of this video there may be some audio disturbance, but that can be skipped over. What is perhaps significant is the fact that Ray says that Blessed Carlo Acutis, the young Italian computer programmer who documented so many Eucharistic miracles, was born only a couple of years before him, in 1991. So Ray considers Blessed Carlo “almost like an older brother.”

Incidentally, as I’ve often mentioned, the question of the Eucharist is the reason I try not to leave the Church immediately after Communion, if possible. It is generally accepted ( that the Host remains within us for about 15 minutes after Communion. So it seems not very good just to rush out of church after mass, unless it’s absolutely necessary!

In Christo Rege




Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “Pope joins with global companies to promote capitalism in line with UN’s pro-abortion goals” And Bergoglio expects us to take him seriously when he tweets about prayer, Jesus, Mary, and all his other “dreams”? Gimme a break.

@Pontifex “Do you remember how this godforsaken year began? With the pope slapping the hand of an Asian woman who tried desperately to speak to him on New Year’s Eve? A woman whom some believe was making an appeal to him on behalf of the Chinese people?”

@Pontifex “If the central purpose of the pope’s visit to Iraq is to accentuate the naive Vatican idea of ‘dialogue with moderate Islam,’ it would be better for the Pope not to go.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope meets with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism: the Ford Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Bank of America, the Rockefeller Foundation, Merck, and a Rothschild. He spoke to them about the love of God, right?

@Pontifex Cardinal Pell says the Vatican risks going broke So this tragic pope meets with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism: the Ford Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Bank of America, and the Rockefeller Foundation?

@Pontifex “After the McCarrick Report, an odd episcopal appointment” “Do you see a problem here? I do.”

@Pontifex “Cardinal Joseph Zen has said the arrest of pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai is part of a campaign of ‘political intimidation’ by Chinese authorities.” Bergoglio doesn’t care, as long as China keeps sending the money.

@Pontifex “Pope urges Catholic aid agencies to help suffering Syrians and Iraqis” Right. Help them become part of this NGO-pope’s latest brainstorm: “inclusive capitalism.”

@Pontifex “Mexican cardinal, citing Pope, backs civil unions” For the Church, it looks like it could be all down hill from Bergoglio.

@Pontifex “The Pope Francis story that (almost) broke me….Pope Francis is the chaplain for a group of woke non-Catholic capitalists. Is this a matter for rejoicing—billionaires want to serve others, guided by the pontiff—or anguish?”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “God always gives Himself in abundance in His blessings.” But you have to wonder if He’ll give those blessings to a pope who spends little time concerned with Him, and a lot of time concerned with things like “inclusive capitalism.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “We must promote a culture that places at its center human dignity and the common good.” True. But does this confused pontiff also consider promoting a Church that places God at its center, not things like climate change and net zero emissions?

@Pontifex “Vatican silent as Chinese communists arrest Catholic publisher in Hong Kong” Well, of course the Vatican is “silent.” Bergoglio can’t afford to lose $2 billion a year.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about Our Lady and says she “silently awaited God’s Word of salvation; she welcomed it; she listened to it.” Catholics pray that this confused pontiff will be able, somehow, to do the same, no matter how far fraom God he may seem to be.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets about “the tenderness of Baby Jesus.” Catholics hope that this tragic pontiff will be able to show something of that tenderness, instead of eagerly pursuing – and then displaying – a closeness to the rich and powerful.

@Pontifex This troubled pope tweets about “the Lord who comes to encounter us” during Advent. But will this confused pope respond to that coming of the Lord? Does this pitiable pontiff really have a “longing for God” or is that one more “dream” of his – one more illusion?

@Pontifex “What are we to think when Francis repeatedly invites U.N. population-control experts like Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki moon to lecture the Vatican concerning our ‘duty’ to help make ‘mother-earth’ a safer place through population-control (abortion)?

@Pontifex “The proper response to the present crisis is to return to traditional values in all spheres of life and to confess that our failure to do so is what has brought us to the brink of destruction.”

@Pontifex This confused and troubled pope should not watch this video UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, because his feelings might be hurt. The video makes it clear that a Hong Kong publisher has more courage and integrity than Bergoglio has.

@Pontifex “Will the Church wake up and speak up for persecuted Christians? Or will it find the daily discrimination, oppression and violence suffered by Christians at the hands of those who claim to act in the name of Islam an inconvenient truth?”

@Pontifex This troubled pontiff tweets about prayer, as if he knows about it. Instead of praying, he has removed priests from their positions, beheaded the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculate, ignored cardinals. And he tweets about prayer? God have mercy on him.

