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“It’s not sinful, it’s Syndication!”


I think I’ve come up with a new motto just in time for Bloggercon — and my deadline for an article on RSS aggregators. Enough of my guilt-tripping about not having time to read the Times
plus 1,001 online news items before lunch like some younger bloggers
with healthier eyes and perhaps better histories with Ritalin. I’ll get
around to the things I want to read eventually. Perhaps instead of
grazing on blogs, I’ll disappear to the woods by that pond in Concord
with a leather-covered copy of something by Ralph or Henry, or at least
the Sunday paper…

Actually, sitting down with the dead-tree edition of the Times
at a non-WiFi coffeeshop yesterday, instead of reading the online
edition, I was reminded of the great use the paper makes of large-scale
graphics and full-page photo layouts — while I’ve been reading the
same stories on a 12-inch laptop screen. Sounds like a few master’s
thesis projects to me! Add a comment if you’ve seen any published
research on “big page formats” versus “small screen formats” for
presenting the same stories…

“It’s not sinful, it’s Syndication!” …

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