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The Longest Now

La Voz Del Mako
Sunday February 06th 2011, 6:55 pm
Filed under: Blogroll,chain-gang,international,poetic justice,Too weird for fiction

Some things are too good to mako up: The prison-blogging project La Voz Del Mako, “un espacio libre para los reclusos” at Centro Penitenciario de Albolote in Spain, apparently began life as a newspaper of the same name a dozen years ago. The current director of the prison said, in setting up the blog, “I wanted to open more than prison.” It’s not quite Between the Bars, but it looks like an interesting cloistered-community-wide effort.

I’m Luis Arronte, and I’m writing from Granada, Spain. We (Giro Comunicación) are the team that develop this project in Albolote. It is hard, but fulfilling too. Thank you so much for referring it in your blog. If you need more information about it, just send me an email and I will answer you any question. Thanks again.
And excuse my english level…

Comment by Luis Arronte 02.07.11 @ 12:49 pm

Luis, it’s wonderful to hear from you. I know some of the people who ran Between the Bars while it was up, and they said the same about their work; though the penal systems in Spain and in the US seem very different.

Can you write a bit about the history of the physical newspaper, and how that has changed now that you also have a blog?

Comment by metasj 02.17.11 @ 10:54 pm

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