@Pontifex “They think they’re entitled to toy with us. They think they have every right to carve up and ultimately dispose of — as the Chinese government so horrifyingly proves — human lives. And like it or not, Pope Francis is one of them.”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis has published a book, ‘Let us Dream,’ touted as ‘an inspiring and actionable blueprint for building a better world.’ What is strange is that the book is void of the instructions for a better world given to us by Christ.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis published a book titled, ‘Let us Dream’…. Nowhere in Francis’ discourse is there anything about returning to morality or Catholic tradition…. He needs to humbly admit that COVID is a punishment for his profanation of the Church”

@Pontifex “Pope Francis published a book titled, ‘Let us Dream’…. Nowhere in Francis’ discourse is there anything about returning to morality or Catholic tradition…. He needs to humbly admit that COVID is a punishment for his profanation of the Church”

@Pontifex This tragic pope seems to tweet his disapproval of abortion. If so, his friends on the Council for Inclusive Capitalism may be surprised But they needn’t worry. What he tweets this week will have nothing to do with what he tweets next week.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets that “we are not more righteous or better than others.” True. But when a pope approves of adultery, and is ambiguous about sins such as sodomy and abortion, it tells us he is among the “sinners who need to be touched by God’s mercy.”

@Pontifex “What is mind-boggling is that Pope Francis habitually bows to the U.N. globalists behind this ‘new world’ ideology…. Has he forgotten that these globalists fanatically promote abortion, LGBT rights, transgenderism,… and BLM riots?”

@Pontifex Variation on a papal Tweet: “The events of this year teach us the importance of” having a good, honest, decent, faithful pope, uncorrupted, and surrounded by prelates who are also good, honest, decent, faithful, and uncorrupted.

@Pontifex Variation on a papal Tweet: “The confident expectation of the Lord allows us to find comfort and courage in the dark moments” of the Church, when a tragically confused pope and his corrupt prelates are doing all they can to crucify the Mystical Body of Christ once more.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “The events of this year teach us the importance caring…. ” He may some day learn that the events of this year teach us the importance of the Gospel and 2000-year-old Church teaching. O God, let him learn that lesson before it’s too late.

@Pontifex “This pitiable pope tweets that “loving our neighbour as ourselves means a world in which rights and dignity are guaranteed to all.” Except, of course, to faithful Catholics who believe in the Gospel and the Church’s 2000-year-old teachings.

@Pontifex “The Vatican Nativity scene is so unbearably ugly. This year, the annual tradition of the large-scale Nativity scene in St Peter’s Square descended into farce when the figures were revealed as childish and hideous products of artistic modernism.”

@Pontifex “More bad news from the Vatican”

@Pontifex Faithful Catholics think this tragic pope should follow his own advice: We encourage this confused pontiff to dedicate time to prayer, meditating in the light of God’s Word, so the Holy Spirit who inhabits it might illuminate the path to follow and transform his heart.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – And faithful Catholics encourage this tragically confused and misguided pope, this pitiably troubled pontiff, to dedicate time to prayer so that he may perhaps come to an understanding of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – May God transform this tragic pope and encourage him to rebuild the Church, not continue to destroy it. And may God encourage him to be pope, not the head of some kind of NGO or the aspiring head of the United Nations.

@Pontifex A friend said, “People wonder why there’s sometimes a contradiction between what this tragic pope SAYS and what he WRITES. The answer is simple: Bergoglio has a ghostwriter who doesn’t always keep up with his latest off-the-cuff remark.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet: If only this tragically misguided pope could “get to the meaning, that is, Jesus.” From all he’s said and done so far, it won’t be easy for him to do that, but he could start by removing that horror of a Nativity Scene from St. Peter’s Square.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis teams up with UN to educate world on sustainable lifestyles, gender equality, global citizenship” A friend said, “Oh boy, we know where THIS is going.”



Some recent Tweets to the Vatican:

@Pontifex “Pope Francis: Avoid the Temptation of Seeking ‘Utopia’ in this World” (But this tragic pope can seek “Utopia” in the Economy of Francesco, along with Jeffrey Sachs, advocate for contraception and ‘reproductive justice’

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets about “praying and loving.” Who can take him seriously when he treats people so badly? He refuses to meet with cardinals like Burke and Zen. He distorts truth and blames Vigano in the McCarrick Report. He confines Bishop Schneider to Kazakhstan.

@Pontifex Preach about doing good and pretending to do good, while in fact committing hidden acts of evil. What is that the definition of? Some say that this tragic, error-prone pope meets that definition.

@Pontifex A friend said, “God did not choose this confused, error-prone pope. Men did. God permits evil – as St. Augustine says – so that he can draw a greater good from the evil.”

@Pontifex Catholics wonder if this tragic pope and his corrupt colleagues have ever really prayed this verse from today’s Lauds: “O God, you are my God, I watch for you from the dawn. My soul thirsts for you.” What is it that the souls of this pope and his clerics thirst for?

