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Happy Holi-Daze

Now, despite my complete lack of religion*, I do thoroughly enjoy the holiday season. Everything about it makes me happy: the snow, the lights, the music.

But I think this link may be a wee bit over the top. If I was their neighbor, I’d show them where to stick their spirit…and it wouldn’t be pretty.

That said, yesterday was one of our holiday parties at work. It was quite enjoyable and, being very atypical of me, I stuck around the entire time! In fact, there were raffles (I lost) and a contest where we had to solve some play-on-word games from images appearing on a screen (for example, there were some belly dancers super-imposed on a faucet….tap dancers…get it?). Well, this contest was won by the table who guessed the most correctly and our table won! Todd, the party coordinator, had gone to the Harvard Coop (Harvard’s student store) to get the prizes so the assortment of winnings included Harvard Law School pens, a bag of gummi candy (sour, no less), a shot glass and, my favorite, a stick of Tom’s of Maine deodorant.

Otherwise, we all just talked, joked and then Bad, Bren and Joie did some singing of polically correct holiday music (the ungodly ones).

All in all, a great day.


*You may recall that I thought Noah, Abe and God were at the manger in a posting a week or so ago.


  1. Comment by Golden on December 14, 2005 10:52 am

    oh please tell me you still like sour gummy bears. I will be crushed if that childhood memory is inaccurate or has changed….

  2. Comment by Brad on December 14, 2005 11:15 am

    I’m glad to know that my name has been changed to Bad. It suits me! 🙂 It was a fun party. One of the more fun one’s we’ve had . . . as for the house with the lights! I think I’d scream if I were their neighbors!

  3. Comment by Karl on December 14, 2005 11:26 am

    No worries! I’m eating those sour gummi candies as I type (they’re actually sour gummy Santa Clauses). he he

  4. Comment by Lise on December 14, 2005 11:48 am

    Karl, don’t be modest, you were the one who got the most of those verbal puns for our table. I just wish Ben had gone full drag for the song – now THAT would have been funny!

  5. Comment by karyn on December 14, 2005 7:48 pm

    You heathen you. I think those sour gummi things are repulsive… but then… similar tastes have never been what held us together! 😉 Further, I think it is very funny that your prizes include deodorant. Glad you had such fun. (Of course your table won…#64 or 46 or whatever it was, was in their presence.)

  6. Comment by Karl on December 14, 2005 9:47 pm

    Karyn? What do you mean we don’t have similar tastes? We both like men!

  7. Comment by matt on December 15, 2005 2:36 am

    They had deodorant as a prize?!?!? LOL! Was someone trying to convey a message?!?!??

    And, please — you so totally love over-the-top xmas decorations!!!
    You live for it! Remember that scary street on the North Shore?!?!?

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