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The Longest Now

drunk with righteousness
Saturday April 25th 2009, 3:14 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Clay Shirky takes a step back.

“In 1987, a a teenage girl in suburban New York was discovered dazed and wrapped in a garbage bag…”

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Japanese young’uns freebasing refined sugar
Friday April 24th 2009, 2:47 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

What do you get when you cross Japanese cuisine, never a hotbed of sweetness, with mounds of pure, refined sugar?  To make any headway on the Japanese table would probably require a foodstuff so addictively sweet it would eat its own head.

Indeed, rule 51 holds true: if you can think of it, there is a cult ja following making videos about it.  Moral : buy stock in ritalin and anti-diabetics.

Where’s Wolvie?
Sunday April 19th 2009, 1:04 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I like Hugh Jackman.  I’m certain he is good with kids.  He doubtless helps old ladies and boyscouts alike cross the street.  Which is why even with his stage skills and the benefits of strenuous exercise and makeup, he’s no Wolverine.   #23 on the list of Things Wolverine Would Never Say:

The FBI are on to it and they’re taking it very, very seriously.

Ice Age cometh
Wednesday April 08th 2009, 2:33 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Sometimes people are wrong today.  More often they are wrong tomorrow.

  • Here are some original mainstream ice age predictions from the 70s.
  • Joshua Ramo wants to tell you how to cope with more and more people being wrong about greater and greater things.
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