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Advent is the Season in which we remember God’s nearness.” Perhaps some people remember God’s nearness, but it’s doubtful this dazed pontiff does. He often doesn’t even mention God in speeches, written declarations, etc.

@Pontifex This tragically misguided pope is still tweeting about his opposition to the death penalty, which the Church has accepted as licit for 2000 years. It is an extreme punishment, but Bergoglio can’t change Church teaching, as he’s tried to do with adultery, sodomy, etc.

@Pontifex “The mainstream media almost entirely disregarded the Vatican’s hyped-up Economy of Francesco, which was held online from Nov. 19–21 for young economists and entrepreneurs.”

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “Let us frequently repeat the prayer: “Come, Lord Jesus” before making decisions, in the important moments.” Catholics beseech the Lord to give this confused pontiff the grace to say this prayer. Perhaps then he wouldn’t make such grave errors.

@Pontifex In a video, this pitiable pope tells us, “We pray that our personal relationship with Jesus Christ be nourished by the word of God and a life of prayer.” It’s hard to take such statements seriously when this pope is cruel to people (Burke, Zen) and approves grave sin.

@Pontifex “This feckless group of men (the US bishops) have sat atop the greatest meltdown of the Church in Her 2000 years — quite a feat. Even Martin Luther was unable to accomplish what they have done in 50 years.

@Pontifex “It ought to arouse alarm that among those who worked for his election there are disturbing signs of dissatisfaction with the work of Bergoglio, whose pontificate is defined as being ‘in crisis’ by ‘deluded people.’ – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex True, as this pitiful pope tweets, that “Jesus doesn’t wait till we are good to love us,” but this tragic pontiff doesn’t understand that if we don’t love Jesus in return, and do what He asks, then He separates Himself from us when we die. That separation is called hell

@Pontifex “The Truth About The Crisis In The Catholic Church” The video pretty much says it all.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – The tragedy of this pope consists of his blindness. He is blind to real Church teaching and the Gospel, no matter how much or how often he mouths words about “the hope and the light brought by the Gospel.” God help this poor, bewildered man.

@Pontifex “Pope Francis Urges Roman Curia to Confront the ‘Ecclesial Crisis’” Has it occurred to this pitiable pontiff that he might confront the crisis himself? He could do that in the best possible way, by resigning so a good, holy pope can be elected.

@Pontifex A friend commented, “Another one of Bergoglio’s mad, hare-brained ideas: ‘Crisis is healthy for Church, Pope tells Curia’.”

@Pontifex “Crisis is healthy for Church, Pope tells Curia.” We know who keeps feeding these ideas to Bergoglio. Pray for the poor guy, pray for this troubled pope as he teeters on the brink of Hell.

@Pontifex This troubled pope tweets about “those who fail to view a crisis in the light of the Gospel.” Poor man. He doesn’t understand that he is one of “those.” Faithful Catholics wonder if he views ANYTHING “in the light of the Gospel” (or of Church teaching, for that matter).

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – May the joyous expectation of the coming of the Savior fill our hearts with hope that this confused pope will be converted to the true Faith and will learn to love and follow the Gospel and Church teaching – not what he loves and follows now.

@Pontifex “Archbishop Viganò: A Den of Thieves”

@Pontifex “Truth deserves a defense and a witness.”

@Pontifex “I believe it is now understood beyond all reasonable doubt that the leaders of the present Catholic Hierarchy have placed themselves at the service of the globalist Oligarchy and Freemasonry” – Archbishop Vigano

@Pontifex “No Church for Young Men” “The primary thing that needs to be done is to destroy the current ambiance found in most parishes, which is only attractive to gay men of the 1970s. Merely entering a typical suburban Catholic parish is emasculating.”

@Pontifex “For Bergoglio and his entourage, sodomy is not a sin that cries out for vengeance in the presence of God, as the Catechism teaches.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex “THE ABANDONED FLOCK: Archbishop Viganò’s Reaction to the Atrocious Vatican Nativity Scene”…”Let’s just say it clearly: that THING is not a Nativity scene.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex This pitiably confused pope tweets we should follow Christ’s “way of tenderness.” Faithful Catholics pray Bergoglio will follow that way with regard to the Catholics he has betrayed and abandoned in China And for what?

@Pontifex Catholics pray that God will send us a pope who is decent, honest, and perhaps even holy, a man of deep faith, the opposite of what we seem to have now.

@Pontifex This poor pope tweets, “Follow Midnight Mass – Saint Peter’s Basilica.” Good, because “The High Altar of St. Peter’s has been unused now for many months… after Pope Francis welcomed a bowl dedicated to Pachamama and placed it on that altar.

