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The Longest Now

TS^2 : Dual touch-screen trend-setting, and a prediction
Thursday September 24th 2009, 3:14 pm
Filed under: chain-gang,Glory, glory, glory,Uncategorized

Gizmodo features a mind-molding video of Microsoft’s dual-touchscreen Courier tablet laptop.

“I never need porn again, as I can just watch that video over and over and over” – Mattchew, from the comments

The Longest Now crystal ball says Matt will need something else to watch soon, once such designs become bog-standard.  And we won’t be calling them ‘touchscreens’ soon… because why would you use a non-responsive display?

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Long-term challenges in education
Wednesday September 02nd 2009, 6:56 am
Filed under: chain-gang,international,metrics,Uncategorized

Mitchell Charity recently quoted to me from Lant Pritchett‘s essay, “Long-Term Global Challenges in education: Are There Feasible Steps Today?” – Ch.3 of RAND’s Shaping Tomorrow Today: Near-Term Steps Towards Long-Term Goals.

A fun quote:

So, a key question is, “Is each annual 100 million–strong cohort emerging from completion of basic education adequately equipped for its lifelong participation in the relevant society, polity, and economy?” The answer is, “No one has the slightest idea.” Really. Not the slightest idea[…]

I wonder how RAND chooses the areas it tackles for long-term global planning.  How does one go about finding ‘documents like this’ (e.g., long-term plans for educational purpose) in a meaningful way?  Tony Pryor, call your office.

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