@Pontifex This confused pope tweets, “God came among us in poverty and need, to tell us that in serving the poor, we will show our love for him.” However, if those in poverty and need happen to live in China, forget it.

@Pontifex “God came into the world as a child to make us children of God,” tweets this sad pope. Let’s pray that Bergoglio remembers that idea and undergoes a conversion. Let’s ask God to give him the grace to follow the Gospel and Church teaching – and stop wrecking the Church.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – True, Bergoglio has learned to be a child, a very destructive one. And he’s learned to serve his own will, not God’s. We pray that God will not leave him alone in his error. May God also comfort our Chinese brothers and sisters he’s betrayed.

@Pontifex “‘Magnum Principium’ could be critiqued like this. It is either a piece of mendacity and double-dealing that reeks of sulphur, or an historic monument to the depths of ignorance and error to which the ‘spirit of Vatican II’ has led its captives.”

@Pontifex St. Francis of Assisi heard God telling him, “Francis, Rebuild My Church.” This present pitiable pope, whom we constantly pray for, seems to have heard a different voice telling him, “Francis, tear down His Church.”

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – God, teach this pitiably tragic pope how to contemplate You. Teach him real contemplation so that he will be caught up in Your tender love and recognize what ruin he has brought to the Church.

@Pontifex Reponse to a papal Tweet – God in heaven, enable this pitifully confused pope to be reborn and to find in You the strength needed to face every trial his demons impose on him. And may those trials bring about his conversion, so that he becomes a good pope.

@Pontifex Response to a papal Tweet – We are not to become resigned to violence and injustice? When will this tragically confused pope understand that violence and injustice are exactly what he has condemned Chinese Catholics to.

@Pontifex “We are all brothers and sisters,” tweets this tragic pope, happy and naive. True, but some “brothers and sisters,” like Chinese Communists and members of the Great Religion of Peace, are bent on the destruction of Catholics, if Bergoglio doesn’t destroy us first.

@Pontifex “In those who suffer, I see the Lord pleading for my help,” tweets this mentally troubled pope. And he could add, “but only if they believe in MY Church doctrine and are not Catholics in China.”

@Pontifex “By his birth in the flesh, the Son of God consecrated familial love,” tweets this tragically misguided pope. Right, he believes in ALL families: same-sex parent-families, adulterous families, and families where the parents co-habit. May God help this addled pontiff.

@Pontifex This tragic pope tweets, “May Christmas be an opportunity for all of us to rediscover the family as a cradle of life and faith.” Of course he doesn’t mean only those families with opposite-sex parents, blessed by marriage in the Church. Poor Bergoglio means ANY “family”

@Pontifex “Chinese government wipes out public religious references in traditionally Catholic village” Bergoglio’s secret agreement with the Chinese Communists has been such a blessing for Chinese Catholics, right? Does Bergoglio care? Who knows? Silence.

@Pontifex “Intervention by the Vatican disavowed the proclamations of ‘synodality’ as soon as the decisions of the Bishops’ Conferences did not coincide with what Rome wanted.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex This tragically confused pope tweets that he acknowledges and reciprocates the many prayers of others. Catholics everywhere pray desperately for his conversion. We pray that he will start building up the Church as St. Francis of Assisi did, not continue to tear it down.

@Pontifex “Saint Stephen,” tweets this tragic pope, “continues to bring light into the darkness.” Catholics pray that God will send us a pope who will do the same, not one who brings darkness into the light and beauty of the truths of our Catholic faith.

@Pontifex “We too can change evil into good,” tweets this pitiable pope. But he can’t change evil into good for Chinese Catholics. His secret agreement with the Communists stops him. They demand his silence. He can’t even criticize them in his new book.

@Pontifex “We too can change evil into good each day,” tweets this poor pope. It’s almost enough to make you weep: THIS pope can change evil into good? He seems more skilled at changing good into evil, or even evil into evil. May God have mercy on this pitiably confused pontiff.

@Pontifex “It is significant that the ‘synodal path’ hoped for by the highest authorities in Rome does not encounter any obstacle, except for the moments in which it risks becoming embarrassing in the media.” – Archbishop Viganò

@Pontifex If this tragic pontiff follows up on his Tweet and dedicates to the Family a special year apparently based on #Amorislaetitia, does that mean it will include what “Amoris laetitia” seems to include? I.e., adultery, divorce, cohabitation, sacrilegious Communions, etc.?

@Pontifex This troubled pope is SO concerned about “those who suffer.” EXCEPT Chinese Catholics and Christians killed by Muslims. In November 2020: “Slaughter of Christians, death to ‘Apostates and Blasphemers,’ attacks on churches and Christian symbols”


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